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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by alice150

  1. Gill, I understand your frustration. I posted earlier this week for the same reason. I was banded on April 8. On the 14th, I showed an 11 lb loss. On the 21st - nothing. I know that I am following the rules and I just have to have faith that it will all work out. I am not going to weigh now for two weeks, just so I don't get into the habit of looking at the scale too often. Hang in there. It will work out. Alice
  2. I was banded on April 8. On the 14th I had my post op appointment and nutritional counseling for the next phase of liquid diet. On the 14th I had lost 11 lbs since my 2 day pre-op diet started on 4/6. Today, still only 11 lbs down. I'm bummed. I have been trying to get 1000 calories of full liquids a day. Not easy when you are told to have 4 - 6 oz. and hour of strained Soups, juices, carnation instant Breakfast, yogurt smoothies and sips of Water throughout the day. I still have another week of this before I start soft/pureed food. Am I wrong to be disappointed?
  3. Thanks for all the encouragement. Everyone is great on this forum. I realize that I probably am not getting enough Water either, so I will try to up that more too. Its not easy when all you drink is liquids. Thanks again.
  4. alice150

    It?s official!!

    Welcome to Band Land! I was banded 4/8 and I thought it was rough for two to three days, but now, its fine. Congratulations.
  5. alice150


    Actually, I had severe diarrhea on Friday, 3 days after surgery. I was told to keep up the Clear Liquids and stop Protein for a day or so to see if it cleared up. It did. I started the protein again yesterday and it seems fine. The doctor did tell me if it didn't stop, he would want to make sure there wasn't some kind of infection and wanted me to call over the weekend if it continued. Call your doctor ASAP. Good Luck.
  6. Amy, I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad. I was banded on 4/8/08 and just went from clear to full liquids today. It made a big difference in my hunger level. I felt the hunger set in on day 4. One thing that is hard to work on is getting enough fluids. On one hand you are being told to sip slowly and on the other you are being told to get adequate calories and fluids. When you are not feeling good an still in pain, its hard to concentrate on it all. I agree that you should take your Protein supplements as nasty as they can be. I actually found tasty liquid Protein at a place called Vitamin World. I don't know if it is a chain, but it is called New whey Liquid Protein. It is a thick liquid consistency and comes in orange, fruit punch and raspberry flavors. 3.1 oz is 42 grams of protein. I would dring about a half at one time and get in 60 grams of protein minimum most days. If your hunger continues, maybe your doctor will put you into the next stage sooner. Alot of these guidelines are for Gastric Bypass Patients and banded patients can move through the phases a little more quickly, but carefully. Hang in there! Alice
  7. Actually, I misread your original post. I thought you were only 2 days post op. I guess you've already done the liquid stages and suffered like the newly banded.
  8. Ponytail, I don't take what you said personally but it probably could be construed by some people that way. Consider yourself lucky that you are on mushies. I am 5 days out and still on Clear liquids. Tomorrow or Tuesday I start full liquids for another week before the mushy stage. Its weird how all doctors are different. Hang in there, it will be fine. Alice
  9. I was banded on April 8. I have been doing fine with the Clear liquids and have been getting at least 70 grams of Protein a day. Now I am up at 4:30 a.m. and hungry. I have two more days to go until shakes and thick liquids. I even feel a little shaky. Is this normal? Thanks. Alice
  10. Thanks for your reply. I kind of thought that the swelling going down might have something to do with it also. I would have quite a bit of gurgling in my upper stomach after drinking for the first few days and that is gone. I did not have skim milk on the clear liquid stage but hope to be at that after I see the nutritionist tomorrow. Thanks, again.
  11. alice150

    so frustrated

    Amy, I believe your doctor should have you go through an endoscopy so that can go down and see what is happening. My husband had Gastric Bypass surgery in 1995. It was rou-en-y with a band. In 2000 he had some trouble and at first was told that it was ulcers, which it was, but they were caused by the band eroding his stomach. He had to go in and get the band removed. I don't want to scare you, but I would definitely ask your doctor to do the endoscopy so they can see through the camera what exactly is going on. Alice
  12. I was also banded on 4/8. I talked to the doctor just today about the rumbling. He said that it is from taking too much liquid in at once. He told me to take smaller sips. I have been burping quite a bit but the rumbling is still there. I think I've been sipping slowly, but I guess I will have to try harder. He did not seem concerned about it hurting anything. Alice
  13. alice150

    Afer Surgery

    No catheter for me. I was given ice chips in the recovery room and was released a few hours later to drink clear liquids.
  14. Hi, I was banded on 4/8, so I am only a few days out. I'm on Clear Liquids for week 1, full liquids for week 2 - 4 (I actually get more info on my next nutritional meeting on Monday, 4/14. I'm pretty sure I can start mushies/solids at that point. I know this first week, I am supposed to be getting 500 - 600 calories a day. Good luck to you. Alice
  15. I like my left side as well, but would be happy with the right side. I was banded on Tuesday, so I am only 2 days out. I can't sleep on either side yet. I prop pillows under knees and my head and sometimes shift my legs to one side or the other. Alice
  16. Thanks for posting Dina. That is encouraging to me. I was banded on Tuesday, April 8. I'm still in pain, but I can see how it has improved today. Congratulations, you are doing great! Alice
  17. This time tomorrow I will be in prep for my surgery at 8:00 a.m. I am a little nervous but I keep focusing on the beneficial changes to my health and wardrobe down the road. I know I need this to help me get there! Thanks for all your posts and support during the process. I think I would be much more nervous, if not from hearing from all of the experiences good and bad. I'll post again soon. Alice
  18. Hi everyone, My surgery went well, but the anesthesia knocked me for a loop. I was so dizzy for a couple of hours. The pain was bad at first, but is much better tonight, although I am taking tylenol with codeine. I slept when I got home for about 3 and half hours, so I've been sipping gatorade all evening trying to keep hydrated. I can see how tomorrow will be better after a good night's sleep. Good luck to all of you who are waiting. It is scary, but we have to keep our eye on the prize! Alice
  19. alice150

    I am from Maine

    Hi, You can either call Maine Care directly or actually go to a seminar in your area for a doctor that does the procedure. There are usually people at the seminar who have information on the insurance end of it. They will tell you what their experience is with trying to get approval on prior cases. Good Luck!
  20. Penny, Don't be afraid to tell her. If you have had a professional relationship for 3 years, I think she will be happy for your and will express that, especially if she sees that you are happy and comfortable with the decision. That is the most important thing. I have a similar situation with my own sister, who is actually much heavier than I am. I actually do want her to consider it but I never told her that. I told her what I had decided to do and that I am excited and she was very supportive, told me she was proud of me and happy for me. Good luck to you. I think you will be able to relax after telling your therapist and probably have better sessions after taking that worry off your mind. Alice
  21. Hi everyone, I am being banded on Tuesday, April 8. The only pre-op diet I have is 48 hours of Clear liquids. I'm ready for that and I was wondering, if any of you were given any restrictions about alcohol so close to surgery. I enjoy a couple of glasses of wine a few nights a week and I know I won't be able to do that post-op, but do you think it would be a problems for tonight and tomorrow night, if I indulge a little? I got my medical clearance today and my former post about toothache has been resolved and the surgeon said any meds I took for the root canal will not affect the surgery. I was so worried. Good luck to all this coming weeks new bandsters. We're going to do great! Alice
  22. alice150

    Band Date 4-11-08!

    I'm being banded on April 8. I can't wait and I can't wait to talk to everyone who gets banded next week too! Good luck to everyone! Alice
  23. I don't know what I can take. I had a root canal on Monday and I didn't have a toothache going in. I had a broken tooth that was sensitive and it is right in front. I've had root canals before but never had so much pain afterward. I have been taking Tylenol but it really isn't working. Any kind of aspirin product is out because it is too close to surgery. I am tempted to try a vicodin or a half. I also started amoxicillin last night when the pain started. I am afraid to even call the dentist because I don't want to have to go back and have him do more and start all over and jeopardize my surgery on Tuesday. Any suggestions? Thanks. Alice
  24. Hi Natalie, I am in Sunrise, FL. I am scheduled for surgery on April 8 with Dr Sosa at Weston Outpatient Surgery center. I am sorry that you have go thru this w/o your hubby close by and I'm sure you must miss him terribly. I believe my e-mail is in my profile, if you want to e-mail me directly. Good luck on your journey and don't let the family get your down about what happened with the weddings. Some people just don't understand. I think I would tell them all what was going on after they see how well you've done and tell them that they helped you make this decision. They will be shocked that you know how they handled the wedding situations. Look for my posts after April 8. I'll be letting everyone know how it went. Alice
  25. alice150

    Just call me Bloated Betty...

    Lonestar, That is great advise besides walking. My husband had gastric bypass over 10 years ago (actually is was a revision from a problem he had with original surgery before I met him) and while he was hospitalized, not only did he have to walk around the corridors alot, repiratory therapist came to his room and pounded his back to help. I'll remember that when I am banded on April 8. Alice

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