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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    I'm Overweight!!!!!!

    RIGHT ON!!! Way to go!
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Sadly another Lopez erosion...

    Depends on your insurance company. My insurance company covers anything if I am sick, no matter what caused it. Amy
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Some Funny One-Liners

    I heard one recently that I just laughed my butt off with. "Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute. Light him on Fire and he'll be hot for the rest of his life." Ok...so it is a two liner, but it one of my favorites lately. Amy
  4. FunnyDuddies

    What Do You Do to Feel Sexy????

    hair and makeup done right always makes me feel good. I don't want to sound full of myself, but my face and hair are my best features LOL I have bright red curly hair and a pretty face (if I do say so myself) so I love doing them up properly and getting the "looks" from people around me. But if I am by myself and I want to feel sexy (calm down people...its not like that) I throw in some dance techno music and dance away in my living room. I used to be a good dancer, and it makes me think of getting back to my small size again and being able to flirt with the guys again. LOL Amy
  5. FunnyDuddies

    atkins before surgery??

    Well I have heard a few theories as to why. Personally, I just want to get started, but have to wait till the end of April for my surgery. I have also heard the boost to your metabolism before surgery helps you to jump start the weight loss after the surgery, as well as help you heal quicker, and lose the extra Water faster. I have also heard a big reason is so that the liver is smaller and more out of the way when the surgery is done. There are various reasons. Also, for me, (self pay) the surgery will be cheaper if I am below a BMI of 50. So I have that to look towards. Doesn't it always come down to money? LOL Amy
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Cross your fingers, eyes, and toes

    Good luck hun!! I have everything crossed but my legs (hey I gotta allow myself some enjoyment LOL) and I hope you get on the show. DH and I watch it when ever it is on and we would love to see you there working your butt off!! Amy
  7. FunnyDuddies

    atkins before surgery??

    oh Not EVEN!! Atkins diet sucks!! I thought I would love it cause I love steak. UGH! If I see another steak for a while I will sick up! I guess with more planning I would have done ok. But at the 5th day of induction I have the worst migraine that lasted a day and a half and cried for most of that time because the need for bread was KILLING me! LOL Plus my birthday is this weekend, and we are travelling to North Carolina to be with family to Celebrate my birthday and my husband's who had his earlier this month. And I know we are having cake from this little store in town that makes the BEST icing EVAR!!! hehehe There was no way I was going to pass that up. After we get back I may plan my menu out a bit better and try again. Probably not good to try and start right before a big cake event. HAHA And what in the hell is with people on atkins forums?? They are so evil when it comes to people who are going to have any kind of surgery! I went to a few to get some info and support. I got bombed with mail from people calling me weak and lazy for wanting to have the surgery, that it is the easy way out, and that I am a coward. I hate that!! And they laugh that I want to lose weight before having the surgery... "Well if you can lose before the surgery, why are you having the surgery??" Well, dumas, I never have problems losing, its the keeping it off that tickles me wrong. Anyway, wanted to vent. LOL Atkins nearly made me insane. I will try it differently the next time around and add more fish and chicken, and less steak and bacon. LOL and DH made me swear no more eggs. **insert farting smilie here** Amy
  8. FunnyDuddies

    What's up everyone?

    Welcome to Lap Band Talk! I love it here, and I am sure you will too! Congratz on the band. Looks like you are already losing and that is great!! Amy
  9. FunnyDuddies

    I hate fat people!!!

    This is an interesting thread. When I was deciding whether or not to have the surgery I was in a debate with my husband. I mentioned that I hate fat people, and that I hate having fat friends. He was astonished, and asked why. I didn't know, but I started focusing on those feelings and tearing them apart to see what lived inside. What I found was that I did not hate the people. The people were usually the nicest people in the world. I hated that whenever I went into a bar or club I would see them...and I would have this feeling that that was the clique I belonged in. That I would not belong in any other group. And that people would think that I belonged there and no where else. And what really killed was I would often be the fattest person in the group. So I created this resentment towards fat people. I remember looking at a fat person and asking my husband "Am I as fat as her/him?" He would never answer, till recently. Then it would be heartbreaking to hear him say, "honey, you are bigger than her/him" The resentment would grow larger. Today I struggle to make myself look as nice as possible, but I still rarely go out. When I do I fuss to the point of tears trying to look good. Clothes don't fit right, but I can get my hair and makeup to look perfect. I know I will resent fat people until I lose the weight. And it isn't the person. It is the reflection of my own failures and sadness. So there is my $0.02. Amy
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Ok...who drinks?

    I'm sorry, but my husband and I enjoy going out once a month and having a bit of fun. This always includes drinking. We also enjoy wine tastings, and enjoy the occasional scotch together in the evenings. We don't drink a lot, but we have activities that we enjoy that are drink oriented. I realize there are a lot of calories in booze. I can workout to counteract the calories. But how does everyone who still drinks cope with the booze in the new tummy? any problems? seems to me you would have to drink slow enough it wouldn't get you drunk LOL Amy
  11. FunnyDuddies

    my first before and after pictures

    I can't see them. I wanna see! LOL Amy
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Modified Protien Train

    K I am joinging the Protein train!!! I am getting banded at the end of april and I want to be as low as possible before hand, then I am gonna continue after the surgery. My protein train diet is a bit of atkins, a bit of the Protein powder diet. I am going to have 5 to 6 Protein shakes throughout the day (I really like the whey protein choco powder from wal mart) and a protein heavy dinner with a couple of cups of salad. And lots and lots of water!!! Count me in! I am on my way to 300!!! Amy
  13. a friend of mine that had the surgery said she keeps a sign she made in front of her that says "slow down or suffer" to remind her that eating too fast will be painful. Amy
  14. FunnyDuddies

    full body lift?

    Alexandra...hot is a state of mind LOL Amy
  15. FunnyDuddies

    atkins before surgery??

    Awesome!! I have been studying all day. Trying to decide if I was going to do the Protein powder diet or the Atkins diet. Did you stay in induction that whole time? And how have things been since you got banded? have you just continued the diet or have you included carbs again? I would be afraid that the instant carbs were reintroduced I would gain a ton back LOL Amy
  16. Ok, last night I decided to take a bath. I started the Water, then got a phone call. When I came back into the bathroom the tub was full up to the bottom of the little drain. I thought to myself "If I get in now I will overflow the bathrtub" LOL But I decided to try it. The tub didn't even come close to overflowing!! LOL Its so nice to not be displacing so much water now! I love my baths since I have lost some of my weight! I can't wait for the band to be losing steadily!! :banana :Banane52: :) Yay me! Amy
  17. FunnyDuddies

    full body lift?

    Yeah but Aleandra...was there a time you could not even think of going through something like having the LapBand put in? LOL I just look at my body and the way it already sags...I know if I ever want to be hot again, I am going to have to take a lot of skin off. Plus, it is just not healthy to have too much skin weighing you down after WLS. Amy
  18. FunnyDuddies

    I hate insurance companies!

    Waiting sucks, but hang in there!! I like the suggestion of appealling while doing the diet. See if they can push it up a bit. If you have high cholesterol and depression, maybe you can count that as a co-morbidities. Amy
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Ok...who drinks?

    DH is excited about me being a light weight. LOL currently I can drink just about anyone under the table if I try. Scottish/Irish/German heritage and a very lively college life. LOL I am just glad our fun will not be stunted with the removal of drinking. It is part of our fun times once a month. Amy
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Need some old-fashioned support!!

    Everyone seems to be down. I think a lot of it could be weather and the season!! This is the time of year I have put on the most weight before. Maybe everyone needs to increase their intake of Vitamin D, get outside more and try to get some sunshine, and enjoy everything they can. Amy
  21. FunnyDuddies

    What helps cure the frumpies?

    I was gonna say...sex always cures the frumpies for me! But regular excersize works really well though. it is hard, but try to work out in the morning so that the rest of your day you are riding on that flood of endorphines. Amy
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Looking for Lap-Band buddies in Florida!!!

    I am new to Tampa. I am looking for a workout buddy, or just a fellow (soon to be for me) bandster that I can have coffee and water with! I live east of Town and Country. I would love to have someone I can ask questions of!! PM me! Thanks! Amy
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Heather's Swift Kick in the Bum Thread

    How can you love anything else in life if you do not love yourself? Loving yourself means taking care of yourself, and that is what you are doing this for. Breathe in, breathe out, and live clean in between. And if you have had a bad day eating, guess what?? ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!! You just pick up again tomorrow with a fresh start. Hang in there girl!! You can do anything!! Amy
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Count me in on this. This is the motivation I need!! My report: Current weight: 335 Excersize today: Early morning walk, Late evening walk (planned) I WILL eat healthy today I WILL drink plenty of water today I WILL love myself today!!
  25. FunnyDuddies


    Ok. I actually got out of bed this morning to go for my walk, and that was hard because somebody turned the air conditioner up last night (my daughter likes it cold in her room) Then went outside and it was COLD!! When is winter gonna be over? LOL Amy

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