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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    from the dept of "if it's not one thing...."

    ((((((vines)))))) Keep smiling dear. Nothing is ever given to us that we cannot handle.
  2. Elisa I would have looked at the anestesiologist(sp?) and said "put me under quick before I pop him one!" LOL 10 pounds is 10 pounds and not to be sniffed at!
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Why do we allow temptation?

    Lisa you remind me of a funny thing a friend of the family said one day. He is in AA, and when stopped drinking he took up eating. He gained 70 pounds. We were concerned about him, and asked him what was going on. He said "Simple, one vice for another. But at least no one ever got a ticket for driving while full of ice cream." Its comical, but we have to keep this in mind. We are compulsive people. We have to become compuslive about healthier things. Like workouts, or sex. I know, when done right it is the same thing.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    I Told A Big Old Lie

    I had a boss that got nosey when I had to go in for a breast reduction. I asked for the time off, which wasn't a problem, but he was pushy to find out why I had to have surgery. I told him it was a personal matter, and the jokes started. When I came back it was fairly evident what I had done... (went from a EEE to a DD LOL) I had the surgery for medical reasons because of my back, but he actually tried to deny my time off after the fact because he saw it as "Plastic Surgery" Stick with your fib. It is none of your boss's business, and lord only knows what their response would be to something like this. When you come back, let him know everything went well, and never mention it again. If a question is brought up when you start losing weight, just remind him that it is none of their business.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Why do we allow temptation?

    You know I just spent the last hour typing out a response to this. Then I erased it. LOL This is what it comes down to. We all have a problem with food. We are all fat. I know it isn't PC to say...but we are. We wouldn't be here if we weren't. We all have excuses as to why this isn't working, or why we have failed in the past. We all have to work with what we have, and make everything work to the best of its ability. If we use the band to make things easier...GREAT! But there will always be a struggle. For some it is a medical condition that makes us fat. For others it is a psychological condition. For others it is a matter of time and laziness. Not everyone is the same. But there is one clear fact. Eating fattening foods will not allow us to lose weight. So we should not eat them. Complaining that we don't have the willpower about it doesn't change that. It is a simple fact. And keeping it in the house for any reason is nothing but setting ourselves up for a bad day. Sure we can drive out and get it, but that should not be an excuse to keep it in the house. Why make it easier for us?? Make your house a safe house for you...and get your spouse to help out with this. They are your spouse, they love you, and make it clear that staying fat = death and they ill throw that ice cream and mac and cheese and cookie dough and pizza out faster than you can say "calories".
  6. FunnyDuddies


    oh candy that is funny!!
  7. When we could have just bought one of these!! http://cgi.ebay.com/stainless-steel-DIET-SPOON-Japan_W0QQitemZ7376322158QQcategoryZ20106QQssPageNameZWD1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  8. FunnyDuddies

    May I pig-out, please?

    Oh my god Nana that is such a good idea!!! I did that when I stopped smoking! And it helped! You know we went to the state fair this weekend, and I was so set to just pig out like a mofo. But DH had a great idea. We were gonna take one thing at a time, and start with the "god I need this the most" item. Then buy only one, and split it amongst the 4 of us. First thing, a pulled pork sandwich. I took one bite, the kids and DH polished off the rest. The next thing, BBQ'd corn on the cob dripping with butter. I took three bites. Then we walked around for about 2 hours, and I really wasn't hungry. But DH and the kids got hungry again. So we went for a funnel cake. I did pretty good. I drank a fresh squeezed lemonade, and had a few bites of funnel cake, but then a sign caught my eye. They have, at the fair, THE food created by the devil.... Deep Fried Oreo Cookies I had never seen those before, but I had to try one. When you order it you get a tray of four oreos that have individually been dipped in funnel cake batter, then deep fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar. I ate one. I am proud I didn't eat more. LOL Cause those puppies were calling me big time!! DH and the kids each had 3 i think. Delarla, pace yourself. I know those craving suck the big white sausage. You gotta pick one, have a little, and do it slowly, then put all of your energy back into doing everything right again. And then maybe do a little extra DH rodeo that night to burn off the extra cals you take in.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Alive and Kickin, but not so well

    Oh ouch sweety!! You take care, put your feet up, and just think about the band eventually being installed. You will get through this, and I am glad they figured out what it was, and that they got it out. Take care!!
  10. FunnyDuddies

    The WHY ARE MEN SO WEIRD thread.

    Vines now that he is losing weight he is getting more and more streamlined too. That speed is going to increase !!! LOL I have some weird food qwerks that make DH shudder. I like sour cream on my steak, but I can't stand it on my potato. I HATE unsalted butter and won't eat anything that it is on. Bread is not eaten with butter, it is dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. And cheese sandwiches consist of white bread, yellow mustard, processed yellow cheese and several chips of sweet pickles and onions. Said sandwich must then be pressed down as flat as possible. DH hates that one. I also do not like to eat cereal with milk. I prefer Oranger Juice, and the best is Grape Nuts with OJ. YUMMY!!!
  11. FunnyDuddies

    phone call from hell.

    Stacey, yes you do!! LOL And Vines, you are right, that would have been worse. I was just so wasted after that call. I am very lucky that he is so caring, and supportive. He certainly was not happy with the idea at first, but that all stems from what he says as him "not seeing me as a fat girl". My dad would say this, but he would be like Stacey's friend...trying to keep my spirit small while making my butt bigger. LOL
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Does anyone use creams/ lotions?

    when getting lotions, be sure to look at the ingredients. Any lotions that contain any sort of alcoholwill dry out the skin, and will cause scars to not dissapear the way they should. If you see alcohol, stay away. Any other lotion without alcohol, that contain vitamin E is great for your skin all over. I also use a soap that I get here at a local shop that contains goat's milk. It has so many great properties, nd leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth. I also sometimes use a soap with olive oil in it, but the goats milk is by far my favorite.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Self pay / How much?

    Yeah that part surpised me!! They may have a package price, but they require a bunch of stuff not included in the package amount, and that can add thousands! My dr is charging $8000 and that includes everything but airfare. Fills are free for life if I go back to MX, but I can also go to a doctor he recommends here in Tampa for their small fill fee. If I go to Mexico I stay at the guest house free of charge. So my only out of pocket is the airfare plus $8k, plus (at the worst) any other airfare to MX, which I look at as a great vacation LOL
  14. well...i have been pre-op dieting since i was 20 LOL in all seriousness i am pre-op dieting to lose fat around the liver, but to also lower my hunger and appetite. so far i have lost over 40 pounds. 10 of those pounds in the last month or so.
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Are your children or pets overweight?

    hoooo doggies!! that is one big rottie!!
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Self pay / How much?

    Really depends on a lot. Some US doctors range between 12k all the way to 40k. If you go outside of the US you are looking anywhere from 5k to 13k from what I have seen. Some of these include after care, some don't. It all depends on what you are looking for in a surgeon, and how much aftercare you want included.
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Things that got stuck in your orifices.

    I stuck a bead from a friends necklace that broke up my nose once when I was in first grade. I then got a very bad nose bleed, that did not stop. I was embarrassed about the bead and thought I would get in trouble, so I did not tell. My parents took me to the ER because of the nose bleed, and the doctor removed the bead. I feigned innocense. To this day my mother teases me about it. And DH got stuck one time. LOL It was before we were married. My dad came home early to take us to a Mariner's game. Yes, we were one of those couples that got stuck together due to me freaking out and "clamping down". Thankfully my dad knew better when I told him "DO NOT COME IN HERE! IT WILL BE MORE PAINFUL TO YOU THAN IT WILL BE TO ME, AND I ALREADY HURT ALOT!!" He said "Okay" and we went to the game about 30 minutes later. No one talks about it since then. LOL
  18. Saw this tonight. Just thought I would share. http://news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20060212/hl_hsn/weightlosssurgeryforsomethelasthope
  19. FunnyDuddies


    Ever notice that when you go a few days witout sex...things just keep getting in the way...then when everything is right, you are both hornier than you have ever been...and aunt flo comes to town. just me?? ok...nevermind. :cool:
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Are your children or pets overweight?

    See, with our kids, though, we don't restrict foods. They are free to choose what they want to eat, but they more often than not choose healthier foods. They are more flavorful, and they love the vibrant colors of natural healthy veggies and fruits. They choose chicken over beef, and fish over chicken, and they LOVE fruit. My son will have a salad anytime he can, and they thrive on tomatoes. They eat them almost every meal it seems. My daughter's favorite sandwiches are tomato sandwiches. But I have never been food nazi with them. They eat their fare share of nuggets and cheeseburgers and iced cream.
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Feeling Short Now!

    I feel really tall at most times because of my weight, and i am 5ft4. When I was a size 4 I felt tiny, like I could hide anywhere and people were always looking over me. Now I feel like a giant, and like I loom over even the amazonian women. Maybe its my additude. LOL
  22. Girl, from all of the posts I have read by you...ain't nothin' gonna break your stride! Send the surgeon a bouquet of flowers and a nice drippy card full of happy thoughts and sentiments about you geting the band from him, and that you are looking forward to your new phase of this journey. Leave it in a happy place, and go find a fill doctor who is going to not be afraid to hide behind dismissal by post. Lots of love and fat girl hugs.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Are your children or pets overweight?

    Our daughter was born a week late, and was still tiny. She is a rail, and eats like a horse when she has her growth spurts, but like a bird the rest of the time. She is all legs, and at 4 years old she wears 6 year old clothes due to her lankiness. The boy is kinda weird. (in more ways than one!) He has fat cheeks. And he is broad shouldered and tall for his age too. He was a month early and weighed 8 and a half pounds!! But he never has a belly except just after eating. His legs and arms are skinny rails, and after waking up every morning he comes running out of the room with his ribs showing. And the boy can EAT!! He eats more than his mom and dad put together! LOL But he is really active and burns weight off like crazy. The dog is skinny too, but he is a border collie and runs with the boy. Both of them seem to be dead set on running their dinner off when ever possible. The cat is a big fat tub of fur. His name is Elwood. His stomach touches the ground when he walks. He gets spoiled because of the kids, who give him way more food than he should get. He is old, and happy to be fat and slow and a major snuggle bunny.
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Star Jones

    Hey now!! I do pilates! LOL :peace:
  25. FunnyDuddies

    self pay vs. insurance

    Ok. Need to put a huge disclaimer here... The questions I am about to ask could be construed in a light that makes it seem I am blaming problems with the lap band on the owner. I AM NOT IN ANYWAY DOING THIS!!! I am trying to look at the psychology of things, and ask for some statistics. This is similar to the 25% failure rate thread. That thread made me wonder. So please do not take what I am asking as an attack to anyone. It is not. So I am wanting the following questions answered by anyone willing to take this survey... --Are you self pay, partial insurance covereage, or full/most insurance covered? --How long have you been banded? (in number of months) --What is your AVERAGE weight loss since banding? (total weight loss divided by number of months banded) --Have you had any complications? If so, what? --Have you had your band removed? --What country was your band placed in? --What is your age? (I know...touchy. LOL But it does go along with the question.) I will post the results. This survey and main question is based on the curiosity of how people do on the lapband, and to see if the level of financial investment has had any baring on the success rate. Again...I am not wanting a fight to break out over this. It is touchy, and I understand that. This is purely a scientific curiosity. Lets all remain friends on this.

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