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Posts posted by Karleena

  1. Baked ricotta is a yummy soft food. I ate a lot of tunafish mixed with hummus at this stage or those tuna creations in yummy flavors becuase it added to Protein content. There is also canned chicken and crab if you can stand that. No mayo of course but I find the hummus a very yummy alternative, or avocado and lemon. If it is too hard for your tummy I recommend using a food processor. I also ate greek yogurt, mashed sweet potato with a little olive oil, homemade protein ice cream was a favorite too, fat free re-fried Beans with a little taco seasoning and fat free sour cream on top heated in the microwave. Hope any of these help!

  2. Thanks everyone for all the support . It's like I'm living in a nightmare I keep having to take my anxiety meds. I just hope my Doc finds some compassion and I can get some help before we part our ways, and he doesn't do this to me again! Honestly I will probably annoy his staff by checking in constantly even if he does give me the OK. I'm going to try and insist he call or fax my surgeon while I'm there, and even give me a copy. This community has been so wonderful. I'm not off track. I'm hoping my resolve and prayers will go a long way. <3 <3 I hope everyone else's journeys go much smoother with less tears! These stories on here still give me a little hope.

  3. Thanks everyone. I have an appointment with my GP next week. The SECOND I ever get this surgery done (if, becuase I refuse to let my heart get hurt again, I've been crying all night) I am done with him. This isn't the first time. He never remembers why I'm there even if I've seen him the week before. So I'm not surprised he wrote the wrong thing down on a chart, and refuses to change it. My surgeon knows he is full of crap, becuase it took them three weeks to get simple paperwork, and he changed his story after I told them it's impossible I had bronchitis. His receptionists are also terrible and rude. I just know he is going to drag this out longer than just next week, and my surgeon only does surgeries twice a month (back to back to back) as far as I'm aware. It's so frustrating. I don't blame the surgeon's office at all. They tried to fix their error so quickly, and if not for my GP I would have my surgery today. The lady in the surgeon's office said not to worry about the liquid diet so my hope for it is gone. I'm just going to eat all Protein and veggies for now so as not to waste my powders, and see what happens on Monday. Some people eat that on their pre-op anyway. food doesn't even taste good I wanted this so bad.

  4. It is the DAY BEFORE my surgery and I was woken up this morning with a call stating I did not get my pre-op testing fully done. So as instructed I rushed in to the hospital and got my chest x-ray needed (which was clear!) and it was immediately sent to my surgeon. I never go this particular paper attached in my pre-op packet they sent (their fault), and they wait until TODAY to confront me with this when I was in their office last week. So that's taken care of. Fine. Next thing my primary doc who has been pushing for me to get this for over a year REFUSES to give me clearance to my surgeon's office, becuase he WRONGLY marked my appointment with him the previous week as a follow up, and not a pre-op clearance. He also marked down that I had bronchitis? Which is complete bullshit becuase he never listened to my chest nor asked me anything about how I was feeling, just went over pre-op bloodwork for the surgery. So not only did they put down the wrong reason for me being there, but put down a bullshit diagnosis!, which is obviously false due to the x-ray. The receptionist refuses to let me talk with him and will not tell me why only to come to the appointment on Monday. She doesn't care that I have a life changing surgery tomorrow and I haven't ate anything for 2 damn weeks. The only thing I can think of is the x-ray which I tell them to look up becuase it was immediately faxed to them as well. They refuse becuase the doc is "busy". I have been trying to get this surgery for 5 years. I haven't ate solids in 2 weeks, in fact today I haven't ate anything becuase I've been so upset. Why bother? I don't want shitty food to gain weight again. I spent all my money on Protein Drinks and Soups for post surgery and I can't afford to get more. I have nothing, and now a an error on my doctor's side that is caught the day before surgery makes it so my surgery is void. I give up trying. I have severe depressive and anxiety disorder and it took me so much to get here. I have no other plans. I have no money. I'd have to do this hell ass liquid diet again. I would be lying if I said that ending it all hadn't been on my mind a few times today.

    I guess this will be my last post here unless a miracle happens, becuase I'm done with this heartbreak. I've worked so hard and obviously if after 5 years of working to try to get this surgery it gets ruined like this, it wasn't meant to be.

  5. On 9/28/2017 at 10:00 AM, Sosewsue61 said:

    Why did they make you stop taking bc pills? It seems controversial, I read other women did not go off the pill.

    Can you get the novo ring or depo shots?

    Our clinical pharmacist and surgeon insisted we go off ALL birth control. It is a huge risk for blod clotting, especially if your BMI is high. There are some other hormonal therapies I should be getting next week that will help though for the next month until I can go back on it. I don't really disagree with them. My mother is prone to blood clots, and it's terrifying.

  6. On 9/28/2017 at 1:15 AM, Pam_2-06-2017 said:

    I am so sorry you are going through such a hard time. Pain is never good and it also increases your stress/anxiety which can push you to the edge of sanity. Have you spoken with your surgeon about how you feel? I would call my team and find out if this is normal or expected. WLS is tough, making huge changes to your life is tough and your PCOS/endometriosis is tough. Considering your difficulties I suspect you are already one tough cookie and have what it takes to see this through. Call your team and bounce your symptoms off them as a way to ensure that they know where you are right now.

    Is your difficulty that you can't medicate your PCOS/endometriosis right now in preparation for surgery? If so, then you can look forward to this temporary struggle in the anticipation of relieved symptoms as you lose the weight and begin to feel better as well as being able to take your medicine again to relieve symptoms.

    On top of all this just having WLS is scary. Many people post pre-surgery jitters before the big day.

    Keep us posted on your progress. I will be thinking of you as you head into surgery on Monday. Take care and focus on your goals. With WLS they are attainable.


    I've been having a hard time but luckily I got to see my surgeon himself today. I am lucky, in that at our bariatric center we have both a surgeon, and a Clinical Pharmacist that works with him and us to make sure our meds are always right. Both of these wonderful men called my OBGYN themselves and the Clinical Pharmacist working with her to get me a med of progesterone and something else to help with my symptoms. They took such good care of me I could cry! It just took a few days, which I can understand. Being in such pain and so close to the surgery date had me on edge. Without birth control after so many years without a break my body is going haywire! I am just excited for my surgery. I lost 6 pounds this week in spite of not being able to exercise. :) Thanks for all the kind words and support.

  7. I am on day 4 now of my pre-op diet. I am no longer really hungry, and luckily have taken to the shakes well, but my other medical problems have caused so much pain and I am weak! I have to be off birth control for 60 days, and I have severe PCOD and endometriosis. Today I woke up from a nap like had been shot through my abdomen. I can barely stand 2 minutes without feeling like I am about to pass out at times. The ER found nothing wrong in their opinion, except severe menstrual pain and cramps. I was given pain meds enough to help me sleep but it feels like someone is ripping my insides apart already. I don't know if I can handle a surgery on top of this. I don't want to actually die. I've lost so much blood I can barely keep hydrated. I can't even do the things I need to do now to prep for it. :60_sweat: Has anyone had to deal with severe PCOS/ endrometriosis and undergone surgery? I know it's a long shot but I feel so alone.

  8. Just remember it will be worth it. I'm on day 4 now of liquids and since I haven't cheated, I can tell you it is true the hunger pains do go away. Your head occasionally wants food but my tummy is fine and I don't want for anything. I can tell already I've lost weight. Just get that protein/ fluids in and you will be good!

  9. Hiya! So your surgeon/ bariatric nutritionist will probably give you a diet plan that they want you to follow, mine may be different. Mine had me do 4 Protein Shakes a day ( I only had 3 choices of shake too), all other fluids were separate. Of course you could mix your shake with crystal light or skim/ unsweetened almond milk though as long as it's approved. Some shakes like bariatricfusion have Fiber in them (and tons of Vitamins and minerals too), so he said there's no need to add unless I feel constipated. However other shakes do not, so to each drink to add 5g of fiber to each shake. I also had 1/2 cup of un-starchy veggies a day I was allowed (i added them to broth). If it is a pure liquid diet there is unflavored fiber powder you can use, food could keep your liver from shrinking, but of course you can ask your doc! My liquid diet has been going great I haven't cheated once and on day 4 I am no longer hungry since I pump myself full of fluids and my Protein Drinks.

  10. 16 hours ago, jessim78 said:

    Hi! I had the same question about carbonation drinks.. I would always drink plain seltzer Water because it would help when I felt sick and helped with my cravings when i was on the 6 month supervised diet with my nutritionist. I never asked my doctor if I can drink some through my pre-op diet. So just as long as there is no sugar/ caffeine its okay?

    Yep! I did ask my doc later after I originally posted and he said regular sparkling water is fine for pre op, just not the day of. Also it's a no-no for post op unless I can tolerate it very much later down the line, probably flat over ice. He also said the flavor essenced water from lacriox is fine. I can't speak for your doc tho.

  11. I hated most shakes I tried... but I found out that I am intolerant to aspartame and sucralose. bipro is stevia based, and I've been on the liqud diet 2 days and drinking them a few times a week before that and I still think they are delicious. It doesn't taste "fake" and overly sweet like the other ones do imo. I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk and a few ice cubes to curb the powdery taste and I'm good to go.

  12. My doc actually gave us a list! I have slippers to walk around in so you don't have to bend down to put them on, a "coughing" pillow or stuffed animal to hold to your tummy to prevent pain, bathrobe for walking around in, toothbrush and toohpaste, Shampoo, hairbrush, deodorant, phone, charger, meds, loose fitting clothing, and LIP BALM they say your lips will be very dry.

    Also for the checklist they added not to wear makeup, contacts, nailpolish, or perfume on the day of the surgery, make sure your bills are paid and your house clean and there is a phone by your bed at home and someone to look in on you. Good luck everyone :)

  13. 14 hours ago, Misacheiver said:

    Hey everyone!! I go in on October 5th!! I just started my 2 week pre-op diet, have a nice nasty Headache, excited, scared, nervous, sooooo many different emotions!! I hope you're all doing better than I am! I'll be honest though, I have ZERO support at home, which makes this very difficult. But it's for Me. It's My desicion, and I need to make a change for ME!! For my life. For my children!! I hope and pray that the rest of you have the support you need. If not, I'll be here for you!! 😊

    My surgery is October 4th and I feel you! I have no energy. I also have little to no support, only one person is there for me irl right now and I'll be alone in the hospital. You are not alone you have us and your wonderful kids too! :) We can support each other.

  14. 17 hours ago, The New Kel said:


    Hi there and welcome! I wanted to chime in because we have a lot in common!
    I had my surgery Oct 3rd last year, almost one year to the day of your upcoming date. Also, I am a graphic designer. Although I am near El Paso, Texas, I have a friend who went to Buffalo Art Conservation and Restoration college. And last, my husband and I are caring for my mother in law who has dementia and is also terminal.

    I hope you find lots of friends and support here. I have! Out in the "real world" I know people can be negative and judgmental. I have not told some of my own family because of that type of likely judgment. I am very private and selective about who knows my story.

    Best of luck to you as you move into your new life!!!

    Wow we DO have a lot in common oh my gosh! Your surgery seems to have gone very well, and you have lost so much. Congrats! I'm excited to start my journey, and am glad there are others out there that I can relate to. Also I am proud of your friend that is a hard program to get into. I still have to take a fee chem classes my Bachelors didn't cover before I can even apply.

  15. 3 minutes ago, olympia25 said:

    Hi Kara, looking forward to more of your post. I'm pre o.o and are going through the motions of making appointments doing well with my weight loss so far. I lost 10 lbs in 11 days. I'm having a hard time getting all of food in. I need to re group. I need more spinach smoothies to get my veggies in. Anyway, health Care is rewarding, but the red tape can wear you down. I work with special need adults. They're fun, but a few need more help. It's something you should check out. We always need people who have it on their heart, and not just there for a paycheck.

    Sent from my SM-S550TL using BariatricPal mobile app

    Nice to meet you! 10 lbs is a great loss for 11 days congrats! I've lost 27 throughout my pre-op, but it's been 6 months total to this point. Hopefully my last checkup it's even more. I like hiding veggies in my egg white Protein Breakfast with lean ham or turkey to try and meet my goals. Spinach everywhere! Yeah we have a huge rehab center near me that is always hiring. With my back I couldn't pass the tests needed, since I have to be able to carry people if needed. Hopefully once some more weight comes off and I get stronger I can qualify. We have a special needs home, as well as a senior and children's home. :)

  16. 2 minutes ago, brightfaith said:

    Karleena, I didn't go into a pool or other body of Water for about 16 years because I was uncomfortable being seen in a bathing suit. But I came to a point where I just said to hell with that! I love being in the Water, and no one is going to stop me regardless of my size. I got a suit for a vacation one year and wore it, and I have gone to pools and the ocean ever since. Water walking is the main way I exercise, and I have just desensitized myself to wearing a suit at the gym pool and changing in the locker room.

    I would very much appreciate being able to have a suit that fits me better -- past a certain size, you can mostly only get swimdresses, which are super annoying to exercise in.

    Someone actually told me there are plus size swim capris, shorts and leggings which got me so excited yesterday I have the local pool schedule in my phone now. Here's the set I want, in case you or anyone is interested https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N7PCASK/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I32XQSDI79QMOE&colid=O7HQW0BFBS8Q I will buy some and def try them out I've never thought of tops and bottoms as a suit option before. I will still be embarrassed but I just need to squash my fearlike you said! My medical condition makes swimming a perfect low impact workout.

  17. Hi everyone I'm Karleen, and go also by either Kara or Karleena. I live outside Buffalo, NY, where my surgery is to take place on October 4th. I was finally approved for my surgery after a long 5 year journey of quitting smoking and meeting the requirements. I waited to graduate college, and then fought with insurance and health issues to get to this point. I have no real support network (well people I've told so far) besides just one family member and friend that lives a few towns away, so I was connected with this site. Gotta love moving to the woods! I also did not want to tell the whole world about this surgery, becuase I've received some negative feedback from other friends that I've spoken with.

    I have a BFA in Illustration/ Graphic Design, and my ultimate goal is down the line to save and travel abroad or go to Buff State for my art restoration Degree. For now I am the fulltime caretaker of my terminally ill mother, which can bring me no higher joy. Family comes first above all for me, as well as my friends. I also do freelance work as an artist and graphic designer when I can. I also wouldn't mind being a caretaker now if that path isn't an option. I never thought a healthcare setting would be for me, but I love it.

    Anyway enough rambling feel free to add me on here if you want to chat. I am open for support, and will probably need support as well! I am a nervous wreck and go from super excited to terrified the next second.

  18. Yes I realize that, and I don't commonly drink it everyday anyway. I'm more of a unsweetened tea girl, or a slice of lemon or grapefruit peel in Water (which is a no-no for pre-op). My pre-op diet is just proving challenging and fizzy water helps my hunger/nausea and always has. I'm sure I wont miss it after surgery since I'm guessing it would hurt if I tried. :) Thanks though.

  19. My doc is only making me do a 10 day liquid diet, and he says it's becuase of the diet we are restricted to. We are restricted to only 3 shake choices for the liver shrink- bariatric fusion- bipro or wegmans. Bipro or wegmans brand you have to add 5g of Fiber too, and bipro is perfect for people like me who can't do aspartame or sucralose. We are allowed as much sugar fee Jello, fat free broth, and sugar free drinks as we want, but are limited to one cup of caffeine a day, and none the day before surgery. We are also only allowed one 1/2 cup of nonstarchy veggies daily, so I will crunch on some carrots or toss them in broth to make Soup.

    Sorry for the long post, just trying to help.

  20. 31 minutes ago, Diana_in_Philly said:

    My plan was fine with 0 calorie beverages - regardless of fizz or not. If there are no calories and no sugar - enjoy. Best of luck.

    Thank you! I figured carbonation wouldn't effect the liver, but I've been working towards this for 5 years! I'm a nervous wreck haha. Time to buy a case of my fav grapefruit lacriox and enjoy until I can't anymore.

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