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Posts posted by cookienmax

  1. 17 hours ago, zallykatz16 said:

    Good Afternoon All,

    I'm just plain nervous. I'm trying to keep busy but it isn't working. Although this groups is a life saver. I am trying to get all my house in order but my husband keeps making a mess. So I've decided just to keep my areas clean so I will do well after surgery. I am worried about infections because I have gotten them before, but I feel that this time I will be okay. Thinking about the changes in my life ahead is daunting at times. On the other hand, it seems exciting to be starting over so to speak. Thanks for reading.

    Hey Zallykatz,

    I just sent you an email feel free to reach out to me and let me know what's going through your head. I'm here for you. If your worried about infections why not ask the surgeon to give you antibiotics during and after surgery as a precaution. I have an artificial hip and I must have antibiotics before all procedures to make sure I don't get an infection in my hip. With the diabetes I am prone to infection so the precautionary measures do give me peace of mind.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Shan W said:

    Hey group. I need some suggestions for non-hemp based Protein that will work on the pre-op diet. I thought my allergic reaction yesterday was to the sucralose in Premier Protein so I used Syntrax this morning which has Splenda. Same reacton, but a little worse. I realize now that it's been progressing slowly over the last 3-4 days, but only got bad enough to really take note yesterday. I've got a call into my doctor's office to talk to the nurse or nutritionist, but I can use some suggestions on other Proteins I can use until Monday. I don't want to use the unflavored Syntrax I brought for lunch because I'm afraid I'll get even worse of a reaction next time.

    Hi There,

    The Protein Shake I use is 100% whey Protein. I am not sure if there are artificial sweetners used in it but I don't think so. I get it from Vitamin World it comes in vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. I also have used the Quest Protein powders which come in various flavors, and I believe they are whey protein. I don't think I have seen anything that uses hemp based protein. I hope this helps, I just started the pre op diet today. Good Luck to you!

  3. 1 hour ago, fraddiefrank said:

    YES! I am less than a month out and I keep going back and forth too. Like maybe I should try counting calories again and THiS tiME it will work...but then I remember that for what seems like my entire life I've dieted, and nothing has worked!! This is just cold feet, but I will follow through!

    I am one month from surgery tomorrow 8/22. I'm hearing this is normal jitters. If we all hang together on this we will make it to a new life......If you need an ear to listen don't hesitate to reach out.

  4. Hi Mimi of 7,

    You sound like me I have really bad problems with my spine and I have had 2 surgeries that were failures. I am trying to put off having to have a spinal fusion. My pain specialist seems to think that I will see a large improvement in my pain levels and abilities to lead a normal active life after this surgery. However, I am really doing this because I want to get rid of my Diabetes. I'm tired of not feeling well and being restricted in doing normal things. Every time I think of these things it helps me to re focus on the prize. I just wonder if I am going to know how to live after this is all over? We can do this together!!! Good Luck !!!!

  5. Anyone out there getting nervous? I have been bouncing back and forth from nervous to excited. Yesterday, I briefly had a little panic wondering if I should just leave things alone and not have the surgery. Thankfully it passed but in the back of my head I keep having little thoughts about this??????

  6. Zallykatz16 I'm not sure but I think you can message someone if you go to either your profile or theirs. Seems I saw something like that when I was in my profile last. In any case if you would rather email or message through face book I'm happy to set up whatever I need to on my end. Let me know. Us RNY buddies have to stick together.

  7. I'm having my RNY on 9/22/17. In answer to someone's question I have been trying to incorporate everything they have told me now. However, yes I am craving the bad stuff like cake and ice cream I was staying away from it but then I decided that I may never be able to eat these again so I am not denying myself on occasion. I figure once in a while before hand is not hurting me. I have shed 12 pounds so far, so I don't think I'm doing bad.

  8. So sorry for not responding sooner it's been crazy busy here and I am so exhausted when I have free time I have just been vegging on my sofa. I would love to chat back and forth and share what your going through. I'm new on these forums and I'm not sure if you can private message someone or share email addresses. If you know anything about we can chat maybe that is where we start finding out.

  9. Hi!

    I'm new to this site and I am still pre surgery. My RNY is scheduled for 9/22. I was a chubby little girl who was constantly told she was fat. As life moved through the years no matter what I tried the weight came back plus. At one point I weighed 299 and I started a plan I was very successful and lost 99 pounds. I just never could break that 100 pound mark. Now three years latter and fast approaching 59 years of age with many health issues have decided to embark on yes a life changing adventure to let out the thin person who has always been trapped inside. I think everyone has times where they become apprehensive about the decision to undertake this process. I agree with the others the core person you are doesn't change. I am talking about your morals, values, way of seeing right and wrong that person will always be there. However, your about to undertake an adventure you've never had. Your going to experience a whole new world of NSV's (non scale victories) i.e. being able to walk into any store and buy whatever you like, being able to tie your shoes without putting your leg up on the couch or bed, no seat belt extenders just to name a few. Embrace the adventure and enjoy the ride. This is how I have come to see all of what is involved.

    I belong to another Gastric Bypass forum on a site called Daily Strength, if you have the time to visit that site look for a post that is titled what newbie's need to know. I really got quite a bite from that posting. It's long but so worth the read!

    Good Luck on your journey!

  10. 58 year old female looking for a mentor for support before and after surgery. I'm very excited and very nervous at the same time. I will finish my 3 month program on 8/31 and RNY is scheduled for 9/22 one week after my birthday. I don't have much of a support system, anyone out there want to help out?

    Take Care


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