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Posts posted by Joboken

  1. 10 minutes ago, Lorip16 said:

    Don't do it!!! To swallow that balloon capsule is like swallowing a 6-spot lego. I swallowed two, each time choking and nearly aspirating it. I refused the third because I was so terrified. I had the two in me for a little more than 6 months. I cramped all the time, couldn't brush my teeth without gagging, nausea was with me the entire 6+ months, and I had liquid stools. I'm a stomach sleeper, but could do that either, because could feel them. After eating, I'd have to be near a bathroom, because everything was going to come gushing out within 1/2 hour. Life was miserable. I have never been so sick in my life, and for so long. Yes I lost 15 lbs. but only because everything I ate came right back out. This was the worst and most expensive decision I've ever made. If I can spare 1 person the agony I experienced, it'll be worth it. I read blogs and forums before I did it, I should have heeded the reviews.

    I'm Not doing the capsule balloon, I have definitely read reviews of people that that the full team (work out nutrition and medical) and they have done well. I'm sorry for your experience

  2. Thanks for the info- if you read the article they aren't sure for the reasoning for the deaths. I am a pharmaceutical rep and understand the risks versus benefits. So thanks for the info however there is a huge risk with obsecity as there is with a procedure it's how you use the tool in a safe manner. If you think there are no risks you are doing it for the wrong reason - also why you use a gi instead of a surgeon that doesn't do endoscopes

  3. Did you complete the full year of nutritional training and work with them to determine exercise routines and stuff? Based on the information I have learned from my research is that it is just a tool to create a lifestyle change and that it's not easy but the guidance from the doctors and nutritionists is to guide along the way.

  4. Hey all! I'm really excited to have my balloon place on 8/31. I have previously had some success with Saxenda but couldn't keep off the weight long term. My doctor is including 8 sessions with her & 12 sessions with a nutritionist that will go over my diet and measure my weight, hopefully inches lost and body fat % change. I hope that with the nutritionist and the doctors visit I will stay focused and make life style changes that will become second nature at the end of the 1 year journey. I'm 30 years old and ready for the change!! How has everyone's journey been going?

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