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Posts posted by vsgdon

  1. Hey! We are in the same boat. I am 3.5 weeks out and can barely stomach food. It's really catching up with me too bc I'm running around after two 8 year old twin boys, driving all over town, and my energy had plummeted. I was doing fine until this week. I cannot seem to get my Protein in or all my Water. Yesterday I was so fatigued and weak that someone asked me if i was ok to drive home! One trick that has worked, though it takes me forever to get though a mug, is that bariatric hot chocolate that has 15 grams of protein. I mix it with 8 ounces of milk bc cup of milk has 10 grams of protein so 25 grams in a mug. The taste is pretty good, it's just kind of rich and takes me about 1-2 hours to get through. As I write this though, not having eaten anything yet, the thought isn't appealing. (Who ever thought I would not want food??!!!) my biggest concern is losing my hair if I can't get my protein up-omg trading in one insecurity for another!!!! Last night we went to Thai food and I ordered Soup made with coconut milk to up my calories and added soft tofu. I got a little down. I'm right there with you! I have even thought about puréeing a Protein Bar into my shakes. You should see my front room-Amazon delivered powdered Peanut Butter (PB2), bars and shakes. It looks like a protein store and I want none of it. Holding your hand from California! I'm here with ya!

    5'7 HW: 256 SW: 248
    CW: 235 At 2 week post op GW: 150
    Fantasy GW: 135 Sleeved 8/7

    Wow, we had same surgery date and I feel EXACTLY like you...... I feel like I could sleep half the day.

    Sent from my SM-G920P using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. He guys, 1 month out today. Everything has gone as expected. Last night I started with pain and nausea. I can only describe it as that feeling after a night of drinking and vomiting..... just a cramped, twisted up feeling. Spoke with surgeon, didn't seem too concerned, said could even be a stomach bug. Recommended going back on liquids for 2 days. 24 hours and not getting better. Anyone else experience this?

    Sent from my SM-G920P using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Hey there. I know we on about the same schedule. I feel your pain and frustration. I was so excited to be able to start eating mushy foods...... cant do it. The only thing I can do is the shakes. I cup hood simply smart milk, one light start carnation instant Breakfast, pure Protein powder, and 3 ice cubes in my smoothie maker. Btween pre and post op, I havent eaten food or a meal in a month. I tried scrambled egg whites again today and couldnt keep it down. I was planning on going back to work part time this week and i dont know.... i am sooo tired all the time. All I want to do is eat even a Peanut Butter sandwhich..... I couldnt even if I want to.

  4. It is really amazing how people respond. I was at 300 and wanted to get to 200. Pre surgery, i lost 40 lbs on my own. No one in the outer circle said a word about it.

    Makes me question is our culture just numb to obesity and its just acceptable? Is it because people are so easily offended these days, you cant even pay a compliment? Is it because people fear you may have a medical condition?

    The easy way out angle is a riot to me. They said people would say that at the support group meeting I first went to. If people only knew what I have gone through this year. I havent eaten food in over 3 weeks at this point. You wake up every day of your life feeling like crap, embarrassed of how you look. Frustrated you cant do things , wear things, or eat things other take for granted. You make a decision to cut into your body and cut organs out to get to where others are normally. You will have to alter your way of life and eating for ever. There is nothing easy about any of that.

  5. On 8/1/2017 at 0:59 PM, sleevedshereen said:

    Honestly, I think it has to do with people being jealous or insecure. I genuinely feel that in SOME cases, especially with women, they wouldn't want to compliment you or give you the confidence or make you feel good about yourself because they don't want you to look better or thinner than them. It's really sad honestly.

    Someone in my life (a female) weighs a little less than me since my weight loss. She was happy that I was about 30-35 lbs more than her. It made her happy knowing I was bigger than her. But now my weight is going down and she has not asked about surgery, how I"m doing, feeling, etc. She says I cheated and took the easy way out and is getting pissed off because I'm a few lbs away from being the same weight as her now. She doesn't realize I'm struggling on this journey of being on liquids for an entire month and not eating fast food or drinking sodas anymore and having Portion Control and exercising will all contribute to my weight loss...the surgery isn't a magic pill....it gives me the will power and hope I didn't have before.

    Eff the people who don't support you or notice you. They want you to stay down, how you were before surgery.

    Your light is shining through as your coming into your new skin....just shine and blind em. ;)

    You are spot on.

  6. This morning was rough. I started moving gas out the lower end and bm started. Every time I layed back down, the pain would start again and back to the bathroom. This went on for about 3 hours. The only thing I could compare it to was the worst stomach bug ever. After it cleared.... I felt pretty good. Been walking around the house and sleeping all day. Oh, and sipping liquids. So far, everything I was told is right on, no surprises.

    my high weit when I went to the information class was 294. Day of surgery I was 255. Today, I am at 249.... which the last time I was this low was my wedding 10 years ago.

  7. 24 hours post op. Smallest sip of Water or ice, instant gas. I was up walking around as soon as I got to my room. Biggest issue was trying to pee after anesthesia, finally worked out last night.

    Just had a couple small spoons of Jello. Got a little nausea so backed off. So far , pretty much what I expected.. I hate to say it but not as much pain as I thought. Hang in there and move around.

  8. 12 hours ago, JustJulie said:

    You only needed to lose 60 pounds? No way in hell Would I have this surgery for that amount of weight. I thought you had to be at least 100 or more overweight to even qualify for it. I would cancel.

    Not very supportive to a fellow wls member?? Amount of weight to lose is a factor but not all of it. I am going in tomorrow, and I need to lose about 40 lbs to get to my weight. I have already lost 40 since the beginning, but this next 40 is the 40 i have never been able to get rid of..... or keep off.

  9. Sounds like guide lines from your insurance. Some make you have a supervised diet and excercuse program before you will be considered.

    I contacted my insurance directly and got all the information as far as wls goes and what they covered. Mine was bmi index, family health history..... met with surgeon. Surgeon agreed I was a candidate. Labs, nutritionist, nurse, psych eval, 4 week class, pre op support meeting, follow up with surgeon..... then was given a date and some pre op appts and labs.

  10. I am on day 11 of my liquid diet. The first week was a breeze but the past 2 days have been tough. I feel like I hit a wall.... no energy, could sleep all day. My surgery is monday. Every time I stand up or bend over, I get light headed. I made some scrabbled egg whites and a handfull of turkey yesterday. I am on vacation in a house full of people eating burgers, hot dogs, wings, chips, beer. Probably worse case scenario. Im gonna get through it ok. Best advise is keep the liquids flowing. If you go hours without intake, you get that starving feeling that is hard to catch up with on just liquids. Good luck!

  11. We are in the same boat....

    The definition of insanity is repeating things over and over expecting different results........ I have struggled with this for 25 years of my 38 years of life. It is hard for people to understand resorting to wls..... even friends and family that are also over weight or obese. I have 2 friends that had it done some years back. Both of their lives changed dramatically and it has been close to 10 years for the both of them. In the same breath, I have other people I know who had wls and did gain it all back. It is not a fux, it is a tool. The whole idea of it being a tool is important to me to burn in my head.....

  12. This is a question only you can and should and should answer. I am kind of in the same boat. I am 5 foot 11 and a big framed guy. The least I have weighed in my adult life was at my wedding, 249. I have weighed as much as 294, and as less as the 260 range the past 10 years. I just can not get to the 210 range I want to be at. My knees are junk. 1 already reconstructed. Back bothers me all the time. I have an 8 and 3 year old. I am down to 255 right now and every is telling me there is no need to have wls...... But I know 2 things...... I cant get to where I want to be with just diet and exercise. To get to my wedding weight..... I was miserable. By the time I came home from my honeymoon, I was up 20 lbs like nothing over 2 weeks. The other is even if I could get down, staying there would be impossible. This surgery isnt the solution to my issues, but a tool to help. I have had second thoughts and second guess myself but my weight now..... been here before and I just get stuck. Surgery is going to be that 2nd gear I need.

  13. I am in Boston area too. I went to information session in January. Had a consult with the surgeon. I met with the nurse, nutritionist, sleep study, psych, nurse and nutritionist again, follow up with surgeon, 4 week pre op classes, followed up with surgeon again and I am ready to go on the 7th. A solid 6 month process. It all depends on your insurance too. They all have different criteria. I have BCBS PPO. My BMI was just over the tresh hold. With history of being overweight constant yo yo weights and family health history, I was approved with no issues.

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