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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Maggie13

  1. On 6 September 2017 at 8:25 PM, hking74 said:

    I am dealimg with the same thing. Except I know Its my own fault. I eat bread, chips, ice cream. Its all garbage. I also habe Rheumatoid arthritis and have been on prednisone for 6 months. So i know thats where my cravings are coming from. Ugh. Good luck!

    Hello! Stumbled on your reply.

    I too suffer from RA, and was just wondering if you had any issues while getting the surgery? Or after it?

    My physician has told me to wait till my ESR levels drop to 30-which doesn't seem to be happening even with Methotrexate.

    Did you have any side effects post surgery with pain flare up etc?


  2. 4 minutes ago, JeffN said:

    Here is a little game you can play in your mind: Say I am a very rich man, which I am not but heck it is fun to dream, and I tell you that if you do the surgery I will give you a Million Dollars would you be more anxious about the surgery or what you are going to do with the Million Dollars?

    So in the same vain ask yourself what is your life worth and how much more wonderful your life will become after you have the surgery? Sometimes we are too smart for our own good and our minds use fear to move us back inline even if it is detrimental to our overall well-being.

    I would be most anxious about the fact that I have to somehow repay you, hahaha. (My mind has absolutely no concept of gifts/free money.)

    But, yes, I do understand your point. I have already been daydreaming about traveling alone! As I've always been too self-conscious to be able to do that. Ah I'm getting pumped up now!

  3. 1 minute ago, JeffN said:

    We all have concerns when faced with surgery that is natural and if you did not have fears I would wonder about you.

    For me the decision was simple. Have a Gastric sleeve or face a lifetime of a debilitating and possibly fatal outcome of my obesity. Look I wish I can tell you it will not hurt, but I don't know your pain tolerance but I can tell you it will pass in a few days, however, sever it might be. I had zero pain but some that had the surgery had some discomfort but not hard pain. All of those that I saw three days later when discharged had no pain at all and were all smiling.

    I can not express in words how much better I feel already. I have long ways to go still but this was the right step for me.

    Keep up the fight and don't give in because we are talking about your life here. Let me add on more thing fear cripples us that is for sure but don't let those around you sabotage your decision because that can be just as much a negative factor as fear.

    I needed to hear this. Thank you.

    My parents are so supportive but only people who are in the same situation can comprehend this fully. Hearing the same from you helps!

    Pain isn't an issue, I don't remember a time when I wasn't in pain. So that part should be the easiest one!

    I'm gonna hope this bout of anxiety passes and I can go ahead with the surgery next month.

    So glad you feel better, it's almost like being given a new lease on life, isn't it? At least, I hope so. Good luck for your journey ahead! :)

  4. Hello!

    I'm new to the forums. For the last two weeks, I have been reading stories of amazing transformations, overcoming hurdles, regrets and fears. It's positively overwhelming!

    I'm currently at 118kgs, 26 years old, have been overweight all my life due to many ailments that started around the age of 9. The weight gain was a side effect which, in turn, kickstarted PCOD, thyroid, Insulin resistance, fibromyalgia, deficiencies etc. To top it off, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis 2 years back-which hasn't made things easier.

    My doctor has been suggesting a Bariatric surgery for a few years now, but I could never muster up the courage. Instead, I kept trying endless diets, fads, shakes, exercises etc. Always managed to lose between 6-10 kgs but it never sustained. Now that I'm unable to exercise due to constant pain, I've given up all hope of losing weight.

    Decided on getting a sleevetonomy 3 months back but was told have to get my ESR levels (due to RA) down first. I would really want to get the procedure done in November.

    Just wanted to ask if anyone ever had irrational thoughts and endless anxiety about the procedure? Cause it's keeping me up at night.

    I've never really gotten any surgery done, or even stayed at a hospital overnight. Anesthesia scares me, waking up mid-surgery scares me, endoscopies scare me, the thought of dying scares me, along with the stupidest things like not being able to wear innerwear during surgery, needing a catheter etc etc.

    I really need to overcome this!!! Did anyone ever experience similar bouts of panic? :unsure:


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