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Status Updates posted by DedicatedLady

  1. I'm grateful for two things that I was reminded of last night. The first one is that I have this 4 week pre op diet to prepare for whats next, because it caused me to stop and think about why I eat in the patterns I do, and to try and change it. For example, I was standing in the kitchen having coffee with my fiance last weekend and told him (it was about noon) that because I know we have cookies in one cupboard, normally I would have had cookies with my coffee, and then perhaps another coffee so I could have more cookies.. Not that I need them, but just because they are there and I know that. I said normally the cheezies in the other cupboard I would have had as a mid day snack simply because they are there and its a treat. In neither of those situations would I have been hungry and eating to satiate myself. I would consider myself a "convenient grazer", I wouldn't go into the kitchen to cook for one person, but if there was crackers and cheese I'd eat it, just 'cause. If there was chips, cookies, crackers, beef jerky etc, I'd eat them because I have an addiction (the realization of that is my second epiphany for the week, continuing on....). He is so very helpful. Even apologizes when we hosted fathers day dinner because I had so few options, and went as far as to offer to steam me some vegetables so I had more to eat. I politely declined, because I am getting better and better at saying no to food.

    The minute I was given a surgery date and put on Atkins, I started eating like I had just had surgery. Small plates, small portions,the effort to cook vegetables for myself, staying out of the kitchen, drinking a lot of water. I've tried very hard to stay in the mindset that this is real, there is no turning back, and I will absolutely be successful for the rest of my life. Being forced to go on a diet pre op has opened my eyes to how much time I spent eating, and why, and a realistic understanding of how much I was eating. When its a day of grazing, plus one meal (that I got very bad at eating close to bed time) it no wonder to me how I got to be this big.  I got all of my ducks in a row when it came to organizing the procedure, now I just need to make sure I stay on track. In 3 days I go from Atkins to 3 Vitaleph shakes a day (plus leafy green and SF popsicles/SF jello.. blech for aspartame) and my supplements. Its becoming very real and my nervousness is melting away, while my excitement grows stronger. Goodbye self-doubting Raquel, hello confident beautiful dedicated Raquel.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DedicatedLady


      I think once he got over the shock of my request for his support in my decision, he has been amazingly supportive. He double checks if its ok that he opens our favorite chips while I'm around and doesn't eat them right in front of me. Offered to cook me vegetables last night when there wasn't many options at the group dinner, he makes sure I grab some lettuce before it gets dowsed in dressing for everyone else. Food wise he's been very helpful. He has mentioned that he'll miss getting to do things like eat a pizza together while we play video games, or how he'll miss having dinner at all-you-can-eat sushi with me, but honestly I'll miss those as well for a while, then it'll adjust for both of us. A few days ago he told me he was proud of me for doing "all of this", I thought that was a super sweet thing to say. He's also like 90lbs lighter than me and quite active (always has been his whole life) so there won't be any animosity about him now being 'the fat one' or anything bizarre like that. Other than that he did make sure I wasn't going to get all hot and then leave him hehee. Great support on the home front, which is so important in my opinion.

    3. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      I am so glad you're being supported that is extremely beneficial in weight loss. Wishing you guys tons of success.

    4. PatientEleventyBillion


      I'm glad to read these results as well. I say this because you aren't going through the Alberta WMP. In there, they make sure to have interviews separate from your SO to ensure you don't have any barriers to success that might include your SO. From the sounds of it, he's very supportive, which is fantastic. My wife was very skeptical at first, but that was maybe a few weeks until she went with me to my appointments and saw that this is no joke. Since then she's been extremely helpful, cooking anything she can, catering extensively to my diet, and being that she suffers PCOS and gained a lot of weight post-daughter, she's used my success and has made significant changes herself resulting in losing 20-30 pounds in less than a month. She does even more than I do, she tracks every day on MFP, and is religious about protein. It's even better if you both are in a great and healthy lifestyle, and for us it translates to our daughter as we seriously moderate her junk food intake.

  2. I finally gave Premier Protein shakes a chance. I picked a 4 pack of chocolate (I'm a chocolate kinda gal) 

    i might be the only person to think this, but those things are terrible! They're thick and gritty, no wonder people have such a hard time with the pre/post op liquid diets. Now, I'm cheap, and they were expensive, so I did pour them into my morning coffees until they were gone. Long story short-Blech🤢That is all. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MSinger


      I agree with @Yettid . I didn't like them at first, but you get used to them. Although I wouldn't drink them if I didn't have to, but I think they are the best tasting protein shakes I've had.

    3. shedo82773


      You, my friend, are not alone!!! I had to do 2 weeks of Protein preop and 4 weeks of Postop and they were the easiest drink to find. But I didn't like them at all!!! I also had severe "Back Door Trots with them" after all was said and done I talked to my PA about my serious trots and he said you are more than likely Lactose Intolerant!!! Thank you so much 6 weeks of wearing GIGANTO PADS sometimes double if I had to go anywhere. That could not have happened!!! THANKS for nothing!! LOL I now have GENEPRO unflavored that I add to my Espresso every day. If only!!!!

    4. _Kate_


      I went to Canada recently and bought the chocolate premier protein ready to drink chocolate drinks and had one a day.... thought they were delish and wish they sold them in the uk!!

  3. So far surgery is a success.  I'm on liquids 'clear' and 'full' until day 17, then I start blending all my food...haha, yay? I've tried very small pieces of a few soft solid foods. It takes about 2 minutes for everything to register that it is being rejected.. Then I throw it up about 15 times, rather unpleasant. So suffice to say, it has been easy to stick to liquids like I'm supposed to :)  Thick cream soups kind of have the safe effect. Protein shakes however, are going down, slowly, but going down none the less. Down 12lbs since surgery 8 days ago. Even received compliments, the "your face looks skinnier" compliment. It's odd but I'll take it ;)  

    1. MSinger


      Congrats on the surgery! Just stick with it, focus on meeting getting your fluids in and before you know it you'll be advanced to the next food stage. It gets much easier as you go along. Hang in there!

    2. AdorableAsian34


      It does it better. I was scared to desth to overfill my pouch. I ate minimally and did more liquid. And tons of water. I ended up having to get propel and some pedialite. Also I went to whole foods and got a really good probiotic for when you do get to more solid foods.

    3. AdorableAsian34


      I have thrown up several times ove from just one bite too much. you habe to change everything. I am gkad I was never addicted to food. I got several hateful responses saying we arent suppossed to throw up but I have over fifty friends. different states and drs. specialist and its all normal in the first couple months. The nutrisionist said one day you may not tolerate one food but try it again later on. Its one thimbal full at a time one food at a time.

  4. Day 5:Pre-Op Diet.

    First Entry: Its been about 8 days since I made my decision and booked my surgery. I'm writing on a public board because I imagine my fiance is already tired of hearing about every aspect of VSG that there is, I find I can't stop talking about it, because I'M SO EXCITED! Also because only him and my mother know, and I need somewhere to type, and I happen to love the users on this site, so nice, honestly! 

    I'm booked in on July 6th at the OCC in Tijuana MX with Dr.Ortiz. I talked to my nutritionist on the 6th and she literally wrote in her first email "absolutely no alcohol from this point on". Even SHE bolded it in the email (as though I was only going to skim over her email regarding a major surgery, HA!) I had from that day until July 20th (2 weeks out from surgery) to be on Atkins, minus a few things. I'm supposed to be getting protein shakes but they're in the mail somewhere.. It is Canada after all. So, day 5 of sugar withdrawals, lets see.. I do drink like sweetened creamer in my coffee, only one a day, and I don't use too much, maybe only 1 serving which is 5grams. I still feel bad about that 5 grams, but I did not realize what a terrible idea trying to quit caffeine and sugar at the same time would be at first without it. Then I spent almost the entire weekend dizzy and lethargic on the couch  while binge watching Netflix in between napping. After 2 days of that, I decided I would go back to my one cup of coffee a day and just live with my 5 grams.

    Days 1,2 of no sugar were like a blur. Day 3 was weird because I had no appetite but I was unbelievably thirsty which I thought was funny since I was drinking over 2L of water a day. That 3rd day was headaches from wake up until bedtime. Day 4 was my least favorite, I had the exact same lunch and dinner, 4-5ox steak and lettuce (seriously Atkins restrictions, go f yourself sometimes).. then about 3 or 4 times I found myself walking around the kitchen opening cupboards and looking for snacks. As though magically there would be sugar-free, aspartame free Jello cups just waiting for me, or opening the freezer would make sugar free popsicles appear. Nope, all I found was the Cheetos for my fiance in one cupboard, the salt and vinegar chips I asked him to hide from me in another cupboard, and cookies in the last cupboard I opened. For some strange reason The day I shopped for approved Pre-Op foods for myself, I also bought a large amount of junk food for him. I dont know why. We all make mistakes right?  hahaha.  He's so unbelievably supportive though in a million and one ways. The first time I asked him his opinion about getting surgery, he thought exercise and healthy eating was the answer and said he didn't really like it. Then I brought it up again (with a few facts to back me up - I said I dont want to worry about things like diabetes,strokes,heart disease, and future pregnancy complications).. He is so supportive it has blown my mind, he literally even woke me up last night when he got home from football and asked if it was ok if he ordered pizza. I was asleep so I wasn't going to miss it, but I thought it was so sweet of him to care. He even just called me to tell me where were going for dinner for his moms birthday, so now I can look up the menu online and pick the best thing!

    All in all, Its been 5 days dieting, and 4.5 days sugar-free (mostly) I weighed in last Wednesday at 295. Tomorrow I report to my nutritionist, and I'll update my weight tomorrow. Sorry for such a long post - I knew I should have been writing from the beginning. Its kind of calming.

    Now to finish off my wonderful day! (that might just be the sugar in my creamer talking hehee....)

    1. DedicatedLady


      Oh i mean Atkins until June 20th, not July** my bad :)

    2. Newme17


      Congratulations on deciding a better future for yourself! I'm equally happy to hear you've got a great support system at home too and it was super sweet of him to ask about the pizza. :780_sparkling_heart:The pre-op was the hardest the first few days for myself too. After these few days, it should get easier.. Like you, I didn't give up my 5g creamer either. My husband bought me sugar free stuff and it was disgusting to me. So I went back to my almond creamer. I still lost my weight too...don't let that itty bitty amount of sugar scare you.

      Keep us posted! We all love to talk on here. LOL :)

    3. Apple1


      Such a great post. I am happy for you!! I had my surgery in Mexico also, but with Dr. Illan. I have heard great things about the OCC. I think the best options in Mexico are Dr. Illan and OCC.

      Your fiance sounds like a great guy. My hubby is very supportive also!! I look forward to hearing more about your journey in the future.

  5. I check my own ticker to remind myself how close my surgery is, because it seems sort of surreal, especially how fast time is going...Is that weird?

    1. PatientEleventyBillion


      Nah it's not weird I checked it all the time.. we're socially wired now to repetitively status check things thanks to social media.

    2. biginjapan


      Yeah - for a long time it seems so far away, and then the next thing you know the date will be rushing at you! Good luck with your surgery!

    3. DedicatedLady


      Thank you! Tomorrow is my first day of protein shakes all day and night hahah
      I imagine with my chef background I'm going to get bored fast and start getting creative with them.
      just sayin'...I'd drink a chocolate zucchini smoothie.Chocolate cinnamon smoothie. I would even heat it up and make mexican hot chocolate with it. Ok I'm off to write my full meal plan for the next 14 days! It'll be easier with it written down. I'll make a calendar, tear off the day ahead of me when I wake up, and not think twice about other temptations. (my apologies, I'm essentially thinking out loud right now..)

  6. Offically Day 16 of of pre-op diet. Yesterday started phase 2 which is 3-4 shakes a day plus green leafy veg and sugar free jello. I didn't like pre-made jello to start, not surprisingly it still tastes like someone poured water on a dirty carpet, squeezed it out into a jello mold with food coloring and called it "edible".. So yesterday,  I made it officially 17Hrs on my SUPER exciting selection of either vanilla or chocolate shakes before I said f**k it, I got home from work (still carrying around my half a lunch shake) and ate a miniature handful of trail mix, and a rather large piece of very dark chocolate. Actual chocolate!  For the record, I regret nothing.

    (I made my dinner shake at the same time, surprise I went with 'chocolate' flavor, and I use that term loosely, as the shake mix should come with a label that states it is only brown in color, and is not flavored like, nor associated with ACTUAL chocolate. Kind of like a 'no real chocolate was harmed in the making of this bubbely swill we call a shake'.  17 hrs before I was tired of them plain. Its time to start getting creative with my recipes, sweet :)  Hmmm no wonder you lose weight, the food is awful hahaha

    I googled and pinterested(<--that's not a real word) recipes for Bariatric patients Post Op, and good lord there are some incredible looking things on there. I will note though that to replace grains there's a strong emphasis on just using cheese instead. I'm not a nutritionist or anything but I've flipped over a package of cheese once or twice in my life and happen to know that it is high as a kite in fat. Then again when you're making food porn, obviously more cheese looks better. Anyways, its Thursday and I need to go make cheques (<--btw the spell check for this is "squelches",wonderful..

    Moving that scale down one day at a time.

    The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
    -Dolly Parton  

    1. PatientEleventyBillion


      The thing with cheese is, like all things, healthy in moderation. Not processed cheese, that's junk regardless. But block cheese and string cheese.. not only is it low carb, but it's also rife with good and bat fats, in the sense of how they contribute to cholesterol in your body. I wouldn't know regarding specialized cheeses (feta, gouda, gruyere, etc.) as I hate the taste of all those.

      Regarding the pre-op, it's essential to keep your carbs to a minimum, the point of the pre-op diet is to shrink your liver and make the surgery safer. The larger it is, the slipperier it is, and/or the more damaged it is, the more risky the surgery.

    2. PatientEleventyBillion


      Also, weight loss tends to coincide with a low carb diet (metabolic mechanisms are the same between ketosis, weight loss, and liver shrinking).. so if you're doing it right you should be losing weight on the pre-op diet.

    3. DedicatedLady


      I wouldn't touch processed cheese, the chef in me refuses. The cheese was extra old cheddar and if I ate more than 28.4grams I'd be shocked. It was even a stevia sweetened chocolate bar, less sugar than my shake. I havn't touched a piece of bread, pasta, rice, pastries, sauces with added sugar, alcohol, and I don't drink pop and have never drank juice that wasn't fresh carrot. Jeez I havn't even touched carrots, peas, potatoes, green beans, fruit, legumes, milk,honey, or salad dressing. Every time I step on that scale it't gone down. I'm doing something right.;)

      The odd thing for me was that I ate peanuts, those are the cockroach of nuts, that I'd normally never touch.

  7. Officially 7 days into pre-op dieting. July 6th is my official VSG date. Its Wednesday so I report my weight with my nutritionist and on the graph page with my user ID. Last Wednesday I said 295lb. When really I was 293.8, but likely for fear of not being successful at losing 15lbs by surgery date, I 'padded' my number..wait, wait, that was sugarcoated hey, ok, I lied because I was afraid of failure, there I said it.  My week has been a breeze, I feel like I'm running on motivation (while carrying a water bottle;) of course) Now keep in mind, I have been living off green vegetables, steak,chicken,shrimp,coffee,water,and when I cracked I had 5 potato chips. I barely notice the kitchen cupboards are even there anymore, because I know there's no snacks in them that I can have. I open the fridge and inside is my own shelf of what is allowed for me. I swear the entire shelf is green with the exception of the styrofoam carton of eggs on the edge. Yesterday there was a giant box of pizza on the shelf just below, and if it weren't for the smell of the hawaiian (I didn't even have to open the box to be able to tell the type, honest lol) I probably wouldn't have noticed it was there. Essentially, after a week, I'm kind of bored of food for now. Which in my opinion is exactly what I need prior to surgery. Oh, quick note. I have nocturnal epilepsy but I've been seizure free for like 8 or 9 years and take medication-so my concern with this pre-op diet was that it was going to effect me neurologically. I've been perfectly fine, I just make sure to eat proper foods at proper times. 

    Now, onto my weigh-in day. I had a $15 scale for 9 years that was like it had been built by NASA, it was the most accurate thing I've ever owned. It broke during bathroom renovations 2 months ago and I was devastated. Some time later, we buy an expensive scale (haha it was like $30) and I can stand on it 5 times in a row and get 5 different numbers, in like a 9lb range, I **** you not. Okay I know its time to get a new one, as soon as my schedule permits. Today however, I need that number or my nutritionist will actually contact me. Deep breaths, I take my first step, 280.2. I step again, but close to the outside edges trying to trick it or something, 280.2. I stand close to the front, 280.2. Close to the back, 280.2. I move the scale to the other side of the bathroom, and stand on it backwards, move it to the hallway stand backwards again, stand on it crouching down, sideways,backwards;The number won't go away. I actually told myself walking into the bathroom that I needed 20 consistent numbers to be convinced (that shows how little faith I have in this scale)

    Well, long story short, I'm convinced. 280.2 it is, and I'm not padding my number for once. It feels freeing. A brief idea went through my head as I stood there in my birthday suit, while processing the number that my toes pointed too, that I need to "maintain" this until surgery..that thought bubble immediately morphed into "eff that, I'm going to keep working" and being successful, because its the attitude I will need to have after surgery as well. I don't say this often enough, but GO ME!:D

    Today is a good day, and I have a can of tuna with my name on it that needs eating...yay :)

    1. Apple1


      lol... your scale woes cracked me up. I often wonder how accurate mine is.

      You are doing great with the pre-op diet. Congrats on the weight lost😃

    2. DedicatedLady


      Why thank you! I again had to weigh myself this morning about half a dozen times juuust to make sure haha ;) Its been a strange week trying to figure out what to eat, breakfast is the hardest meal to figure out on atkins so far..so I stick with just a coffee but my body can tell it hasn't been fed. I eat lunch early (11), and dinner early also (5) so by 8 the next morning I kind of need something to run on ya know. According to my tracking number, my pre-op Vitaleph order should be waiting at my door when I get home. Its like waiting for christmas! I need a multivitamin and a protein shake, stat! lol

  8. I watched this video yesterday and I am so happy it did, it sure made me smile. Its a good watch if you've got the time.

    1. Apple1


      This was really good. Thank you for sharing.

    2. DedicatedLady


      Thank you :) I really enjoyed the last part about "taking the easy way out". I was originally watching it because I had avoided it then thought to myself 'hey I should probably know some of the cons, maybe this one will be informative.' Then surprise! it was all Pros and it made me happy knowing those were a lot of the reasons I had chosen this surgery.

  9. Finally, 2 days out!:D:1312_thumbsup_tone3: I'm busy every minute until then luckily, I have to drive out of town to leave my puppy with my mom for the week, then pack when I get back into the city. After that its a shower before bed and get to the airport for approximately 3am. We stop in Salt Lake City to connect flights, and show up in San Diego at noon. Surgery tests are in the afternoon. Relaxing movie before bed with my fiance, then surgery in the morning. I sure am happy I emailed my coordinator and asked for a morning surgery time! Glad I thought to do that..The more things to take my mind off of pending surgery the better ;)

     I can probably surmise that this has been more of a thought dump than a productive status update.

     I'll update when I find internet in Tijuana


  10. Eureka!! My most delicious smoothie yet!

    I finally took the time to slowly go around the grocery store (and I mean slowly) and look for new things I could incorporate into my protein smoothies to jazz things up. I tend to avoid sugar substitutes if possible, which has eliminated the option of juice squeeze things and most things labeled "sugar-free" anyways,including jello,popsicles,gum etc..  I found some promising new ingredients. I picked up some good finds (in my opinion). I got Matcha green tea powder with ginger, pumpkin pie spice (if your store doesn't have this premade its pretty much cinnamon,ginger,clove,nutmeg.super easy to make), imitation caramel extract, imitation coconut extract, and organic vanilla extract. 

    So onto my smoothie, it contains the following (as I stare at it lovingly) :

    -1  cup unsweetened cashew milk

    -1 cup water/with a handful of ice

    -1 scoop Vitaleph Vanilla protein mix

    -A splash of caramel extract

    -A dash of Vanilla extract

    -Pumpkin Pie Spice

    I blended it all together, poured it into a giant cup and am happily drinking so far the best protein smoothie I've had. Also looking forward to tomorrows chocolate protein,espresso, and coconut breakfast smoothie. Fingers crossed it does the trick ;)

    1. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      Good for you. I haven't done the supermarket thing yet. I usually send my children. Brava for you.

  11. Its official, I'm tired of all my meals being either chocolate or vanilla flavor. I'm a salt person lol.  I have a dozen options to get creative with the shakes, and I've mixed it all. I'm out of options, and in three days I move to 48hr liquid diet anyways. Thankfully its Saturday, incredibly easy to stay occupied all day (the old me might have met friends for beer and food, but not anymore :D )  Only 9 more shakes to go and they are done until post surgery. YAY! My 48hr liquid diet includes "strained cream soup",this makes no sense to me, why strained? why cream? Its feels counter-intuitive to have something manufactured, that's high in fat and has crazy sodium levels. Does anybody else have this included in their pre-op diet or am I the anomaly?!

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      I'm not a big sweets person so broth and unflavored protein powder were my savior.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
