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Posts posted by monalyssa33

  1. 3 hours ago, Tealael said:

    May I suggest flushing at various points in your bathroom session, smaller amounts SHOULD flush easily

    Sadly that would not have worked this last time. :56_anguished: I eat a lot of Fiber One throughout the week so I'm fairly regular (maybe 4 or 5 times a week), but there is something about the time of my period where things get a little insane.

  2. So I know I'm not alone in having bowel movement changes post surgery and I can't really talk about the embarrassing things that have happened because of this with other people who haven't had the surgery. So on to the TMI situation.

    Nearly every month right before I get my period I have a BM that clogs the toilet at work. Today it happened and I was panicking because the toilet would not flush. I had to get creative to actually fix it. If this happened once and never again, it wouldn't be a huge deal, but it is has happened, specifically at work, three or four times already. Does anyone else have embarrassing issues with BMs after they have surgery?

  3. Here I am in 2012 at the Minnesota State Fair. I was probably near my highest of 400. I looked very masculine back then, even when I didn't have short hair.


    Here I am last month after getting my makeup done for a friend's Halloween-themed wedding (I went as Mary Poppins).


    And lastly this was me a couple of weeks ago after finally getting a haircut. Down 185 pounds and look more feminine than a few years ago.


  4. 9 hours ago, Kat410 said:

    This is a great topic. I had terrible posture between the weight and sedentary lifestyle. I have found that strength training and ab work has made a difference. I have also been surprised at the difference that massage has made in loosening these muscles and dealing with the chronic hyper extension of my upper back and shoulder muscles.

    Then of course plain old mindfulness helps. I have alarms in my calendar prompting me to sit up straight and suck my navel in!

    I'm rarely sitting at work, so I'll have to really practice on mindfulness while I'm walking around.

  5. Does anyone have any ways to fix posture after weight loss? It's hard to not stand like I still have an additional 185 pounds on me, but I don't know how to fix it. I saw a physical therapist for a few weeks to strengthen my core to prevent back pain and I know that can also help with posture.

  6. My surgical team pushed me to build a consistent exercise regimen that had me walking 4 or 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes. It helped me a lot after surgery because I was limited in my movement due to surgical pain and craved to get outside and walk. I am 31 years old and didn't and don't have a lot of movement restrictions though. Your surgical team will likely work with you to find some form of exercise that you can do with limited pain. It may be something you do while sitting on your couch until you are able to do more. It doesn't have to be walking or weight lifting.

  7. I was debating whether or not to sign up for one, but I asked if my sister wanted to do one with me and she and my brother in law both were interested, so I decided to go for it. I'm excited! I have been running more lately and I already pretty much do 5Ks every time I run, but I haven't done an actual "race" since I was 14. When I registered, the application asked if I had an inspiring story, so I said that I was once 400 pounds after battling a decade-long depression, but have now beat depression and lost 180 pounds.

  8. 2 hours ago, fruitandveggies said:

    I lost about 1.5 shoe sizes! So funny that my feet were that fat!

    People kept asking me if my feet had shrunk and I kept telling them they hadn't yet, but then suddenly my size 11 shoes started feeling way too big. I only own 2 pairs of shoes (I'm not the stereotypical female) so I'll have to go buy more.

  9. I'm sure I'm not alone in having moments where you are shocked by the changes your body is making. What are some of your moments that made you stop and say, "Whoa!"?

    The most recent change I've noticed has been being able to see the tendons in my hands and feet. I still catch my reflection in windows and think, "who is that?!" Since my job is fairly physical and has me stooping and kneeling a lot, I am amazed when I can basically jump back up from a kneeling position without breaking a sweat or having to grab onto something. In fact being able to push myself up from any position (especially laying down) still surprises me. When I first started to see my collar bones, I'd see how visible I could make them by moving muscles or my neck and arms in certain ways (okay I still do this).

  10. I originally had 180 as my goal weight, but after talking with my mom, she said that when she was at her lightest (about 160) she felt it was so hard to stay at that weight. She's gained a little and lost some too and she is now just under 190 and she says it is a comfortable weight for her. I am an inch taller than her and I'm pretty sure I'm also "big boned" so I started to realize that 180 may be a little unrealistic for me and will probably make me look weird, so I settled on 190. As I get closer to that weight, I may adjust it, but that is my goal for now.

  11. I was in a (costume) wedding yesterday and it was the first time ever where I didn't hate every picture taken of me and in fact I like most of them! This time last year I was on a trip to Chicago so I've been getting Facebook memory notifications too, so I thought I'd post some pictures of me from one year ago and then some from last night.

    I'm making that face in the before picture because I was "displeased" that my mom was making me take a sweatshirt on our day out because the temperature was 40*F. Now I am freezing at 50*F but I don't mind it because I love being cold.



  12. I took Prilosec for a few weeks but switched to Nexium (I believe) later because I found out Prilosec interacts with one of my antidepressants. I was on the PPI for a couple of months and I haven't had issues since I stopped taking it. It will likely get better for you as time goes by.

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