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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by mrsroyale

  1. So, my surgery was 6/1 and everything went peachy. A few things that I have learned....1) will the incisions hurt? Well, ues, they will... But what's worse than that is the gas pain. That pain is horrendous. Just so you have an idea, I was taking 10mg of oxycodone every 4 hours amd morphine in between, so yeah... It hirts

    2) Every day you will start feeling a little better and I hope, when you pass the gas that you have pass it from the bottom and not from ypur mouth because that hurts too.

    3) You are going to be loaded with meds. Especially nausea meds. TAKE THEM!

    4) Every liquid, at least for me, tastes sweet. I cannot drink my Water because it tastes sweet.

    5)You will be really tired. But walk, walk, walk as much as possible. That will help you to eliminate the gas and you will feel infinitely better.

    6)So why am I still in the hospital? My doctor requires that I drink 1 full liter of water within 8 hours to be discharged and I am having the hardest time doing it... But hopefully today will be the day :)

  2. I am just curious if it is just me or everyone else went through this? My surgery is Thursday and here I am obsessing over Protein, freaking out that I will not be able to meet my protein intake for whatever freaking reason and obviously panicking that, because of that, I will not lose any weight.

    Did anyone else go thru this? What if I don't know how to cook healthy meals? What if I think I am doing the right thing but I am not?

    Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. My surgery is June 1st. I decided to go with all Bariatric Advantage chewy bites (not to be confused with chewables). The chewy bites are delicious, they taste just like Starburst. So I am doing Calcium, Multivitamins, and Iron supplement, all chewy, and taste wonderful. I noticed that any other chewables made me gag and I figured it could potentially lead to vomiting post op, so I picked my battles. My nutritionist recommended the iron supplement becaise there was no iron in the Multivitamin.

    Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I am still in my pre-op liquid diet phase and I have lost about 10lbs give or take a lb., and I noticed yesterday that one of my shirts fit a little different than usual. Since that's the shirt I took my pre-op pictures with I decided go wear it for comparison and holy cow! This one short that used to be so tight that used to bunch up at my waist and barely went down my butt is now not only loose but it also goes down my butt and HANGS over it! I don't think this has ever happened before!

    But what's even better was the happy feeling I got from it. All of a sudden I found myself doing my haor, foxing my eyebrows and planning a night out with my husband and son. This is fantastic!

    Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Thanks for all the support everyone! Next Thursday can't come quickly enough. I am so... hungry... I upped my Protein so now I am doing two servings of the Unjury chicken Soup Protein Powder twice a day so that's giving me about 84g of protein a day and the reat of the day I drink Water, ice, popsicles, broth... I am just tired of it and ready to be over. So ready to be over. I am not currently doing any of the sweet Protein Shakes because I cannot stomach any sweet stuff anymore. In fact, if you told me to go get some real ice cream right now I would just walk the other way. Tell you what though... I am so looking forward to eating my one or two tbsp of cottage cheese that first week after surgery. Omg, that sounds divine right now!

    Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Hello all, I have been reading these forums for a while and just recently started posting. My surgery is June 1st and today is Day 7 of my liquid diet and I am seriously at my breaking point. I am sitting in the couch sobbing because I am so tired of liquids! I am hungry and I feel nauseated and weak all the time. I seriously thought about cheating today and eat a slice of deli turkey but I know I have to be stronger than that so that's why I am here... This is so hard

    Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. You are certainly not alone. I am currently in my pre-op liquid diet phase and I am terrified that I am going to do something wrong and sabotage myself. Think of it this way.... You and I are aware of our fear and we are going to do anything possible, consciously and unconsciously, to make sure it doesn't become a reality. Being aware is the first step to success!

    Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Hi there!

    I am currently on Day 6, and your post sounded like something I could have written myself. There is certainly a lot of trial and error involved with this liquid diet phase. And I have had a lot of errors :) But it is doable. And satisfying too to see the scale beginning to go down. I have lost a total of 12lbs since I started. Hang in there! We can do this!

    Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app

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