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Posts posted by Results8567

  1. Went to my pre op nutritional class today! I assumed my program has the two week liquid diet. Totally doesn't. I almost crapped myself when she said I just had to do it the day before. However, just with my medical background I will be doing some variation of the liver shrinking diets despite them telling me I don't have to. I don't wanna bleed out or get a knick! That wouldn't be fun. On top of that, due to me thinking that I had to do the 2 week pre op liquid diet....I already had my food funerals. Might as well get in the right head space since I thought thats what I had to do anyway.

    Oh also, since its official that my date IS set - we went and booked the hotel! Its getting SO close and SO real! Holy moly! The nerves are starting to hit me! Thanks for listening to me ramble! lol.

  2. 13 hours ago, zallykatz16 said:

    Just keep swimming as Dorie says in Finding Nemo. We will get to September before we know it. I get scared but them I realize what this surgery will do for my health and I feel better. My biggest concern is the emotional side of eating. I found a great book The psychology of finally being Full From Within by Dr. Colleen Long, Psy. D. It is helping me better prepare for surgery. I am also in therapy and I just found a psychiatrist to manage my medication.



    Thanks for the book suggestion! I'll be looking into it!

    11 hours ago, jrmoseley said:

    Please add me to the list. I'm scheduled for 9/18.

    Sent from my QTAIR7 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Okie dokie! on it! sorry about that! :)

  3. 3 minutes ago, Diana_in_Philly said:

    " I'm having some health issues and need to take some time off. Thank you for your concern, but I do not wish to discuss it outside my family. " If they push, ask if they had sex the night before. When they freak, you can explain that you view your personal health information the same way they view their sex life - as a private matter which no one is entitled to ask about.

    Trust me. It works. Particularly with the do-gooder types who say they just want to offer help. Generally shuts them down. Best of luck.

    You. Are. My. Hero. LOL!! THIS is HILARIOUS and FREAKING good! LOL :D

  4. 1 minute ago, Elise24 said:

    I agree with everything you said. Amen! I wish I could be more like you. I've had to work my entire life on not worrying what people think about me. It's such a waste of emotional energy. 😀

    LOL oh honey, I may seem put together but, my brain is a hot mess. Really not with a whole lot other than the weight subject. lol. So maybe that is the confidence you're seeing! :P

  5. 2 minutes ago, Elise24 said:

    I'm going to play devil's advocate here just to throw out some possibilities that MAY happen. I'm most likely older than you, and, for me, I have never worked in a place that I could trust, including my supervisors, to keep something quiet.

    I don't think you were ness playing the devil's advocate! I think you're just being very realistic!

    I agree with them still talking anyway however, I still feel like - its on them at that point. Thats their brains and thats something they are gonna have to work through. I have enough problems of my own trying to get through life. Don't want/need to take theirs on either! lol.

  6. FYI to everyone (I think I got everyone in this thread. Sorry if I missed you just let me now and I'll fix it!) I followed everyone in this thread so that way we might be able to message each other and help to guide each other through this process if we need it! Kind of be our own support group since we will be going through the phases at the same time! Don't think I'm being a creeper! lol. Just wanted a list of y'all just incase I had questions or you did as well! :) CANNOT WAIT FOR SEPTEMBER 7th!!!

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  7. Unfortunately, this is a common side effect of intubation. Especially for us who are over weight. Its harder for the person with the laryngoscopy to be able to see our vocal cords due to us having short and very cubby neck lines. While we are very careful while manipulating the soft tissue of the throat its still not an easy process at times and soft tissue unfortunately can become damaged.

    Time is the only cure. It hurts so bad because its on the top layer of skin where most of the nerves are!

    As you can see in the image attached the blade has to go clear down into the vallecula. Which is right above where your vocal cords are! Lots of soft tissue that has never/rarely been touched by any metal!

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  8. Not even on it yet and I'm already emoional/dreading it. :( I won't start mine till August 24th and ...I can only imagine and am getting very anxious for it. I'm just ready for this to happen. All of this waiting...all of this...everything. Doesn't help us with anxiety as it is. haha! I mean, I'm positive and I'm still sure this is what I want to do but, my goodness - the process absolutely does not help. lol.

  9. Oh boy, I gotta tell you. Mine has been/still is an up and down roller coaster!

    Surgery consultation was January 4th, 2017. I then had to do 6 months of supervised weight loss with my doctor.

    Then I finally got approved with insurance (the first time around...didn't have to appeal or resubmit.) in the beginning of May. The center called me and set up pre op testing for June 22nd. It then took 3 weeks for them to call me to let me FINALLY schedule a surgery date.

    My pre op nutritional class is August 22nd and then my "surgery date" is September 7th. I say "surgery date" because at this point until I'm on that operating table...its not legit! lol. I just feel like this has been such a long drawn out process that I know will be worth it however, some days I feel like its not really a thing that is actually happening. I have heard of so many people getting their surgeries pushed back...blah blah.

    I think that with my center its still "tentative" because when I called to get a work slip for my husbands work they stated that they wouldn't give me one until we came in for the August 22nd pre op class. This made me feel like that would be the "official deciding moment" depending on how I do with the nutritionist? I suppose. Cause, 2 weeks before surgery would be when we would get the note...hubby is worried he won't be able to get the time off because of their weird policies! He will be there cause he will just call in but he would prefer to do it the right way and not leave the guys hanging! :(

  10. Hello pp11150330!

    I'm in the same boat as you are! Essentially the exact same! haha! My surgery is September 7th so - only 7 days prior to yours!

    I have struggled with this issue for a long while as well. I was letting my anxiety get the best of me however, I have come to the terms that I'm not going to tell anyone that is not close to me. WLS is still a taboo in this country unfortunately and I'm not sure why people have to be so upset about someone else finding their silver lining. The fact is - people like it when you're down because it makes them feel that much more "up" - if you will. For me, telling people "I'm doing a high protein/working out 3-5 days a week" is not a lie. Its the honest truth. They do not need to know what choices I made with my own body as far as surgery goes. I'm not even going to tell my "skinny" friends. Do I think they would judge me? Probably not. Do I think they actually might be pretty supportive? Probably so. However, I do not feel comfortable telling them. At the end of the day, its what I'm comfortable with. They might be uncomfortable with me losing weight and keeping it off however, that is THEIR cross to bear. Not mine. If I let them in on my insecurity with it then - it becomes my cross to bear to an extent. (its really not my cross to bear even if I told them however, I know my mind and my anxieties/insecurities and I know it would get to me thus becoming my cross.) At the end of the day, its honestly no one's business aside from your own. I find strength in knowing that I'm keeping it to myself now that I'm so close I can taste it. I find strength because I'm finally going to get my silver lining and I'm not going to let anyone take that away from me! Don't let them steal your joy because of their comments. My weight has always been an extreme sensitivity for me. I'm not a sensitive person believe it or not however, that is my "kryptonite" so to speak. Not gonna let them have or know about it. Also, I might add that in all of my extreme creeping... I mean research... haha! On like Instagram or twitter or youtube....at one point, nearly all of them have said, "I wish I would have kept this quiet at least in the beginning so I can tackle my own demons without other people putting them back in my face/giving them power." So, yeah if you want to tell them later because you think you'll be a blessing to them and maybe they can then find their silver lining then absolutely do so however, I think there is something to be said for someone/people who have been through and are wishing they hadn't!

    I hope this helps dear! If you need anything else or have any other questions don't be afraid to hit me up! :) I'm attaching a couple of images that I hope you are able to grab some strength from! Have a blessed day!

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PatchAid Vitamin Patches
