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Posts posted by Dizzykatja

  1. I am literally crying hysterically right this second over these same fears. I was sleeved 8/1/17. I have had a stabbing pain in my left side/rib every time I try to breathe deeply and I swear I'm just going to die of a pulmonary embolism in my sleep. And then I laughed at one point and used my stomach pillow because it's f*cking excruciating and then looked at my pillow and had a wet spot, so now I think I have an open incision or pus because I don't see blood. So now I'm freaking out and my sister is trying to calm me but all i can think it how if I go to the emergency room and nothing is wrong I'm going to feel so stupid.

  2. I have not had the sleeve yet. But I did go thru lap band almost 9 years ago. No body could tell that I had anything done but eventually ask about the weight loss. I openly answered all question asked. I did not receive any negative feedback. When they see how happy you are with your new good health. They should be happy for you and if not. I would let them know you see no reason to share this journey with them. I hope to have the sleeve procedure my self. The doctor will not consider doing the procedure until I lose more weight. Wants me to be down to 244. I had to have my band removed a year ago in June. It has been a long battle to get to the point I am at now. I pray that he can do it. The program worked for me before. I lost 175 pounds and did change my life in a positive way and do not want to go back to that life I had then.

    I will never understand the doctors that refuse to do the surgery unless you first lose weight. Like "hello... if I could do that on my own do you think I'd be here?" Hope everything works out for you

  3. WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My surgery just got changed to August 1st. Now I have to hurry and get my college work and exams done before then............this will allow me 2 1/2 weeks before I begin my last semester of college............I may even get more than a Popsicle for my birthday on the 29. [emoji4] Less time to research and cruise on this site but......so happy I will get a little re-coup time. I'll check in tonight for some more reading! Back to school work. I'm a almost 54 year old starting a new career. I worked in food all my life and owned my own place for over 23 years. My life revolved around food...............this is definately going to be a journey but, one I'm looking forward to.

    I'm also scheduled for August 1st! Unfortunately though, my birthday is the 19th, so I will only just be allowed to eat mushy foods. Not much of a bday celebration, but I excited for the weight to come off!

  4. South Jersey here. I'm waiting to be discharged. Had my sleeve yesterday. I have zero pain. Not taking anything but tylenol. I've asked if the pain is waiting til i get home. They say if it was going to it would've happened. I did everything they told me. The liquids were ok. The broth from wonton Soup helped. Don't watch food commercials! Lol

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

    I'm in south jersey too! Getting sleeved aug 1st.

  5. I am worried about mine.
    My doctor told me he normally requires a 2 week preop diet, but for me I have to do 3 weeks.
    I am scared my liver won't shrink enough, they will get in there for surgery and have to abort the procedure.
    I know I am catastrophizing, but I am still stressed.

    Sent from my SM-G900V using BariatricPal mobile app

    If you're really that nervous, take it upon yourself to do a low fat diet for that week before you start your doctors diet. Then you can settle your anxiety about it a little.

  6. I have told majority of people that I am getting my hiatal hernia repaired in order to reduce my severe acid reflux. This is true, but obviously the surgery is to get the sleeve first and foremost. To explain my rapid weight loss, I will explain to ppl how I was recently diagnosed with celiac disease and going gluten free has made losing weight super easy. Which is true as I was diagnosed June 6th and I've lost 20lbs since going gluten free (of mostly inflammation). I have only told my mom, 2 sisters, husband and best friend. I am not telling my dad (because he's a jerk), brothers (because they can't keep a secret), or extended family (because I just don't want the opinions or their gossip about me).

    I have thought looong and hard about this and it comes down to what I want and what I'm comfortable with. I don't want other people's opinions, fears, advice, or even approval. I also don't want to lie. I don't like to lie. So I have found my own guilt free way of playing the system. Hope you can find yours!

  7. that looks good. good luck. i was just in one night so didnt need anything other than clothes and flip flops, usual toiletries. the ride home made me super nauseated (threw up when i got home, guessing still from anesthesia) so it was super helpful to have my family go fill the prescriptions--the anti-nausea med especially--really fast as soon as i got home. only needed that the first two days though.

    Oh well that's good to know! I'll make sure I bring a bag in the car just in case!

  8. At age 67 I spent 8 hours at the hospital. I needed nothing. I wore loose clothing to the hospital, and wore them home. I took l pain pill when I got home, drove to the store the next day, and walked the mall four days later. I hope you are as lucky!!!

    Wow. My doctor told me I would be in there for a mandatory 3 days! I'm wondering what did you rely on the most in those first 3 days???

  9. Hey all,

    Will you help me with this list??

    My surgery date is August 1st and I'm trying to make a list of things that I might need while in the hospital and during initial recovery.

    I only have:

    Easy shoes to slip on/walk in in hospital

    Gas x ??

    Comfortable/loose clothes

    Heating pad

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
