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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Missy161

  1. Welcome! Yes you can post here! Great job! 75 lbs is awesome! I hear you! I've been eating a lot more carbs than should. And still struggling with Protein and Water. Exercise is getting better . I love my long walks and am bummed when I can't get in my 10k steps.
    To post pics I see a plus sign where I type my post and it lets me choose a picture from the app. I'm on an iPhone but it should be the same.

    Mich W
    Hw 223, SW 217 CW 178.2 GW 135

  2. Right after surgery I was told to just concentrate on getting the fluids in. I was told nothing over 6 g of sugar but to just concentrate on water- i.e. Jello, tea, Protein Shakes, sf popsicles etc count as fluids - now if your blood sugar is low that's another story. Call your doctor if that's a problem. You don't want to go into a coma because your sugar is too low! You may need extra help from your nutritionist, dr or nurse to keep your blood sugar regulated. Give the. A call that's why they are there.

    Mich W
    Hw 223, SW 217 CW 178.2 GW 135

  3. I am in the same boat I had a bad day Wednesday. It was the first day I didn't log every bite- then Thursday and Friday the same. It spiraled me out of control. I started eating more carbs and snacking. Today is a new day and a reboot$

    Mich W
    Hw 223, SW 217 CW 179.0 GW 135

  4. Hello everyone! Hows everyone doing?! I was 14 weeks post op yesterday ... hard to believe it's that long ... I sometimes can't believe I went through with it! Currently at a stall hoping to get past it soon! Driving me nuts :-) Here is my progress so far ... January vs Last week!

    You look awesome!

    Mich W
    Hw 223, SW 217 CW 179.0 GW 135

  5. 10/16/17
    Things in my life have been so chaotic lately that I lost count of how long it has been since surgery. I felt like I'd been stuck at this weight for a month and decided to look again. So I'm 16.5 weeks out and have lost 44 lbs. the last 2 weeks I've only lost a half pound a week but that's not bad considering the stress and cheating I've been doing. Nibbles here and carbs there.
    Taking stock again has made me get back on the ball and focus back on my plan. Anyone else slipping up more than usual? Any victories to report?
    I've made it to a solid 10 in pants and a medium or most often a large in tops . Still have another 44 to go to goal.
    Please give us an update on your journey.

    Mich W
    Hw 223, SW 217 CW 179.0 GW 135

  6. I cruise Pinterest for craft ideas. I love painting with alcohol ink on washers and make necklaces- just type in alcohol ink washer necklace and you'll see. It's so much fun and cheap. You can mix the colors like paint so you don't have to go crazy buying too many supplies. I'll post some pics when I pull them out for the craft fair next week. You have to seal them with acrylic seller though.

    Mich W
    Hw 223, SW 217 CW 179.8 GW 135

  7. Is that Marie Kondo?
    I didn't buy the book but read enough online. I did some of the things in it. I can't embrace it 100%, but I do ask if any new purchases 'spark joy' and do I have space for this purchase. There is no way I am purging all my books or my fabric!!!!

    So totally true! Photos and craft supplies would be too hard but I will try. Also it's a little "new agey" but I've kind of modified it for myself- instead of thanking the items for serving heir purpose I thank God for using them in my life and to use them to bless someone else. I also couldn't feel comfortable in a bare home- I like my things around me but so want to make sure the things I have around me are the things I love and not just clutter or junk.

    Mich W
    Hw 223, SW 217 CW 179.8 GW 135

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
