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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lydiafree

  1. I guess that's a subjective sort of thing, but yes, I do think so. Sex workers already face horrifying treatment at the hands of law enforcement and a dismissive, apathetic attitude from the public at large. As an example, the rape and abuse of prostitutes is frequently referred to as "NHI" in police departments. NHI means No Human Involved. If it were flat out legal (as opposed to decriminalized for those selling it (not pimps, btw)), that coupled with the dehumanizing attitude held towards sex workers, would only increase the apathy towards them, and do little to decrease the hostility focused on them (and amazingly enough, not the men whose demand creates the damn problem). So, while there are positive benefits to legalizing - such as allowing sex workers to unionize, get benefits or get health care, etc. - there's no guaranty that the number of people willing to do such work would increase. The demand side is always present and VERY demanding, and unfortunately, will be supplied by any means necessary. I don't see how legalizing it combats that. Decriminaliztion might not either, but it seems somewhat more effective to punish those demanding it and those forcing people to supply it, then the actual sex workers themselves. What's to be gained by punishing victims? If the human trafficking and coercion problem could be dealt with, then there's no reason not to legalize. This, by the way, is the common attitude of the sex workers I've worked with. Decriminalization first, then, if Americans ever grow up, legalization. All that said - I don't want to give the impression that they all victims. They're not. Or that they're all women. They're not. I (or the public at large) may not agree with their choice of employment, but it's damn lucrative so i understand its appeal. And, even those who do sex work because they want to deserve protection, safety and respect. they're human beings. (This, of course, unearths a number of feminist arguments as well, but that's for another time.) :smile:
  2. and many of them start addictions to deal with prostitution. I've worked with current and erstwhile sex workers (which includes strippers and porn actresses) for years. In my experience almost none wanted to be in that "industry", but through some circumstance, were forced into it. Addiction is a way to cope with an often times dehumanizing and violent situation. I say, decriminalize the selling, and put those who buy it and the human traffickers who force people into it in jail. Legalization, i feel, simply makes it easier to hide the overwhelming problem of human trafficking.
  3. Lydiafree

    Jon and Kate + 8

    Did anyone else find it just a little, well, convenient, that this story broke just in time for the new series premiere? Seems a little fortuitous to me.
  4. Lydiafree

    Is God real?

    No. none of them are.
  5. ha! Yes, that is the date of my surgery. Just waiting for the final tests on June 6th and then clearance from the PCP on the 19th. This next month cannot go fast enough!
  6. Ha! small world. My surgery with Dr. Hoffman is scheduled for the last week in June! I had a hard time with the SB diet in the beginning - because I was totally accustomed to my afternoon chocolate fix. I've gotten better (tho I still crave sweet stuff). I did totally slip off the diet for about a week and oh boy - I felt like garbage. Sick to my stomach, tired, all that. It was enough to get me back on it.
  7. I eventually did tell the office manager in my firm. Only because, as you pointed out, there are a number of appointments and the time off required for surgery, etc., which I needed her help with (since I don't have enough time to cover all the time off I needed and will need). However, I chose to be specific with her simply because she has a young child that has multiple health problems and is frequently in the hospital, etc. So I knew she'd be understanding. Other people I know who have undergone WLS have simply told their bosses they were having some "health issues" that needed to be attended to. I think bosses are generally reluctant to ask for specifics. I told my office manager, but my actual boss only knows that I'm having "pro-active surgery to counteract possible future health issues". he's never asked any questions. :thumbup:
  8. :smile: Hello all! I'm lydia. I joined a while back when I first began to consider getting banded. And now, my surgery is FINALLY scheduled! After a year of research, tests, waiting and starting a new diet, I've finally gotten my surgery date! Just have to get over the last few hurdles: final pre-op testing (why do I have to have MORE blood work done?), surgery clearance by my primary doc, then the final weigh in. Thank goodness for Dr. Hoffman! June 29th can't come fast enough!
  9. That's a good point. I had not thought about something like that - there will be sitchs that require telling someone.
  10. Lydiafree

    MORE blood tests?

    Thank you! Good to know it's a normal thing. I was worried it signified something might be wrong, or something.
  11. :smile: I had blood test done as part of my surgeon's bariatric program, and they found an H. Pylori infection that was treated with anti-biotics. had the subsequent EGD to check for ulcers, etc. with a biopsy of the stomach - all clear. Now, I've got my surgery date and just got the appointment for my final pre-op tests. Another EKG, a chest z-ray and MORE blood work? I hate needles. Very, very nervous about all the blood work. Is this normal? Did anyone else have to go through additional blood work as part of the final testing phase? What are they looking for? *nervous of needles*
  12. Lydiafree

    June 2009 Surgery

    I hear ya about the cold feet! I'm a little nervous about that as well. I wonder though - are the posts about regretting surgery are coming soon after surgery? When one is sore, hungry and still recuperating? The way I look at it - just after surgery I will probably not be the nicest, happiest person in the world (already warned my support person about that). Things will be rough then, and then after healing, there's still more work to do! But, as long as the results occur, how could it be a wrong decision? I know that's easy to say while we're still on the pre- side of the operation, but I'm tired of my life the way it is. I'm sick of being like this. I know there will be problems, issues and emotions I can't prepare for -but whatever happens, it will be different than this. I wonder if the people questioning their decisions keep on questioning them?
  13. I'm with you. I've only told my close family members and a few friends - partly because I didn't want to spread the word in case it wasn't going to happen, and partly because I didn't want to hear everyone's opinions or their "advice". I did tell my boyfriend when I started the program. He was less than supportive (to put it mildly). Despite the fact that we'd been together for three years at that point, and despite how much he'd seen me struggle with my weight, he just kept saying "just try dieting". Ugh. I've since broken up with him (for a myriad of reasons), but it made me realize that I took the right course for me. Telling only the people who would understand and be supportive - and keeping out the rest who really don't need to know my private business. I haven't decided if I'll tell people once I start losing weight, though. I know people will have questions . . . do I tell them? haven't decided. Because the opinions and "advice" will still come.
  14. Lydiafree

    June 2009 Surgery

    June 29th for me! Dr. Hoffman, BGH, Buffalo, NY. Can't freakin' wait!!.
  15. Finally got the application, wrote the letter, called the doc for copies of records, etc. Anyone have any tips or suggestions on submitting the application? I'm much further behind then the rest of you, but you all are seriously inspiring me to get my butt moving on this. Anything else I should include? How long until you found out you were accepted? Did anyone have something missing (like a letter from the doctor, or something) but get accepted anyway? Sorry for all the questions - I'm just really excited. :angry_smile:
  16. Hi All. I'm looking to join the program for Dr. Hoffman. Just a quick question: I've called the clinic multiple times for an application and still haven't gotten one (overall, it's been over a month). Does anyone have a better phone number or e-mail to contact someone with questions? The automated answering service doesn't give you the option of speaking to anyone with questions.
  17. Hello from Buffalo, NY. My name is Lydia. I've been thinking about weight loss surgery for a few months now. I took the first step today by calling the local surgeon's office for their information packet. I started thinking about having the surgery done after yet another diet attempt went south with no results. I've tried everything - weight watchers, la weight loss, various diet pills, even working out - nothing has worked. Obseity is in my father's familys' genes - virtually every one of them (esp the women) are overweight or morbidly obese. I feel like surgery is my only option to have any hope of losing weight before it becomes a health issue. I've noticed that my knees are getting bad - always sore, stiff and shaky. I slightly limp of late after slipping on some ice a few weeks back and I'm hobbling around like I'm 80+ years old. I'm 29, ffs. Anyway, I'm here to read and learn as much as possible. Esp about the approval process, since that's where I'm at right now. Hello to all!:wub:
  18. okay - sent the papework in (via fax and mail), sent letters to my pcp and gyno (because I see him far more often and for much longer than the pcp so his records are older and have more info) requesting they send their records to BGH (per the letter). What now? Do I wait to be contacted? Should I call Hoffman/Posner's office? Is there anything else I can do right now?
  19. Lydiafree

    Your Ah-ha Moment?

    My a-ha moment was just a week ago. Satruday the 15th I walked to the CVS right aruond the block from our apartment. Later that day, my knees started to hurt. The next day (and continuing on up to and including today) my knees have been shite. Painful, weak, wobbly and cracking. if walking just a couple hundred feet can do that to my 29-year-old knees, the future is not looking too good. I called the doc this past Monday. Been talking to the insurance co and they *should* cover it. *crosses fingers*
  20. Hello! Here in Buffalo as well. Still awaiting my paperwork from Dr. Posner/Forbes/Hoffman's office. Very interested in hearing about the experiences with any of the doctors at BGH from other Buffalo bansters!! :thumbup:
  21. I'm just beginning my lap-band journey - just phoned the surgeon's office and am waiting the initial paperwork. I've been reading and reading and reading threads on this site trying to absorb as much info as possible to be prepared. Some things sound sublime and wonderful, some things sound awful and very scary. I have only told my mother, my best friend and my bf about my considering this surgery. My mom and best friend are all for it. My bf, not so much. In the end, I will do what is best for me. but, I have one question to whomever will answer it - Weighing all factors (expense, time, results, pain, lifestyle changes, mental changes, physical changes, etc.) equally - is it worth it? Really worth it? Would anyone change anything? Does anyone regret anything? Okay, so that's four questions. :biggrin2: And they might sound like silly questions, but from my point of view, its a big scary heap of change, effort and plastic surgery (that never even occurred to me before!!!). I'm a little scared, but I'm more worried that this is just another one of THOSE excuses - you know, the ones we make up to have a reason note to change. Thanks to anyone who will share their thoughts!
  22. Lydiafree

    One question . . . okay four questions.

    That is nothing short of extraordinary! I have roughly 125 lbs to lose (assuming we get to "pick" our goal weight). Seeing your numbers gives me even more cause to hope. Thank you so much for sharing that.
  23. Lydiafree

    One question . . . okay four questions.

    Oh my goodness - that "maybe just one more diet" thing is EXACTLY what I'm doing right now. My best friend is also overweight and has recently started the Alli pills. I thought about trying them as well, until I read the side effects. But, I've totally tried a million other "diet pills" - metabolife (back when it still had ephedra), hydroxycut, xantax, dexatrim, trimspa- none of them worked. I'd lose some weight, and then it would come right back once I stopped taking them. Same story with Weight watchers, La weight loss and even exercise. In the summer of 2005 I walked 3 miles a day, five days a week for 6 mos and lost next to nothing. That was a deathblow to both my confidence and determination to lose weight. If even exercise didn't help, I must be screwed. I fully admit to feeling a bit hopeless as things are now. I think the LB (or some form of WLS) is my only option. But if insurance doesn't cover it, for whatever reason, I don't have the money to do it on my own. Or, if insurance doesn't cover any potential PS needs well post-WLS, I don't have that kind of money either. That's my main worry presently. Though that is putting the cart well before the horse, to be sure. :ohmy: The problem being that I'm also a thinker and a worrier (not to mention, also an atheist). In this tedious time while waiting for the paperwork, all there is to do is investigate and think. But, I'm very very glad there's a place like this for me to vent my rambly fears and worries because only people going through it can understand it. Try as they might, my well-meaning family and friends just don't know.
  24. Lydiafree

    One question . . . okay four questions.

    I think I'm feeling a little worried mainly because I've tried so. many. different. things. already and ALL have failed. This genuinely seems like the one thing that might work, but I'm afraid of getting my hopes up - in case insurance won't cover it, or something. Thank you all for the inspiring words. I feel like daring to hope!

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