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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SanDiegoPhotog

  1. I thought there was a war going on inside my belly after I got banded. It was loud and unruly. It has definitely calmed down now -- I'm 14 days post-op and I'm actually starting to feel quite "normal" now.
  2. Right now I am using my kids' silverware and dishes. I got it all at Babies R Us and it has a very Tupperware feel to it, but it's not really made by Tupperware. They have a ton of plastic dishes and utensils that don't have all the characters on them. They're just colored plastic . . . kind of see-through.
  3. SanDiegoPhotog

    Lap band Deaths

    My depression from being fat and the cycle that I was in (gain weight, get depressed, eat to numb depression, gain more weight), was going to kill me faster than lapband surgery might kill me.
  4. SanDiegoPhotog

    Looking for other San Diegains...

    I am San Diego, too. I'm REALLY close to you, Lizzy. I was banded on June 4, 2008, by Dr. Bhoyrul. Feel free to ask me anything, but I'm very new on this journey.
  5. It seems like all or most of you are getting to go on full liquids after about a week or so. Some even after a few days. Am I the only one on Clear Liquids for a full 14 days? I'm a total rule follower and I won't go against my doctor's advice at all . . . but honestly . . . I'm going stark raving mad. Maybe he's just ultra-ultra conservative post-op. :shrug:
  6. SanDiegoPhotog

    A better chewable vitamin?

    Well, I'm a newbie . . . only 12 days post-op . . . which is why *I* have to have a chewable Vitamin. The dietitian that works for my surgeon told me no gummies, either . . . so, for now, I guess I will check out those other chewables you mentioned. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. SanDiegoPhotog

    New with Questions

    I think some people are up and about no problem after a couple of days, but everyone is different. For me, I was doing pretty good the night of and day after surgery. I felt really good on day 2 post-op but I was REALLY slow going. I slept most of day 3. Days 4 and 5, I was faster moving, but still very sore. I got off the pain meds at day 9. It is now day 12 post-op and I really feel human again. I can even workout (cardio) a little bit now. It'll be a lot longer until I can lift weights.
  8. SanDiegoPhotog

    Eating real food too soon

    Actually, your stomach DOES move during digestion through a process of reflexes called DISTENTION (it's in most health books). My doctor put it to me like this: he physically stitches the band to your stomach. While his stitches are strong, he doesn't want your stomach moving around too much to mess with his work. It takes 2-4 weeks for stitches on the outside to heal, as they are exposed to air and light. Your stitches on the inside heal in about 6 weeks. Thus, his program is 2 weeks clear liquids, 2 weeks full liquids, 2 weeks mushies, and then soft foods. There's nothing you can do about the food you ate now, except get back on the program.
  9. SanDiegoPhotog

    I HATE those "kind-of" hiccups!

    haha! Mine are sort of a belch/hiccup combination. They're not fun. Thankfully, they do only come in 3s.
  10. SanDiegoPhotog

    Lifting a baby post-op

    hmmm . . . lots of twins on this board. I have 16-month-old twin girls and was banded June 4, 2008. 12 days ago. My doctor told me no lifting over 10 pounds AT ALL for 2 weeks (the babies weigh 19 and 23 pounds). At my 2-week check-up on Friday, he will assess my recovery and let me know what I can lift after that. My mom and my husband have been doing most of the baby-caring these past 12 days. I do have an ottoman in front of my couch and I encouraged the babies how to climb up on it. From there, I can safely change their diapers myself without lifting them at all. I also had them crawl and sit next to me on the couch. I think you might need at least 2 weeks of help before you start lifting them on your own.
  11. SanDiegoPhotog

    Ever feel its not worth it?

    It was exactly at 5 days post-op that I burst into tears. I was regretting my decision. I was sad. I didn't even attempt to venture out, because I knew the movies meant popcorn and candy and soda. The mall would have all the usual food smells. I just stayed home and had myself a pity party. Well, I'm 12 days post-op and I can't tell you how much better it is. Yeah, I'm still on liquids -- yeah, I get the occasional pain now and then . . . but they're more like twinges now. No, I still can't pick up my babies (which is killing me). BUT, I went for a speedwalk today and had almost as much energy as I did pre-op, even though I am on liquids. I'm down 31 pounds since I started this process in April, 14 of which are post-op. And my clothes are hanging on for dear life. I even went to a wedding in a dress one size smaller and it looked awesome on me! I got so many compliments that I didn't even care that I was drinking Water at the reception. SO, YES, IT DOES GET BETTER!!!!!!!! A little bit easier, but infinitely BETTER. Hang in there. It will be very soon that you will be excited about your band.
  12. SanDiegoPhotog

    Please Help-11 Days Post Op

    Wow -- it was exactly at 9 days post-op that I started to feel lightheaded and dizzy, too. I thought I was going to pass out. My post-op diet calls for me to be on clear liquids for 14 days, but on the 9th day, I added in half of an Atkins protein shake for the added protein. It made me feel SO much better. I tried the clear liquid Isopure drinks, but I just couldn't gag them down. I don't like the way they taste. So, I'm not saying to go against your doctor's orders (by any means, please don't do that), but it does sound like you need more protein. Maybe you should call him and inquire as to how he would like you to add protein to your diet.
  13. SanDiegoPhotog

    My Scale Victory Today . . .

    Thanks for all the congrats and well wishes. I do have one NSV . . . thank goodness. I have to go to a wedding tonight and I have been putting off buying something to wear because I was dropping weight so quickly. All of my dressy clothes are too autumn-ish, so I headed out to the mall today. Well, instead of buying the 2x dress, I bought the 1x!!!! That was very nice! It should last me a little while if I have anywhere else to go, otherwise . . . who cares??? LOL! So, I put on the spanx to minimize the belly, and surprisingly, it feels really good. I thought it might hurt my surgery areas, but it actually kind of binds everything and decreases the areas where I was feeling just a teency bit uncomfortable. Cool!
  14. This is probably so old hat to those of you that have lost so much . . . but I'm EXCITED today. I am 11 days post-op and between the pre-approval diet, the pre-op diet, and now the post-op diet, I am down 30 pounds today. No, it hasn't been easy. At times, it hasn't even been pretty. Even now, my boobs have taken on a saggy new dimension all their own and I still have a LONGGGGGGGGG way to go . . . . But I'm still excited about -30 pounds!!!!!!! LOL! I am trying to find some NSVs, but right now, they just aren't really there. I'm barely down a size in clothes -- I could go down, but I'm still getting by. My body is a weird shape because of the swollen belly and small boobs, LOL. So, for now, I need to Celebrate my scale victory! Thanks for listening and caring!
  15. I am 9 days post-op and I am still trying to get used to this whole process. I am still on Clear liquids for recovery. Thing is, it seems that I burp a LOT. I have completely stopped using a straw. I haven't had anything with carbonation since March. I don't understand this burping! (and it's not PBing -- I'm not even having any food yet). I sip slowly and I concentrate on not swallowing too much air. I feel almost as if my body is CREATING air. Weird, I know! And, to top it off, before the burp works its way out, I feel like a baseball is trying to come up and out of my chest. It's dreadful. Oh, and my burps are sooooo low and manly now, LOL. Nothing like how I used to burp before. Is this normal or am I just a freak?
  16. Well, yesterday I actually was down another 2.5 pounds. So that was good. It seems to be one day with no loss, the next day with a fairly decent one. We'll see how tomorrow goes. BUT, I totally broke down today. It's not like I went out for McDonald's or anything, but I was feeling lightheaded and shaky, so I had HALF of an Atkins Mocha Latte Protein shake. I felt like I had to get some protein into my body, which was just lacking on the Clear Liquids. I tried the clear Isopure drinks with zero carbs to stick with the post-op "protocol." But they are NASTY and I couldn't drink them. So, I figured I'd s-l-o-w-l-y sip my first Protein Drink and see how it went. I feel fine. Well, my stomach feels fine. I do feel kind of weak and guilty for not being able to stay on clear liquids for a full 14 days . . . but I really felt like I was going to pass out. So, half a Protein Shake got me 8-10 grams of protein at least. That's more than I've had in 10 days. whew. I think I'm going to go lay down now.
  17. SanDiegoPhotog

    HELP cannot get rid of gas

    I was banded June 4 and I'm STILL gassy and have the shoulder pain. And I walk a lot. I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you.
  18. SanDiegoPhotog

    Haven't told my hubby :-(

    Heidi, I don't know how long you've been obese and for how long you've been trying to lose weight, but my husband has been my biggest fan. He's been with me through weight watchers, gym memberships, medifast, atkins, etc. He was skeptical at first -- and nervous about the whole idea, but he came to the seminar with me and he was impressed. The statistics about diet failures and the rate at which obesity is increasing exponentially in America are staggering. He knew I was facing a stacked deck. I also have 3 children. I was banded on June 4, 2008. They are too young to understand, but my 5-year-old daughter knows I had an operation. When she's old enough, if she asks, I will gladly tell her. Hmmmm . . . . dying when she's 30 because I was too fat and had too many complications???? What kind of message does that send? OR, getting the surgery, losing the weight, putting in the hard work for my HEALTH so that I can live a long and healthy life and re-learn how to eat and re-learn how to live an active lifestyle? What kind of message does that send? a GREAT one. It's all how you spin it and what sort of perspective you choose to have about it.
  19. I am at the end of my 6th day post-op. I guess the initial high from having the surgery is wearing off, because man, I've been in the dumps all day. I'm tearful. I'm gloomy. I feel sorry for myself because I am STILL on Clear liquids and it's starting to get to me. I think I might have actually felt hunger today . . . which I hadn't felt yet post-op. I think at some point I even regretted my decision. My brain doesn't regret it . . . but my heart is kind of falling apart right now. I also feel like I *should* be feeling better . . . but, honestly, I am still having some pain from the surgery. some of it's gas and some of it is port pain, but it's pain nonetheless. This may be TMI, but I'm also on my time of the month right now and it's really weird -- not like all of my other times of the month. Very strange. I'm trying to focus on how exciting it is right now that I've lost so much weight . . . but my sad little brain can only see my shrinking boobs and very swollen belly. LOL. I know this too shall pass. Thank you for letting me come here and let it out. Reading this forum is the only thing keeping me sane right now.
  20. SanDiegoPhotog

    ugh this gas!

    I thought I was done with it, but it came back with a vengeance last night. 7 whole days post op, too!!!!!!!! Good news is, I feel better today.
  21. SanDiegoPhotog

    My Emotional Rollercoaster Peaked Today

    Dr. Bhoyrul let you have mushies one week post-op???!!!!!?????? oh you lucky girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! I am feeling better today. Thank you all for the words of encouragement. I kept myself REALLY busy today since I felt like sitting at my desk instead of moping around the house. It kept my mind off my limited diet.
  22. haha! Well . . . don't go back to liquids on MY account . . . I didn't lose any today! :thumbs_up: I am expecting to be down TWO tomorrow, though. haha! Today was my first day back at my self-imposed job (I'm self-employed), so I made myself REALLY busy. That helped with the liquid crisis I appear to be in at the moment. LOL! I didn't have time to think about being hungry because I kept myself busy. gads.
  23. SanDiegoPhotog

    What Can You Lift

    OMG . . . I could not even FATHOM doing that right now. I think you'd be looking at LEAST 6 weeks before you did anything like that. My doctor explained it like this: Your stitches on the outside that are exposed to light and air heal in about 3-4 weeks. But your stitches on the inside (those holding your band to your stomach) are in the dark. They take at least 6 weeks to heal. You don't want to do anything to mess up those healing stitches. And just cuz you can't feel them, doesn't mean they aren't there trying to heal themselves.
  24. HF2008, I actually spoke with the nurse today (I wasn't calling about the diet -- but to schedule my 2-week post-op appointment). I didn't want to come right out and ask her if I could move on because . . . well . . . I didn't want to sound like I couldn't handle it. LOL. Not saying that you sounded like that . . . but sometimes I have to put on my tough girl face. haha. Anyways, my 2-week apptmt is supposed to be on the 18th . . . but my doctor has some things going on and he can't see me until the 20th. Technically, I'm not allowed to advance to the next stage until he sees me . . . but I asked if I could advance on the 18th since that's my 2-week time period. She said that if I was tolerating the clear liquids well (I am), then I could move carefully to the next stage on the 18th no problem. Then, I could tell my doctor on the 20th if I had any problems with the new full liquids. sheesh. As far as pre-op diet, my doctor was very lax. I had to lose some weight to prove to my doctor I could stick to a program, so I did high Protein meals with lean meats, veggies, and a good carb. I lost some weight. Then, he recommends a 10-day high-protein, low-carb liver shrinking diet. He recommends 10 days, but REQUIRES 4. I did 6 full days. My liver was very small for the surgery. Now . . . I am, obviously, on clear liquids. I think I'm losing about a pound an hour. LOL!
  25. benhamgal . . . thank you. That was EXACTLY what I needed to hear.

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