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Posts posted by scoutsmom

  1. 23 minutes ago, KarenOR said:

    I'm jealous too. I'm hungry all the time. Deep gnawing hunger. Sucks. I very much wish I wasn't. It would make things a whole lot easier!

    Y E S. I know and feel your pain.

  2. I had a pain above/near my belly button when I overdid it (maybe not even lifting, but if I did too much around the house and my first day back to work even though I don't have an active job). It's the only incision I ever felt and in previous laparoscopic procedures, I had the same issue. I'm so sorry for how you're feeling. Unlike you, I HAVE regretted my surgery more than once ;) and it was just three weeks before yours.

    I debated whether or not we should go see my family for the holidays and I eventually decided to come. My husband says I have been really difficult and moody and he's right but I don't feel like anything is wrong...I'm not sure what it is. All that is to say this is an emotional journey as much as a physical one and even though mine feels less emotional than some, it's pretty tough at times.

    I am sure your surgeon was right in his assessment. I think you should go shopping and enjoy Black Friday! More than that, I hope your sadness is short-lived. I'm so sorry you're going through this. You did such a great thing for yourself and I hope you can find comfort/satisfaction in that.

  3. I am almost 3 weeks out and literally nothing about this is easy for me. The liquid diet has been awful and even though I was advanced to soft foods it is easier, but not easy. It's still a matter of will power. Going back to lean Protein and vegetables will be hard for the first couple of days and then it will get better and you need to start moving. Just walking will help you so much and even if the scale isn't moving, it will help you lose inches and get back into those smaller clothes! You CAN do this and I hope you know that.

  4. Thank you for your thoughtful replies and advice!

    BDME, I love that you skipped pureed meats because bleh...my thoughts exactly :) I am so confused about why different doctors have such drastically different pre- and post-op plans.

    Sosewsue61, I am DEFINITELY hungry. Not starving, but I'm hungry. I certainly hoped to be one of the lucky ones who was not hungry, but that didn't happen. It still could as my stomach heals and the hunger hormones are regulated. It's difficult to realize that the way I feel now--physically and emotionally--will not last forever and everything will evolve. Hopefully on Wednesday I will be free to eat cottage cheese and tuna. Again, the huge differences between surgeon is confusing.

    Helen123, that is so interesting and I certainly didn't know that. Thanks for telling me!

  5. My surgery was 9 days before yours and my recovery was pretty rough as well. I didn't vomit because I had nothing to vomit, but I dry heaved more times than I ever thought I could. Nausea was a huge struggle and then it just seemed to go away on it's own. I can absolutely say that I have felt better with each passing day. Take time to rest :)

  6. So...I had my surgery on 25 October and I've lost FIVE POUNDS in ELEVEN DAYS. My surgery weight was 233. I lost 9 pounds on the pre-op diet and they said my liver looked fabulous. I could honestly lose more weight at almost any diet and have more energy. My surgeon has a 3-week post-op liquid diet but at 2 weeks I can add Soup and pudding. I am beginning to think I am not getting enough calories. I am walking at least 2 miles a day and drinking at least 48 ounces of Water plus 2 Protein Shakes and broth. I'm not so much frustrated, but disappointed. I feel like this is a huge sacrifice and I'm not seeing any results. In the past 11 days I have had under 400 calories a day and almost nothing to show for it.

    On Thursday I called the nutritionist and I told her I was hungry and she gave some very unhelpful tips like "you can have broth and decaffeinated tea" (thanks, I can read so I already know that) and said I could have 3-4 shakes a day but I can barely stomach the 2 I do drink. I have tried different brands, but I'm so over them.

    Please tell me your stories about how you also didn't lose weight...and then you did!

  7. I called yesterday because I can drink and drink and drink!!! I had almost 100 ounces on Wednesday (less yesterday but that was only because I forgot my Water when I was running after school errands) and they said it's fine. She said I will feel the sleeve once I begin eating food Wednesday. Occasionally I can tell I took too big a drink of water, but that's rare. I'm actually thankful for this because the last thing I want is to go back to the hospital for dehydration. I was worried because I read all those posts from people who said they no longer liked to drink water. Until Wednesday, I will continue to dream about cottage cheese and scrambled eggs!

    But, seriously, to the OP, it is essentially a situation of caloric restriction and since we know we are taking in far fewer calories, eventually we will lose the weight. That said, our bodies are used to having extra weight and are doing everything they can to keep those extra pounds but if you stick to it, it will work. Let's see if I am so confident in 3 months ;)

  8. I had my surgery on October 25th and I have lost 14 pounds. I feel your pain and I am also very frustrated. I have been walking a lot and people have commented that I have lost weight. I expected to lose much more by now but there isn't much I can do about it. We have gotten through the most difficult part (well, I still have 5 days until I can eat but you're there!) so we need to follow through and know that this WILL work if we follow the plan. Hang in there :)

  9. If I received a phone call like that, I would also feel discouraged and frustrated. That being said, getting upset now will not help anything. You have great things to say about her and I am sure she has your best interest in mind and it's completely possible--and even likely--that she knows nothing of the process in Mexico and would feel differently if she did. If she mentions your struggle with depression, it would be wise to really examine that component with whomever has treated you for mental health issues in the past.

  10. Thank you for your response! I had a patch when I was in the hospital. I'm going to ask about getting another one tomorrow. And I have some sea bands around here somewhere I will try as well. I didn't take any pain meds until a nurse urged me to try it and it actually helped me but I don't want to take it for nausea. It truly does come and go so I hope each day will continue to be better. I must admit, I was having significant buyers' remorse before the nausea was controlled for a bit and I was able to sleep. Thankfully I have not dry heaved in about 48 hours which I consider a major victory!

  11. I had my sleeve on Wednesday, 25 October. I woke up to the mom debilitating nausea I have ever experienced. Thankfully I never had much pain because I continually had dry heaves. I spent 3 night in the hospital and came home today and the nausea seems to come and go; I was taking 4 different nausea meds in the hospital and now only have zofran. Oddly, the pain medicine seems to be what helps me the most with the nausea which I think is because it relaxes me. As someone who is generally prone to nausea, this was a huge concern for me and it still is. I am, thankfully, able to drink my fluids (water is fine) but Protein is a bit more difficult.

    Has anyone else experienced significant nausea? What helped you?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
