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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    bschmidt25 got a reaction from southernbellair79 in Jealous of others on here   
    I'm a little jealous of you! I'm two weeks post op today and every meal feels like a challenge. Not a matter of if I'm going to have discomfort but how much. Same thing with Protein Drinks. I have been getting better slowly, but I sure wish I felt more "normal". I feel like I haven't been able to be really confident and happy about my decision yet, even though I'm down 25 so far.
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    bschmidt25 reacted to Mersh in Jealous of others on here   
    @bschmidt25 Trust me. That will pass quicker than you'll realize. I can now drink normal again. The whole sipping Water also was lost on me pretty early on. I still struggle to get enough water, largely because I dont carry a bottle with me everywhere I go, which I probably should.
    Right now my day usually consists food wise.
    Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with a little salsa
    11am snack - Protein Shake (45-55g of protein) that I nurse into the afternoon.
    lunch - some deli meat and some cheese or a puree Soup
    Afternoon snack - pepporoni stick or a sf Jello (or two)
    Supper - 1/2 canned chicken with light mayo and buffalo sauce
    Night snack - handful of Whisps or nuts or sf pudding.
    My crutch is the late night need to crunch. Thats a habit I'm working on breaking. Rice cakes and gum are my work around. But I think I might need to go cold turkey all together. The mental game is far harder than the physical.
    I'm getting around 90g of Protein per day but want to up that eventually when I move into full solids in a week or two. My water intake is currently around 1.5-2 liters. (50-70 oz)
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    bschmidt25 got a reaction from Berry78 in Constant Stomach Pain - 9 days post op   
    Thanks for the tip! I was hoping not to have to resort to a laxative. Pretty sure I am constipated as I can't remember the last time I went at this point. I've been making a point to try and go about once an hour but nothing yet.
    I think I can confirm that it was the milk. After the little bit of yogurt yesterday, I haven't had any other dairy and I don't have the constant stomach pain anymore. I do have some back pain now, but I think it's just from sleeping on my back (which I never do) and being laid up the last few days.
    Finally feeling like I'm making some progress. Hopefully the worst is behind me! Thanks all for your help!
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    bschmidt25 reacted to Dabearo in Constant Stomach Pain - 9 days post op   
    Constipation is my vote. My pain started about the 9 day mark. Do a search for remedies on here. Lots of options. Only thing that worked for me was a 1/2 cup warm Water. 2 tsp sea salt dissolved lemon juice. Drink it over 10 15 minutes. Wait about 1 hour. You will go.
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    bschmidt25 reacted to sleevedshereen in Constant Stomach Pain - 9 days post op   
    I had felt pain and like a pulling feeling for the first 3 weeks. Maybe I was a slow healer? Idk...I still occassionally get these little pains near my incisions or near my bellybutton (where my 5th incision was). Our bodies are healing and some are quicker than others. Some people finally feel like themselves at 9 weeks post op...it just takes time. Hang in there! <3
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    bschmidt25 reacted to Berry78 in Constant Stomach Pain - 9 days post op   
    Dairy is hard for lots of people postop. You can really test it out by avoiding all sources of dairy for 24 hours and see how you feel. Bone Broth has 8g Protein in 8oz so you can still get protein. (Slow cooked homemade broth will have protein too). And Isopure, like you've found.
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    bschmidt25 reacted to Berry78 in Constant Stomach Pain - 9 days post op   
    I didn't have that, but we are all different. Suggestions:
    Be sure to keep an eye on your temperature.
    If the pain gets really bad, go to the ER since they can run all sorts of CT scans and stuff.
    How are your bowel movements? Constipation can back things up, causing abdominal discomfort.
    Pay attention to what you are consuming and whether it changes things.
    Keep an eye on your incisions. They should be dry and healing nicely.
    Hope you feel better soon!

  8. Like
    bschmidt25 reacted to LittleLizzieLilliput in panicking about post-op side effects...   
    Girl, You are in full-blown panic mode. I get it, what we are doing is very scary, there can be complications and, if I'm perfectly honest, I tried to talk myself out of the surgery several times. I was scared and just like you - minus the throwing up. I was trying to make deals with god, I was trying to figure out how I could cancel without disappointing people, etc. But in the end I acknowledged that this is what I need to do to live past my 40's. I did regret it for the 1st 4 weeks, cause those were hard weeks. But then I healed and life opened up for me in a way I've never known. I've been obese since high-school. I've never been a size 10-12 as an adult, I've never been able to fly without worry, or ride a rollercoaster without fear of not fitting in the seat, I walk by windows and am proud of who I see rather than shamed.

    And let me just address the lack of shame issue. I no longer walk around feeling total shame and embarrassment over what I look like and what I've become. That has improved my overall happiness as a person. I respect myself more and I can't even quantify for you what that full impact on my life has been...

    There are going to be side-effects and complications. But, for 99% of us, the side effects of obesity are FAR worse than the side effects from the Gastric Sleeve.

    Your life is NOT over, I promise promise promise promise!!! It might feel like that now but in 6 months, if you allow yourself to follow through with this, you will most likely be happier than you have been in years, moving like you would not believe and experiencing joy and success in this process. But it's NOT easy, there IS pain and struggle and tears. But there is with being obese as well.

    Look, what we do here, with this surgery, altering our bodies, taking a step off into the abyss, it's terrifying. But that's what makes each of us such bad-asses!!! We are freaking WARRIORS!! Anyone who says this is the easy way out is just showing their stunning ignorance. This is, by far, the hardest, most rewarding, most amazing thing I've ever done.

    I weighed 375 lbs 5 years ago. I lost 100lbs on an all liquid diet over 16 months. That was SOOOOOO much worse and harder in the long run. Because I had to eat the same thing, chocolate Protein Shake, 5 times a day for 16 MONTHS. MONTHS. lol! This is so much easier. I take all that willpower and self-control and now apply it to my exercise and keeping my head right.

    You are gonna be OK no matter what you decide. It's OK to say I'm too scared and not ready for this. There can be complications, nothing is a guarantee. I wish you all the luck and success!!
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    bschmidt25 reacted to Half-Tum in Just got discharged - AMA   
    Sure, I'm happy the most painful part is over, no regrets, I knew what I was getting into, it just sucks for about two days.

    And I'm sure I'
    ll be happier and happier as I heal and the pain goes away and the weight drops.

    Just saying, it's no walk in the park. Or no picnic.

    Basically it's no picnic in the park that you walked to.

    It's kinda like, someone knocked your ass out, stabbed you six times in the gut and you woke up in the hospital unable to eat anything or sleep at all.

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