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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Skin Advice

    Yeah I have a thing with my eyes too. When I lay down (and occasionally when I am sitting up) my eyes tear badly. They do not dry out, but the excessive wiping of tears dries the skin out around my eyes. My DH freaked out the first time he saw this. He thought I was having a bad dream and crying in my sleep. Its not like I gush tears, but there is a constant slow watering, and it can get annoying. the hair thing is true too...but I have to wash my hair everyday cause I have to use a heavy amount of conditioner to brush my hair. I have very curly red hair, and that much conditioner builds up worse than anything. Just curious about your friend... How much weight did she lose? With me losing over 200 pounds I am sure of surgery to come, but at the same time my PCP tells me at my age and skin condition I might bounce back just fine.
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Trip To The ER

    I am glad you are ok. But I gotta say that if I was in your position, and we had found out it was just being backed up, my DH would have totally started in with the jokes. And all I can hear are his comments in my head. Smile, be glad you caught it before it became dangerous, and take the enema if it gets bad. Besides...you can look at it as a fat flush and feel like californian high society. LOL
  3. FunnyDuddies

    self pay vs. insurance

    My pcp said there was a corolation, so I am just curious. We were talking about fastness and ease of weight loss being effected by the financial sacrifice made by self pays. Her exp is that those who pay lose more steadily, and have less complications. I told her that by being on the board I have met people who did everything right and still had failures and set backs. She said there are exceptions to every rules, but on the whole a person who pays for it themselves rather than someone else paying for it takes better care of it, and makes it work harder, better. I see the logic, but I do not wholy agree. So I thought I would come to the place I know I can get real experiences from...Here. Rather than just going by what my PCP says as gold. hehehe. Sort of my second opinion.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    2006 Lapband Awards

    HAHAHAHAHAH This is DH's nickname for me. Does that explain anything?? hehehe
  5. FunnyDuddies

    2006 Lapband Awards

    Get some for me. I am not getting lucky tonight. but I will make him make up for it twice tomorrow. LOL
  6. FunnyDuddies

    2006 Lapband Awards

    Heathergurl DEFINITELY wins horniest! LOL I feel like I could come in a close second lately though. WOOHOO!!
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Skin Advice

    On a slightly similar subject, I have made a huge discovery with this line of moisturizing. Let me explain how I figured this out and some background. First off, I HATE other people touching my face, esp around my eyes. It is something that freaks me out. LOL But my mom talked me into getting my makeup done at a makeup counter one day and I was told I was doing everything wrong. See, I would wash my face with body soap, and not use a moisturizer. I had very oily skin, and broke out as bad as a 13 year old. I could never control it, even though I washed my face twice a day with a citrus body soap. It would strip the oils from my face, and my body would increase the oils to my face to self-moisturize. The woman at the counter explained that I actually don't have oily skin, that my face was over compensating. It was clogging my pores, and making my skin dry out and peel using this soap. I started using a face soap for dry skin, twice a day. Using a day time moisturizer before putting on my makeup, and an overnight moisturizer before bed. My skin has completely cleared up. I no longer have that oily sheen on my face, and my skin is smooth and peel free. I don't look like a 13 year old with bad pimples anymore. And I can actually wear makeup without foundation because my skin tone has completely evened out!! I am amazed!!! I also use the same products every day, not switching between products. This is important, because your skin gets used to one formula. As for my eyes, the skin around your eyes is VERY different from the skin on the rest of your face. You should use an eye specific moisturizer with smaller moisturizer cells so that it absorbs better. Otherwise the regular moisturizer will not absorb into the eye skin and will actually weigh the skin dow, creating fine lines and wrinkles. All of this goes for the guys too. Guys neglect their skin so badly. It kills me how my DH treats his face. Guys...get that skin toned back up. It will keep you handsome longer.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Skin Advice

    For the face I use Estee Lauder's line of re-firming moisturizers (night and day), the re-firming eye cream twice a day, and their Idealist Refinisher before I put on the moisturizer and after washing. I have noticed a HUGE difference with my skin since using it. And its pricey getting it all in the beginning but the jars are huge and a little goes a long way!! Drinking your milk, getting your Protein, and taking Vitamin E are really important too!! Work it from the inside out!! And I REALLY want more info on the burn centers paying for the surgery! I have a ton of skin to donate LOL
  9. FunnyDuddies

    self pay vs. insurance

    Thanks all. I appreciate the responses so far. I am going to let this go over the weekend and compile the figures to post on monday. I'll let the post go for as long as possible, but the first set of figures will be on monday. The more people respond, the stronger the figures.
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Music - Whats your flavor?

    You name it, I'll listen to it, but it has to be of some sort of talent. No talent musicians and singers don't go well by me. I am a trained and practicing singer. And I drive my DH nuts cause I can hear a song and sing it back almost perfectly. I am one of those that walks through the grocery store singing to the muzak without noticing that I am doing it.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    What does everyone do for a living?

    Just got a job at Needless Markup. I also sell e-books on how to make money. The out of the house job is to force me to get out of the house now that the kids are in preschool, and meet new people. LOL DH says I am a shut in.
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Cut down that hurt

    ugh I had that happen at a bar once too. the great thing is, it was a bar that I went to twice a week to play pool with DH. The guy didn't know that I knew every guy in that place. 5 of my friends drug him out and two came back with skinned knuckles. I love men who stick up for their friends.
  13. FunnyDuddies


    DH can't keep his hands off me now with someof the weight lost. Even in his sleep LOL Which can very rudely wake you from a pleasant dream!!
  14. FunnyDuddies

    NSV and a weird day

    Yesterday was so weird for me. It started out with me blowing the atkins diet and having a pop tart. I didn't even realize what the hell I was doing till I was mostly done with it. Talk about being an automaton!!! I just hated myself, and cried like a baby. I got on messenger and asked DH for help, and he calmed me down. I seriously even considered throwing up to get rid of it. That made me feel even more like a loser. So in the midst of all my blubbering I get a phone call. Its the dept store I put in an application for. I got the job I wanted!! And this is a very high end store. I thought I was too fat to work there, but they didn't seem to think so. So I go out to buy my new clothes for the job, and I find I am a size smaller!! WOOHOO!! And DH tkes me out for dinner to Celebrate and I easily slide into a booth that I used to have to squeeze into!! With about 3 inches between my tummy and the table!!! Scuse my language but HOLY SHIT!! LOL I was bowled over! I was so happy! Happy days are here again :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Calling all Monterrey MX bansters

    Oh the movies sound really nice. Esp since DH and I never get to go anymore. We have two small kids, and call me old fashioned but I believe in not subjecting other movie goers to a child's chatter. LOL
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Calling all Monterrey MX bansters

    DH and I have had this joke since Christmas that he was going to buy me a Faberge chihuahua to comemorate the band trip to Monterrey in April. Today we were talking about getting a really special souvenir while down there to remember the trip by...aside from the band, which we have already named Betsy. So tell me, what did you find in your adventures the day before or after surgery while down there?? any cool shops, art and crafts, pottery, guitars, or all the other wonderful things MX is known for? Give me some idea. I want to study up on what I might get before going up there.
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Erosion Myths?what Have You Heard?

    Yeah, I had a RNY friend go down the list of what she "heard" caused erosion, and actually chose RNY over banding because of these stupid things... Sit ups (apperently you aren't the only one who heard that) Spicy foods Milk Overeating Smoking Booze straining when trying to have a BM LOL twising excersizes in the first year sicking up and burping bad gas *sigh* i hate when people don't research.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Calling all Monterrey MX bansters

    ooooo. booze. yum. LOL We heard there was some great nightlife, so we are going to go dancing the night before. I am being banded by Dr. Sanchez, and staying at the private guest house he has for his patients. I was told that there is a driver that will take us into town and retrieve us for our shopping. Talk about service! LOL Did you( or any other Monterrey visitors) see any guitar shops? My DH is really wanting to learn spanish guitar and Flamenco, so he has toyed withthe idea of getting a nice spanish guitar there.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Low Rise Jeans and Thong Panties

    have you all heard of the "pearl thongs"? strand up pearls flossing the tush. and lace around the back and tummy. tres chic. boyshorts are my choice. cut low, no panty line, and will cover up total body lift scars nicely. see, I'm thinkin ahead! LOL
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Free Deodorant Samples..

    I LOVE degree! It is all I have used for the last 8 years. And there is nothing better than FREE!!! LOL
  21. You should appeal to the insurance company to get back your one chance. Let them know that the medical staff in his office did not include all the pertinent info, and that you should not be punished for the incompitence of others. let them know you are sending a copy to the state insurance board, and they should give you back that one try. If you have concerns about his staff, talk to him about it. They are his workers, and express how sad you are that now you have to wait for everything to be sent in again, with the added worry that it will be done correctly again. At my old OBGYN the office staff were about as sharp as wet toilet paper. But I LOVED my doc!! He saved my life and my daughter's life during her birth due to his knowledge and experience. I would never change, even with my second on the way just because his receptionist didn't know how many days were in february. LOL Just say something, and express how much you trust and appreciate him, just not his staff.
  22. FunnyDuddies

    What food have you sworn off for good??

    Its weird but since going on atkins and eating really small portions (trying too) when I over eat now I actually get stuck! And I am not even banded. It makes me realize it will happen more often after I get the band and I have to get used to chewing a lot and eating slow. I got stuck the other day with a steak fajita. holy crap my chest hurt! And I had to stretch on the floor and roll around. My kids thought I was playing and jumped on me. LOL not good. I can only imagine how bad it will be when I am banded. I have already sworn off bread because of the atkins diet. I think that might be a good thing to get used to if eating bread when banded is tough.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Calling tattoed bandsters!

    nah right now mine are all pretty stupid. LOL but once they are gone my butterfly will havetonsof meaning!! Amy
  24. FunnyDuddies

    what time do u stope eating at night?

    I was told 3-4 hours before bedtime. This ensures that the food isprettywell digested, willhelp with acidreflux, and that it won't just be sitting in your tummy all night. But a set time is not goodfor everyone. 7 would not work for me since I usually go to bedaround 3am. I would be a starvin marvin!! Amy
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    AAAAAAAAAAAH! You posted! Caught you! :target: Look, bottom line is this. For the doctors, if a patient decides they need to complain to you or others because of the care they have received, they have every right to do so. And those who have paid for it themselves have even more of an "investment" into all of this. I think that sometimes surgeons lose site of the fact that many people who have this done save every penny for it, and are taking a big risk health wise and financially. For a surgeon to make a comment like the ones that have been thrown around here are surprising to say the least. If I was wanting more business I would not be making such comments on a board like this one. You want your appearance here to be one of compassion and caring, not of sarcasm and ridicule. And whether it is meant that way or n ot, it is certainly how it came across. Got to remember...we are a bunch of fat and formerly fat people. We have tender feelings and roiled emotions already. :crazy: As for surgeries in Mexico...My grandmother always used to say "One person's palace is another person's shithouse." Do your research, listen to experiences, but there is no way you will know every single detail possible. Just make the most informed choice possible. I feel comfortable with my choice of Dr. Sanchez. But part of that is knowing that if something goes wrong...he takes care of it. And I have spoken to people who have had to have him correct things. I know this is a fact. Seems there are some surgeons out there willing to offer a guarantee on their work. That gives me hope and trust. I cry at some of the stories here. I feel for the folks who have eroded or had some other complications. I sweat over decisions that aren't in my hands. I worry and pray for test results and dr. appts that my fellow LBTers go to. This is damned near a family situation here. We are tied to something, and not just tied by the band, but tied by a common history. A common story. And a common journey. To trivialize anyone's experiences and trials is to trivialize your own. It all comes back to the golden rule, which we have so kindly been made aware is "Do unto others..." Amy

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