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Cheryl Ann

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cheryl Ann

  1. I've been lurking here on and off since November, and have finally worked up the nerve to post. To start, I want to tell all of you how helpful this board has been to me -- without me ever having posted anything. I am inspired by your stories and successes, and reassured by your first hand experiences and knowledge. Still -- in spite of it all -- I'm nervous as hell. Not so much about having the surgery, mind you, but the insurance waiting game is killing me. I will probably not find out if I've been approved until days before my scheduled surgery -- which is April 7. Has anyone here experienced the same sort of last-minute waiting game?
  2. Just heard from the surgeon's office today that they spoke with the insurance company, and that my case in in review. So I guess I should know in a couple of days... Meanwhile, I am on the second week of my pre-op liquid diet, and surviving. My surgery is scheduled for a week from today (4/7). I sure hope the news from the insurance company will be good news. Without insurance, it won't be happening.
  3. Cheryl Ann

    New here, figured I'd say hi

    Nothing like having someone share their negative experiences with you, eh? For every negative experience out there, though (whether self-imposed or not), there are countless positive ones. This forum is such a great source of support and information, with all the first-hand experiences to learn from. I'm a week away from my surgery (pending insurance approval), and I check in a few times a day. I don't always post, but find reassurance in reading the posts of others. You are to be admired for your nearly six months of supervised weight loss; just being able to make it through that to get to the next step takes an amazing amount of perseverence -- and faith. Just remember that there are a whole bunch of us out there, but with you every step of the way!
  4. I'm on the second week of my pre-op liquid diet, and have a Bat Mitzvah to attend on Saturday. There are TWO meals to contend with; a luncheon following services, and a dinner reception later the same day. I think I'll be bringing a couple of cans of SlimFast with me!
  5. Cheryl Ann

    Crushing Meds Post Op?

    How about capsules? Will they go down okay?
  6. Cheryl Ann

    Soda - Is this dumb?

    Well, I guess that's one thing I won't miss; I don't like anything with carbonation (with the exception of Pellegrino Water, which I like but don't actively seek). But steak and lobster...that's another story. But luckily I don't eat those everyday, anyway. I wonder what it is about soda -- diet or not -- that's so addicting? Still, it's interesting how tastes change after surgery, and that no one seems to miss it as much as they'd imagined. So there's hope for me yet, lol!
  7. Cheryl Ann

    Any April's out there?

    My date is April 7. I've hesitated to post the date because I still don't know if my insurance is covering it. As of early last week, the papers had still not been submitted by the surgeon's office. Since they're well-experienced in these matters, I am confident that they know what they're doing with the time frame. Still, if I don't hear anything by Friday, I can't see myself going into surgery next Monday, because I can't take the chance of insurance not covering it, and have no intentions (or ability to) to self-pay. Meanwhile, I am starting my second week of the prescribed pre-surgical liquid diet. So it's an even more special kind of torture, lol!
  8. Cheryl Ann

    New to LapBandTalk

    Yes, I live in New York. I feel fortunate to have access to NYU and Drs. Ren and Fielding. Where in California do you live? It's funny, but just today I burst into tears and told my doctor that "I just want to be 'me" again" -- just like you said yourself. I'm also one of those people who never dreamed she could ever be fat. I was underweight for more than half my life, and a normal weight until several years ago. I don't look in the mirror much, but when I do, I'm shocked by the multi-chinned face staring back at me. Now when I look back at those times when I thought I was fat -- and I was -- I think of how clueless I was that the worst was yet to come.
  9. My daughter is a bit nervous; my son seems to be okay. Until recently, I had never been away from them, but having had a sleep study a few weeks ago (which required an overnight stay), has hopefully helped them a bit. To tell you the truth, I'm more afraid of what a mess the house will be when I get home. My husband (who has to take off from work the day of and after my surgery) doesn't exactly tidy up much. He leaves dishes on the table and counters, and clothes on the floor. I am also worried about being able to eat without choking, as mealtimes are often fraught with fights between the two kids. Just a few minutes ago, they were punching each other while they ate, and expecting me to referee. I'm so used to gulping down food in between screaming at them to stop touching, looking, or talking to each other that being able to chew thoroughly is going to be a challenge. If it's a choice between me choking and them killing one another, I'm going to have to go with the killing. It's my third day of the liquid diet, and it was a bit easier today. However, cooking dinner was tough. In fact, anything having to do with food is tough, whether real or on paper. When I came in from taking the dog out this morning, my daughter was eating French Toast sticks -- and I swear that until today, I never noticed how sweet they smelled. The scent assaulted me as I stepped through the back door into the house. And then of course, today being Wednesday, the newspaper's Part II section was all about food, as it is every Wednesday. I found myself hypnotized by the pictures and descriptions. But other than that, I'm doing okay! I've been drinking Slim-Fast Optima (in cans), and they're pretty tasty. I wish they had some other varieties, though -- like rib steak, baked potato, and chicken cordon bleu. I also saw my PCP today, and obtained medical clearance.
  10. Cheryl Ann

    today is the day!!

    Best of luck. I'm so happy for you!
  11. Cheryl Ann

    New to LapBandTalk

    I've experienced the same thing. In fact, from the time I first began the journey toward lap band surgery (November), until only days ago, I've gained quite a bit of weight. But then again, I've been gaining in leaps and bounds for a long time now. Now that I'm on the pre-surgical diet, I tell myself that all those things I loved to eat in the past are at least things I experienced and enjoyed -- which is better than not having ever tasted them at all. I certainly had my share of 3 lb. lobsters! Good luck to you. I, too, just began posting here, so it's especially nice to "meet" you!
  12. I have a boy and a girl, 9 and 11. Boys sure do love their mamas, don't they. Mine still wants me to give him a bath once and a while, and both kids still need me to tuck them in every night. I am sure I will one day miss these days!
  13. My surgeon is Dr. Christine Ren, at NYU Medical Center. I, too, am trying hard to keep a positive outlook, but now that I'm on the required two-week liquid diet prior to surgery, I'm starving and lightheaded -- and irritable as can be. When my kids asked if I could stop off at their favorite sushi place on our way back from an errand this afternoon, I went nutzoid on them, lol! I hope you hear good news very soon!
  14. Were you calling the insurance company directly? Since my surgeon's office submits all the paperwork, how would I/could I do this? (I am afraid to interfere with the process). The only time I spoke with my insurance company was to find out what their criteria was for surgery. Did I miss a step? Is there someone I was supposed to call? :thumbup: BTW, you are an INSPIRATION!!!
  15. JerseyGirl2U, so glad that you are finally on your way. I can easily imagine how upsetting that must have been. I am hoping for the best, but still trying to prepare myself for the possibility. I don't know how or why, but am guessing that this is their own particular process. As far as being able to pay out of pocket, that hadn't been discussed. I feel that even if a person is able to self-pay, insurance is there for a reason, and I will be more than happy to take them on, should the need arise. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. They've really been helpful.
  16. Simple things, like everyone here: Cross my legs while sitting; get down on the floor and be able to get up again without Herculean effort; walk around the block at a fairly rapid pace without feeling like my lungs are about to explode; feel the cold in my bones in the winter; be able to wear a swimsuit without feeling so self-conscious; get out of an armchair without finding that I'm "wearing" it... ...most of all, be the mother my kids can barely remember.
  17. Cheryl Ann

    Hello from New York!

    I sure hope so, TerMur (and thanks for the encouragement). From what I've been reading, though, every insurance company's criteria is different, and even within an insurance company, the plans vary. But still, your story gives me great hope!
  18. Cheryl Ann

    Hello from New York!

    Yes, I have; all these things are required for the progran. I attended the seminar in late November, had the psychological evaluation in early December, visited with the nutritionist and nurse, and had the pre-surgical testing yesterday. In the past couple of months, I've had a full physical and bloodwork, and obtained the necessary recommendation from my doctor(s). I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
  19. Thanks so much, Holly. I really appreciate it.

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