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Status Replies posted by Michelle'sgarden

  1. Giving up. A doctor error got my surgery cancelled the day before it was to happen. Screw everything. :57_cry:

    1. Michelle'sgarden


      Don't let it get you down - I found out a week before my surgery that the doctors office made a mistake and had to wait two more months - as a teacher I'd scheduled it at the end of the school year and ended up getting it done two weeks before the new school year. You can imagine how exhausting the first month of school was. Hopfefully your situation will get fixed and you can reschedule - for your future health don't just accept your weight.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. My crazy pre-op clearance requirements:


    • labs
    • radiology upper GI, chest xray, abdominal sonogram (hiatal hernia)
    • cardio stress + echo
    • sleep study (tonight)

    Remaining To-Do's

    • psych consult
    • endoscopy


    • 6 diet consults (2/6 done)
    • 3 surgeon appts (1/3 done)
    • PCP final pre-op


    1. Michelle'sgarden


      Exactly what I went through - you can do it! Stay focused on the end result and time will fly by.

  3. I have scheduled every required test: endoscopy, cardiac+stress test, psychological consult, radiology exams, lab work.  Sleep study is being scheduled by the surgeon's office.  Its a big lift!  I wonder how many people give up along the way?

    1. Michelle'sgarden


      Sounds similar to all the tests I had - every time I had a day off I'd have 3-4 appointments a day- just to get them all done. But finally six months after I started I had the surgery and recovery has been great - I've only lost 16 pounds since 8/14 but I've replaced all my clothes and moved from a 26 to 18 so I'm not too upset.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Going on day 3 of feeling awful, I cant keep my protein down, I can get very minimal water down at this poing everything makes me want to throw up... I have No will to eat or even drink at this point... my energy is super low I do good until about 330 and then I want to crash out... Thinking Im low on fluids so I may be making a trip to the Emergency room :( 

    1. Michelle'sgarden


      Sugarfree popsicles saved me when I couldn't drink

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. I've been going to Planet Fitness 6 days a week for 3 months now.  I'm not sure if this place is amazing or if I'm just amazing in this place. ;)

    So thankful for VSG and getting in the proper mind set,   I'm 100lbs down and running for a consecutive hour.  I never thought this life was possible.

    1. Michelle'sgarden


      Congrats you're an inspiration for those of us starting out

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. They warned me that I may not lose any weight immediately after surgery and they were right.  I've stayed the same to the tenth of a pound.  I've got my protein in every day, done my exercise (actually more that recommended), and got most of my daily water in.  And I've eaten only those foods dictated.  So Frustrating!.  Any suggestions on how to break this plateau?

    1. Michelle'sgarden


      I feel you first I lost a couple of pounds then gained back more! I'm folllowing every thing the doctor said including walking, protein and fluids. I finally hid the scale because the reality is the scale isn't telling the whole story. I've had to replace my entire wardrobe- the clothes I wore in June at the end of our school year didn't fit when's i tried them on last week - two weeks after surgery ( I also lost 40 pounds pre surgery). I put on a size Xl outfit today and in June as wearing 3x! So ignore the scale and check out your clothes, also do you have more energy etc? Good luck!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Constipation horrible. 2 weeks out

    i take any suggestions! 😫

    1. Michelle'sgarden


      Did you try colace? I read on one of the boards this was approved. My doctor told me to drink more water and walk more. Also to make sure I was getting 3-6 grams of fiber - I'm not a doctor so take my words with caution.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Got permission to move on to phase II (puree and soft foods) a couple days early!  Sunday I get to try cottage cheese and the like.  :)

    1. Michelle'sgarden


      Congrats! I moved onto soft foods and have eaten a couple bites of scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, re fried beans and tuna salad over the last few days. It sounds like a lot but it's about 3-5 small bites then I'm full, then the next meal I try something else. So far no problems, just glad to chew something!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Yesterday was 3 months post-op. I have lost 35 lbs since my surgery and 82 lbs since August of last year. I am so happy that I decided to do this for myself. I am healthier than I have been in years and I feel amazing.

    I was eating a low carb diet since December of last year and recently decided to transition to a whole foods plant based diet after reading the book Proteinaholic and  doing my own research. I have an incredible support system for this change as my circle of friends from church are all vegans/vegetarians. At this point my daily carb consumption has gone from 30g to about 55-70g and my protein has dropped from 80-85 down to 50-55. My blood sugar control has remained perfect despite the increase in complex carbs. I continue to avoid sugar, white flour, bread, white rice, and pasta. 

    My weight loss has actually picked up this past week, but this may just be a coincidence. I feel really good. The only slight negative I can note is am a little more drained after a run and have been unable to run my long distance of 3 miles yet. I have been sticking to 2-2.5 miles for now. I think my body is still adjusting to the change. 

    I am going to post my photo because a couple of people have requested before and after pics.  It is hard looking back, but it does help show us just how far we have come and what a difference a year can make.



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