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Posts posted by Allie589

  1. Yes! Can you believe it’s almost been a year?!!!! Wow! I’ll weigh in at the bariatric office on the 7th, which is my anniversary! I don’t have a scale at home so I have no idea where I am but at last weigh in I’m down 80. I’m still 27 lbs from goal but now that I’m older and had a couple of kids (twins), I’m wearing the same size I wore at a lighter weight so I think it’s all just different? I’m going to make myself post before and after Picts one year apart. You guys have been such amazing support!!! Here’s to us, August 2017 sisters and brothers!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. I was sleeved last August and I have to say, the two week pre op diet was the hardest part of the whole process! Honestly, I slept as much as possible bc if I was sleeping, I wasn’t focused on how hungry and miserable I was. The only thing that kept me going was knowing this was to shrink my liver otherwise, I probably would’ve failed. Hang in there!!! It is the hardest part! And let me tell you, it’ll be sooooooo worth it!!! Holding your hand through this whole process!

  3. Thanks for sharing that because more than one incision is a definite possibility for me. I’m curious if you used any creams or lotions to make them fade more quickly or did they just fade on their own?
    Also, excellent results! Wow!! 68 pounds down. Very impressive. Congratulations! Did most of that come off in the first few months or were you lucky enough to be a steady loser? Great work! You should be proud!! At 5’7” I bet you look amazing at 180 pounds!!

    Thank you! Gotta tell you, the craziest part of this journey has been allowing myself to enjoy my success bc I’m so terrified of failure, especially now that I feel so much better. My social anxiety has gone away and I’m actually kinda digging not wanting to be invisible anymore. My loss has definitely slowed down and I wasn’t lucky enough to be spared from Hair loss. I actually didn’t use any creams. I honestly didn’t even think about it. Here are some pics of me. The one in the tank top was the night before surgery. IMG_7331.JPG IMG_8284.JPG
    IMG_7332.JPG IMG_8280.JPG

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 180 on 5/3/18 5'7" GW: 150

  4. I have to say, as I’m almost 9 months out, my scars are barely visible. I had no idea they wld be so small and have faded so well. Grant it, they seemed huge and red at first but honestly, you’ll be super impressed with how small and barely noticeable they are. Honestly, I don’t know if anyone wld even notice unless I drew attention to them.

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 180 on 5/3/18 5'7" GW: 150

  5. I'm struggling. I can't get my mind in the game. I got within 4 pounds of being below 200 and panic set in. I have gone up and down for months now. I need advice. I need a reset or something. I feel like a massive failure! (No pun intended!) Has anyone gone through anything like this? I need some advice!

    You are NOT a massive failure! Just bc we have this new physical tool doesn’t mean our nutty heads will catch up as quickly as a 1 hour surgery. We have had a lifetime of diet mentality of fearing failure by one quick mistake, like a donut when on Atkins or going over our WW points and feeling like “oh well, fell of the wagon again.” I do the same thing, this self sabotage behavior when so close to a goal and feeling so good. First, which is so much easier said than done, we need to give ourselves a break. Focus on being how awesome it is that we are being proactive in trying to heal ourselves. We took a major first step. We worked our butts off to jump through all the hoops to get us this surgery which is a HUGE win in itself. We did it! We got this far! Now we need to focus on our heads. I go to support groups for this surgery and see a therapist. It’s so, SO hard. You have done so well! Look how far you’ve come. So we may slip and make bad choices but, today is a new day. I am here, holding your hand with you. I get it, understand how you feel way too well! You, we, NONE OF US are failures! We are winners bc we have actively decided to relearn a new way of relating to food and our lifestyles, and it won’t happen overnight. We have this! Sending you hugs! I am right there with you!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 180 on 5/3/18 5'7" GW: 150

  6. We eat out all the time and the appetizer menu is my friend! My husband and I plan what we order bc, though he is thin, he has had a tendency to eat all his food and then all my leftovers so now I order smaller. I love my leftovers, as do my kids, but I order so much smaller since he started eating basically two Entrees. He has gained about 20 lbs since my surgery! Now we are better about ordering. When we go out with people who don’t know I’ve had surgery and don’t want them to know, I pick enough at my plate that only one person has said something. I replied with, “I had a stomach bug a few days ago so I’m being super careful.” I love the chicken lettuce wraps at PF Chang’s and Cheesecake Factory. I still order my favorite HUGE beef burrito at the Mexican place and enjoy it over 3 days vs one sitting. I can only eat about a one to two inch piece for a meal so my kids love my leftover burrito too!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  7. Yay you!!!!! That’s awesome!!! I haven’t worn shorts since 1998 when I backpacked through Europe post college graduation and I was thin! Ugh! I did, however, purchase a skirt last week! I’m not dreading our super hot summers here in Silicon Valley bc I can wear skirts now and not the ones from the big girl
    Store! I was able to get one from Anne Taylor in an 8! Omg! I still can’t believe it’s true!! The feeling of not dreading the hot summer is so freeing!!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  8. I'm hanging out on the east coast, NY, Washington, Philly.
    I have been eating bread while on holiday and dealing with major guilt! I've walked so much every day so far- 23,000 steps so hopefully that will balance it all out!

    No guilt! Celebrate that you can now eat just enough bread vs the entire loaf in one sitting. I know it’s easier said than done but allow yourself to sit down, chew the bread slowly and enjoy it. We are all still so stuck in this lifetime of “diet mentality” where we were always failing. I’m trying so hard to flip my mindset too. Celebrate how we are working towards a healthy relationship with food! I’m holding your hand through the whole thing! And way to go on the steps! Awesome!!!!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  9. When I was this weight (218 pounds) 35 years ago I was ashamed of myself and felt that I was huge! Now I’m down to this weight again after losing 88 pounds I feel fabulous And look great. How can I weight the same and look so different?

    I too feel that way. I think it must have a lot to do with what we are putting in our bodies-we are so hyperaware now bc we have to be. I’m also working out with weights now and I think that has a lot to do with it. Congrats on a fabulous loss!!!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  10. Hey! I’m on holiday! Just took some long haul flights from Australia to USA. Losing weight is like giving yourself a free flight upgrade! No seat belt extender, extra room, not having your butt wedged against the arm rest. So much more comfortable! I could have wept with happiness!

    Yay you!!!! Enjoy your holiday and make sure to take
    Lots of pictures with you in them!! Whereabouts in the states are you visiting?

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  11. It’s so inspiring, how well all of our brother and sister sleevers are doing! Yay us!! I am on spring break in Arizona with my whole family (siblings and all their kids, including my insanely fit sister in law) and for the first time in YEARS, I put a swim suit on. My kids are so excited. It’s hard still but I am pushing through and am trying to really enjoy myself. :) I want to be in my kids’ memories of being interactive and not just sitting and watching.

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  12. LaLaDee it bizarre to explain but I’m afraid to. All I know is 4x or 26/28
    anything else is foreign to me. I’m working on it though... may try one or two new things for summer!

    It is bizarre to explain! I stupidly said something to one of my gym friends about how I am struggling with shopping since my weight loss and she turned to my other friend and said, “I wish I had that problem!” and laughed. I felt so discounted. It is so real though. I can’t wrap my head around all of this, and it is really hard to put into words that actually make sense.

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  13. Allie589 I’m in the same boat. Down 120 lbs and haven’t bought anything new except a shirt I needed for school (I’m a teacher) and I still bought a 3x. It’s all I know. I’m afraid of having to buy clothes because it’s always been a not fun experience. Trying to get my head around this but I still have a ways to go
    HW 356
    SW 343
    CW 233

    Wow! What an incredible weight loss! Congrats! We shld go shopping together! You by chance live in the Bay Area?? I prefer to go totally solo on a weekday evening and just try on. I’ve had luck at Macy’s and Kohl’s. Where I am having my major struggle now is with short sleeved shirts. About to head it to Arizona for spring break and it’s 90 degrees!! I finally wrapped my head around fall/winter clothes (actually fit into tall boots! They zipped over my calves!) but the warm weather clothing is giving me major, major anxiety. We can do this!! I’m there with you in spirit! Go get some new clothes!!!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  14. Anyone else struggling with wrapping your head around your weight loss?? I’m so used to failing in this dept that I have not allowed myself to enjoy this feeling-I know what it’s like to feel good and then fail and lose the good feeling. Shopping is a double edged sword, I love it and hate it at the same time. I’m dealing with this total mind f#%* which I wasn’t expecting at all.

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  15. I don’t remember exactly how long-was sleeved in August-but it will. It may take a couple weeks bc your body is adjusting and you’re still full of post surgery fluids, swollen from all that they did and medications. I do remember post c-section, after 2 weeks I saw a huge difference and felt normal at 6 weeks. Hang in there!! It’s gonna be so worth it before you know it!! Congratulations on having your surgery! It has been the best choice I have ever made!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  16. Ugh! I am so sorry you feel lousy. It will get better!! Pain meds, especially on an empty stomach, can cause major nausea. You can ask your md for anti nausea meds-zofran was my best friend during my pregnancy, post c-section and post sleeve. I slept a lot my first two weeks. You will feel better, i promise! Good old homemade chicken broth saved me those two weeks. Sending you lots of love and support!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  17. My wife came home with some new shirts for me. All of them fit though one was maybe very slightly on the tight side.
    When I checked the tag I saw she'd accidentally bought a medium.
    I can wear a size medium shirt, you guys.
    I was XXXL. I am six feet tall.
    Medium? GEEZ.

    Yay!!! Has it sunk in yet?! Must feel so surreal and amazing and just crazy all at the same time! Yay you!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  18. I recently was at a doctor’s apt, totally unrelated to my sleeve, but I was telling the nurse, who is on the heavy side, that I had the surgery when we were going over all the typical new patient intake forms. To that she responded, “cheater!” and then laughed. I decided not to take it personally bc clearly there’s major ignorance there, but, omg, how insensitive! And to say that to a patient in a medical office?!!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

  19. Weight Watchers works to an extent, unless you are insulin resistant - which I believe many of us are - once they allowed fruit to NOT count toward points I could not lose much weight. And it goes in reverse - you gradually eat less and less food (points) and that messes your metabolism up more. So each time you attempt the program you get less results. With wls - you start out with smaller portions/ounces and add more as your metabolism revs up. And then the constant sales pitch for products plus changing the program every two years so you need more new products - point calculator, books, points guides, etc etc. just became less of a support system.

    Ugh, weight watchers. I have joined it so may times over the years, it’s embarrassing. I drove by it the other day and I happily said, out loud too, never again! My goal is a healthy relationship with foods, eating the appropriate amount of real, clean food. I hated how WW always pushed fat free cheese and artificial stuff. Saying no more to weight watchers was actually a very cathartic moment for me. My bariatric support group and this site are where it’s at for me now! No more counting points, EVER!

    Sleeved 8/7/17 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 188 on 3/7/18 5'7" GW: 150

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
