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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Bhageerah

  1. Bhageerah

    Exercising post op

    Until I went to my two week post op appointment I was told to limit my exercise to walking or riding a bike, I was unable to do anything that really was cardio or any strength training. Once I had my two week appointment my Dr released me to actually start working out and when I did I started and stopped when my body told me that it was time to stop which was not long at all. I think that with all that you're body is going through it is going to take a bit to get back to "normal" I usually did 2000m on the rowing machine in under 6 minutes, 3 miles on the elliptical and then would start to lift wether it would be upper body or lower body. My first day back in the gym was an actual insult to my pride! I could barely make 500m, and after 10 minutes on the elliptical I called it quits! I am slowly building up my endurance and I think that is something that you will have to just work through like I did! I am in the gym about 5-6 days a week and am trying to build up my endurance before I go back to work. Just be patient and give it time you will be fine!
  2. I can tell you that you have come to a good place! Don't let a few "bad apples" spoil the bunch, most on here are more than willing to help you through you're dark time and help out in any way possible. You will be fine!
  3. Bhageerah

    1 week post op

    Yea I had the same problem for a few days post op, just hang in there and give it a few more days. With the small amount of calories that you consume in your protein shakes there really isn't any need to count calories. I know that I could not "eat" more than 600 calories for several weeks post op because my pouch was so small and I really had to force myself to drink a shake at times. The shakes that my Dr. sells are about 200 calories apiece and make 22oz it would take me about an hour to finish 8 and at that point I was done! I would drink about two of those and maybe eat a container of 100 calorie greek yogurt and I was pretty much done for the day.
  4. I saw the post about a week ago and saw that it turned absolutely crazy then, after I saw the first few posts I said forget it and have not returned to that monster. I know its what happens but that does not make it excusable either. Oh well, I guess the anonymity of the internet gives some folks more bravado since they really are not saying it to someones face. I don't know all I know is that it is an absolute shame. But I will agree with others, ignore them and move on because this site does have quite a bit of information that has helped me out! Ignore the nonsense and move on!
  5. Bhageerah

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    I have to agre with almost everything said here! I was sleeved on 8/21 thankfully I got discharged the same day and spent less than 8 hours total in the hospital. Several days out I honestly was in the worst pain ever from the gas pain, and that is with the Dr removing all the excess gas that he could get. But that was the absolute worst part of the pain, no pain in the incisions whatsoever! I am currently on the liquids only and would truly hurt someone just for something slightly solid that was real food right now! I have about 5 days left on the liquid diet but am ANXIOUSLY awaiting my two week follow up so I can eat something slightly solid! Never thought that I would get so happy just over being able to eat a spoonful or two of refried beans or a scrambled egg! Overall I am doing well and absolutely do not regret my decision at all! I have lost about 36lbs in less than two weeks so I am extremely happy! I was starting to experience several health issues with my kidneys, a few lymph nodes, sharp abdominal pains that would show up and disappear randomly and a few other issues. They have all disappeared in the past almost month. I am completely amazed! Trust us you made the right decision and will see the benefits of the choice you made! As Dory would say "Just keep swimming!" and before you know it you will be 20-40lbs lighter! Congratulations on you're decision and welcome to the club!!!
  6. Bhageerah

    No bowel movement

    While I am new to the VSG community I am currently employed in healthcare, and yes please do take something because it is WAY past time for you to void! I am not sure what your Dr said that you could take but my Dr made it perfectly clear to us not to use anything other than Milk of Magnesia I am not sure why but he knows more about this than I do so I followed his orders. Not telling you to try it but to talk to your Dr to see what is acceptable as I know some products may cause cramping or other GI issues. Good luck and I hope that the problem works its way out!
  7. Thanks for asking, because I was actually worried about the same thing! From what quite a few folks have said and videos that I had watched I was expecting barely to be able to drink anything. As you know there is less than a week left before both of us can transition to the next phase but I was extremely worried that my pouch was too big. I was able to kill a full cup of water in less than the hour and without any problems, I am just glad that I am not alone in my thinking. And thank everyone that answered, as this was actually something I was going to talk to my Dr about when I got to my 2 week post op appointment!
  8. I think you have you're answer as far as how slow you start on fluids ( 2oz in 15 minutes) and I did not have to cough but I did have to walk down the hallway quite a bit as well as urinate. I am not sure if you had a hospital stay but I had to be at the hospital at 10 and by 1230 I was being wheeled down the hallway to surgery, at 1630 I was in X-ray getting my swallow test and I was discharged from the hospital by 1730. I will say that I did appreciate this faster method that way I didn't have to wait 24 hours before actually drinking something.
  9. Congratulations! Knew you could do it! The worst part is almost over!
  10. Already done! You will be fine, and just know that you are in his hands! Please let us know how you did please!
  11. Bhageerah

    Surgery tomorrow

    I understand you're pain! I had mine 5 days ago and the gas pain was the worst part. I know that everyone tells you to walk, that is exactly what I started doing, it was to the point that I was walking several miles a day and I still was getting gas pain. At that moment there were a few changes that I made one was i stopped using the Incentive spirometer, I am young and am staying active by walking so much. It is to the point that I am doing close to three miles at a time and I am breathing deeply and moving enough to where pneumonia is not a worry. I also made a concerted effort to not sip as much air in with my protein drinks and water. I tilt the cup back a bit and don't sip, that helps me to keep from choking down so much air. Not sure if this will help you but I hope it does! I feel your pain and just know that it gets better! I am 5 days out and still in some significant pain but I have DEFINITELY felt worse. Just keep moving and taking your pain medication it gets better!
  12. Bhageerah

    1 week post op

    Congratulations! I am working on mine! The day that I get to that point this big boy will be doing cartwheels!!
  13. Bhageerah

    Post Op Hunger

    I had my surgery one day before yours, I do find myself getting hungry but not half as much as I was prior to surgery. I do not know how much protein you are managing to get in but I have determined that as long as I am eating something with high amounts of protein then I usually do not get that hungry. I have resorted to some clear soups as well as sugar free popsicles but have noticed that they do not hold off my hunger for long. If I have some greek yogurt then that will last for several hours vs maybe an hour or so for the soup. Not sure if it helps but good luck!

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