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Posts posted by soready17

  1. I'm so ashamed of myself. Over the last week and a half I have been going through a lot of ****.
    My emotional eating habit is terrible. I've been eating fast food and drinking soda. I'm sabotaging myself but the problem is I'm so f**king addicted to fast food and soda I keep saying "i'll give it up tomorrow" I've been saying that for a week and a half now.
    I'm stressed, emotional, feeling a little depressed, my anxiety is through the roof and I can't stop myself from driving to a fast food drive thru on my lunch break or going to the food court at the mall on my lunch break or having a soda before dinner.
    What the hell is wrong with me?? I'm struggling so bad. I know I can't eat as much as I used to but the fact that I'm falling into these old habits and can't get a hold of myself is terrifying.
    I just needed to share this and reach out. I'm just struggling. I feel overwhelmed and can't handle anything so I just give up and eat...

    I was exactly where you are just a week ago. I was losing control...no I LOST control...I was eating chocolate candies bread crackers chips. I am an emotional eater and I panic and turn to food for comfort. I was having and am STILL having alot of problems with my husband. He doesn't give a crap about what I'm going through and doesn't ask about me and only cares about himself. I've already made up my mind that if this is what I will have to deal with going forward I might as well break it off. Having 2 children makes things difficult. Any who I thought realll hard about why I had surgery and why I went through all the insurance hoops just to get the surgery (surgery was on Aug 14) and came to the realization that I want to succeed in losing weight for the first time in my life. I am not going to rely on outside sources (aka my husband) for my happiness and my degree of success. Only I can make the change that is needed to finally succeed and push forward. While i was panicking and eating whatever unhealthy things i could find I calmed myself down by talking to myself-i do this sometimes and it works everytime. I told myself i deserve better and i can do anything i set my mind to. And to not let anyone or anything derail me from what i deserve. Which is a long healthy happy life. I literally cut out 85% of my stomach so i have to trust my inner self wants this health and happiness. Dont let that other inner voice who is trying to sabatage your efforts. Calm that voice down because it is only trying to protect you from what you are feeling at the moment. That is the panic i was telling you about. Food addiction is no joke as well as emotional eating. It's what got me to 314 pounds and I'm only 5'4. I just decided enough is enough. I turned 30 this august and wanted to make my 30s the best years of my life by taking charge. Good luck hun and you can message me anytime if you need. We are all going through similar things so don't worry you will get through it.

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. I am currently going through alot. I was sleeved on Aug 14.. been an emotional wreck and eating the wrong foods.... I've been eating crackers whole grain bread fun size candies pretty much all the crap I used to eat just less of it and I feel like sh!t.... I drink my Protein Shakes and take my Vitamins but I am not caring about myself how I should. I know my situation at home is causing the stressful eating but my only solution is leaving my husband and that is very difficult as we have 2 children. I don't know why I'm venting her I just don't kjow what to do with myself. I've also been stalled for 2 weeks now. Lost 20 pounds was 286 now 266

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Hey all!
    I was sleeved on 8/14, 5 days out, and am definitely feeling true hunger. Like stomach growls and empty tummy feeling. Is this typical? Don't most sleevers not have true hunger pangs? Is there any hope that the "hunger" will go away as I continue to heal?
    HW 289
    SW 283
    CW 272
    GW 170

    Hey got sleeved same day as you. HW 313
    SW 286.4
    GW 180
    I do get those hunger pangs but I also believe now that it might be acid reflux. .cuz Protein Drinks give me heartburn. I have my 1 week post op appointment with my surgeon tommorow. Will tell him all that I'm feeling. Good luck to us both!

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Hey everyone I'm 6 days postop and was given the green light from my surgeon yesterday to start drinking Protein shakes..in my case is the Premier Protein 30g of protien bottles. I have started to feel just a little bit better strength wise from drinking the small amounts of the shake BUT I get really nasty heartburn from them. I don't know what to do. I thought the heartburn was from the chicken broth I had yesterday but when I drank some of the shake today it gave me heartburn immediately. I've never heard of anyone getting heartburn from Protien shakes. Please HELP! any insight will be appreciated.

    Ps. I never had heartburn prior to surgery only when I was pregnant...for reference

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. I was August 10th, and had the same thing. You need to walk as much as you can. I was better by day 4ish. Hot shower helped also. I'm one week post op today, and feeling really good. Hang in there!

    I'm starting to feel so weak.. it's day 5 postop...still on clear liquids...waiting for an okay from the doc to proceed with full liquids so I can get some Protein in.

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. I need some help and insight!![emoji137][emoji137] I'm having mine on the 14th. So nervous and worried about everything that could go wrong.. I guess I'm afraid more then anything. I don't have support. My husband is being a jerk..he's usually a jerk but I expected that he wouldn't be so Jerky? at this crucial moment in my life. Feeling sad and alone but hopeful. Worried about help after the surgery as well... I don't trust my husband enough to feel at ease.. and I realize this is something that is abnormal in a marriage...that's what makes me so sad. That I have to put up with him and all the burden of raising the kids is on me. He's not the best person in the planet. This is the thing tho he holds so much power over my emotions so I can't even have a calm and hopeful recovery. Just worried sh!t less about everything!

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. I kind of just need to vent and air out my laundry. So feel free to read on and offer advice as you see fit. I know it is long so you don’t have to read it either. Maybe you can relate, maybe you can’t but I wanted to share this with people who might understand. I do have some before and after pictures at the bottoms also if you just want to look at those!
    I am having a hard time lately. I had my sleeve surgery on 5/29/16. I started this process at the end of October 2015 weighing in at 540 pounds. I used to have to wear portable oxygen 24/7 because I was so overweight my fat was pressing against my lungs and restricting my breathing. I have managed to get down to 248 pounds since my surgery 14 months ago. Now I can walk 6 miles up and down hills without even getting out of breath.
    I just had the first of many plastic surgeries on June 5th. It was just an interim surgery since I am not at goal yet, but losing over 290 pounds will affect your skin drastically and I needed my stomach hang removed for quality of life reasons.
    I want many more plastic surgeries. My thighs are my biggest concern. My plastic surgeon told me he wants me to get to goal and wait at least 9 months at a stable weight before we do any more though.
    My doctor’s just want me to get to a size 12 or 10 as my goal. I started at a size 38/40 and now I am a size 14/16. That is insane to me honestly. I don’t think I have been a size 14/16 since I was 10 years old.
    Now, to be clear, I am a huge self-sabotager. I have been challenged by this since I was a kid. I have been in therapy since I was 6 with various issues and still see a great therapist every week.
    For over the past month I have not been cooking. Mostly because I had no energy and I was in pain still from my surgery. I don’t heal that great after surgery and it lasts with me a long time. Instead of meal planning and cooking I have been eating take out, sweets, and junk and I know it’s not helpful. Thankfully I have only gained about .8 of a pound with my self-sabotaging ways.
    Honestly guys, I think it’s because I’m scared. I’m scared of what it will be like without my fat around me. I have been overweight since I was 3 years old. It’s all I’ve known. I used to have day dreams when I was in school of just getting on the bus and unzipping myself from this fat suit I was stuck in and everyone being amazing at this beautiful girl I actually was.
    Here I am at 30, basically doing that and it terrifies me.
    I’m not saying I’m unhappy with the weightloss, not at all. I am ECSTATIC! I can actually live my life and join in on the world instead of being trapped in my body and only living as a shell of a human being.
    I can go to amusement parks and fit on the rides. Which is what I did this weekend as a kind of declaration of freedom and just a time to enjoy myself with friends.
    I can be active, I don’t need to worry about if I will fit in a small space (but still my mind tells me I won’t and I’m scared every time that I won’t fit. I was terrified to get on every roller coaster at the park. Not because of the ride, but I was afraid I wouldn’t fit and the embarrassment would kill me).
    This has been a draining experience, both physically and mentally. But for me, the mental part has been the hardest.
    I was able to recognize that I was self-sabotaging out of fear though. I was able to get up, shake myself off, and start again. Because that is what you have to do. I have meal planned, weighed and measured my food, tracked everything, and started more activity.
    I will not let my manipulative brain win this time.
    I have come too far to stop now. I will not give up and I will NEVER go back to the girl who couldn’t live the life she wanted.

    Wow I'm literally in tears right now. You MY LADY are such an INSPIRATION!!! I guess I'm so emotional because I myself am a self saboteur. I'm currently on my preop diet and my mind want to f&$@ things up for myself... but I keep reminding myself that I NEED this. I've been overweight since I was 6 years old. I've never been a normal weight kid, teen, or adult. I just turned 30 on the 1st of Aug. And I am just trying my hardest not to be a terrible patient. My preop is not going so good. I only have two more days on the Protein Drinks and one more day clears only. Surgery is on the 14th. I am telling myself this will be the best birthday gift I or anyone else can give me. Reading your story has made me feel hopeful...cuz I fear succeeding as well and try to sabotage when I get close. So PLEASE don't give in. You are such an amazing inspiration to me and I don't even know you. I think with the right therapy we can get through this. I've never actually been to a therapist but I'm seriously thinking that I should. Good luck to you my friend and you look AMAZING!![emoji7] [emoji7]

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Do I have to say TMI in a ladies forum? If so...TMI! Just a little venting.
    I've lost 95 pounds so far which is 51% toward my goal so I still have a ways to go before plastics would be recommended/wanted. I was expecting saggy skin and wasnt too concerned about it right away because I knew it was just part of this life. What I wasn't expecting was having SO much extra skin on and around my genitals! Theres at least 3 inches of excess skin on EACH side of EACH interior and exterior folds. That's 12 inches of extra skin around my vagina! Then there is literally a full hand-full of extra skin in the front pubic region. My bum around this area is saggy as well which is creating so much more of a droopy look/feel. Ive already experience a UTI, which I feel is from all of this extra skin and folds. I shower daily, drink at least 72oz of Water, and wear airy dresses just because thats my style, but it also keep things from getting too warm/moist so getting a UTI should be rare.
    I almost feel like there should be some sort of underwear created to keep this region pulled in yet allow a natural amount of air flow. "V-Spanx"!!! What in the world can I do for the next 95 pounds until I feel surgery is warranted? Anyone else have ideas that might work??

    Wow when you said saggy lady bits i assumed your breasts were saggy..lol I wasn't expecting you to say down THERE.. this is a whole other thing. I didn't even know you can have extra skin down there. Crap...something else to worry about [emoji27]

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Yeah...that "inny" navel/belly button. You'd be amazed at the flecks of crud we find deep in there. But to everyone, no need to feel embarrassed, for whatever you've got has already been seen in the OR: there's nothing new under the sun. [Though, one time, I had to remove a good size crystal ball from... a woman's 'secret garden'. Yes. That was a first!!]
    RE: Shaving...mostly now, patients should not do their own shave, to decrease the risk of nicks and infection. Your doctor will advise; but usually, not recommended for the patient to do.
    Catheters: Since most of the cases don't last that long, urinary catheters are not inserted if they have you urinate just before taking you to the OR. But again, surgeon preference, and what they feel is your specific need. If you might be a complicated case, and/or will take longer, then, yes.

    Huh?? Crystal ball?? Lol what do you mean I'm so curious

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. I hear you! My surgery will be May 30.....Sleeve to Gastric Bypass.......I know first hand the struggles of those 3 weeks of nothing but liquids....it's hard.....I am trying to prepare my mind......Having only liquids you feel deprived!! food is my addiction! I wish you the best....You can do this....3 weeks will over soon.....

    Why did you change from sleeve to bypass if you don't mind me asking?

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. My surgery is the 14th as well. I have been on the pre op diet since Aug. 1, I really started it earlier with just 2 shakes during the day and then dinner. Since the first I have been stricter with the dinner being lean meat and veggies. I had lost 12 pounds. I had pizza on friday as a reward but stuck to just shakes through the day and still lost 2 pounds as of this morning. That makes 14 total and still have 6 more days. I am also a self saboteur but I know I can do this because I am tired of being fat and relying on drugs to keep my BP on check. I have had 2 rectal polyps removed, have plantar fasciitis, sciatic in my back, am borderline diabetic, and have no energy to do anything. Enough is enough, will I screw up and make mistakes, you betcha but I will pick my self back up and start again. Am I scared, you betcha but I will be okay. I have 2 surgeries up my ass and came out ok, have had 2 kids all natural and survived. WE GOT THIS YOU GUYS!

    Sent from my SM-G935P using BariatricPal mobile app

    You are so inspiring....I really need to calm down and look at the big picture...thank you so much for your input

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. I am scheduled for Aug. 14th as well, and logged on here because I am feeling the same way. I'm glad it's not just me! I started the liquid diet today as well and have spent most the day in bed. It's the only place I can go to keep my mind off food. I keep telling myself this is just day one and it will get better.
    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Thing is I WISH I can stay in bed all day but I have a 18 month old and a 5 year old who need mommy and the Snacks they eat and food is making it worse. Like I never knew how terrible I was around food and how I have almost nonexistent vontrol. It blows my mind and terrifies me. Never knew the huge hold good had on me mentally and emotionally. I guess you can say today was eye opening. I'm seriously PRAYING I do better tommorow...cuz today I was a lost cause it didn't stop with the chicken stir fry....ughhh

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. This is totally normal. Before my surgery, I was binging hard at every fast food place because I thought...f**k i'm not gonna be able to eat this stuff ever again...I gained a few lbs before surgery and felt like **** about myself. After the surgery, I cried to my boyfriend about feeling regret. I felt so depressed that him and my family got to eat whatever they wanted and I was on a liquid diet. Even now, I can't eat the things I used to and after a few bites...I'm already full. But you know what? I don't really regret this surgery anymore. We CANNOT let food dictate our whole life or be what we surround our lives around. We gotta find hobbies and things that effect us positively! I had this surgery because I hated myself. I was miserable. I developed social anxiety and had the lowest self esteem. I ruined my body. I was disgusted with myself everytime I saw a picture of msyelf or looked in the mirror before the shower. Why would you want to allow food to do this to you or want to allow it to continue to do this to you?
    You need to build the will power now...preop so that it can help you have an easier journey post op. TRUST ME. I did not do that and maybe the liquid diet would have been easier for me post op.
    I'm 3 weeks post op and still struggle and feel tempted to try certain things but I say NO because that's a slippery and scary slope that I do not want to get myself into again. I'd rather stay away from it then get that one taste that makes me lose control and I binge again or I stop caring.
    I did this surgery for a reason. It has not been easy but I am sticking with it and hoping for the best outcome possible.

    Wow thanks so much for responding. I feel much better after reading your experience. When you were binging before the surgery did you mean during preop or before that? I am so scared but I'm hoping tommorow will be a new start and I can pull thru and get my head on straight.

    Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app

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