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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    2006 Lapband Awards

    Eh, I'm married to one just like him. I know what gets em snortin. :confused: Hey maybe we should swap! HA!
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Look Thinner... feel fatter.

    You like me! You REALLY like me!
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Look Thinner... feel fatter.

    Well...if you look at it from his point of view...I AM the woodland realm. LOL
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Look Thinner... feel fatter.

    :cake: hey guess what dawg...you are losing weight. aint it great? :confused:
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Look Thinner... feel fatter.

    wah wah wah dawg, LOL personal trainer in the house and you are whining about Jello skin. hehehehe don't make me hurt you. sit on the edge of the couch while you are watchin tv and do some leglifts. or pick uppnut a few times to work on those arms and chest. see...no gym time. LOL joking, as always, but really, swimming will be good (the jiggly skin in the Water might tickle) but get some weight work done. dumbells and all that. As for the brain band...without turning this into an adult thread, you know what I could say about the male member and cutting off blood to the brain to lessen thoughts. I doubt you need a surgery for this. :confused:
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Suggestion For Adult Board

    I belong to a number of online boards, and I gotta say, this is one of the tamest I visit. LOL But just about every board, with many people involved, turn to sex at some point here and there. Just as it turns to prayers, men vs women jokes, politics, and so on. Very rarely can a group of people get together to discuss one topic, and not touch on another topic. I think that, in a situation like this one, weight loss touches many aspects of our lives, so many topics are talked about. And sex is a biggie!! Sex changes dramatically with weight loss/gain, and quite often people become freer when they break out of that fat cocoon. This is a healthy, private, anonymous place for some to push the boundries, find their niche, ask questions and find humor in their changing sexuality. Its isn't for everyone, but it is good it is there and available for a few. I think that good thread titles are greatly in need and appreciated, but I think a seperate section would be bad. We would then come down to trying to decide what is "too raunchy" and someone with a serious question (like delarla's in regards to plastic surgery) might not get answered. That's my $.02
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Pain in my breast.

    I have this too. It is called an annoying DH that likes to poke and grab at inopportune times. LOL All kidding aside, there is no "too young". You should have a good OBGYN and you need to go have that checked out. Be sure. Good luck!!
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    **FD sings "She aint nothin but a hoochie momma!!"* I need to go dancing.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Anyone else falling behind?

    LOL dork. :confused: just kidding. me too. When I go back to work it is going to take me another 4 hours to devour all the posts here and on the other 2 boards I belong to. LOL DH will never see me. He said one surefire way for me to lose weight...attach the laptop to the stationary bike. LOL
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Found marajuana & need advice

    Well good luck, and I hope that next thanksgiving you can hug a very clean and healthy nephew. :confused:
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Not band related - looking for ppl in FL

    K. I live in tampa. here is what you are looking for. Tampa is a great city, IMHO. It is laid back, fun, lots of activities (there seems to be a parade every weekend LOL) and great people!! The neighborhoods can be hit or miss. But if you are working in tampa, you do NOT want to live in the areas you listed. the commute would be about 1hr to 1.5hrs one way. :confused: Thanks to the lovely I275. You are gonna want to look at areas called Dunedin, clearwater, safety harbour (that with were we are moving to on March 1st). St. Pete has a lot of crime, so try to stay north. This gives you a home close to the Water, but not right on the water. And the home prices range widly. The parameters you gave can land you a home from about $200,000 to $1million. It really depends on a lot. But there are plenty of homes to choose from. And you do not just have to look at new construction. The older homes around here are really well taken care of. And they are usually larger, and on a larger piece of property. IT jobs are PLENTIFUL!!! Tell your DH to look up a company called Numara. Its where my DH works. Used to be a part of Intuit before it went independent. They are a good company. There are plenty of others, and plenty of IT jobs in other sorts of companies too. Don't even think about the bugs. We have fun describing the bugs here in florida, but it really isn't an issue. You are going to find the most annoying thing is just ants, and you learn how to handle that quickly. Honestly, I do not think about it unless my daughter is freaking out over a spider of a fly (she has a bug phobia) Tampa is, like I said, and awesome place. You are 1.5 hours from Disney and Universal, 2 hours from NASA and daytona, couple of hours from miami and the keys, orange groves everywhere, beautiful weather all year long (today was sunny and 78 :cake: ) and the pace is very beach bum-ish. Fruity drinks and hammocks are not out of the ordinary, and the tiki bar is always calling. :cake: If you have any other questions please ask. I am happy to let you know about particular housing areas too. I can drive by and let you know if it is a good neighborhood or not. DO NOT trust the realtor. There is a big thing realtors are doing here in trying to turn crappy neighborhoods into nice ones by bringing in people willing to do some rehab. Problem is the neighborhood will not become safe for 4 or 5 years. No good. HTH!!!
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Found marajuana & need advice

    I am so glad that the lines of communication are still open. Hopefully this will be the little wake up call he needs to realize how serious this sort of thing can be. My prayers are with him and his buddi g family, and with you on your new fresh start. So what are ya going to do with the room? a workout room maybe? :confused:
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Found marajuana & need advice

    Ok, I think the thing that people who are saying "its ok" are forgetting is that this is not a person who is using pot recreationally in his own home. This is a KID with a WIFE and a Kid of his own, who can't afford to provide a home for his own family. um...call me silly, but the fact that he is smoking pot clearly shows stupidity and lack of responsibility. And the wife knows...in a situation like that she is either smoking it with him, or helping him to cover it up. Pity the child, maybe even call child services. Get it the hell out of your house. If he wants to smoke it...fine! Let him. But you have rules, and there is no reason why you should just let someone skate for a bit even though he broke the rules. I don't get why some of the people here want her to go easy on him. HE IS DOING ILLEGAL DRUGS IN HER HOUSE AROUND HER KIDS AND AN INFANT!!! AND HIS MEMORY IS SO BAD HE LEFT A WHOLE BAG WHERE HERN CHILDREN COULD FIND IT AND USE IT!!! Family or not, he would have been out that night. And I have gone through that my self, kicking a family member out with nothing due to drugs. Nothing comes that close to my kids. For no reason!!!
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Look Thinner... feel fatter.

    you could always get a body suit to hold all the skin up and in...and just cut holes for the important bits. :confused:
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    Delarla, as part of most total body lifts, a vaginal lift can be included. That gets rid of the (as a few of my dumb-ass men friends so affectionately call it) FUPA. The Fat Upper Pussy Area. I actually saw a hat at the mall the other day... It said FUPA Class of '06. I almost bought it. :confused:
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Not band related, Maybe XXX, maybe some arguing...

    I am offended. I came in here expecting good and healthy XXX sex talk, and got this bs about arguments. :confused: I'm with ya gurl.
  17. FunnyDuddies


    Don't look for a relationship, because you will prematurely possibly jump into something unhealthy...looking for that solid love. Instead, just be open for it. Continue to casually date, but be open for something more long term. It will happen when it is right. Up until now you have gone out with the mindset "casual only..." but without you might find some possibilities you would have passed by before. Good luck!!! :confused:
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Look Thinner... feel fatter.

    dawg, i really do feel the same. the inside of my thighs are all loose and soft compared to before. and my butt is sagging. LOL I went to get out of bed the other day, and my fat tummy and leg smacked together and made the worse sound. i fell flat on the bed and cried. Yeah I've lost, but my bod feels like it is a candle on a hot window sill.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    85 % Burnt - Stupid Stupid Me

    OOOOOOOOOOOW I am a pale redhead, and I tell you what, I have had the lobster look so many times in my life. I am a water baby and spent so much time at the pool or beach growing up I was permanantly sunburned for about 8 years of my childhood. When the burn goes away, I am paper white again. I envy those who can tan. But I do not envy your burn. Aloe in between the medical rubs, to give the skin natural moisture. It will cut down on the peeling. There is a spray on aloe you can get so you don't have to touch the skin. A brilliant idea indeed. Also take some extra vitamin E during this time to help the skin heal, and some extra milk if you can stomach it. and bathing will allow you to soak in moisture all over your body. A lot of the pain is from the skin cells being so dehydrated and soaking in a tub of water can really help to rehydrate them directly. and spend as much time nekkid as possible. LOL
  20. FunnyDuddies

    phone call from hell.

    DH and I have a best friend (ex room mate from college) who is like a brother to us. He is the god father to our children. He means the world to us, and he is involved in our lives in many different ways. So today I was on the phone with him, Ed, and it slipped that we are going to Mexico in April. "Mexico?? You don't have time for vacation! Whats up?" I tell him that we are just taking a quick trip, but he knows me. He sees through me. He says "Bullshit, whats going on?" So I dish, and I get back a whole host of mixed reactions, feeling, curses, and verbal hugs. We must have talked for over an hour about every aspect. It was like he was going through the various levels of grief. LOL I think it was a harder thing for him to accept than it was for me! It was tough, and at various points we both shed tears. He loves me, and I love him. Like I said, he is very close to DH and us like family. I am so happy that he cares this much, but it is hard to see someone express fear over your decisions. He understands, and stands behind me every step of the way, but it was an emotionally draining conversation. Am I alone in this? Did anyone else go through this? Are we being silly?? LOL I so need a nap now. :faint:
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Things that got stuck in your orifices.

    I don't care how good looking the guy is...it would never be a good day to be a small furry rodent stuck up some dudes butt. call me wacky.
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    women with balls = creepy. and you were the one that brought it up. so its your fault. I get to bump uglies (finally) again with dh tonight. in a hotel no less. it will feel so sleezy. I can't wait!
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    pnut, you just gave me creepy thoughts and almost killed my horny.
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    I was gonna say...isn't that the whole idea?? pnut...glad i could make him snort...but you still have not dished the names.... Or he could come on here and tell us himself. I am sure its the sort of thing a guy wants to share with a bunch of women. Well...you know what I mean.
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    heather....the $64,000 question is....does he? Or is that where the real joke lies? LOL DH calls it "king of the woodland realm". He's a bit of a tolkien dork. I call it my "Pogo Stick". Cause its fun to bounce around on.

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