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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Boomqueen

  1. Anyone have partial blockage after surgery? Bypass on 8/1. About two weeks ago, was severely constipated but managed to evacuate most of my bowels though I felt it wasn't entirely. Since then I've had either diarrhea or string poop, so think there's still something blocking my bowels partially. Ugh this is gross! Anyhow I'm doing Miralax three times a day and a suppository every couple of days. Smooth Move tea too. Will this eventually work or do I just need to go to my gastroenterologist? I'd rather avoid that if possible but don't want to make myself sick.

  2. This person is obese
    This highlights how absurd BMI is. This picture is from last Monday. I was 183 lbs. BMI 30.5 I think it was. Obese class 1. When I look at that picture, I don't look obese, I don't feel obese. I don't consider myself obese. I started with an BMI of 42+, obese class 2.
    I have another 31 lbs to loose to reach a normal BMI. It might not happen and I'm okay with that. I have lost 74.5 lbs since two weeks before surgery (surgery date 3.20.17)

    Ignore the charts. Get a body dunk test.

  3. Dude, I can't wait to add yogurt- still on shakes and Water for another 9 days ugh. Not vits till then either. But I feel funny too, not quite right- but so much better than last week. I think getting to the pureed stage, losing the incisions Patches, and being able to sleep on my side- that will be the end of the worst of it for me! I also want to quit the pain and nauseau meds but I'm afraid of how bad it might be!

  4. I kept it secret for a week then told everyone in the world. It's liberating. And I hate how effective wls is but no one talks about it, so maybe I can educate some people. Now, I don't know how I would make it without their support. My friends have been so amazing, it's strengthened my relationships. I'm lucky.

  5. I am one week post op gastric sleeve and I feel pretty good. I'm struggling to get enough liquid at times I think. And I know I'm deficient in Protein. I'm still on full liquids. The shakes don't taste the same as they did before. I feel like I'm so freaking hungry....maybe it's mental bc why on earth would anyone dream of eating frozen burritos..yet here I am doing just that. I hope it gets easier. I have two more weeks of full liquids before purée foods. Anyone have any suggestions?

    I'm two days out and I've felt hunger and cravings- wtf??? How is it possible? Am I going to fail at this immediately??

  6. I prayed for you and all of us for tomorrow. I'm like you, many surgeries so not afraid of having surgery. I'm afraid of the buyers remorse people seem to have for like a month afterwards where they get emotional and regret their decision. I know it goes away, but that's a long time. Also, I'm on a lot of medicine and I'm concerned I won't be able to stand it crushed up due to nausea or gross taste, and I'm concerned the sheer volume of my meds won't allow room for anything else in my stomach. I know I'm already quite sick of Clear Liquids. I've started a vlog on youtube to document my journey, both as a personal diary and hopefully to help other people who are considering bypass or need information or possibly just need to have someone they can see taking this journey with them. If you're interested in checking it out on youtube look for Joni M. Good luck to everyone who, like me, begins their new life tomorrow.

    I've been coating my crushed pills in kiddie Tylenol, helps some

  7. They let me come home a day early (gastric bypass), since I was able to move around, etc...Part of me thought I should stay, afraid to walk away from the fluids and pain meds, but I've been through surgery before, and know it's a matter of time to heal.It was my choice to stay or go....i decided it was as good a time as any.
    I slept in my bed half the night, recliner part of the night, then back to bed. Getting fluids down without a problem at this point, so sip, sip, sipping my Protein Shakes (syntrax nectar). Moving about slowly. Will check in in a couple of days when I'm feeling better.

    I'm home too. First surgery ever. No prob with Fluid or walking, def have gas. At what point should I be worried about having a bm? My friend got a stricture so I'm fixated on that.

  8. Zucchini noodles? Never tried them before. Do you make them or buy them already made? I love Pasta dishes and love zucchini so definitely gonna try it once I'm ready for that stage.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using BariatricPal mobile app

    Two alternatives- get a spiralizer and make your own zucchini noodles, and learn to cook spaghetti squash. It's not exactly the same but it's tasty healthy and low cal.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
