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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DianeJarrett

  1. DianeJarrett

    Pre op diets

    My health insurance is completely different. They require a visit to a nutritionist prior to surgery and then afterward, you must go to at least 2 visits. Also, my doctor's office nutritionist gave me a 30-page packet on what to eat before and after and sent it to my (insurance approved) nutritionist (I couldn't afford the practice's nutritionist, you have to pay her in cash), and she is working with me to follow the plan. I value my nutritionist, she really worked with me to follow the pre-op diet without pulling out my hair, but even before that, she helped me changed the way I looked at food and the way I eat, and I began to lose weight WITHOUT dieting before I started the pre-op diet. I think we could all benefit from something like that!
  2. DianeJarrett

    Pre op diets

    My insurance company required the same 6-month check-ins, with weigh-ins. I also had to see a nutritionist at least once, have an endoscopy and see a psychiatrist at least once. The only diet I had was the 2-week pre-op diet. The good news is - if you have a 6 months of continued visits with your doctor (including ER visits, etc), as long as they have your weight, you can use that. One of my monthly visits was an ER visit when I hurt my knee. The insurance company accepted it, otherwise, I would have to had to start over! Good luck!
  3. DianeJarrett

    4 days past surgery - spasms are killing me!

    Thanks! I just realized that the medicine the doctor gave me for gas is FOR THE SPASMS. I took it yesterday and what a change! It doesn't relieve them completely but they aren't as noticeable and I can eat and sleep now. I feel stupid that I went through this for a couple of days before I realized it was gas. DOH!
  4. I am 4 days past surgery and it's already been a tough road. First day home I vomited over and over, due to swelling in the esophageal tube, had to go to the ER and get a steroid shot to reduce the swelling. Now I can drink without any issues but the stomach spasms are vicious! No matter if it is cold, warm, room temp, they keep coming. I hear they go away after a week, has anyone else had them so viciously? I wake up with them. It's hard to put anything in my stomach when this is always the result. My surgical follow-up is Wednesday, 3 days away, I hope he can help. I know I sound like a punk, but these things are tough.
  5. DianeJarrett

    Day 13 Post-Op Sleeve

    You have a great sense of humor! Don't lose it! It's awesome!
  6. DianeJarrett

    Day 13 Post-Op Sleeve

    Sorry, this made me laugh. I remember those days. Fortunately for me, before I had my surgery, I had a full hysterectomy. Otherwise, I would have killed someone by now for the food! Good luck! Hang in there!
  7. DianeJarrett

    Sadness in waves

    I felt like this too, depressed during pre-op. Just remember, it will all be worth it. Hang in there. Everyone says it gets better, but this isn't an "easy out" for weight loss. This is work. You'll be out there again, thinner, healthier, happier! I'm 4 days post-op, having some tough issues, and still, I'm happy with the process. Good luck!
  8. DianeJarrett

    4 days past surgery - spasms are killing me!

    I guess I just need to gut it out. I wasn't expecting them, and that's the issue. In the ER, when I complained of them, they acted like they weren't serious, just par for the course. Bleah. The worst thing, so far. Thanks!!
  9. I'm 5 days into my liquid diet, with my surgery around the corner on 6/14. Nervous, excited, a little scared but I think that is normal. I'm a little concerned about how much weight I am dropping on my liquid diet. 5 days in and I've lost 10.2 pounds, averaging 2.5 lbs per day (I won't know about today until I weigh myself in the morning). Is this usual? I met with my nutritionist today and she seemed a little concerned. Has anyone else dropped this quickly in the beginning? Thanks! So glad I found this app and group!

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