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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Cath226

  1. I am 60 and just had surgery on Jan 2 and I had a really tough couple of days. I’ve never felt so awful in my life! I was nauseous and hungry at the same time. I felt really weak and light headed. Plus I had a splitting headache. The worst might have been the extremely dry mouth I had. I had to pull my lips off my teeth and I could barely talk. My blood pressure was and still is high. I’ll see my pcp next week to follow up on my blood pressure and I’m going to ask if she thinks it was the anesthesia that affected me. I recovered fairly quickly though and today I feel great. Still have hunger pangs and food cravings and high bp. Not sure age has much to do with it.

  2. On 11/8/2017 at 10:41 AM, BelleOfBatonRouge said:

    At my surgery consult my doctor told me he didn't think my insurance mandated a 6 month supervised diet, and that we could most likely do the surgery during winter break. Well, my insurance does. I feel heartbroken, and like I have been sucker punched in the stomach. I allowed myself to feel hopeful that I could jump on that train to change my life and be healthy and able to do things like run. I have been fat my whole life- and I feel like I was so close to the new, healthier life, that I feel shattered. I know in theory 6 months shouldn't be a long time, but it really messes with my school schedule, especially if I have to wait six months before even submitting approval. I am in law school, so the ABA sets a maximum amount of classes that I can miss (its not like undergrad where a doctors note would take care of the school issue).

    I feel your pain! I had to wait longer than expected because I was a smoker and I felt sucker-punched too when I learned late in the game. It's disheartening because you're emotionally invested and ready to go and then suddenly you have to put the brakes on. You'll get through it! Just wanted to say sorry and I understand.

  3. I am so disappointed because I thought I met all the requirements for gastric sleeve surgery, received a surgery date and two days ago was notified by my surgeon's office that insurance (FEP BCBS) denied my pre-certification request!!! My surgeon said I had quit smoking for 2 months before my surgery, which I did (Yay me!!). However, my insurance company requires no smoking for six months. I've spent hours researching and haven't found any other doctor or insurance company that requires you stop smoking more than two months prior to surgery. Has anybody had this happen and is it something I can appeal? I wasn't even a heavy smoker! Any advice about an appeal would be helpful.

  4. Hi Backwoodsflgirl. This is the one part of the approval process that worries me the most. I know they want us to be able to maintain the weight loss and make healthy eating changes but there's no way I could lose 25 pounds in 3 months which it sounds like you've been tasked with. If it helps, I asked my surgeon's office if I was supposed to lose weight and they said no, not necessarily. I lost about 20 pounds on Weight Watchers a couple of years ago and it took me a year. In addition I've had to stop smoking so it's been really hard. I've gained about 6-7 pounds just because of that. If I get denied I'll be so depressed.

    Has anybody been denied specifically because of the supervised nutrition requirement? If so I'd love to hear your story.


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