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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    Ah hell. just say penis. ooooooooh. here's an idea. *hee hee* Women...what does your guy call his tallywhacker? And what do you call it?
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Never gain weight again

    I agree with Heather. I am making this choice for a couple of reasons. A tool to assist my weight loss, a constant reminder of my struggle with weight, and an investment in my body to make it healthy again. if my band slips, or something goes wrong, and all of a sudden I weigh 10 pounds more, you bet my ass will be on a treadmill and taking that weight back off. I am not going through this to just gain the weight back. When my weight comes off, it is going to stay off.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Things that got stuck in your orifices.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA thats gross lol
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Two Dogs dumped at my house...

    Why not call the local news station, and the local police dept. You will get some donations while you keep the dogs, a local vet will prolly give a free checkup, and if someone is missing two wanderers they will call to claim. meanwhile people can contact the news station to give their names to adopt the doggers. We had a similar thing happen, and that is how we handled it. cost us a total of $10 in food since we got some donations, and we adopted out the dogger to a great family.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Boss is a good guy!! Listen to what he did!

    What a great guy!!! That is amazing!
  6. FunnyDuddies


    mmmm....coffeecoffeecoffeecoffee. I can't go without my coffee. We have a coffee maker in the bathroom for the morning. Does that say anything about us? Gotta have our coffeecoffeecoffeecoffee...
  7. FunnyDuddies

    phone call from hell.

    He is better than the real family I have! LOL But I have a way to get back at him for making me so emotional. He is coming to help me move at the end of the month. I told rob it was his responsibility to force Ed to take all the heavy boxes. Make me tired, will ya? We'll just see about that. How wonderful is he? I got flowers this morning from him. Address to his "beautiful skinny sister". The man makes me cry more than my own husband!!! And guess what girls! He's single. Line forms to the left. No pushing now.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Lost my Neice, Karen.

    (((((VERA))))) I am so sorry, hon. This is truly sad. I hope that in this time you and your family will share many memories together, bringing smiles to grieving faces. Take what you can from her blessed life, and learn from it. You and your family, esp your sister, are in Rob's and my prayers. I hope that your family can find peace.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    I'm done.

    Wow. That is something I am very sorry to hear, man. You were one of the reasons I decided to get the band. Your success and changes were one of the many I looked at, and your transformation is memorable. I hope you stick around so we can follow your continued success. Good luck to you!!
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Gross me out, please!

    Productive Burping. It is such a lovely term.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Chubby Chasers (long post)

    Wow. I am surprised by all of this. Jane will eventually walk away completely from John. She should. He continues to show his selfishness. Its quite sad. It makes me crazy that men center the relationship around sex so much. My father did this with my mother. His deal with her was that she was getting older. Thing is, she is in her 50's and literally looks like she is in her 30's. But he still left her for a 30 year old trvel agent. He also gave her everything in the divorce. And wanted to remain friends. But when she stepped back from the relationship she was able to see how much of a deceiver he was. How controlling he was. And how he needed someone younger so that he could be dominant over them. He left the travel agent when she turned 40. He is now dating a 28 year old. Just like "john". Jane is doing great, and honestly, is better off with all of this. Glad to hear she is doing so well in her weight loss, and that is great that she has found someone that she can relate to with the WLS experiences. And there is SOOO much to be said for casual dating!! LOL She needs to go out there and enjoy her new found bod with men who are going to love her new figure!!! Go Jane!!!
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Why do we allow temptation?

    Hey fridays are our free nights too. LOL I think it is a good way to allow yourself a little something, in an amount that cannot hurt you or your weight loss, and will tide you over for the time being. I was just telling someone about the move we have comng up. A new house, to go along with our new life. And it also will have new rules. No red meat. And most of our meals will come from our fishing trips to the pier that is 1 mile away. As a family we will walk to that pier every weekend, and fish together. Excersize, free food for the week, and time together. I told DH if he does not becomeagood fisherman his family will starve. That fish will taste so much sweeter knowing that we caught it as a family, and enjoyed doing it all together. That will be my new food obsession. The family will also beplanting a veggiegarden in the backyard, and we will grow some of our food as well, and take to the saturday market to exchange with other people doing the same. This will be the family's new food obession. It is so much healthier than having sugary cereals, cookie dough, cake and ice cream, pasta, etc in the house. And the food means so much more.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Skin Advice

    dammit!! now i gotta start another savings account. lol
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Why do we allow temptation?

    What I have learned from Bandsters is that unless you are ready to make this work, you will find ways to eat around the band. A lot of people get the band, and other wls, expecting it to do the work for them. This is a tool people!! Not a fix. I am ready to do the work. I want to work hard. And I know the band is going to help me from falling off the wagon. But I also know that keeping bad foods around me, even for the sake of my family, will turn me into a failure. Why is it so hard to accept the fact that we hold our own destiny? We have responsibility to ourselves. Get the crap out of the house. Don't make Cookies for the kids. Don't buy hot dogs and chips for your spouse. And throw out the old stuff in the fridge and freezer. Why are you going to go through such a huge surgery, such a life changing moment for you, and then make excuses as to why you need to keep eating crap?? I know...We are fat. Yeah we are! Why in the hell did you get the band if you were going to continue to fail yourself? Is it so you have something to blame? "I just can't lose...I even got the band and it didn't help" This obviously does not include those with true problems with their metabolism. This goes for whoever it is that ate a tub of cookie dough. Whoever it is that drinks shakes and eats pudding by the gallon to get around the band. Whoever eats the junk that was bought at the store because they wanted to placate a spouse and family who is not willing to make the sacrifice for your health. Sorry. I know this is a big rant. But it makes me sad to see people struggling. I am taking this plunge with hope for my future. And I hope for everyone else's future. I yell because I care. LOL
  15. FunnyDuddies

    I am so f'in pissed

    HAHAHA amazing isn't it?
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Illude - NOT a newbie!

    you are soooo gorgeous!! great work!!!
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    just call me peter cottontail
  18. FunnyDuddies

    News Story

    2 different dr. petes posting here. but i agree, i think a few more credentials need to be given from the first dr. pete before personal info should be given out.
  19. FunnyDuddies


    Dawg...let me put this to you simply. You know my pissed thread?? I married a man exactly like you! Make sure you don't pull and ass move like Rob did. Pnut may not be as kind as I was. LOL I nall seriousness. Personalities like yours are hard to find, and truly cherished.
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Why I am Doing This:Not Feeling Well

    ((((((bups)))))) I'm sorry you are having troubles. I know that it is so hard to feel good about yourself when you feel sick or bad. You are dealing with a lot, and I hope some of it can get solved soon before you feel like a drowned cat.
  21. FunnyDuddies

    I am so f'in pissed

    Totally NOT an issue here. This is just a case of him being uncharacteristicly selfish, and nothing more. He just picked the wrong date, the wrong time of the month, and the wrong time in our lives to pull such a stunt. We had it out last night. I confronted him about it all, he tried sleeping on the couch, I dragged his ass back into the bedroom and we fought. Here is the outcome. When we first got together he was a VERY affectionate and passionate man. He still is to a point, but not so much anymore. But Valentines day he was always his old self. Didn't need to get me anything, his tight hand holds, and stolen kisses, and winks from across the room were everything. Because we sometimes did stuff...sometimes didn't...left him with the impression that valentines wasn't so important. This was news to me, but it is how he feels. And looking back there are some valentines days we didnothing. But his actions and affection always made it special. This year I didn't get the special affection. And it broke my heart. In my fighting with him I realized that it wasn't anger over not getting earrings. It was anger over not getting the "i love you"s andthe hand holds and the winks. I didn't get that puppy love that I miss so much. There is no question that my husband loves me. Rob is one of the most loyal, kind, loving, men you could meet. Yeah, he doesn't outwardly show it with hugd and kisses as much as he used to...but he does show it in other ways. Postponing buying a car he has wanted for the last 11 years to take the money and give it to me for my surgery. Taking off from a meeting where he is getting an award to have lunch with me before my job interview so that I am not jittery. Loving his children unconditionally and working hard to spend every moment he can with them. The suggestion that he was possibly unfaithful is laughable. And it is scary that fidelity is so ruined in this day and age that this would be the first conclusion people might jump to. His being gone for two hours?? I asked about this. He went to a special wine store that is about 30 minutes away normally so that he could get a nice bottle of wine for dinner. And we live in Tampa, so during rush hour traffic...2 hours is actually a good time. I don't think it was the smartest move, but it was not a cheat or him being an ass in any way. He has apologized, and we have made up. The great thing about us...we are comfortable enough that we can yell and fight, I can call him an ass for not professing his undying love for me on v-day, and we can make up quickly and be better for it all. This weekend he is making up for it. The pitching staff for the braves report today for their first bit of spring training. He is taking me and the kids to disney's wide world of sports to watch a pitching workout. I am very excited!! All of you who posted...Thank you. I am surprised at the severity of some of the posts, and some of the suggestions that were offered. LOL But everyone has their own relationship. I appreciate the help, and the hugs offered, and the strength I get from all of you. This was just a situation of my dh being a jerk on one day, and me venting about it. Granted, it was a big day, and a big deal, but there is no worries for anyone to think that this is a regular occurence. Like I said...I married a GREAT GUY. Just not sure why he became an ass for a day.
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Question: Was I too hard on the hubby?

    LOL I would have thrown the whole bucket, and the mashed potatoes at him!! What an ass thing to do! Screw maturity....That was the right thing to do!
  23. FunnyDuddies

    I am so f'in pissed

    Ok, there is waaaay too much over thinking here. Here are the solid facts... My husband still has 180 of the 200 bucks. He just didn't get anything. I made it very clear the money was for a gift. We even joked about it...and then he asked me what I wanted. I told him a pair of earrings. This was 3 days before V-day. And what is he depressed about?? That the project he finished at work is over, and all he has had to do for the last 2 days is to develope his own program to make the desktop picture change to a different picture every 10 minutes. And the fact that the last two weeks he has lost 20 pounds my just reducing his caloric intake, but has plateaued for the last 3 days. These are his seriously bad depressing issues. Not a friend dying, or work being too hard. I'm sorry, but Valentines day is a big day for us. It is an anniversary of sorts. The day we moved in together for the first time was valentines day, and we have always done something. This year he just became a huge prick. Nothing to me at all, and he finished off his evening by looking at porn for 2 hours. I asked him what was the deal today, and he said that he was selfish, and that he thought it wouldn't be a big deal. I told him he was wrong, and he said I could take the cash and go buy some earrings. That isn't what I want!! I want him to go out of his way to do something. Like I did. Not just have it be like every other day. Esp when it is Freakin obvious that I did a lot for him.
  24. Doc...I could have SOOOOO used bingo tonight!! LOL Happy V-day all!! I really hope you all know how much we mean to each other!!!
  25. FunnyDuddies

    I dare you to be...

    Jill i am right there with ya. Not only excell spreadsheet, but 3 different calendars and a day timer. And on my spreadsheet I also have a tab where I keep all of my goals and dreams, and basically I am divided upwith the tabs on excersize, caloric intake, emotions for the day, weight and measurments, and Water intake. Most of the calendars only have room for the measurments and weight, but the daytimer has room for the diet and excersize and water and emotions too. And yes, dh says i am very anal when it comes to this. but hey, gotta be compulsive with something right? and it better not be food!!

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