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Status Updates posted by Wisconsin

  1. Just wanted to say, hi! I had my surgery on May 23rd of this year too.  It has been somewhat challenging with meeting my protein and fluid goals.  I am hoping to advance my diet so that I am not so winded at the end of the day.  I am able to walk around the grocery store and 1/2 block but that's about it.  The decision to start this journey in my life has been an interesting one.  I think I need to find a dedicated support group because my emotions have been all over the place. Has anyone else experienced their mood being up one minute and down the next?

    1. MSinger


      Hi neighbor to the north! Yes, I do notice my moods have been a bit low. Nothing too concerning, but I think it's a mix of lower food intake and adjusting to no longer using food to make me happy. Your energy levels sound great for where we're at right now. So strange how you feel like you can take a long walk, but before you know it the energy level tanks <_<

    2. MSinger


      Feel free to drop a line if you need to talk :)

    3. Berry78


      Being winded is normal the first, I don't know, month? It surprised me how long it took. But totally normal..

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