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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies


    HAHAHAHA Thats funny....as a prank. I'm sorry, but I have so many tummy troubles throughout my life, the last thing I need is to add something that makes it worse. Besides, these cheapo apartment toilets would prolly stain badly from the orange, and I'd get charged to pay for new toilets. LOL Amy
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    As was pointed out in the other threads, I think it is more an issue between the clinics rather than between the countries. There are certain clinics that seem to have a higher rateof erosion. And there are other clinics that have almost nil when it comes to erosions. Its the same as it is here in the USA, and in France, and in Australia. Amy
  3. FunnyDuddies

    TOPLESS photo thread

    i like the jokes in the classic playboys Amy
  4. FunnyDuddies

    TOPLESS photo thread

    There is so many directions that thread could take LOL Amy
  5. FunnyDuddies

    TOPLESS photo thread

    The articles!! lol Honestly, the internet provides quite a bit of entertainment as well. more so than playboy. LOL Amy
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Big Sister...Little Sister

    pre-band: scheduled for end of april. looking forward to this!!! Amy
  7. FunnyDuddies

    TOPLESS photo thread

    jessie, we are too!! LOL I have tons of pictures, and we subscribed to playboy just for some examples. They are all fake anyway, so we know what can be man made LOL Amy
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    I woke up today feeling great!! and I was so NOT hungry, I didn't even think to eat until around 1:30 LOL And no headache. Great job on the treadmill!!! That is awesome! I am gonna workout tonight now that the headache is gone. I am really excited to have the time to myself. Amy
  9. :crazy: now now. Don't be getting down because of what RYN'ers have to say. That is like being upset that your cat isn't learning anything in puppy training class. You don't need a support group like that anyway. Not only will you not share in their experience, but they can't share in yours, and neither is of help to each other. LBT is a good support group. Lord knows, we are all together in this and there for each other come thick or thin. :target: I really think you should find a bandster that is local that you can talk with. Check here on the board, or call a local lap band clinic and see if they have a board to post a 3x5 card asking for a local sister. Someone you can meet for coffee with and get a hug from will help greatly!! Hugs to you, and I hope this weekend finds you happier!! Amy
  10. FunnyDuddies

    I need healthy SUPER BOWL recipes

    i'm on atkins...so our super bowl munchies consist of pork rinds and diet coke. wooohooo!!!!!!!! amy
  11. FunnyDuddies

    new puppy!! we need a name

    oh i am terrible about naming animals. we couldn't figure out a name for the cat for 4 weeks after we got him, and the dog didn't get named for 3 whole months. a name is such an important thing. and i am so picky. keep in mind though, you might find yourself yelling this name at a park, or calling him using the name over and over again. make sure it is easy to say, and doesn't sound weird or offensive when yelling it out at the park. LOL Amy
  12. FunnyDuddies

    TOPLESS photo thread

    :bananapowerslide: :bananapartyhat: :youcandothis: :bananajump: :welldone2: :Banane13: :Banane03: :Banane21: :Banane35: boobies!
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    I am glad to see Dr. Ortiz coming here and stating these facts. Here are some thing that I still struggle with. - Yes, the erosion rate is 1%, and the more patients you band, the more erosions will happen. But why are we seeing so many from Dr. Ortiz from one time period, and none from the other Dr.s who have done over 3000 procedures? - If his office did not have such a larger number of patients who have eroded, there would not be such an uproar, and he would not feel the need to come here and explain this "epidemic" - Why is it that eroded patients do not have everything covered when they erode? It seems that after patient care is extended and everything is covered right up until erosion usually occurs, but when someone erodes, they have to spend thousands to have it removed, and then thousands more to have a new band put in if they wish. - Surgical technique is NOT the same across the board. Some stich or staple the band in placeon the stomach. Some even fold the stomach over the band to keep it in place. Some fill the band immediately to keep it in place. Some place the buckle differently. Some place the port in different areas. Each surgeon has their own way of doing this surgery. And those they teach pick up their method of doing the surgery. Is it possible that a technique that one doctor (or one doctor and his clinic of other doctors) uses a technique that is more prone to cause erosions? Who can tell. But unless the surgeon explains his exact way of doing the procedure, and it is scrutinized along side of many other doctors, we will never know the answer. Again, I respect Dr. Ortiz for coming on here. I think there are a few points not covered, that are still on many people's minds. But the first step of making himself approachable with this is a great one. I know he has MANY happy customers, and that he is highly respected. I think rather than point fingers, we need to strip away all of the emotion and get down to brass tacks. Erosion is a worry for all of us. And we should all be interested in solving the issue of erosion as much as possible. I'll step off my soap box now. LOL Amy
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    I stayed below 20g of carbs all day today! I didn't work out because I have a wicked headache from the carb withdrawl, but I drank my gallon of water. When the carb withdrawl is gone I will get back into doing my workouts. It is not a cop-out. Its a true mild migraine that just isn't leaving. But I am walking the dog ever 30 minutes if that counts for anything. LOL I will be weighing in on Saturday, and doing my measurements. I will be thinner every day after today. Amy
  15. FunnyDuddies

    FOR ADULTS ONLY (x rated)

    Jacqui, I tell DH about that, and he agrees, we go for it, and he takes an hour. I ask after "I thought you were going to be quick! What happened?" His response... "I know that once you started you would want to go as long as me." Just slightly conceited... LOL Amy
  16. FunnyDuddies

    FOR ADULTS ONLY (x rated)

    God no you are not the only one!! My DH doesn't know the meaning of "quickie" and thinks the longer it takes, the better it is. And I mean the man would go for 4 or 5 hours if I let him. I love him to death, and se is awesome, but after about an hour, I am tired. Maybe as I lose I will be able to keep up as well. Amy
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Recipe for jewelry party

    PUDDING!! LOL Always a big hit, and you can make it low fat with skim milk. Amy
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Friday Fun Thread ~ Weird Fears

    Oooooh. Fears. My DH hates my fears. He says I am too crazy. I am afraid to be in the bathroom while a toilet flushes. So when I go to the bathroom i stand up after, get my clothes all situated, open the door, stand as far away from the toilet as I can and still reach the lever, flush, then run out. When I was three my dad hid in the bathroom when I was going one time. When I flushed he jumped out at me from behind the shower curtain. Scared the bejeezus out of me. That bring up another fear. Shower curtains. I have to have clear curtains, or glass shower surrounds. I have to be able to see into the bathtub when I go into the bathroom. Or I just won't go. And that keeps me from going in public places. I have to be in a serious bad situation (about to piss my pants) before I will use a public restroom. I make DH crazy when midday on the weekend I will pack everyone up from where ever we are and go back home jsut to pee. LOL Spiders. I am deathly afraid of spiders. When I was 2 I lived in Hawaii. I walked between two cars in a parking lot one morning, and a banana spider (look it up. they ain't pretty.) had built a web between the cars. He was sitting right in the middle of it. I got bit on the forehead and had an awful reaction to it. And I am afraid of spider webs too. Spider egg cases make me want to vomit. We were given a chance to go to australia for our honeymoon. I couldn't do it, and we had to cancel the trip and make last minute plans because of the spiders they have in austrlia. I have fainted three seperate occasions when, each time, a daddy long leg has gotten on me. Things under the bed. Well, this fear is pretty much quelled, cause we keep our mattress flat on the floor. no space between the carpet and bospring. But the guest room and kids rooms are on stands, and I can't even sit on the bed. I can't go into my pantry unless the light has been on in there for at least 5 minutes before I open the door. And I can't stand the pantry door being left open. And I was attacked my a hammerhead shark when I was 11 snokeling with my dad. I can't go into live Water now because of it. It could be a pond, lake, ocean, doesn't matter. I even have a fear of large pools because of it. And I can't swim in a pool if it has a logo or something dark in the middle on the bottom. If I do get in the pool, I stick to the wall. LOL Those are my irrational fears. Amy
  19. FunnyDuddies

    so whos working out?

    I love tae bo vids. And when I am a little slimmer I will join a gym and start doing weight training as well. We are going to be moving into a house later this month (ack! I have so much packing to do) and it has a HUGE master bedroom. My DH said he is going to set up a little workout area on one side of the bedroom with free weights and a weight bench, and a bike. That will be nice. Along with the great flight of stairs that I can use for a bit of cardio. Amy
  20. FunnyDuddies


    From what I have read it sounds like you might be eating too fast, along with possibly being overfilled. you might want to take time to chew your food into oblivion, and if that does not help, talk to your doctor. Throwing up too often can cause damage, and is not good for you or your band. Amy
  21. FunnyDuddies

    TOPLESS photo thread

    we can only hope to have boobies like that when we get to goal. we should have a wish thread, but it would be full of what others would consider porn. LOL Amy
  22. FunnyDuddies

    TOPLESS photo thread

    yeah, i secretly love him like that. and he has gotten more frisky as the weight comes off, and he thinks it is sexy that i am doing all of this for myself. i just wish sometimes he would lay off when we are in public LOL its a little wrong for him to be grabbing my butt in the grocery checkout line. Amy
  23. FunnyDuddies

    I'll try anything to keep me from eating!

    I don't know if you can do this, or are even willing, but what I have done during this time is take over a wall in our master bathroom. No guests go in there, and my DH knows what is going on. I put a large desk calender on the wall with goals and weights and measurments and such on it. The scale is there too. Every time I go to the bathroom during the day I am reminded of my weight. I have also surrounded the calender with pictures of women that I want to have similar builds and body parts like. Some naked, some clothed, depending on the body part. And in a big red pen I have circled the body parts. It looks a little creepy really, but it reminds me of what I want so badly. I also have my front and side before pics up there among all of them. So I can see how much I am different. And with drinking so much Water every day I visit that bathroom a lot! LOL Just keep trying. Hell, put a chain around the fridge if you need to. I know my DH will do anything I asked him to in order to help my weight loss. If I asked him to, he would put a chain around the fridge and a lock on the pantry. And we have thought about that. LOL Amy
  24. FunnyDuddies

    TOPLESS photo thread

    yeah, DH does that to me too. then puts on the innocent face and says "just trying to help warm them up. I don't want you to be uncomfortable." LOL Amy
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Trip to the GP .. anyone on Zoloft?

    My mom took Zoloft after her divorce. It really helped her to have a calm head while sorting out all the feelings. as for the libido, I doubt that was something she even thought about. LOL But it made her such an easier person to be around during that time. And she is off of it, she just needed it for a couple of months, then went off it just as easily. HTH Amy

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