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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Frankette

  1. Frankette

    Post-surgical issues

    I can only stand the shakes when added to coffee. I had to wait 2 weeks per docs orders but now I add premier protein to decaf coffee in morning and drink on it for an hour or more. Also have one after dinner as a snack while watxhing tv. The coffee really cuts the sweetness of the shakes.
  2. I start puree Tuesday and I cant wait to have eggs. I want to make fake taco with refried beans(add little milk to make it thinner) a little taco seasoning little salsa and teeny bit of cheese. I hope its going to be the best 2oz of "taco" ever. I can also have tuna so I going make it super runny with lite mayo( maybe greek yogurt) and hint of mustard. I can't wait to move on from soups all the time.
  3. Frankette

    Sleeve surgery last friday

    Walk walk walk... hydrate ,hydrate,hydrate. Dont push yourself. Take care of yourself. Also I feel like time is passing so quickly.
  4. They let me side sleep right side in hospital night of surgery. They propped an angled pillow against my back. I continued it when I got home. I already sleep with a pillow between my knees and added a pillow to my back and a small memory foam one kinda tucked under the side of my stomach to prop it up a bit. Eventually I could sleep either side. I am 2 weeks post op tomorrow. I would have been a miserable person if my sleep was interrupted.
  5. I am 12 days post op and have that feeling everyday. I'm doing great physically. I have no hunger or cravings. I hate the protein shakes and cant wait to move onto pureed stage ( Tuesday!!). I still feel a little down or depressed because this is my favorite time of year and I can't do all my favorite things. I am so tired All.the.time. I just can't keep up anymore. Just know .. this to will pass. These 6 weeks of no real food or energy will only be a small blip in the scheme of things.We will lose weight. We will eat real food again and doing that will help with depression and energy levels. We will get through this. Hang in there and know you will do great.
  6. I made it through yesterday! I unfortuntely wokeup at 4 am with a migraine which wasnt how I wanted to start the day.7 :30 am Pre op went good. I woke after surgery throwing up but I was so out of it that it didnt hurt. I slept off and on until about 5 pm. Then everytime they gave me pain meds I was dry heaving ... which was the absolute worst. They finally figured out at 1 am that they needed to change my pain meds to something else. I was up and walking at 2am and was getting around pretty good. Slept on and off until 7 am. I had my Barium swallow and everything was good. I finally got some broth to eat. I should be discharged within an hour or two. I hope everyone has a smooth surgery and a better post op experience than I had. That nausea kicked my butt. Good luck to everyone.
  7. My surgery is scheduled for Dec 4th. I have my insurance approval. I'm feeling good.. except Thanksgiving is Thursday. I think I am one of the lucky ones because my surgeon's program doesn't put us on full liquids for two weeks before surgery. My diet goes like this: Breakfast - protein shake ( I add my premiere protein to black coffee .. it's good) snack - apple Lunch- 300 cal or less frozen healthy meal. I went with the Healthy Choice Cafe steamers and a 1/2 cup of veggies snack : more protein shake Dinner: same as lunch 300 cal or less frozen healthy meal and half cup veggies. Also I can have as much sugar free Popsicle and jello , broth, all the other "free" foods whenever I was very surprised when they gave us the food list. I won't starve after all. I go clear liquids 2 days before surgery though ... no red jello haha Thanksgiving won't be so bad because I can just eat my little frozen meal instead and not sit there glaring at people with liquids.
  8. I got a call this morning telling me what time to report to the hospital on Monday morning for the surgery. 7:30 am !! ! It feels really weird and surreal. I'm excited but also strangely calm about it. I think it is because this has been such a long journey this year. I went to my first surgeons's consult on Jan 27th 2017 and I'm finally ending 2017 with my surgery in Dec. I've read so many books, and posts, and watched so many Youtube videos about everything. I feel prepared . I'm ready for this change. 2018 is going to be about a healthier , more active me. I can't wait.
  9. Right after I started this topic I broke my foot ...ouchies! So even though I had "real food" with the lean cuisine's it has been rough getting the energy to lug my body around on crutches with so much less calories than usual. I am so looking forward to Monday which is surgery day. You guys can make these last few days !! Hopefully we won't be hungry after surgery. I hope everything goes smoothly with everyone's surgery and everyone has a safe and fast recovery!!
  10. Frankette

    Why is it a secret?

    You'd be surprised at how self involved people are. On my preop diet I have been to 2 nephews birthday parties and Thanksgiving. I put food on my plate and pushed it around and not a soul (other than my husband) knew I didn't eat a bite of it . I then switched plates with his empty one and when asked told the person the food was so good .
  11. I'm hopefully Dec 4th. I broke my foot last week and still waiting on my ortho clearance to walk. Fingers crossed! Good Luck with your surgery!
  12. So I fell on the last step into my garage yesterday and twisted my ankle and heard a loud POP. I called my mom and she took me to Urgent Care they did xrays and told me I have a 5th metatarsal avulsion break on my right foot. Great. They give me a boot and crutches. I already had an appointment scheduled today with my pcp for my pre op testing ( ekg , blood work) so I crutched it in and she still cleared me for surgery but insisted I see ortho doc tomorrow morning. I am hoping he says I will be fine for surgery. Right now I can't weight bear on my foot. Fingers crossed it all goes well tomorrow and I can still get my surgery in 2 weeks. I'm not calling my bariatric doctor until after I see the ortho tomorrow. I swear I have the worst luck.
  13. Thanks guys! My surgeon wanted to postpone but his staff is going to wait until I have my follow up next week with my ortho. I have to get him to clear me for surgery and weight bearing on that foot to keep my Dec 4th surgery date. This is such a mess. Everything I do in life ends up being so dramatic lol.
  14. I think its a little normal to have a little freakout of omg ... my whole life is going to change. I know when I went into labor with my kids I was a little freaked out about how it was all gonna change .. even though they were planned and very much wanted. Big changes are scary! Also you will eventually be able to eat whatever you want in moderation so don't think about the food youll miss. You can have it ... just enough to be satisfied instead of over indulging. Happy Thanksgiving!
  15. Frankette

    Why is it a secret?

    It's because its my business. It's private. I'm not the one that puts every little thing on facebook either. I've had other medical surgical procedures done and never broadcasted it. My Husband, kids , mom and sister know.. thats my support . No one else needs to gossip. Telling others puts a giant magnifying glass on everything I do and Im not one for the spotlight.
  16. Frankette

    December Sleevers??

    Starting my preop diet today for Dec 4th!!! I can't believe it's finally going to happen. I started this process in January of this year.
  17. Well... my daughter sadly let it slip to my husbands family (that I do not get along with at all). She was kinda set up. My daughter is 10 and my husband went to his sisters house to fix something for her. His sister randomly asks if Im still on my diet... trying to get my husband to gossip about me I guess. My daughter innocently pipes up .. Isn' t mommy getting surgery on her stomach? . Daughter knows Im keeping it a secret but she figured her Aunt was family so its ok to talk about it. In truth my husbands family are the literal last people that I wanted to know my business. I never ever see them but they are the biggest gossips and we live in a small town. I havent had my surgery yet (2 weeks!!) If I was going to tell I wish it would have been on my own terms. I told my children 13 and 10 because I wanted them to know what was going on when I cant eat certain things etc. I guess I should have been more specific about who was on the know list and who wasnt with them.
  18. I would recommend an exercise journal just in case then. It was a really bizarre request. I downloaded a cute monthly exercise calendar off of pinterest filled it in with things like exercise video names, walking 2 miles, rest days( those are important) cycling etc. I mean I do , do all those things I just never wrote it down. Or if you have a fit bit maybe download your activity. I only had an old heart rate monitor watch that I used for calories burned that I couldn't download.
  19. I got denied 3 times and finally got to peer to peer and they still said more information. My coordinator basically pushed and pushed to get a clear answer on what information was needed since I had more than enough information provided. My coordinator submitted a 6 month nutrition program ( with psych eval , blood work all the stuff etc) that my surgeon required to the insurance that only needed a 3 month diet etc. Finally after having my date pushed back the insurance company seemed to just pick a random reason and said I needed to show 3 months of exercise as well. That guideline was nowhere to be seen or relayed to us in anyway. I had even called the insurance company at the beginning of my journey and no one said anything about a 3 month exercise journal. So I whipped one up real quick ( lies!?) and sent it over and finally I am approved for Dec 4th. I started my journey in January with my info meeting and first visit with surgeon... It's been a long year of jumping through hoops.
  20. Frankette

    Pre-Op in da am!!

    My preop appointment was two appointments back to back. First with the bariatric coordinator to go over pre op diet again and other info that I heard 100x already in all the 6 months of appointments prior. She then booked me a date for my surgery at the end (which she changed to a month later in a phone call later in the week 😢). When her appointment was done I had a quick meet with surgeon to sign consent and ask any questions. I asked him if he could take pictures of my stomach after he took out the excess. He said he would. I just wanna see how big it is😂
  21. Frankette

    December Sleevers??

    I am now tentatively on the books for Dec 4th. I am so nervous ... I wont believe it until Im actually in the O.R. This has been such a long journey so far. I had my info meeting in January of this year. Last week they scheduled me for Nov 14th and then they moved me to Dec 4th. I hate to get my hopes up anymore.
  22. I'm so sad They are pushing my surgery back until Dec 4th because their office is so disorganized. I switched insurance Sept 1 and notified the office. The insurance company rep even called the office and got everything straight for me. I verified that my surgeon was in network and vsg was covered etc. I've had 3 appointments since then and even verified with the bariatric coordinator that I had switched insurances and what the insurance rep had told me at my pre op appointment. She scheduled me for Nov 14th and I was so excited. She called me yesterday to tell me that my (old) insurance wouldn't allow me to have surgery in my state. So she bumped me off the schedule. I am so mad at the office. Firstly, why did they let me spend nearly a year doing their program when my (old) insurance would have been denied. I'm confused on that a little since I has previously called old insurance at the start of the program and they said they covered what I was wanting to do. Anyway,When she called me yesterday, I again told her that I have a new insurance as of Sept 1 and told her the front office had my info and that I had already personally talked to her about it. I am just very sad my surgery is delayed. The surgeon needs to get his office together. It is like an assembly line in there and obviously they don't communicate very well.
  23. I just got my surgery date for Nov 14th! I am so excited. I start my liquids Nov 1st. I can't wait
  24. Frankette

    How do you start the process?

    Yep, I went to a Bariatric surgery seminar in January with my mom. They were very thorough and gave us a packet that listed everything that was expected of us. At the end of the seminar we could opt to make a consultation appointment with a surgeon if we wanted to. It was very easy and straight forward. After the surgeon consultation I could then pay a fee to start the program and my six month pre-op journey started with my dietitian appointment. I started the process in January technically but my program didn't begin until March.

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