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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by brandyII

  1. brandyII

    Some people, I swear...

    Now this is the group I enjoy!!!!!!brandyII
  2. I know I chose the lap band because I knew it was removable if there were a problem. My younger sister has breast cancer and my mother died of cancer when she was just 51 so I chose something I could take out in case I got sick, too. Can't help that it's in the back of my mind. I'm sure there will be newer and better ones coming out all the time. I understand that some of you may be frightened and maybe that's why you get so angry when someone discusses problems with their bands but it's something that we all have to be aware of whether it's one in a million or one in a thousand it's a chance we all have or may take. I wish all well, brandyII
  3. I was making a general comment about posts that I have read. Why is everyone so focused on demanding statistics when this man obviously had a major problem with his lap band. Did he say everyone would have this problem, no! He had them and shared and it helps people to know that there are problems out there so we don't go into it blindly. I wish I had used this forum prior to surgery I may have change my mind and gone with the gastric bypass. There were many things I didn't know before hand that isn't specifically brought up. Maybe they're assumptions, I don't know. Anyway that prior post of mine wasn't directed to you personally but it probably triggered me to write it. Thanks and good luck to you, brandyII.
  4. Gaynor, I read your post a while ago when you originally posted it about all the complications you had. I find it sad that instead of people being empathetic that they attack you because you dare to share a problem. It's a support forum and I guess only certain people are allowed support here! brandyII.
  5. brandyII

    checking blood sugar?

    Tulipstar, thanks for the info, brandyII.
  6. This may sound dumb to most of you who know more about the subject than I do but how often do you all check your blood sugar if you have type 2 diabetes and what would you say is a normal morning reading? Is it different for everyone or is there pretty much a standard I could go by? Any info would be appreciated. I see my doctor on Monday and the endocrinologist in a month and haven't really been good at checking it and am off metformin at the moment and hope to get back on it again. I had to leave another thread that got me all engrossed in their bickering back and forth, thanks brandyII:ohmy:
  7. brandyII

    Some people, I swear...

    I may still be a "newbie" and not considered a professional bandster yet but when did this site become a place to attack anyone who has had a problem with the lap band. Okay, I'm somewhat of a fixer and have a "can't we all get along" type of personality but even so I'd like to be able to rant about something once in a while without being attacked by the lap band elite. I don't believe everyone should agree with everyone but it always ends up turning into something totally off course and very mean spirited. I understand you LOVE :wub: your lap bands, and taking it so personally as you do seems a bit irrational to me. I'm sure you'll have something to say about this but I felt I had to say it, thanks, still brandyII, not one or three or four and it's not my dog!:biggrin::eek::crying::tongue:
  8. brandyII

    PMS ranting and raving

    Anyone else enjoy this site when they're PMS'ng more so than any other time of the month?:cry_smile:
  9. brandyII

    PMS ranting and raving

    Parvathi, Oh I read under your ticker that you had gained it all back so I guess that wasn't so much then, that's good. Both my brother and sister were lucky to visit your country, I would love to some day. Good luck to you brandyII.
  10. brandyII

    PMS ranting and raving

    Parvathi, So did you gain all your weight back because of the slippage or was it something else? I gained all mine back too but I only lost weight prior to being banded when they put me on the liquid diet for about a month. So technically I haven't lost weight on the band yet, well all but two pounds I haven't gained back yet! I was banded August 2008. brandyII.
  11. brandyII

    PMS ranting and raving

    Thanks, but not mine, just a pic, mine are cute too though, brandyII.
  12. brandyII

    The Great Flood

    OMG, was just there today but didn't buy anything but wanted almost everything:w00t:brandyII
  13. brandyII

    The Great Flood

    He's right, I just bought my pumpkin seeds today, sorry computer on the blink but I did get boring brown and tan pillows to go with my couch! Nothing fun like Pier 1 or anything, that is if anyone cares, brandyII PS we will see this fall if my pumpkin wins for biggest pumpkin in the town festival!!!!
  14. brandyII

    Some people, I swear...

    Man, my computer is out for a few days and I miss all the good stuff, but I'm still on the fence on this one, but that's just the kind of gal I am, brandyII.
  15. Headhunter, I admire you for sharing your story. I myself have had issues with the lap band too but fortunately nothing compared to you. Mine have more or less been fill probs and no weight loss but gain. But I still have it and am still trying, and probably will be for the rest of my LIFE, lol. Anyway good luck and speedy recovery, brandyII.
  16. My computer broke down and was in the shop for half the week. I haven't chatted yet and don't really know how, lol! But sometime when you're on and I'm on we can, take care brandyII

  17. brandyII


    nikkikki2292, I can understand what you're going through and I know my daughter had issues in high school too. She had a real hard time because of her weight and now she's going to get the surgery and is 19. You'll find that there are people that are decent in high school. I know the bad ones tend to stick out the most, we never forget the hurtful things that are said. But, we can move on and you are getting surgery and are going to have a fresh start in a way. High School is hard but you'll find people there that you can have fun with and relate to. Good luck! brandyII
  18. I was taken off metformin by my primary prior to surgery because he assumed I wouldn't need it because I was going "lose weight". I have most of the signs of pcos and he thought I had it but was never told definatively that I did have it. I have facial hair, but I'm blond so I'm lucky and shave. Have/had type II diabetes Have so many skin tags that I can't count and want to wear turtlenecks all the time! My periods are six weeks apart give or take a day or a week or whatever but I'm almost 48 and don't plan on having anymore children anyway Can't go on the pill because I get/had blood clots in my legs Really bad dandruff Had a few uterine cysts but got an oblation Forgot on meds for anxiety and depression clonapen and cymbalta Naturally I have a weight problem and have put 20 pounds plus since surgery Anyone with advice. I was put on synthroid for an inactive thyroid that was just discovered prior to surgery but still gained back all my weight and feel like a loooooser!!! but not the right kind of loser!!!! Never lost weight after being banded 7 months ago, lost it during the medifast phase. I see my surgeon on the 22nd of this month so I don't know what he's going to do with me:confused: Thanks, brandyII
  19. brandyII

    checking blood sugar?

    Long story short, as soon as my primary care p. found out I was getting the lap band he didn't renew my script. Neither he or the endocrinologist he sent me to had every had me check my blood sugar etc... I was put on metformin and took it 3x a day and that was that. Then during all the preop testing I was sent to a different endocrinologist and she found me to have a under active thyroid and put me on meds for that and I told her how my script was not renewed for metformin and she thought that strange. She asked me if I checked my blood sugar and I said no one ever told me to or showed me how or anything. She then whips out one of those One touch ultras and showed me how and told me to keep track. Anyway I kind of did and was going to go back to see her and then she moved to a different city and I'm searching for reasons why I'm having a hard time with the band and since my doc told me he thought I had PCOS that I started researching and asking people questions and people have suggested that going off the metformin may be affecting my weight loss. So of course I don't get an appointment to see the endo until the end of May so I'm trying to get as much info from people about this to see what to do since I have to wait so long. Does that make sense? I know I have a tendency to ramble. I know you don't want to take your insulin injections, I can't blame you but I maybe insulin resistant and may need the medication. I would rather be on it and lose weight than not on it and not lose the weight. Thanks brandyII.
  20. brandyII

    Flying, Weight and Discrimination...

    Anyone else getting tired of all the BS flying around hear, no pun intended.
  21. brandyII

    Lap Band Failure???

    skhopp, I know you want to hear more success than failures probably but I don't want you to think you're alone out there. I had my surgery 8/08 and lost prior on the liquid diet but gained it all back since then. I've had trouble with fills and some other issues which would probably bore you so I won't go into all of that. I know a lot of it is learning how to live with it and get it working. I think it's different for everyone. Not all people have to deal with hormonal issues etc... and may have an easier time. It can work. I try to focus on my Protein now and chew, chew but still haven't totally worked out the "slider" kinks. Anyway good luck to you, and to me and hopefully we can both make it work. brandyII.
  22. brandyII

    Flying, Weight and Discrimination...

    Let's just kill off all the fat people before they get a chance to board the plain and decrease the surplus population!
  23. brandyII

    Taken off metformin/weight gain.......

    Thanks RenewedHope, I'll check it out, brandyII
  24. brandyII

    The Great Flood

    I'm trying to shop on line for pillows and keep getting posts!
  25. brandyII

    The Great Flood

    Oh Snuffy, snuffed out by the Snuffster!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
