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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DianeJarrett

  1. DianeJarrett

    1 mo post op stuck

    I'm in the same boat. I posted a topic about it. My scales have not moved an ounce. Not a single ounce in 2.5 weeks. It sucks. I'm surprised that your doc EXPECTS you to be at a weight, though. Mine says "slow but steady" and expected me to stall. Don't let anyone, doctor or otherwise, push you around. If you are following the plan, and I assume you are (are you?), it happens to everyone, from what I hear.
  2. DianeJarrett

    Not eating enough...

    Can you imagine? 6 months of liquids? I WOULD PLOTZ.
  3. DianeJarrett

    Not eating enough...

    My doctor is one of the best in the country, that's a fact. While he said I am mostly healed, what he meant was for eating regular food, meaning meat, protein, for the most part. Not the things that fill you up, those are still off limits. Rice, bread, crackers, etc. Still no carbonated sodas, nothing that will give me gas, fill me up, etc. No hard core workouts on my abdominals. All the things that all doctors say. Every surgeon tells you that you need 6 months to fully heal, but that's a complete healing, basically when your body isn't tender, when you can no longer tell you have had surgery when the area is touched. Full recovery on the stomach itself is 6 weeks, meaning the sutures have healed, and the pouch is tightly sealed. I have a huge pamphlet from my doctor on recovery guidelines, along with pictures, a full video with graphics and images and a 100 page eating guide. All say that after 6 weeks, your stomach is healed. It's the surrounding tissue that still needs time to heal, will be tender to the touch and should be treated gently.
  4. DianeJarrett

    Not eating enough...

    I'm still very cautious about eating anything, because I'm worried about the healing process. I'm 6 weeks and was told that I am mostly healed, just to not overeat, chew chew chew and approach food in a less is more fashion. Never get full. I will continue that, simply because I'm a nervous person. LOL
  5. DianeJarrett

    Not eating enough...

    I haven't tried them. Do they have a taste??
  6. DianeJarrett

    Not eating enough...

    I have omeprazole but the doctor took me off of that. I’ll let him know that and see if he wants me to resume. My trainer is recommended by my doctor and is very familiar with GS patients. He has 25 clients, all Bariatric surgical patients. BTW, watermelon gets a bad rap. It isn’t that high in sugar, calories or carbs. Besides, I can’t handle more than 1/4 cup. My protein intake appears to be the issue. I’m back on that horse big time and the shakes are going down smoothly, as long as I don’t smell them first lol.
  7. DianeJarrett

    Not eating enough...

    Now THAT I cannot do. I'm barely tolerating the Premier Protein shakes. Adding the powder, which, in my opinion, is nasty, I would just not drink it.
  8. DianeJarrett

    Not eating enough...

    I returned to the liquid diet yesterday, mostly. I had a protein shake in the morning and in the evening, with 40 ounces of water in between. I also had 2 ounces of chicken breast. I actually gained weight today, lol. It is just to jump start my metabolism, which is low (I've had a hysterectomy). The oatmeal was for the constipation and the doctor insisted I NOT use a fiber supplement for that week. Once it cleared, he said I could use a supplement, and I've ordered some. The watermelon is for working out, it gives you energy and helps jump start your workouts. I only do that 3 days a week and recommended by my personal trainer. I think I'm now on the right path, thanks to everyone's advice. Now that the protein shakes no longer make me gag and I'm drinking more water, I feel like I will work my way out of this long stall and get back to losing weight.
  9. DianeJarrett

    Water... ugh.

    I am so tired of water. So tired, in fact, that I drink mostly Crystal Light and Propel, and sometimes I indulge with a BAI (which has only 5 calories and is sooo good.) But, I wonder, could that be the reason behind my hard core stall? (I don't drink enough fluid and I am going to go back to an all fluid diet for two days to see if that breaks my stall, advice from doctor and nutritionist, FYI.) Could Crystal Light be hampering my weight loss and not helping? Should I go back and just drink plain water? My weight loss plan encourages Crystal Light and Propel so you won't feel boxed in by water, but I would love to hear if it has hurt/helped anyone else. I can go back to plain water. I will hate it and feel punished by life (lol) but I will. LOL
  10. DianeJarrett

    Water... ugh.

    Yes! Try the Clementine one! It's amazing!
  11. DianeJarrett

    Water... ugh.

    BAI is a low calorie drink, 5 calories, fruit infused. It's very good. A nice break from water.
  12. DianeJarrett

    NO Carbonated beverages- FOREVER!

    This was very well said. Exactly. Why go backwards when you've put all the time and effort into a life change?
  13. DianeJarrett

    Water... ugh.

    I sooo miss it! I'm so glad to hear about your stalls... not wishing it on anyone else but just happy that I'm not alone on this journey! I can't wait for the coffee!!! LOL
  14. DianeJarrett

    Water... ugh.

    Coffee? My plan doesn't allow that for another week when I hit the 6-week mark. Not sure why, they just said to wait. Perhaps they think my stomach won't tolerate it. Maybe. I miss it. Mmmmm... coffeeeeee.... Thanks for the advice. I just started working out last week, finished my first week of workouts, and my personal trainer is changing it for me every day. So I think that part is good. I'll be patient.
  15. DianeJarrett

    NO Carbonated beverages- FOREVER!

    Yes, sparkling water is carbonated. Let it go flat. Open, let it sit, shake it, take off the lid and drink. I let my flavored carbonated water go flat and it is still wonderful, a nice break from plain water.
  16. DianeJarrett

    The Stall...

    IT IS very frustrating, especially when you hear about people losing 30-40 pounds in 2 months. I'm still stuck at 27 since surgery, but that includes the 7 pounds of just swelling. The day I went in for surgery, I lost 18 pounds. When I left the hospital, it was only 11, because of the swelling. Do I count that? Sure, for a total of 37 pounds, before and after. But since my surgery, I feel like I've only lost 20 lbs at 6 weeks and I'm at a hard hard stall. I work out 4 times a week and the scale is just STUCK. I know I'm older, I've had a hysterectomy and I will lose slower than most. And I don't drink enough water. I have to do that, it's just super hard. Tomorrow, on the advice of my nutritionist and doctor, I'm going back on the liquid fast, protein shakes and water for 2 days to kick start. I hope it helps. LOL I admit I weigh myself daily and I shouldn't. And, at the gym, I'm 2 pounds lighter, and I like that. LOL I know this is a process, but I see younger women shedding pounds like dog hair in the summer, and I'm mad jealous. (LMAO!!) It's a process, and I'm on board for the whole thing. Good luck to you. We'll get there. And may I say, 34 pounds pre-surgery? WOWSA!!!! WELL DONE!
  17. DianeJarrett

    The Stall...

    I stalled this week, week 4 out of surgery. Mostly due to constipation and lack of hydration. I got some good support from my doctor's office, but it is disheartening, since, post surgery, I was only 16 pounds down. It was tough to see the scales at the same weight for 5 days. Luckily, with some laxatives and forcing myself to drink more, hydrate, I lost a few more pounds but it made me fully aware that it is all about sticking to the plan. I am a little depressed still, when I know that the weight in the first 4 weeks is generally dramatic, but mine has not been. Anyone else experienced this?
  18. DianeJarrett

    Not eating enough...

    I actually broke my scales, so I am estimating the 1-2 ounces. I do love refried beans. I replace my meat with that sometimes, just for a change!!
  19. DianeJarrett

    Not eating enough...

    (No need to sound so snippy.) I said I eat 2 ounces of Greek yogurt in the morning, I have chicken breast for lunch, about 2 ounces, and turkey or chicken for dinner, again the same amount. Before I work out, I have about 2 ounces (maybe) of watermelon, recommended by my trainer, and I will finish the 4 oz yogurt cup before I go to bed at night, if I feel like my stomach is empty, which is often. I often switch the chicken or turkey breast for tuna, or salmon and sometimes, I eat oatmeal instead of yogurt to get some fiber. The yogurt and oatmeal, both recommended by my nutritionist to ensure I don't get constipated again. I drink water all day, mostly Crystal Light but occasionally plain water. I drink Propel during my workout and finish a bottle of it in about 1.5 hours. I just started back drinking Premier Protein shakes, I can finish 1 - 1.5 a day. My initial question was more about the empty stomach feeling and how people cope with it, how they ensure they are eating, what habits they have developed to make sure they would eat.
  20. DianeJarrett

    Not eating enough...

    I'm not really eating rice. Just tasting it when I cook. I've only actually eaten it once, when I reached 4 weeks. The doctor told me to celebrate the return to real food. I had 4 pieces of sushi spread out over hours. (Doctor approved, I lived... but I won't do it again. It was terrible.) I do track my food, but I know I'm not eating enough. I haven't been drinking enough protein shakes because they made me gag, the smell of the protein shakes just set me off. This week, I started back. I'm going to go back on my liquid fast for a couple of days to get back in the swing of the shakes, and then try it all over again. I just have to remind myself to eat. Or drink. And not get an empty stomach that aches.
  21. DianeJarrett

    NO Carbonated beverages- FOREVER!

    I love carbonated flavored water, but I no longer drink it with carbonation. I buy it, open the top, shake it, let it go flat and drink it. It's still wonderful but I avoid the carbonation.
  22. Okay, I've hit the 4-week mark! Cleared for eating regular food (which, so far, is eating about 1/8th of what I used to eat, lol) and working out! Any insights on what to start with, how much pain you experienced, energy, etc? My doctor recommended joining a gym that had fitness training, meaning a trainer would give me some advice on where to start, what not to do, etc. My doctor has a fitness expert that said, in a loud voice, "upper arms, inner thighs and booty - they are your goals! Don't focus too hard on the stomach, for now. Still needs to heal more!" Do you agree with that? I was hoping to start on my core, but it sounds like the core isn't quite ready. I'd love some insights. Thanks!
  23. DianeJarrett

    Cleared for working out!

    Fabulous advice! I'm joining a gym with unlimited fitness training assistance, and they will give me a program to get started. I'll be sure you follow your advice. Thanks SO MUCH!!!
  24. DianeJarrett

    Oh! The joys of constipation!

    I love the name! I will try it next time. For the tough days, I used a laxative and a glycerin suppository. I NEVER want to go through that again. My nutritionist recommended oatmeal, which changed everything. I've started eating McCann's steel cut oatmeal every other day. I puree a few strawberries to add in, or, if I'm feeling extra good, I will steam an apple and add to it. Thank goodness for my electric steamer! I can steam it in about 15 minutes, with a little cinnamon, add it to the oatmeal. IT IS YUMMY!
  25. Week 3 is over, but the constipation is here! Good times! Anyone else suffer through this wonder? Fun. Good times.

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