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Jeffrey Stern

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Jeffrey Stern

  1. Jeffrey Stern

    Stage 3...purred and soft...

    Hi skyeyes9520 Good luck on the pureed food...or baby food as I called it. speaking of..try some baby food it has come along way. I found a veg and brown rice that was pretty good (just watch for hidden sugars) and try to find a high protein content. If that's not appealing for fruit: you should cook 1/3 to 1/2 cup of fruit with 2 tsp of water. for a couple of minutes(straw, blue raspberry or peaches) or I lived on unsweetened apple sauce w/ cinnamon sprinkled on for flavour. Remember NO fibrous fruit eg. oranges or pineapples. I think you can have cream of wheat, oatmeal (if instant no more than 10 grms of sugar) or a cold cereal soaked in milk 'till it's mushy. Don't for get yogurt ( NO fruit bottom or chunky anything sugar and fat free) Sugar free jello ( I cheated with low fat cool whip ) you can't have jello without coolwhip...right. Sugar free pudding for another treat. You should be okay with low fat cottage cheese. Try as well a poached egg. For more purred stuff;Hummus is easy and quick...here are some recipes for Veggies >>1/3 cup of veg with 3 teaspoons of veg broth ( any veg into the food processor and blend for 2minutes it must be fine...remember baby food. meat and fish ( ground beef and a soft fish like cod or salmon ) 1/2 cup cooked meat/fish in 4 tablespoons of broth or water. Blend until smooth. NO CHUNKS !! One last hint...use spices and herbs (they are your best friends) to make your food tastier. One last hint make a more than you need to eat that meal and buy some little containers or even use ice cube trays to portion out your food and freeze it.It makes life so easy here are a couple of sites for recipe ideas. I hope this helps www.bariatriccookery.com http://www.netwellness.org/healthtopics/diet/pureedentreesalads.cfm#blended vegetables Good luck and good health
  2. Jeffrey Stern


    Hi Tobittl The pain is very normal...my goodness according to your surgery date your not even a week out. Did they not give you any pain meds ?. Any way just make your incision is clean and one trick you might try... well two . Try rolling to what ever side your getting up from sit up sideways... don't try sitting straight up. And if you have to cough put a pillow over stomach and press gently to hold your stomach , or just to feel good. feel better soon
  3. Jeffrey Stern

    Anger and agitation

    Hi northstar9148... here are some ideas I hope will help you. I don't know what brand you buy but...Buy a brand (any no name brand is fine at your local wal-mart or health food store even a big supermarket should carry protein powders. Buy a brand that is whey (milk) or soy. I think if you buy a vanilla (there is other flavours as well) flavoured brand you will have more options for shakes. Less than 5 grams of Carbs and 20 to 30 grams of protein and NO sugar. here's one recipe strawberry banana protein shake 1 scoop protein powder 1/2 cup skim milk, almond milk or cashew milk. 1/2 cup plain low fat yogurt 4 whole strawberries (frozen if want) or blueberry, raspberry 2 inch piece of banana 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 package sweetener (optional) Throw into blender and blend until smooth....delicious you can also replace the berries with peaches or even use coco powder (plain no sugar powder not hot choc mix) try using flavourings and extracts orange, root beer, maple, for baking ...DO NOT use juice, honey or sugar for flavour. try this site for more recipes www.bariatriccookery.com good luck
  4. Jeffrey Stern

    I DON'T want to eat!

    No protein shakes ...that's odd??
  5. Jeffrey Stern

    Anger and agitation

    Oh boy ....I was on the Opti-fast diet for 3 weeks prior to my surgery. I'm lucky I'm not in prison. LOL !! How is anyone ready to go from eating solid food to liquid meals and not feel like ... well you can imagine.
  6. Jeffrey Stern

    Not a lot of Flavor in my foods

    I was told my taste buds would change.. it's all hormonal (apparently). Spices become your friends use them a lot and experiment. Fresh herbs as well ...I use basil a lot and fresh parsley, onions and garlic as well ginger for stir frys. Low salt soy sauce and rice, balsamic vinagers for salads. I have found some great bloggers and websites for Bariatric cooking to give me ideas. www.bariatriccookery.com https://www.facebook.com/bariatriceating/
  7. I had gastric bypass. My weight ballooned after the loss of my dog and I got depressed. I was up to 325 lbs. never been that big before. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 10 yrs ago and it went out of control. Sugar levels in the high teens and 20's. Sleep apnea soon followed arthritis in my knees and ankles, high blood pressure, high cholesterol all added to the list of health issues. My medicine chest looked like a pharmacy. Soon after my surgery my sugar levels improved ( my doctor was doing cartwheels) and no more insulin. Arthritis gone... I can walk for miles without pain. And everything else has improved. No more sleep apnea and the stupid machine. My surgery went great no issues. I was given Oxycontin for the pain to take home only needed it for a few days. Then Tylenol was good enough. I guess the worst thing I can say is I have been constipated a couple of times. This certainly has been the best thing I have ever done...
  8. Jeffrey Stern

    Bread Products!

    I can't say it enough...Carbs are the devils work. Stay away from them (just my opinion) there are lots of different options available at your local health food stores. A lot of the big box stores are carrying stuff as well.. since everyone is afraid of carbs/gluten. Just make sure you read your labels...can't stress that enough either. If your eating protein bars for example watch out for the sugar content, nothing over 10 gr.
  9. Jeffrey Stern

    Nervous about going under!

    been under many times for various reasons. I got a little teary eyed when I went under for my bypass surgery..I think more for the thought of ...this is the beginning of a new life...and I was right. you'll do great and good luck !!
  10. Jeffrey Stern

    1st day post-op

    Walk and walk as much as you can it will help with the gas the bowels and keep you healthy. and drink as much water as you can again good for the bowels and gas good luck it's just the beginning of a new you!!
  11. Jeffrey Stern

    Citric Question

    Hey good luck and I know you will be so happy with the new you. about the flavoured popsicles it's not really about the flavours...you just can't eat any foods with fibrous content hence the oranges and pineapples. and make sure they're sugar free.
  12. Jeffrey Stern

    Pre surgery info

    You'll be on a basic liquid diet post surgery. Lots of Broth (chicken, vegetable and beef) Tomato soup. NO soups with anything in it like noodles or chunks of anything. Yogurt low fat and sugar no fruit on the bottom or mixed in plain only. Sugar free jello (cheated a little and bought some low fat cool whip topping...can't have jello without topping) Juice is fine try to find a low sugar brand and mix half and half with water don't drink it straight. Sugar free Popsicle or make your own with those packets of water sugar free flavourings. To zip up those broth soups try adding some spices...curry into the chicken or Italian into the veg some chili (not too much) into the tomato you get the drift. good luck
  13. Jeffrey Stern

    Blood sugars

    Hey Oscar T ...try eating fruit with a higher sugar content. Berries ( blue, raspberry, strawberry) they are also high in fiber and anti-oxidants, mangoes and cherries and some apples all have a little higher sugar (good sugar not to worry ) than bananas.
  14. Jeffrey Stern

    Bread Products!

    solids by day four? wow that's brutal ! I'm into my end of my 2nd month I didn't start solids until week 5. I do eat melba toast from time to time with soup or saltine crackers (just a couple). Me personally just no carbs/gluten.
  15. Jeffrey Stern

    Bread Products!

    I am on board with staying away from the carbs issue not even whole wheat or brown rice for me...there are so many alternatives out there. Carbs and gluten are the devils work !!! LOL
  16. Well I'm happy to report ,,,down to 255.. yippy ! 70 lbs to date.  I admittedly am not eating a whole lot. I have my few favourites and everytime I try something new I turn my nose. up at it. I am still avoiding anything carb/gluten related...My Nut. isn't to thrilled about that she says a little bit of carbs are good for you ...sorry as soon as I eat anything carb ie. bread... my blood sugar goes up. I have found some gluten free alternatives. As well if I feel like pasta I use a spaghetti squash just as good with sauce and cheese.

    when I started this journey I had a 48-50 inch pants waist now down to 42 inch and my shirts were a 4XXL now XXL is my new size.  

    I do get to buy some new clothes ( yippy I  finally get to shop at Old Navy ...love that store... cheap and cheerful) and donated a lot of my bigger stuff to a local used charity clothing/ and other stuff store. They also give you 30 % off if you buy something .

    1. Apple1


      That is awesome Jeffrey!!! I am like you, I stay away from a lot of carbs. My bs have never been better!!

    2. Newme17


      Nice work! I don't stay away from complex carbs. I purposely eat them. LOL and still doing well. :)

  17. So a while back I was asking about eating nuts for snack and got a good response . Then I came upon an article (now anything I read on line I take with a grain of salt) that does say eating certain nuts is good for the waist line. eg. Almonds,cashews and walnuts. This article also lists other foods that will help in that field such as tomatoes,oatmeal,meat/fish,eggs,olive oil,broccoli,avocado,berries,hot peppers, spinach and lastly green tea. I can honestly say I eat all these items and are mainly my daily diet...but the hot peppers. I would direct you to the site but can't find it. sorry

    any feed back ??

    1. Newme17


      Did you know a jalapeño has more vitamin c than 18 oranges??? A bunch of the older generation of a certain culture here eat jalapeños with their food, on the side! I love them too, but sometimes they can be bad for those who have acid reflux too/heartburn. Overall, they can be good for you.

      Those are all great foods to incorporate in a healthy diet. Berries for the antioxidants. Oatmeal for fiber. Olive oil and avocado for fats. Spinach and broccoli for iron and fiber. I've got to get in the habit of green tea though.....

    2. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      jalapeno are just far too hot for me...I use a Louisiana hot sauce or a few chili flakes for a little kick in my food.

      try to get into the green tea it's great (I think) I used to drink coffee now just the tea.

  18. Well it's about bloody time. I'm down a couple of pounds...257 lbs from 260 lbs after almost a month. 

    By the way does anyone snack on nuts like almonds or peanuts or cashews or sunflower seeds...I know there fattening but aren't they healthy fat ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Navigating the Wilderness

      Navigating the Wilderness


      .....and noooo, the chia seeds aren't from those pet toys! HAHA!

      Actually that is exactly what they are. They used moistened seeds of chia (Salvia hispanica). Funny fact. Who would have thought you were feeding terra cotta figurines such healthy material.

    3. Newme17


      @Navigating the Wilderness Say what!? Seriously! Lol 😆 😂

    4. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      I thought so ...there couldn't be more than one kind of chia seeds in the world.

      Great now I'm a chia pet...LOL! LOL! somebody water me please !:P

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  19. I want to scream...I am stuck at 260 lbs now for over a week almost two. I'd pull my hair out if I had any...LOL

    1. Apple1


      It is a stall... they suck I know. I have been bouncing back and forth between 189.5 and 190. whatever...lol... Change something up a little. More or less exercise, more or less calories.. and just wait it out. Don't step on the scale for a week. These are all tactics I plan on using.

    2. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      Thanks Apple1

      I think I need to step up the exercise. It can't be the food intake I'm barely eating as is.

  20. Kinda in a sluggish mode not eating a whole lot but not losing either ...a couple pounds in a week (sad):57_cry: 

  21. Okay I've been a bad bad boy....was in Niagara Falls today very hot and everyone was eating ice cream.  I had a small...small DQ vanilla cone (didn't eat the cone) today.It was sooo good and no dumping :P okay shoot me :57_cry:  I feel ssoooo guilty. However I've been such a good boy and worked so hard.  I also went to the outlet mall and bought myself a new denim jacket from Old Navy because I can find one in my size again.. hallelujah !!!

    1. Apple1


      I would say pick yourself up and start again. The problem is many people use a slip as an excuse to just go crazy and go off plan. Be careful because once you start with sugar it can be hard to stop.

    2. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      thanks Apple1

      you're right...it's out of my system now

    3. Newme17


      If you can help yourself, moderation is ok. So, if you ate that ice cream and didn't have any for a bit while after that, or even get other junk afterwards, then you've done a good job, in my opinion. It's easy to slip and go off plan like @Apple1 mentioned, but it can be nice to have a full fat ice cream periodically too. Just depends on your discipline.

      Hope you enjoyed it!!! And please no shame in eating it, okay.

  22. Does anyone eat popcorn...any good or bad experiences ?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      I'm 7 wks (May 1st was my surgery)( How far out are you... is that what it means) ... if that's what you mean.:unsure: It sounds like your asking me if I'm pregnant...LOL LOL LOL !!!:lol:

    3. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      Had some popcorn again...oh boy did not go down well...as a matter of fact it came back up. Damn that dumping. I think I ate it too fast.

    4. Newme17


      Pregnant!? Lol. That's pretty funny. I'm in my 5th week post op. 😊 Kind of scared to introduce popcorn now. I think I'll wait it out a bit longer though.

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  23. Hey all you Bariatric Beauties out there...just a little "food fact" for you. I have found (someone else may have done so before me) a product of "flaked light tuna" different brands Clover Leaf for one, in little 85 g cans pop lid, and only 90 cals (if you're counting) in assorted flavours (Canadian spelling ) eg. lemon pepper, lemon dill, spicy thai, teriyaki. I take them with me on walks and as well a sm container of sugar free apple sauce and I'm good to go. Hope this isn't old news...I'm a newbie:unsure: 

    1. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      Thanks Sherrie for the support and info I'll try that... going to the casino on Sunday and while all the rest (it's a bus trip) go for the buffet... I'll take my sad little can of tuna and sit on the bench all by myself and chew my food slowly and feel satisfied. LOL !!! just joking it's not that bad...really I think...no really?;)

    2. Berry78


      I like the convenience of tuna pouches, but some have MSG in them ;P

      If money is an issue, I guess I can see sitting there with your tuna.. but it might be worth the money for the socialization at the buffet. Soup should go down real easy (almost normal portion), so have that if you don't want to be embarrassed.

    3. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      Thanks for the feedback

      No it's not a money issue it's a temptation issue. All the other stuff and of course the dessert part with all the cakes and puddings and what not screaming "eat me" and as well sitting at the table watching all the others stuffing their faces with all that food. Why bother !

      Funny enough I really haven't had any sweet cravings since the surgery...very interesting? I have suger free choc. pudding sitting in my fridge for weeks now and I don't crave.

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  24. Update update...:unsure: I've reached a plateau at 275 lbs (126 kg ) for almost a week...Doc says that's okay at least I didn't gain.

    Anyone with an opinion...be kind? :57_cry:

    1. Berry78


      It's called the 3 week stall. No biggie. You'll have that happen sometimes.

    2. luckylimey


      Please tell me it's:angry: not really 3 weeks?

    3. Berry78


      Usually not.. it occurs around 3 weeks post op.. mostly for a week or maybe two. Those types of stalls will happen regularly for the first year, and as time goes on the stalls can last longer (3 or 4 weeks isn't unheard of, but usually after 6 months postop).

  25. Okay I did something I'm not sure is right...I started my soft food portion (5-9 weeks) of my food transition. I had three brown rice california rolls today for lunch 'cause that's all I can eat.  I just needed to eat something other than pureed this or pureed that. any comments.

    1. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      You're right...my craving has been taken care of and I don't need sushi again (for now :57_cry: )

      It will be kept as a occasional splurge like you said.

      Thanks Berry78

    2. browngirl89



    3. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      Hey browngirl 89

      Berry78 says it has an allure for people just after liquids for weeks... although you're a bit farther along than me 1mnth) But I say life is short and we (bariatric people) are brave and courageous people so we deserve a little reward for our struggles. SO EAT SUSHI !! (occasional splurge):lol:

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