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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by brandyII

  1. brandyII

    What is Rep Power?

    can you add to your own rep power?
  2. brandyII

    Is my band too tight?

    My surgeon told me if I'm vomiting two hours or more to get in touch with them and have some fill removed. I couldn't drink without vomiting up my own saliva for ten hours straight and I now know that's not normal and to get to the doctor!brandyII
  3. brandyII

    What is Rep Power?

    I was wondering the same thing!
  4. Wasa, That's what I was wondering you say you never had acid reflux and I never have either. Well I see my surgeon tomorrow and I think since I had that 10 hour episode of fun I should get something looked at. Oh less greasy and just as good and how I figured I didn't even have enough fill in the beginning I was able to eat a whole portion of fried zuchinni, and the pasta and the chicken breast from Carrabbas which is not a bloomin onion but still purdy darn good! brandyII PS that's when fill nurse thought I had the small size band and not large.
  5. Knotta, I know what you mean, in my 20s there were forms of drugs that most people could get to lose weight. I lost 100, gained 100, lost 100, gained 130! Lost 25 on Medifast before my lap band gained 23 after my lap band, now I'm in Limboland and wish I had something I could point to other than myself to point to blame or find the reason for it. Am I statistically the 1% who fails on this damn thing? brandyII
  6. Wasa, I'm trying to grasp what your probs are, is it a type of acid reflux or is it a lot more complicated than that? And how long have you been banded. You were banded about 9 months prior to me I'm guessing.
  7. Thank you Nottafatty4ever, I can't believe I'm almost 50 and my brain still thinks I'm 20!
  8. MacMadame, Is there an OR Live channel, we don't have that one. The best I can do is Discovery Health or TLC or something like that. I still have to look away at most surgeries they do on TV anyway, I don't think I could have ever been a doctor or nurse! brandyII
  9. Headhunter, I am not angry with you as it is important that we all know the good and the bad of lap band surgery and not take it so personally. In fact maybe it's because I'm still kind of a "newbie" even though I had surgery almost a year ago but I find it strange that people would feel animosity towards you. I don't know that much information that I keep hearing about you having "email book deals", I don't even know what that means. I mean is it a book or is it something you write as a blog or what. But be that as it may, you had an issue with your lap band, a major one in fact and are sharing your story like we've all shared our stories and whether you fit the bill of the majority of the people on this site or not it's important for you to get it out for your ownself and for us to hear it too. That is what support is for. I'm not going to go out and have mine ripped out tomorrow because you had an issue but I know how important it is to keep an eye on it and look for signs of problems along the way. I will be seeing my surgeon and other physicians next week as previously scheduled and will now probably bring to their attention some of these things I've heard from you because I now am more concerned about my future but am not feeling overly paranoid but like I always say knowledge is a good thing! Good luck, no animosity here, brandyII. PS: I also don't know what people mean by saying you are not giving out your "whole story", it seemed like you gave a lot of info, is there more that I am missing?
  10. Athinnerdenise, thanks for the info, I was confusing it with some type of lap band. I think I know what you're talking about. They don't reroute the small intestine in that one do they? I think that's why people tend to lose weight faster with the bypass because of the small intestine not absorbing everything as it had prior. I need to know info on both types of surgery because I have the lap band and also because my 19 year old is getting the gastric bypass in May. Thanks for the info, brandyII. We're a bi-curious family, lol.
  11. Kat, I was starting to think it was opposing poster, lol. Okay I'll look to see if I can find the sticky. I can figure them out sometimes but not always, thanks brandyII.
  12. Speaking of "Big Medicine", the main reason I thought it was a safe option to get the lap band is because their own daughter/sister was given the lap band, I assume they did it. I saw the episode where she was living in OH and couldn't find someone to take out her fill correctly and they flew her to TX to do it themselves. You'd think they'd be able to locate a person for her to do her fills in OH for her! Anyway that had a big influence on me whether that was wrong or right it did, brandyII who is now older than possibly the next president of the US jeeeessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When did I get so old?
  13. Ok, I'm trying to get down forum lingo but what does OP stand for?
  14. Kat, Thanks, I'm with my dh and my (what's short for wonderful daughter) wd? Anywho thanks and I think that's a good point that you said about your surgeon saying that we could get the newer improved ones. I just wish my wd didn't have to go through something so drastic as the gastric bypass and there was something that they could come up with now, she's only 19 and it really breaks my heart but if she doesn't do it now she will only live in her emotional hell! I have looked into that new band with the "remote control" I'm not an engineer obviously, but I can see some issues with that. Does it mean we're in complete control of our band fills per se? That would be weird to me, I don't know why but it would. Hey I had problems going from an electric typewriter to a computer but I did it, lol. Take care, brandyII.
  15. knottafatty4ev, You are sooooo right about that. Fenphen, or whatever that was called was working so well when I had it for a month then the FDA came in and swiped it away from my pudgy little fingers!!!!! I got the lap band because I had high hopes and thought it wasn't as drastic as gastric bypass but I think, unless after all my doctor appointments this week, if I can't get this thing working then I should have gotten the bypass. I will be honest about something today, I actually tried "alli" to see if it would help me while on the band and work in case I did eat too much fat or sugar, it basically kept me from being constipated, which is a good thing but not worth the money! Didn't have those nasty side effects that people talk about like when they made potato chips with "olean" or whatever that fat substitute was. Anyway I'm not bitching that I got the band because I made the choice out of desperation but I'm still not succeeding and still want to! brandyII. I hope this didn't sound like an off the wall ramble, lol.
  16. wasa, What is the sleeve? brandyII
  17. Athinnerdenise, I'm like you when it's after midnight, God knows what I say, lol. Anyway It kind of reminds me of getting implants, they're only suppose to last ten years and then you're supposed to replace them. Now don't jump down throat anyone because I'm comparing implants to a lap band, it's really just wondering if it's possible that things may need to be changed out after a certain amount of time. I remember asking my surgeon and he basically told me the parts should live as long as I do? Anyone else told that? I'm not an over worrier but after vomiting so much prior when I had the too tight of a fill and after reading all the posts about your surgeons telling you not to vomit I kind of got paranoid and now want to be checked out from some type of scan or whatever they do to take a looksee, thanks love to all it's my birthday brandyII!!!!!
  18. Newlife35, I was thinking the exact same thing, is there a list of warning signs other than not being able to swallow your own saliva. I mean I had a 10 hour span of vomitting my own saliva and it's been about a month since that incident and I wonder if I should be x-rayed or something. I know people speak of the fluroscope (sp) but I've never had that done so now I'm wondering if I should. How do you know if there's erosion of the band or slippage? Maybe I'm paranoid but hey it's my bod! brandyII.
  19. Sorry green, to hear about your cancer, we're pulling for you!! brandyII
  20. Kat, I don't know exactly why she was on the steroids but it had something to do with either chemo or radiation, obviously I've had no medical training, except for transcription but I don't think that counts. Anyway my sister is a petite thing to begin with but that girl on steroids could eat me under the table, prior to lap band of course! I wonder if that would cause a problem with the lap band too? Just came to me. brandyII.
  21. Kat817, Thanks for sharing that Kat, I know that must be difficult to deal with. I think coming from you it makes more sense to me because you're actually going through it yourself so you know what I was talking about before. I flew back home while my sister was going through chemo and just sat with her during it and I remember how much pain she went through while the nurse was trying to get to her port which was on top of bone so it was very painful and she wasn't doing a very good job! I was upset, well of course my sister was too but that's what upset me. When my surgeon told me about the lap band and how I would have a port I told him no way, and told him about my sister's pain going through being stuck. Needless to say I've been through many a stick and it's nothing compared to what my sister went through! Supposedly it's sewn into my muscle, but I still think it's fat, lol. Anyway you survivors are way braver than lap banders any day and comments like yours keeps things in perspective. Good luck and health to you Kat, brandyII.
  22. brandyII

    new girl on the block

    sassygal, I think those are normal things people think about prior to surgery but once you get the ball rolling and talk to a doctor and things start rolling towards the big day you will be flying high and so excited about the whole thing. Things will start to fall into place once you start the process. Everyone's situation is different when it comes to insurance or self-pay but for me I had to get a referral from my general practitioner so that was the start for me, meeting with him. Then my surgeon has a large orientation every month for both types of surgeries, then after I went to that and listened to everything there I met with the surgeon on another day to discuss any questions I had. They then set me up with many different tests that were done in the hospital or at the office and finally a liquid diet which I went on for about a month prior to surgery. Not everyone's surgeon requires this so there are so many variables in everyone's situation prior to surgery. It's not like food and festivities are gone forever and like I said in my earlier post there are those foods, like at certain holidays that made it difficult for me and I ate them! Everyone has different coping mechanisms for dealing with this whether it's emotional eating or pms'ng or whatever, they also call it "head hunger". You will learn your own coping skills. Also I was pre-screened by a psychiatrist of the surgeon's picking and I think a lot of people go through that also. Anyway start researching weight loss surgeons in your area and/or speak to your regular doctor who may have suggestions for you as well. Good luck brandyII.
  23. Hi Readysteadygo, I'm with you, it's a real party pooper! My sister-in-law is in Florida right with her mom who is dying as we speak of lung cancer. It seems to be hitting everyone I know. The older you get the more you hear about it and have to worry about it too for yourself. My little sister, well she was 43 at the time was diagnosed with breast cancer and she's the youngest out of five siblings. She's in remission now, thank God. My husband's sister just had surgery for lung cancer about two weeks ago. My grandparents lived into their 90s so I don't know what happened with the last two generations, don't seem to be as healthy. And my grandmothers were plump little ladies too. My mother was thin and so is my sister. It's a crazy world out there and we just have to deal with what we get and hope for the best. My youngest brother runs marathons and has heart problems and has no fat on him, would sink like a stone! None of it make sense. All I know is "smoking does kill", lesson learned at an early age! You're too young to be worrying about the f%%^&g cancer, enjoy your life!! brandyII
  24. brandyII

    new girl on the block

    sassygal, I had the lap band done in august of 2008 and have not been as successful as most of the people here. Just be aware that there are certain foods that will still go down fairly easily (sliders) with the lap band. Some of those foods are, pretty much anything liquid, ice cream and chocolate, tends to just melt. I can eat Cookies because they're usually very crispy, I've been able to eat most sweets except for donuts because I don't tolerate doughy type foods like breads. A lot of people don't have those issues with food, (sweets) I have some diabetes issues so that maybe why I still have problems with my "sweet tooth". Of course if you are compliant on the band you are given instructions of what you are to eat and what you are to avoid but certain foods are difficult to eat and have to be chewed very well before they can go through the band, mainly Proteins. Of course we all need Protein to be healthy and don't need chocolate or ice cream. I didn't know before surgery that I would still be able to eat a lot of the junk I had eaten before surgery. So I just like people to be aware because if I wasn't aware then maybe someone else isn't be either. Anyway read as much as you can on the subject, my daughter is over 350lbs and is six feet tall and is going to get the gastric bypass surgery next month and it was suggested she pick up the book "Weightloss Surgery for Dummies". It gives you some info on lap bands but it mainly focuses on the gastric bypass surgery. There are a lot of sites out there offering info and talk with a doctor about it. I like to write down questions before I go so I don't forget and make sure I get everything out there. Anyway, don't mean to be a storm cloud but I feel it's good to know as much info prior to making such a major decision in your life. Good luck to you, and don't be so down on yourself, we're all here for the same reason and you're not alone! Take care brandyII.
  25. I guess I read somewhere prior to surgery that if someone were sick with cancer that was an option. Maybe they were speaking of the times when people go through chemo and radiation. I know it's different for everyone. I know end stages are bad no matter what, trust me I know! brandyII.

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