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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by luv2ride

  1. My scenario is just a little different. I lost what I wanted but I gained back 10 lbs because I wasn't feeling full and was devastated. I went back and my band had loosened and lost a little so got a fill and was then too tight. Went back again and she took out a little. I thought that was going to take care of it but it hasn't. I lost 7lbs but because I find myself plugging up when I eat chicken or turkey because I think I am still a little too tight I have started eating the "easy" foods which don't keep me feeling full. I really hate to go back because it costs me $250.00 every time I go in. I keep thinking it will loosen up a bit but it hasn't. I have a 10cc band with 9 1/2cc in it. It is very frustrasting to go to all this work and spend all this money to see it start to creep back on. Not to mention depressing and we all know what happens when we get depressed.

  2. You can call your insurance company and see if they cover any type of weight loss surgery. It will depend on what your employer has listed as to what is covered. I was self pay and my surgery was 17,500 which seems like a lot but when you think about it most people go out and pay anywhere from 10,000-20,000 for a car. I know I am going to have this body a lot longer than I will have any car and I want it to last me. I have lost 85 lbs. and would do it again in a heartbeat. Be absolutely sure this is what you want. It is a tool, not a quick fix and you will have to make some changes. I only know what I was doing before the surgery wasn't working for me. I was banded October 9, 2007 not everyone loses at the same rate, some slower than others. You measure your success in small goals. If you have any questions just ask. There are a lot of good people on here who will be happy to share their information. Good luck and keep us posted on your decision.

  3. Hi Amber,

    The gas is probably caused from the anesthesia. It will take some time for the anesthesia to get out of your system. The best way is drink plenty of Water. At this stage your Dr. probably has you on Clear Liquids. Don't worry about losing weight at this point, concentrate on healing and don't rush yourself. Eventually you can try drinking some prune juice and see if that helps you work things through. I can't stress enough about the drinking because it will help flush the anesthesia out. Gatorade, tea (I drank hot green tea), liquid Jello, chicken broth are all good liquids. As for the port I didn't have any problems there. I am a side sleeper and it helped me to have a pillow in front of me to lean on. That way I wasn't putting all the pressure on my stomach area. Good luck on your journey.:hurray:

  4. I have so much more energy now and don't need near as much sleep as I used to. I average 6 hours of sleep per night and DON'T need to nap during the day. It is great. My DH says I sleep more soundly and my breathing is regular and I don't snore like a freight train anymore. As far as how much I lost before I noticed a difference I think it was around 40 lbs but then again I would imagine it would depend on how much you had to lose. I know that after 73 lbs I get up at 5:00 a.m. and don't go to bed till 11:00 or 11:30 and am wide awake at 3 in the afternoon which before I would come home and take a nap. :blink: It will happen gradually and you won't even realize it till you discover you are awake more and alert. Good luck

  5. Hi Everyone, it has been awhile since I have been on. I celebrated my 1 year bandiversary Oct 9, 2008. So far I have lost 73 lbs. I have 12 more to go to hit my goal but I am stuck so will have to shake things up but I look at the whole picture and how far I have come and I am feeling great. We have done quite a few poker runs this summer and are gearing up for the upcoming toy runs in our area. One of the great joys is that our son has taken up riding and loves it. His first Harley is a 95th anniversary Road King ours is the 95th anniversary Road Glide so we get a lot of looks and compliments when the pair pull in. I have to tell everyone that it is so much easier to get on the bike and DH says it is like I am not even there. I haven't had any problems when we ride as far as getting my Water in and stuff, I order off the menu and just make wiser choices than I used to. I ordered an omlet for Breakfast one morning of a poker run and cut off 1/3, and gave the rest (along with the hashbrowns and toast)to DH (it was a 3 egg omlet) and off we went. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Ride safe:)

  6. Hi Everyone, Congratulations on each goal you have reached this past year. I have a 10cc band and just had a fill the 8th so I am now at 9cc and have lost 71lbs. I try not to compare myself to everyone else who has lost so much but it is hard. I feel so much better than I did a year ago and have so much more energy. I used to go to bed at 8 or 9 get up at 6:30 and still be tired and not have any energy oh yes, and have a nap in the afternoon when I get home from work. Now I go to bed at 10 or 11 and am back up by 5:30 or 6. I was hoping to have lost 80 lbs by now but I haven't so will just keep plugging along. Everyone says oohh you don't want to lose too much, are you sure you want to lose more. My response is I will know it when I hit it and I am not there yet. It is annoying to have people say these kinds of things and they are usually skinny people who don't have a clue:blush:

    Anyway hang there fellow bandsters and keep up the good work.:crying:

  7. On Thursday it will be 1 year since I was banded. I have lost 75lbs but don't think I have ever found my "sweet spot" The most I ever lost in one month was 8 lbs. The rest has been 2-4 lbs per month. As far as eating half cup or a couple of bites that isn't happening to me, I still can eat more than I think I should be able to. I guess I just have to be thankful I have never had any trouble with my band and still have been able to lose weight. I still haven't reached my goal yet and don't know if I ever will, I am kinda depressed about it cause I am so afraid the weight will come back. I don't have any will power and it is a constant struggle

  8. Losing weight right now is not the priority. You need to let your band heal. I have been told about 2 cups of food, my sister was told a cup, others have been told 1/2. You need to find where you start getting that slight feeling of being full and stop. Get up and walk away, if after 15-20 minutes you are still hungry then eat some more. Always eat your Protein first and eat slowly and chew, chew, chew. I have been very lucky and not much bothers me, I don't drink pop, because of the carbonation, I don't suck threw a straw, because of the excess air, I don't eat bread, because it is empty calories. Mind you it is not because I can't do these things I have made a choice not to. I have not ever had any problem with Pasta or bread. Others can't tolerate even a little bit. Everyone is different and you will find what works for you. If you are questioning your stomach size please talk to your doctor, they are the ones who know best what size you are and how much you should be able to hold.

    Good Luck

  9. I have been drinking the professional strength whey Protein you get at wal mart. I drop some ice in the blender and crush it, then add skim milk, blend it then add the Protein Powder and blend again. It seems the colder it is the easier it is to drink and it doesn't really taste that bad. At first it seems a little sweet but not too bad.

    Good Luck

  10. Hi 2nd,

    First of all let me congratulate you on making a decision to be a better you. I was banded last October and have lost 63 lbs. I was having back trouble and was supposed to have surgery last summer but something told me not to do it. Instead I started looking into the band, even tho I had high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and back trouble my insurance wouldn't cover it so I too was self-pay. My periods were so sporadic the Drs told me I was going through menopause at 45, now mind you not that I miss them but it sure made me feel pretty darned old. Anyway I knew if my life and health was this bad now what in the world was it going to be like in my 50s and 60's there was still a lot I wanted to do with my life and this was the turning point. It took losing about 15 lbs and my periods started again and have been as regular as clock work (my nurse told me that a lot of women find themselves pregnant after getting banded cause it starts you ovulating regularly, now for some people this is wonderful) After about 30 lbs my sleep apnea had decreased and keeps going down as my weight goes. I have reduced my blood pressure pills and I have more energy. This is the first summer in 10 years I have worn shorts outside of my home. To have people comment on how you look and knowing that I am doing what I can to make my life better is a good feeling. There are days when of course nothing is going to make you feel good (even skinny people have those days). I started riding a stationary bike and little by little have been able to increase how far and long I ride. I have also started walking/jogging. The first time I went from a fast walk to a jog I couldn't believe it. I was actually running and it felt GOOD:biggrin:

    Please remember the band is a tool to help you lose weight and it will not come off overnight. It is a long hard road but if you have made the commitment to yourself that you are ready for the change then by all means go for it. However if you are not willing to follow your Drs. instructions and change your eating habits then maybe it isn't for you. Whatever you choose think long and hard about it. Good luck and will look forward to your updates. This is a very good place to get advice and support.

  11. Be patient! I know it is hard to do but it takes time to readjust your eating habits. The first 6 weeks isn't about losing weight it is letting the band heal. Now that time is over is the time the work will start. First of all get to know your band. It is not a magic fix for our problem but it will help you if you let it. Always eat your Protein first, then vegetables, then fruit. Measure your food so that you will get an idea of what a portion looks like. Chew your food, then when you are done with what is on you plate get up and walk away. I try and leave the food on the stove and just put what I am supposed to eat on my plate (use a smaller plate so it looks like it is more) that way I am not tempted to sit there and take another spoonful. Do not drink with your meals, wait at least 45 minutes after, an hour is even better. Be sure you are drinking a lot of Water in between meals. Your band is a tool so you have to listen to it. It will be subtle in the beginning for most people so you have to be sure to put good things in your mouth, there will be days when you slip and eat something you shouldn't have but that is O.K. we all do it so you have to forgive yourself and remember tomorrow is a brand new day. Talk to your Dr. and see if he/she has a paper or guidline of what you should and shouldn't me eating. This is a good place to get support and we will be here. I have been banded since October, 2007 and the most I have lost in one month is 8 lbs, my average is 3-5 so don't beat yourself up. Everyone is different, not everyone loses the same. Good luck and stay positive. We didn't put this weight on overnight so please don't expect it to come off that fast.

  12. I am just curious to find out how everyone else is doing and where you are on the numbers and how are you feeling? :biggrin: I was banded October 9, 2007. Starting weight was 245, I am now 183 and have 9.8cc in a 10cc band. Do you feel like you are losing like you should?

  13. Congratulations on your weight loss. This is a great place to come for a lot of help and good support. If you have any questions there is usually someone here that can give you an answer. The chat room is another good place to get answers and support. Good luck and keep us posted. Where in the midwest are you? I am in Kansas

  14. I was banded on October 9, 2007. Starting weight was 245 and I am now 183. I have had my ups and downs but for the most part I have lost between 3-5 lbs a month. I know this doesn't sound like a lot but compaired to where I was when I started I am very happy. How much are you eating a day? What is your typical daily menu like? Do you drink with your meals? I eat a lot of chicken and turkey. Since my last fill I have started doing a Protein Shake in the morning because I know i am not eating as much as I need. If you want to talk please feel free to email me or send me a message and I will be happy to be there to bounce things off from if you want. The main thing is to drink your Water and exercise which I know somedays is easier said than done. There are going to be somedays we don't do exactly as we are supposed to but the main thing is to remember we are human and tomorrow is a brand new day. Don't beat yourself up if you are not where everyone else is. What I have learned over the months is that not everyone loses the same and everyone reacts differently to the band and what they eat.

    Good luck and let me know how it is going.

  15. Amy

    Why did you get banded? I guess that is the first question you need to ask your self. The band is not a quick fix it is a tool. It will do its part but you have to do yours. From what you say you know what you are doing wrong. Why would you go through this not to work with the band? Maybe this sounds a little harsh but honey you need to wake up. 7 months and no weight loss is sad. You need to get with the program and start following your Drs. directions. Do you work or sit around all day? You need to get up and get moving even if it is just a little bit. Stop and take a good long hard look at yourself and see if this is the way you want to look and feel the rest of your life. I did not, I am not going to lie to you and tell you it isn't hard cause it is but it isn't nearly as hard with the band as it was without. Stop putting all that garbage in your mouth. and STOP drinking with your meals.

  16. It is all up to your Dr. everyone is different. Your best bet like the others say is to call them and follow their recommendations. Mine doesn't say anything about eating or drinking before my fills so I go about a normal day.

  17. It is O.K. to be scared. It is hard to think that I will be able to change my "wicked ways" but that is what the lap band is for. It is a tool. You and your lapband can do this together. You are not alone in this. Don't expect it to do it all but it will give you the help that you didn't have on all those other diets. You have to want to get into those size 12's and be a healthier person. If you want it bad enough you will be willing to give up those 4-5 glasses with your meals. I have lost 65 lbs since last October and the one regret I have is that I didn't do it sooner. You are 43, I am 48 you can always learn new behavior. You didn't say how much you had to lose but if you are approved I would assume it is enough that the insurance co thinks it is necessary a well as your Dr. I will tell you now that you need to be sure you want this BEFORE you go through with it. I can't answer for everyone else but I know it was the right thing for me to do. I had sleep apnea, high blood pressure, joint pain, and back problems and my primary sent a referral but my insurance wouldn't cover it. I am a self-pay and I knew that this was what I needed to do before I ever went in for the consult, my Dr. just confirmed what I already new. I am not going to tell you that you will never have tempations or that your hunger will magically go away but with the lapband you will be able to have better control.

    Good luck with your decision and keep us posted. When would your surgery date be?

  18. I was banded October 9, 2007. Went in at 9 had surgery at 10. Surgery took a little longer cause they found I had hiatel hernia. He repaired it, back in room around noon. Walked out and went back to motel to spend the night around 4:30. Could have stayed the night in hospital but wanted to be with hubby and dog. This was on Tuesday for surgery was back at work on Monday. No problems. Good luck

  19. I have lost 57 pounds so far. It just seems like it is coming off so slow. I know I didn't put it on over night and the slower it comes off the better chance I have of keeping it off but it is still hard. I go Wednesday for a fill and I am hoping it will cut the cravings down. I don't have a lot of will power, if I did I wouldn't have needed the band. I am very glad I have it. Only wish I would have done it sooner.

  20. Slinderella,

    Did they give you a sheet at WLSC? Actually it is a small book. It should have a lot of different ideas about what you should be eating (or drinking)

    Clear liquids

    100% fruit juice-no orange or grapefruit, NO punches or cocktail drinks

    Clear broth or Bouillon-canned cartons or gases (beef, chicken, pork or vegetable)

    Non-carbonated sports drinks-such as Gatorade, less than 15g of carbohydrate per serving

    Regular of sugar-free popsicles-no fruit ice or bars with pulp or seeds

    Regular or sugar free sorbet or ice-no pulp or seeds

    Regular or sugar-free gelatin-any color, any flavor

    Regular or Sugar-free drinks-Crystal light, Kool-aid, etc

    coffee and tea-decaffeinated or herbal

    Regular or Sugar-free instant hot apple cider

    Sugar substitute-any color packet

    Non-carbonated Regular or Sugar-free flavored waters(such as Propel and Fruit2O)

    Protein Water such s K2O

    Full Liquids

    Skim or 1% milk*

    regular or sugar-free hot chocolate*-made with milk

    Regular or sugar-free pudding*-no pistachio

    fat free, no sugar added yogurt*-smooth and creamy, no chuncks

    hot cereal-cream of wheat, rice, oatmeal farina or malt-o-meal-must be blended

    cream Soups or blended chicken noodle, chicken rice, turkeynoodle, vegetarian vegetavble

    regualr or sugar free fudge bars

    fat-free, regular or sugar-free frozen yogurt, ice cream

    vegetable juice-tomato or V-8

    regular or sugar-free V-8 splash

    Mechanical Soft Foods

    Cottage cheese*-(low-fat, small curd)

    Mashed potatoes (instant or fresh, no skins)

    Crackers (low-fat saltines, graham cracker, melba toast, etc)

    Soups/stews*(small pieces, cooked very soft)

    Soft baked fish*-canned tuna, shrimp, scallops, salmon, tilapia, etc.

    Natural mint butters* (smooth and creamy peanut, almond, etc)

    Low sugar/low Fiber cereal(cheerios, rice krispies,corn flakes, special K)

    pureed baby foods-quick and nutritious

    Frozen regular or sugar-free fruit bars


    Modified Regular Foods

    Moist baked chicken*-no skin


    Milk, Protein shakes(Advantage-for diabetics- Atkins, Curves, EAS, Glycerna, Skim fast etc.)

    Thinly shaved low-fat deli meats*-chicken, turkey, ham, roast beef

    Soft baked fish*-canned tuna, shrimp, scallops, or imitation seafood

    Toasted bread-whole wheat

    Soft fruits:fresh without skins or aned in Water or natural juice, bananas, apples, peaches, pears

    Soft cooked Pasta and noodles

    Soft cooked vegetables: carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, green Beans, hominy beets (no onions, dried Beans, peas, corn or gas causing vegetavbles for 3 months after surgery)

    Low-fat, Regular or Sugar-free yogurt with fruit*


    Protein supplement*-recomend purchasing at least two kinds (flavored and/or plain powder or liquid)

    Multivitamin with iron-Vivactiv Soft Multivitamin Chew, Centrum liquid, Flintstones complete, One-A-Day Childrens Coomplete etc

    Calcium-Tums, Vivactiv Soft Calcium Chews Os-cal chewables, Citracal liquitabs Effervescent tabs, etc.

    *Good Protein Source

    This was taken from the list that I was given as I left the clinic. There are as many different opinions out there as there are doctors. The best advice I can give you is to do just what you are doing, ask questions. If someone doesn't have an answer they can usually find out. Also don't hesitate to ask you doctor. They want to see you succeed and are there to help you. Concentrate on letting the band heal up.

    I hope this helps you on your journey. Good Luck and keep us posted.

  21. I was banded October 9 and had 4cc put in at my first post-op apt. after that about every 4 weeks I got 2cc. Still able to eat everything exept dry meat. Last apt they withdrew all they could get and it was only 7.5 but said there was still probably about 1.5 still in there. She added another .5 so not sure exactly how much is in there thinking about 9.1cc. I have never lost more that 8lbs at a time and I go back every 4 weeks. This last time I have lost about 5 I think. I feel restriction AFTER I have eaten too much. It isn't telling me when to stop and I so I eat more. There are times I get so upset cause the scales are not moving but then I have to think how far I have come instead of how far I have to go. I try different recipes to keep it interesting but a lot of them are really bad. Oh well guess I will keep on eating my turkey. Haven't really drank Protein Shakes cause I would rather eat my Protein than drink it. Don't know if I even have a sweet spot, at least haven't found it yet.

  22. Congratulations. Just remember the first 6 weeks is not about losing weight but letting your band heal. You are sure to lose weight following the guidlines but don't get obsessed. It is hard to keep a variety in you diet but you can make Jello and drink it while it is warm, crystal light, apple juice, boullion, hot tea, gatorade are just a few of the things I lived on. The second stage of full liquid you can add creamed Soups my favorite was cream of chicken. Where were you banded? I was banded in Overland Park and was given a list of the things I could have. Hope this helps Good Luck.

  23. Congratulations on making the decision to be banded. It has really changed my life. The most important thing I can tell you is that NO ONE is the same. This is a good place to be because there are such a variety of people who have or will be banded and each story is just a little different. Every doctor is different and has different diets. I was never on "shakes" I had Clear liquids the day before surgery to help reduce the chances of nausea. I was also on Clear Liquids the first 2 days after surgery, days 3-7 a full liquid diet. During week 2 pureed foods or foods the consistency of baby food, week 3-4 a mechanical soft diet also known as a mushy diet and week 5-6 is a gradual progression to a regular diet. The reason for this is to allow your band to "heal" This is not the time to worry about losing weight. Most people do lose weight due to the guidlines of the post-op diet. I am sure your doctor has his own guidlines to follow. As I said earlier every one is different, that goes for doctors as well. The one common in all of us is that we want to lose weight for one reason or another. I was a self-pay also and I figured I wasn't going to pay all that money and then not follow directions. Let the lap-band do its job. It will, maybe you won't feel it right away but it is there and it will be your friend for the rest of your life. You and your lap-band are in this for the long haul. Don't expect it to make the weight come off if you are still eating hamburgers and french fries. The real weight loss will come after you reach your "sweet spot". I have lost 56 lbs since October, for me this has been the best I have felt for a long time. There are others who have been banded less time who have lost more as well as others banded longer who have lost less. For me the first 48 hours were the worst but they also found I had a hiatl hernia and repaired it while they were there. If you have a small pillow you can put up to your stomach to carry with you it will help. Had surgery on a Tuesday and was back to work on Monday. I used gatorade and apple juice so as not to get dehydrated. Plus it didn't upset my stomach. The other thing, it is a big no-no to drink carbonated beverages:thumbdown:. I thought this was going to be very hard for me but in wasn't. Drinking carbonated beverages causes gas leading to possible band slipage. Here are some examples of clear liquids you can use the first few days.

    Water, plain or flavored

    Flavored Gelatin, such as Jell-O regular or sugar-free. Try drinking the Gelatin as a warm beferage befoe it is set.

    Plain Popsicle's-regular or sugar free

    Clear low sodium broths such as beef, chicken or strain broth from Soups

    Clear Sports drinks such as Gatorade or Propel

    Crystal Light

    No sugar added, 100% fruit juice such as apple or grape

    Kook-Aid-regular or sugar-free

    Decaffeinated coffees

    Decaffeinated teas, try herbal teas for a variety of flavors

    Bouillon or consomme'

    Don't be afraid to ask questions. We were all new once, we are here for you anytime you need us. Good luck and be sure and keep us posted on your journey. :smile:

  24. You don't say when you were banded. I am going to assume very recently. That be the case the first 6 weeks is NOT about losing weight, it is about healing. Yes you need to follow the liquid, mushy guidlines so as not to cause band slipage or any other complications. You have plenty of time to worry about how much you are eating after you get healed up. Cottage cheese, applesauce, yogurt, Protein Shakes, mashed potato, mashed sweet potato, eggs. These are just a few things you could eat. I drink crystal light to help get my liquid intake in. I can't stress enough that you need to drink a lot. If you were just banded more than likely you do not have anything in your band because it is a time for healing. After you get your first fill then you will need to watch closer what you are eating and the amount. You are starting on an incredible journey. It is worth it. Good luck and if you need any more advice this is the place to get it. There are a lot of wonderful people here who are or have been in the stage you are in. Keep posting and asking questions.:lol:

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