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Posts posted by kiki_indiana

  1. Yes.. I survived the first month!! I choose not to buy a scale.. But great news I'm down 1pant size!! Love it.. We had some family birthdays and eating socially was not so bad.. I even went to a restaurant, I found getting the take out container first was a huge help.. I also started watch Dr. V, all I can say I wow the info has been great. So for me I'm just doing my daily walking the dog and putting the gym membership on hold.. SO HAPPY WITH MY DECISION!![emoji173]️[emoji1365]

  2. I'm 46yrs old, my surgery was 7/17/17 weight was 203. I'm home in recovery. Right after surgery I was exhausted.. I slept for 24 hours!! But the next day I was up and moving. Crazy as it sounds I was never so happy to be in pain. I finally did something just for me!!

    On day 5 I finally reached my goal of Protein and Water intake!! Yes!! Happy dance!! Happy Dance!!

    My biggest problem I guess is not getting enough sleep! Since the day of surgery I have been waking at 2am I also do not like that I have to give myself shots twice a day, I keep telling myself there is a light at the end of the tunnel..

    I would love any advice on gas, swallowing air or drinking too much.. Yesterday was rough, I would not say I was in pain but I was very uncomfortable! I know there is a learning curve and me & my new stomach must build a relationship but any tips would be greatly appreciated!

    Oh another thing... I have not owned a scale since my early 20's should I get one? Or maybe that might be too much pressure?


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