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Posts posted by jesssa_belle

  1. Had my pre-op with the surgeon today and looks like everything is a go for November 2. :)

    I have a mix of emotions... I'm exited, nervous, worried, happy, proud of myself, anxious... the list goes on. lol

    All in all it's almost surreal that I'm at the finish line of this process. I've been considering it for so long, and it seemed so impossible and now that it's actually happening I almost can't believe it.

    Just wanted to share and have my little celebration in a safe place. :)

  2. I had always been too afraid too have the surgery... afraid of the risks, afraid I wouldn't get approved, afraid that I would hate the way I looked more after I lost all that weight. My PCP put me on a strict diet to manage my T2 diabetes 2 years ago, and I have adhered to it and maintained a 5-6 A1C and lost about 40lbs. I thought that was great, but as time went on I wasn't losing anymore and she asked me if I would reconsider the surgery. I told her I would think about it. That weekend it was my hubby and I's 10 year anniversary so we were going to a concert in Baltimore to see my favorite band to Celebrate. It was a 15 minute walk from our hotel, then we stood in line for an hour and there were 3 opening bands before my favorite one played. The venue was standing room only, and I had taken breaks between sets to sit on the curb outside. The 4th song into seeing the ONE band I went there to see, I felt like I was going to pass out. My legs, my back, my feet all hurt so bad I turned to my hubby and said I can't do it and that we have to go.

    I was soooooooo disappointed in myself. Although we had a good time, and he didn't make me feel one ounce of guilt I felt like we wasted our money, That my weight ruined a milestone in our lives. When we came home Sunday afternoon, I signed up for the WLS seminar at with our local bariatric program. I decided that I was done allowing my life to be controlled by my weight. So here I am. :)

  3. I'm Pre-op... So I have all kinds of goals... hahaha like getting a surgery date for starters which is first and foremost. lol

    But I have tons of small goals, that aren't really number related. (maybe this is just a newbie thing but who knows) I was talking to my hubby the other day and I was listing off things I can't wait to do for instance:

    1. Cut/Paint my own toe nails. (Comfortably lol)
    2. Buy pants from a regular store not online.
    3. Buy a bra from Victoria's secret (which I have never been able to do my whole adult life)
    4. Fit comfortably in the seats at the movie theater/concert venue.
    5. Get on a plane and visit my sister who has lived in Utah for the last 3 years and not worry about needing two seats.
    6. Be intimate with my hubs in positions that have been pretty much impossible our whole marriage. (yeah I said it lol)
    7. Be able to hold my baby nieces and nephews on my lap comfortably without them sliding down my tummy ramp.

    I could probably keep going on and on, but these are just some of the things that I can't wait to be able to do. My main goal is to just be able to live happier, to live more, and to live longer.

  4. 1 hour ago, SEAHAWKS FAN! said:

    I still think you should go roller skating.

    I still think so too, the only thing is finding a local rink. I've been asking around and APPARENTLY no one knows of any. lol

    1 hour ago, 2-Liter said:

    Roller Skating is Great Exercise but as a former Owner of a Rink Please Please Please be the UnCool Kid and wear wrist guards. Adults don't fall as well as kids and their bones are usually more brittle. Wrist and teeth were always the most common injuries, usually at no fault to the Adult but trying to avoid a reckless little one.

    Oh absolutely... lol I had a few gnarly falls when I was a kid, there's no way I would trust myself as I learned as an adult I'm accident prone. hahaha

  5. 23 hours ago, jeichman said:

    When I started DDP Yoga, I hadn't either. I would say that this isn't traditional yoga, it really is more geared to upping your heart rate and helping with staying in a fat burning zone. The package I got was about 6 disc's and the very first one is an introduction to some common posing that will happen.

    The next couple video's are where I spend most of my time, one is 20 minutes and the other I add to it (on occasion) is another 10 minutes.

    To me, it seems like he's more there to explain how to make it work for you and not there to tell you how it has to be done. Which, after watching some other video's, was nice.

    YouTube probably has some examples and the website is getting better and better. I haven't signed up for the subscription, but it's been lingering in the back of my mind for the recipes and additions workouts.

    Pre-surgery, it helped me loose 30 pounds. But then Thanksgiving happened... and then Christmas... and then...

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a thorough post. I really appreciate and take to heart your experience and advice!

  6. 4 hours ago, OutsideMatchInside said:

    Walk in the rain. I walked and didn't let the weather interrupt my schedule at all the first year. I walked in the rain and the cold, and the snow. I walked when it was 10 degrees.

    I made a habit and I wanted to keep that habit going. The only way to do it was to do it every day, rain or shine.

    I tried walking in the mall, it was so boring. I'd rather get wet.

    Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I have been considering an exercise bike for bad weather days but as you said, OutsideMatchInside, I think this is probably what I'm going to end up doing, but I am one of those people that gets bored with one activity for too long so I want to have some options in my arsenal for when I feel like I need a change up. Does that make any sense or do I sound like the complete newbie I am? lol

  7. I'm curious what some of your fat burning activities are during the rainy days. I'm personally not quite ready for the gym world, as I am conditioning and learning my limits and this rain on the east coast has been cramping my style but I want to stay active. What are some things you guys like to do on rainy/bad weather days to get the sweat dripping? (I realize the obvious answer to this question will probably be straight from the gutter of everyone's mind lol but lets say other than that... ;) )

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