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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SanDiegoPhotog

  1. Hi Deneicy,


    I am sorry I never got this "visitor message" thing until today! I guess you left it back in April! Wow. I belong to a lot of forums, but I've never seen this function, so I didn't know about it. SORRY! Anyways, I decided to bail on UCSD and got banded with Dr. Bhoyrul of La Jolla Surgical Associates on June 4. It was great. I'm down 26 pounds . . . since April . . . and since I'm on the post-op diet with no fill, I'm hungry as ever, but losing at a steady pace. I guess clear liquids really do make you lose! LOL!


    Let me know some time if you'd like to chat. I'm still such a beginner.



  2. Oh good grief . . . I have the WORST post-op diet ever! 2 weeks - clear liquids 2 weeks - full liquids 2-weeks - mushies 2-weeks - soft foods I am on day 6 of clear liquids and I feel like licking a cheeseburger. It's dreadful.
  3. SanDiegoPhotog

    What Can You Lift

    Oh, I am 6 days post-op and I have not attempted groceries, the vacuum, or the children. It's VERY difficult with the children . . . .they are 19 and 23 pounds each (twins) and they don't understand. But, I haven't been lifting my 42-pound child for some time now . . . . and I don't plan on it anytime soon, either!!! LOL! More power to you for even being able to do without the band! :smile2:
  4. SanDiegoPhotog

    What Can You Lift

    My doctor has me on a "no lifting anything over 10 pounds" rule from the moment after surgery until my 2-week follow-up appointment. At that appointment, he'll tell me what my next weight limit is. My laptop is 8 pounds and I had no trouble carrying it on Day 2 post op. I was moving very s-l-o-w-l-y and I didn't have to move it far, but I was fine.
  5. I am 6 days post op and while I'm still in a fair amount of pain at times, I think I might be ready to start working out. I'm thinking cardio, not weights, since doc says no lifting over 10 pounds yet. When did you start?
  6. Okay, I've been doing little 10 minute walks here and there, but I think I am going to put my headphones on and try for a little 30 minute walk on flat ground. I usually speedwalk steep inclines with a double jogging stroller for 60 minutes a day . . . so a nice 30 min saunter with no stroller on flat ground should be okay. I'll stop if I get sore. Thanks for all the input everyone!
  7. SanDiegoPhotog

    Body Image issues

    I was just thinking about this today. I remember all through high school between 135 and 140 on my 5'7" frame thinking I was fat. Boy, what I wouldn't give to be that weight now! I didn't know to be happy with my weight back then. I gained weight after high school, only to lose most of it for my wedding. I weighed 150 in my wedding dress and thought I looked great (I did). But now, I am kind of looking at my honeymoon pictures thinking, "I had small boobs and a big butt." Terrible. I mentally know I looked fabulous. But somehow I just can't help but being crushed that God didn't bless me with small hips and a big chest. :behindsofa: So now, as I sit here facing a tremendous amount of weight to lose and trying to recover from surgery, I'm kind of wondering if I will be pleased in the end or if I'll just still see myself as this bubble butt/flat chested person that could always stand to lose MORE weight. Ugh. Maybe I have that body dysmorphic thing. :grouphug: Or maybe I'm just never satisfied.
  8. SanDiegoPhotog

    Amyone feeling this way?

    If it's any consolation, I am on clear liquids now, 6 days post-op, and my husband wouldn't let me lick his cheeseburger from In and Out Burger last night. I thought that was terribly RUDE of him, LOL! But, in all seriousness, I think it was the chewing that I missed the most. I really just wanted to take a bite of it and spit it out. I don't need to EAT the burger, but I do enjoy sitting down to meals. Right now, liquid "meals" of broth and water are just killing me.
  9. SanDiegoPhotog

    How soon did you drive?

    My doctor told me no driving for 5 days. My specific pain medicine makes me very dizzy anyways. I am now on a very low dose and don't have to take it very often, but even then I don't feel comfortable driving on it. There is no way I could have driven myself home from the hospital. But then, I am a wimp.
  10. I am 4 days post-op and still on Clear liquids. I'll be on clear liquids for 10 more days (my surgeon has his rules). But today I got a little sick of my typical broth, sugar free Jello, and "Propel" meals . . . So, DH took me to Starbucks for an iced tea. Yum. Then he ordered take-out from On the Border . . . and he ordered just the broth from their tortilla Soup. It's very clear, like a chicken broth, with some spiciness to it that was JUST what I needed to get rid of this splenda-ish fruit flavor in my mouth that I'm sick of. Guess it's time to get creative with the broths! Any suggestions welcome!
  11. OMG . . . I honestly don't know how I am going to make it for 9 more days on CLEAR liquids. I am actually CRAVING an Atkins shake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I am 5 days post op and let me tell what's bothering me most . . . although I am sure it will change with time: - the aftertaste of splenda-ish type stuff in my mouth since I'm still on Clear Liquids, sugar free. gag. - speed bumps (it just hurts to go over them when I'm riding in the car). - not being able to pick up my kids yet - tight clothing. I'm not "stomach" hungry, so food doesn't really matter. I am, however, "head" hungry. So I have to keep myself entertained.
  13. I think I am definitely going to get some strained egg drop soup today. I would kill for a protein drink, but I'm on CLEAR liquids for a full 14 days. I can have those fruity Isopure drinks, though -- not the shakes, the drinks that look like Jones Sodas but taste nothing like them! LOL!
  14. I had my surgery yesterday, and along with my new band, I got a gold star. Apparently the doctor could tell that I worked really hard on my pre-op liquid diet because my liver was really small when he started the surgery. Woo hoo!!!! I didn't cheat once! He said he had performed another surgery earlier in the week and the person didn't do any of the pre-op liquid diet, and it took him 45 minutes longer to do that surgery than mine. So, yes, it was an awful time on liquids, but it was soooooo worth it. My surgeon is funny . . .. "gold star" . . .LOL. I thought that was cute. Anyways, I have to say that this has been the EASIEST surgery I have ever had. I had bilateral TMJ arthrotomy in the 90s -- AWFUL. A c-section - MEGA-AWFUL. And my gallbladder removed last year - MEGA MEGA AWFUL! Lap-band? Not so bad. Not compared to those surgeries. I arrived at 9:45 for my 11:45 surgery and checked in -- paperwork, review of my history with nurse (again). Questions about when I last ate, when I last had a bowel movement, and stuff like that. Then I changed into the gowns and got a heparin shot in my abdomen to prevent clotting. It burned a lot. I would have future shots of heparin, but they didn't burn since I would be on pain meds at that point. I apparently even slept through one of them. They also made me wear TED hose (compression stockings), socks with tread on them, and later I had to put on a surgical cap to cover my hair. They also later put the massage thing-ys on my legs to prevent blood clots, which I wore the whole time I was in the hospital. I was nervous. I cried. My husband kissed me goodbye and my surgical nurse took me to the OR. OH . . . they let me go to the bathroom one last time so I did NOT have to have a catheter. I was VERY pleased about that. In the OR, the anesthesiologist was very sweet and he made me comfortable. All of the people were very nice. they could tell I was a bit emotional, so they asked me a lot of non-emotive questions. Like, diverted me off the topic of my kids and kept me focused on things like technical camera questions (they know I am a photographer). I thought it was nice to think about random things rather than the possibility of leaving my kids -- ya know? they just made me feel really comfortable. Then, I woke up in the recovery room. My throat wasn't sore -- just a little scratchy and my voice was raspy. They gave me pain meds right away and swabs for my dry mouth. Later they gave me ice chips. My surgery was from 1-2 (they got started late), and I was in recovery until 3:45 ish. Then they moved me to my room, where I met up with my husband. There, they gave me ice chips, Water, and cranberry juice. The juice felt the best on my throat. More pain meds. More heparin. I also got some other stuff -- anti-nausea medication and pepcid. Apparently, I will be on pepcid for at least one month. My doctor says it really helps your stomach as it gets accustomed to the band. My only real pain per se is right under my left breast and radiating up. When it's really bad, like when I haven't walked in a while or when I am due for pain meds, I can feel it in my left shoulder. Other than that, I am totally pain free. I loved everyone's advice about walking. I did a lot of it and it really does help. Doing the "inspiration" breathing thing for my lungs has helped, too. I had a difficult time peeing for the first time, so that was a little worrisome. But after I had some juice and did some walking, it was easier. I actually used a peri-bottle with warm water like you get after giving birth and the warm water helped to inspire my bladder along. Apparently if you take toooooo long to pee after surgery, they will give you a catheter and I didn't want one. At night, I got really nauseated, so they gave me phenergam, which knocked me out cold for like 7 hours. What a great night's sleep!!! The next morning, my surgeon came in and gave me my prescriptions and told me I was good to go. He shook my hand and said, "Welcome to your new life." He's amazing! It was just what I needed to hear. The nurse came in and did my discharge ppwk. the dietitian came in and went over my 2-week clear liquid diet (I am SO not looking forward to that part) and the future stages of my diet. And DH picked me up! When I got home, I kind of missed the hospital bed because it's a lot easier to get in and out of than my bed or my couch. I slept and watched some TV and walked. That's about it. Oh, my Breakfast consisted of chicken broth, apple juice, and orange Jello, of which I ate very little (this was at the hospital). lunch consisted of Capri Sun Raging Waters juice, water, diet Cranberry juice, and lime jello (ate very little). I wore jeans and a big shirt to the hospital and I also wore that home. the jeans are kind of baggy, but on the way home I didn't snap the top buttom and just let my baggy shirt cover them up. But I was able to wear my bra and undies no problem. I was also able to get dressed by myself quite easily. This is what I packed: Lotion - didn't use lip balm - didn't use contacts - put them in right before I left glasses - wore them most of the time in the hospital spare undies - wore them home next day spare socks - wore them home the next day magazines - didn't use -- only looked at one right before called to the operating room hairbrush - didn't use (my hair is fine in a ponytail) toothbrush/toothpaste - definitely used! deodorant - used facial cleanser - didn't use facial moisturizer - didn't use Gas-X strips - didn't use them until I got home MP3 player - used it a little bit while napping in the evening after surgery -- it helped to drown out the hospital noise, even though there wasn't that much make-up - definitely didn't use hairbands - definitely used. I have hairbands that don't have any metal on them and they let me wear one during surgery. I have really long hair, so it's nice to be able to tie it back. I think that's it!!!!!!! Since I've been home, I've just had some things to drink, walked a bit, and watched TV, and slept. I feel pretty darn good. I hope this post helped!
  15. I have a 5-year-old girl and 16-month-old girl twins. It's been kind of difficult because they don't understand why I can't pick them up yet. They are fraternal. One twin could actually be the identical twin of my 5-year-old. haha!
  16. Thank you soooooooooo much for telling me about Dr. Bhoyrul, acstllns!!!!!!!!!! He is AWESOME!!!!
  17. I think it's mostly gas pain and port site pain. Today already seems to be a little bit better. I was just REALLY tired yesterday. I am going to try to get up and around a bit more today. Showering helped a little. Made me feel more human. Hey, I am a twin mommy, too! It's so fun, isn't it?
  18. ugh . . . let me just tell you that Day 2 of recovery has not been fun. Yesterday was better. Today was quite painful, but I'm hopeful that tomorrow will be better.
  19. oh, thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited. Not so excited about my future relationship with sugarfree jello, but excited nonetheless.
  20. I lose the most and the fastest by doing the Atkins Induction diet. You can definitely lose 20 pounds on it, and if you focus on eating all the things you CAN (instead of focusing on all of the things you can't have), then it's fairly easy. Of course, it's not a good long-term solution because the weight will come back when you re-introduce carbs, but if you're just looking to lose 20 pounds to show your doctor you CAN lose 20 pounds, I think it's great.
  21. SanDiegoPhotog

    Tomorrow's My Day!

    Thanks for the support everyone! I got a lot of sleep last night (all things considered) and I am getting ready to go this morning. I'll let you all know how it goes!
  22. Well, it's finally happening. tomorrow is my band day! yay!!!!! I have about 30 minutes before I can't eat or drink anything, so I think I am going to go get a nice tall glass of Water. I can't tell at the moment if I am excited or nervous. I think it's 80% excitement and 20% nerves. I could stay up all night and read this board and stress over everything . . . but I think I'll go to sleep instead!
  23. I have no co-morbidities and I had to have an EKG and a CBC. That's it.
  24. I am totally obsessed with the scale. I'd hop on it every 5 minutes if I could, and I need to stop that. I have found, however, that the scale is often a big fat liar. It seems that my clothes will be sagging on me, but the scale will stay the same for days. Then one day, "Poof!" and I'm down like 6 pounds. I swear, it's fooling with my head.
  25. I totally thought I'd be working out while on the preop liquids, but I can barely keep awake while sitting at my desk. I don't feel like I have anymore energy to expend. I just completed the 2nd day. I'm EXHAUSTED. I feel like I should be working out . . . but I honestly don't know if I can at this point.

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