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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by emma93

  1. So, I am thinking of revision too. I think for insurance (overall) you can get it if you get heart burn/ulcer, or had significant weight gain, which I think 40 pounds would cover it. Or if you never got to your goal weight. I wouldn't suggest gaining weight. the most common revision which is just tightening the pouch and stoma, typically people lose like 20 pounds with that. Are you thinking of like a more malabsorption gastric bypass or duodenal switch?

  2. I struggled with infertility. I had my surgery, lost a bunch of weight and once I got to my healthy weight and maintained and bought new clothes (1.5 years later) I got pregnant lol. Now working on losing baby weight. Just be careful and make sure you drink your Protein Shakes, eat healthy and don't try and gain weight because you will. I gained like 80 lbs... oops lol. but just my experience. Just eat the 1800 cal the doctor recommends,

  3. I had one a few years ago but had weight gain because I had to eat so much for my pregnancy but I am thinking of doing a revision soon! Everything will be great! GO for short walks every day after your surgery twice a day. Helps with gas, pain and healing! dont cheat on the after diet, it will hurt so bad! and take your Vitamins and Protein ❤️ also always stop eating before your stuffed even after you start being able to eat more :)

  4. Turkey sausage in the tube, tastes just like regular Breakfast sausage but without all the fat and calories. So good and lots of Protein. Best for is you are farther out on your weight loss journey, not just getting adjusted to solid foods. I also love string cheese lol, and canned chicken. It’s easy and soft and low calorie with lots of protein. Also Premier Protein shakes are the best!

  5. I am the same way! I can’t eat a whole lot at once but I will catch a tub of icecream being gone in a few days or a bag of chips gone in a single day. Your “chest,” unhealthy foods, just don’t keep them in the house. Don’t stock up on junk when it’s on sale because you will eat it. Denser Proteins like chicken, beef and meats keep me fuller a lot longer. If you have trouble digesting dry chicken breast like I do, try canned chicken. Much softer and sooooo good. And easy too. I also when I want to eat a lot, try and eat the healthy stuff on the plate and put more healthy stuff then the non healthy stuff so I don’t have room for the unhealthy. If you want ice cream, go to the store and get a small container, or a bag of chips at the checkout. Then you really want it because you went to the store for it versus going to the kitchen ❤️

  6. You are pregnant, so it’s going to be a pain like after the surgery to take all those Vitamins lol. I take two krill oil pills a day for Omega 3’s, my prenatal Vitamin plus an extra folic acid, extra vitamin D3, B12 and Biotin and Calcium three times a day. I also drink a Premier Protein shake too because of the Protein and vitamins it has :) I take my prenatal and krill oil in the morning and my calcium at different snack points during the day and then take my Vitamin D and biotin before bed

  7. I am one and a half weeks post op from gastric bypass and i have numbness above my belly button. I think it is normal because the nerves are damaged for a while. I broke my shin like 7 years ago and still have numbness. I actually found your post searching because my belly button area is numb too lol

  8. Thank you guys! i ALSO just had a bad reaction to some medications I was taking, protonix we think I am allergic too, I broke out in terrible hives around my mid-section which I have never had before. The first week I was regretting my decision, but I have already lost 12 lbs so I feel a little better lol. I had my first paind from drinking to fast, ouch! but am doing much better now!

  9. I had a few questions. I am one-week post op tomorrow! I had a really rough first couple days, I had a blood clot in my hand and was allergic to all the pain medications. But now I am doing pretty well, I am home after 5 days in the hospital and two nights at a friends house, I have pretty good mobility and have finally gotten a good nights sleep! I did have some questions if any Gastric bypassers can help.

    First of all, I would love some stage two liquid diet recipes, i got one more week and hate my Protein Shakes.

    I am having a little hard time getting my Protein in. I know it's only week one, any suggestions? I think I might meet my goal today, I am trying very hard.

    Also i am having a stretching pain on the right side of my belly button, I don't have an incision there, but that is where most my pain is. Just like a sharp kind of stretching pain. ANd a less sharp pain on the left side of my belly button. Is this normal? I just want to make sure I didn't give myself a hernia, trying to move somewhere or stand up.

    I would appreciate all your help! I live alone with no family near by and I really appreciate this support system I am starting to build <3

  10. I had a few questions. I am one-week post op tomorrow! I had a really rough first couple days, I had a blood clot in my hand and was allergic to all the pain medications. But now I am doing pretty well, I am home after 5 days in the hospital and two nights at a friends house, I have pretty good mobility and have finally gotten a good nights sleep! I did have some questions if any Gastric bypassers can help.

    First of all, I would love some stage two liquid diet recipes, i got one more week and hate my Protein Shakes.

    I am having a little hard time getting my Protein in. I know it's only week one, any suggestions? I think I might meet my goal today, I am trying very hard.

    Also i am having a stretching pain on the right side of my belly button, I don't have an incision there, but that is where most my pain is. Just like a sharp kind of stretching pain. ANd a less sharp pain on the left side of my belly button. Is this normal? I just want to make sure I didn't give myself a hernia, trying to move somewhere or stand up.

    I would appreciate all your help! I live alone with no family near by and I really appreciate this support system I am starting to build <3

  11. I had a few questions. I am one-week post op tomorrow! I had a really rough first couple days, I had a blood clot in my hand and was allergic to all the pain medications. But now I am doing pretty well, I am home after 5 days in the hospital and two nights at a friends house, I have pretty good mobility and have finally gotten a good nights sleep! I did have some questions if any Gastric bypassers can help.

    First of all, I would love some stage two liquid diet recipes, i got one more week and hate my Protein Shakes.

    I am having a little hard time getting my Protein in. I know it's only week one, any suggestions? I think I might meet my goal today, I am trying very hard.

    Also i am having a stretching pain on the right side of my belly button, I don't have an incision there, but that is where most my pain is. Just like a sharp kind of stretching pain. ANd a less sharp pain on the left side of my belly button. Is this normal? I just want to make sure I didn't give myself a hernia, trying to move somewhere or stand up.

    I would appreciate all your help! I live alone with no family near by and I really appreciate this support system I am starting to build <3

  12. It is your choice and your body, you do not need to explain anything to anyone. But! Just always say on Facebook "hitting the gym," or pictures of healthy food. Sign up for a 10k or sprint triathlon (even if you do not end up doing it) just tell people "Ya I am training for this sporting event and the weight is just falling off!" Just say I am on the Keto diet and only drink green tea. :) I told my co-workers which is true, that I am having surgery to fix my debilitating acid reflux that was causing my esophagus to develop pre-cancerous cells, and fix a hernia, so I just say everything without saying "gastric bypass," and I just mention that they are taking part of my stomach to help with the reflux.

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