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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by JPM514

  1. On 6/17/2017 at 8:29 AM, jillk101 said:

    By reading these boards and all the questions people ask. Its like they didnt get the information like i did. No straws ever no soda ever its a lifelong commitment.

    I don't know about your experience but I got different information from the dietitian than I got from my surgeon. My surgeon said that basically the point is that after the surgery you can medicall have anything and everything just smaller portions. She always said I could go back to alchol and coffee and said I could go back before the dietitian recommended. Also she never really told me about straws either that came from the dietitian. The way I understand it is that once you make it to what I think of as the safety zone...where you're no longer in danger of blowing out your stomach then you can start introducing foods back into your diet. Everyone's biological reactions to their changes will be different. Therefore some people go back to carbonation and some do not. I heard that it can be uncomfortable as well. I am on week... wow week 6 now. I don't use straws all the time but sometimes I do and I haven't had any issues with it. It was more important on the first few weeks because you didn't want to fill your stomach and hurt yourself. I have not experienced gas pains or anything and another person I know who is 2 weeks ahead of me also has been using straws.

    So my point is that there is a recommended way and a taught way but in reality it's how your body responds. I know that I hope to drink beer again so I hope to be able to tolerate the carbonation in small portions.

    P.S. also I note that many people from all over the US and the world recieve different variations of their directions too. different stages instructions and restrictions. For example my pre op diet was not only liquids. I was on a low fat, no sugar, 1000 calories/day diet. So everyone has a different plan all for the same purpose - to live healthier lives and a safe procedure and recovery.

    Just my thoughts/opinions/observations...

    Hope this helps,

    -Joe M.

  2. hunger does come back for some.. I am 5 weeks post op and hunger has come back. I found though that it's not always regular hunger... its different. sometimes it's the acids in my stomach. so step one try an anti acid pill like Ranitdine. words wonders! Take that with sips of Water and it will help. I also sometimes just drink some milk it helps fill my small pouch allowing me to feel relieved and full. I also was going to say that sometimes your body is telling you you need water so like I already said drink a lot of water. when you're sick of water...add the flavors and whatever you can and it will help.

    Another thing is how you pointed out "the kind of hunger...when your bored" ...to me this shows maybe it's the head hunger that is just as real as the physical. Try to keep yourself busy. Find new habbits that can replace the eating behaviors. If it helps you could chew gum too.

    My walks have been helpful in finding a new hobby and also I watch TV now without wanting food as much. I just drink water or flavored water and watch my TV content now.

    hope this helps!

    -Joe M.

  3. I would like to respond about the carbination. Everyone's recovery might be different. However I would recommend now having carbination yet. I know that air in the stomach right now isn't good for it because it expands it.

    I know ppl who had bypass a while ago who will drink soda and another one who admits it bothers them when they drink it.

    I think it takes time and then you can try it and see what works for you. I will want to have a beer in the future. I am 5 weeks post op. When I can have alcohol according to my surgeon I will have non carbinated for a while. Then when I am ready I will try carbination again and see how I tolerate it.

    Essentiall the idea is that medically we will be able to eat and drink anything and everything again, but in smaller amounts.

    In the meanwhile... You could make some sort of uncafinated tea and make it iced if you want. Starbucks/Tazo Passion tea is non cafinated and has great flavors. I also love the Water flavorers- mio or whatever you can find. There's different flavors. I like the fruit punch and iced tea.

    Also protien waters taste good. Atkins has a water with 20g per bottle! My surgeon said it can't count as water because I was not getting enough water. But it's something you can drink and helps with your Protein goals.

    Hope this helps a bit

    -Joe M.

  4. Hello WLS community!

    Hope you are all well!

    I am 5 weeks post op. My surgery was May 11. I am finally on stage 5 based on my surgeons instructions.

    But I have started to experience nausua again. On week 2 when I saw my surgeon she said it was because I wasn't drinking enough fluids. I fixed that and felt much better. Now I am experiencing it again. It started Tues. Maybe I was dehydrated Tues but now even though I keep drinking Water I still am feeling the nausea. It has slowed down my eating and trying new foods.

    I wondered if my stomach was also not comfortable with my new foods I have been trying.

    Did anyone experience this specifically in week 5. Note I went back to just eatings eggs, some yogurt, and trying to consume a lot of water. trying my best here. Would love to hear your experiences.


    -Joe M.

  5. For all of you having surgery tomorrow:

    Good luck my thoughts and prayers are with you!

    You will all do great! You are ready for this! Take it step by step and remember why you are doing it! That helps with the post-op "regret"... tell yourself all day today and before the surgery why you are doing it. When you wake up continue to remind yourself that! You got this!

    -Joe M.

  6. Hey guys!

    I just wanted to share what I just had for dinner!

    In phase 4 you can't have Pasta but you can have tofu. So I made something that I made on my pre-diet.


    I made "alfredo sauce" by heating up some almond milk (I would guess you could use FF/1% milk), I added grated parm cheese until the thickness was right. I also chopped up the Tofu noodles and canned chicken. I added that to the skilled with my sauce. I mixed it together and, voila!

    It was tasty. It went down smooth, And I have had some issues with some other things. No issues.

    -Joe M.


  7. 1 hour ago, Deactivatedfatgal said:

    I wish I knew someone who is going through this that's my area. I need to go to support group. My mom is 10 years out RNY and doing great, that encouraged me to take a leap of faith.

    If you have a support group in your area defintately go! check it out. meet people. hear their stories. I did notice that I was still the only one in their 20's really. There was one other girl I think but I don't know where she is in her process we did not connect. but there was a lot of other people all older... some 30's but more even past that.

    I think this website does more to connect you to your age group. looking for others- connecting- and maybe contacting them further

    -Joe M.

  8. On 5/20/2017 at 4:47 PM, Deactivatedfatgal said:

    I am 26 in four months and I did it! There are plenty , hundreds of people who did it in teens & 20s. I read about a 2 year old having it done overseas (not that I agree with it). You have to do what's best for you. It's a great tool.

    Me too! I am 25 and I just did it! another co worker I had is doing the bypass soon and he is about 27 or 28. so yes everyone in my group said they "wished they did it earlier".

    so deff don't hesitate because of age. I also agree with another person who said do what's right for you! This is a big commitment. Well worth it in my opinion and I am only 2 weeks in but I am seeing results now and my relationship with food is changing alread which is great after struggling with food addiction for years

  9. I think a huge influence on your depression is that you are alone in the sense that you seem to say you have no one to talk to. It also sounds like you have some other challenges within the family going on and therefor while you are going through this very challenging life changing journey (which effects your mind, heart, body, and spirit) it makes it more difficult to cope especially when your old coping mechanism of food is no longer available!

    But there is hope!!! I know you can get through this tough time! I think one tip is connecting to people on here and exchanging numbers having someone to chat with over text or calls! I am a texter not a caller- if you want to follow me and message me we can do that. my surgery was may 11th.

    But doesn't have to be me. I have connected with others who are in my area and also had this sleeve. it helps a lot to chat with them!

    Do you have other social areas you could connect with others? church groups or hobbies or community? do you have any bariatric support centers around you? those are other places you can find some support that you need.

    I pray and hope you the best on your journey! I hope your heart can heal and so that your body can too!

    -Joe M.

  10. Hello folks!

    I just had my 2-week follow up with my surgeon today. I am excited to be moving onto stage 4 (out of 5, being solids food and forever based on my surgical center's directions)... I am able to take in soft foods and thicker purees.

    My surgeon told me that I can resume drinking alcohol again at the 2 month mark. I know this might be a contraversal topic and I know many have different opinions and experiences. But if all goes as well I plan to resume drinking and enjoy some alcholic beverages again.

    I have heard that others do drink beer (which is carbonated). I am willing to try it and see how my stomach tolerates it. But I am normally a liquor drinker or mixed drinks. I am used to drinking vodka in sprite or ginger ale. I am trying to plan what non-carbinated drinks I can make especially with vodka. I would love to find a ginger based drink because it would go well with vodka in my opinion.

    Does anyone have any ideas of what alcoholic drinks to try when weening back into alcohol.

    *note* note I also know that I will try my first drink at home and be aware that it will affect me quicker. I know that I need to be aware of my calorie intake and know that alcohol = sugars.

    -Joe M.

  11. On 5/23/2017 at 10:12 AM, StormJumper said:

    Thanks guys, I did not think of my thyroid but have been tested for it before. I hope things pick up because I'm tired and want to sleep all day.

    Are you on sick leave from work? I would say take a nap in the day then! Then take a walk later till get your energy moving so you can try to be tired again by night time.

    I always deal with difficulty falling asleep before and after surgery so I understand. Also could try sleepy tea it would count towards your Water intake and help calm your body and mind before you lay in bed

  12. I liked the post. You made some great points.

    I did hear a story about someone through my surgical group who ate a chip the day after surgery who did open her stomach and cause complications. So I don't know that it's 100% accurate what you said.

    Also in respect to caffine or alcohol... I know there is a medical reason and that is while your new stomach is forming you don't want to cause ulcers. But maybe the length of times can be exagerated sometimes. My NUT said to wait a month while my surgeon said to wait only 2 weeks. Friday is my 2 week mark and I am seeing my surgeon that day. I am excited to have my first coffee on that day and I am doing my part by waiting until then.

    -Joe M.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Luv2luv2luvya said:

    Mine was actually rescheduled until June 6th (womp womp), but I am very excited, and nervous... but ready! Am so happy to hear you're going back to work already, as I'm hoping to get back within less than 3 weeks as well! I am on a liver reduction diet, thankfully not only fluids yet!! Did you have any nausea afterwards? Am nervous about that part. Are you still on liquids-only now?

    Yes so I had my surgery on Thursday May 11... I work part time jobs so iit's a bit easier to go back because tomorrow and Tues will be shorter shifts. that's only a week and a few days out of work..and I have been busy the past few days too feeling more myself.

    I will say everyone is different. They say because I am a young male I am recovering quickly. But there is hope that others can too! I know some people go back to work within a few days while others took 3 weeks like you said. my doctor recommended 2 weeks off and then I started picking up shifts sooner because I felt good.

    Yes I think everyone's pre-op diet is for the purpose of shrinking the liver (and the splean actually) to make room for the surgeon to safely do the procedure. I had to intake only 1000 calories/day and I ended up having less than that depending on the day. Low fats, no sugars... ect. I lost 16 lbs from those two weeks!

    Nausea - YES that was my biggest concern too!

    So in response... I talked to the anesthesiologist about this concern. She offered me a motion sickness patch, and also I requested that she give me anti-nausea medication while coming off of the anesthesia! IT WORKED- no issues!

    Then in the hospital as I woke up it was apart of my medication to have more anti-nausea medication and that also worked great!

    So I would not be afraid to ask for all of the medication to help with your concerns!

    Now I am what my surgeon labels "stage 3" which is soft puree diet. Its basically thicker Soups, ... pureed vegetables... oh and scrambled egg whites. Its simple but so much better than the liquid phase! Friday I will move onto the 4th stage which is soft foods and puree diet which allows for heavier foods/puree.

    -Joe M.

  14. I see you are coming up on your surgery next week!! You will do great! how is your pre op diet going? Are you on liquid only or a restricted diet? I had my surgery on May 11th and I am recovering well, even going back to work tomorrow!

    let me know,

    -Joe M.

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