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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by mrsroyale

  1. Are you having the sleeve or bypass? I had the bypass so I can only speak from my experience. I will not sugar coat it for you. The recovery is rough. You will be in a lot of pain when you wake uo, mostly from the gas they insert on you. I got very scared because I did not expect to be in so much pain but consider all the trauma your body is experiencing. My suggestions are to make friends with the nurses. They have the drugs. I lived on oxycodone every four hours and morphine in between for the first two days. Also, walk as much as you can, that moves the gas and it will make you burp or pass gas but it will make you feel better. Also, you will be hooked up to fluids so expect to get up to pee fairly often. I had to go to the bathroom every two hours on the clock. Lastly, just take it easy. You were drilled for quite a while about everything that you have to do post surgery but, truth of the matter is, you will not be able to accomplish many of them the first weeks. I am 2 weeks post op and I still can't meet my Water or Protein intake. It happens. Don't stress. It will get better, I promise. If you have any questions, you can always shoot me a private message and I will try to help as much as I can. Hang in there!

  2. 13 minutes ago, DC6064 said:

    Let me ask do you still have your GallBladder? To me it sounds like a GallBladder attack more than dumping. If you still have it I would get it checked since WLS goes hand in hand most of time with needing your GallBladder removed due to gallstones

    I do, actually. As far as I know my surgeon thought my gallbladder was healthy and there was no need for removal. He did give me a whole bunch of meds to prevent stones though....

  3. I have seen some people being a bit of a Debbie Downer, but let's try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes messages don't come across the right way online. I try to focus on the positives, that's what this journey is about after all. On that note, if anyone has any questions or just the need to talk to anyone, feel free to message me privately. We are all in this together after all :)

    And yes, I 100% agree with how much the pureed food phase sucks. All I have in my menu right now is ricotta, applesauce and yogurt. I am tired!! Luckily I can switch to phase 2 on Thursday and switch tonsoft foods like baked fish, and eggs, and chicken breast... I cannot wait! But I confess, after yesterday's episode I am so scared to switch!

  4. I just had surgery a week ago. The one thing I am looking forward to is to fit in chairs more comfortably. A recent surprise was being able to fit in one of my chairs in the living room, which I have not been able to do for months! I sat on it and voila! Nothing got squished, no pains, nothing. I have lost about 35lbs since I started this whole process so that was a very nice surprise for me.

    I guess non weight related goal is to be able to get out of the yoga pants and oversized t-shirts that I have worn in the last three years. I want to feel pretty again, I want to like what I see in the mirror.

    The one thing I am looking forward the most though is being able to walk around wothout pain in my feet!

  5. But there's something about grits that my body doesn't agree with. This is the second time I had them post op. The first time they sat heavily in my pouch but didn't get to this point, I just thought it was too soon. This time around it developed into a full dumping episode. Weird. I wonder what itnis about grits...

  6. 5 minutes ago, BigViffer said:

    Oh no, don't apologize! Experience is a better teacher than just reading about it. I am sure she will now look at foods that may be off plan with a more skeptical eye, and that is a good thing.

    For sure! I will NEVER eat grits ever again in my life for as long as I shall live!

  7. My symptoms were pain right between my breasts, going all the way to my back. It felt like I was being stabbed. Lots of pain, lots of burping, lots of saliva building up in my mouth, but the craziest thing was my sinuses got really stuffy for some reason. At least those are the ones I remember. I was finally able to vomit and felt a bit better but now I can feel some of the symptoms coming back. This is brutal!

    Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. I had my first close encounter with dumping syndrome today. For those who have never experienced it, let me warn you... Nothing, no amount of literature, absolutely nothing prepares you for the sheer horror that is dumping syndrome. Worst part is that there's nothing you can do about it, you just have to ride it out on your own... The pain, the tears... Wow... I was not expecting it!

  9. It's very comforting to know that what t I am going thru is relatively normal. I wake up every morning thinking "today is the day I am doing it alright!" and then all hell breaks loose. I am not nauseous (unless I drink too much to quickly) and luckily I have not had any dumping but still... I want to get it right. I guess I am maybe being too hard on myself? I just want to feel good again.

  10. Yeah, you can only do so much before your body tells you "enough". Yesterday I know that I pushed myself too much and here I am today, back on pain meds and unable to move much at all, let alone eat or drink much. I can only take about 3 sips of Water at a time before I get pain and nausea in my stomach so how the heck am I supposed to get 64oz minimum in, plus Protein Shakes and pureed foods in just one day?! I just keep trying and trying. I figured, right now, the most critical part is to stay hydrated, so that's what my focus is. After all, I am still Pooh sized enough that my body can take nutrients from all that fat that I have been providing for it for a doomsday like today. If anything, I am a doomsday prepper!

  11. Since my surgery last Thursday I have had problems with Constipation that were causing lots of pain so I followed my doctor's advise and used Miralax. I finally had a bowel movement this morning but now I have pain from that since my gut is so sensitive. I am currently laying in the couch, about to cry and feeling so guilty because it's been 4 days since I have been home and have not been able to meet one single goal of either Protein or Water or Vitamins. I feel like such a failure :(

  12. So, today is my 6th day post op, 4th day home back from the hospital. I am doing better with my food and Water intake today. Still not great, but better, I was able to eat a bit more and drink a bit more and add some Protein as well but I am nowhere near where I am supposed to be limits wise. My biggest problem right now is getting my Vitamins in. I am able to get a few in but I am having problems with all of them. I was just wondering if this is normal and everyone goes thru it? I am not as tired today and was even able to walk on my treadmill, just the intake of foods, water and vitamins... Is it normal for gastric bypass?

  13. I have been able to follow up the diet the doctor gave me for the most part. Considering that this is my first time eating pureed foods after surgery I think I did pretty good...but...for dinner I made myself grits, which was in the approved food list of foods for the first two weeks after surgery. Even though they were delicious I was able to take in about 2tbsp before feeling full. Half an hour later I had a sip of Water and OMG I felt the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. It felt like the food and water mixed together right in the centet of my chest and they weighed about a ton. The burping was unreal and the pain even worse. I know this is common but wow was I not prepared for it!

  14. So, today is my first day home after surgery and I am honestly scared and overwhelmed. There's so many things to remember to do and notnto do, to take and not to take. I was able to do about 1 tbsp of fat free ricotta cheese today and I tolerated it just fine but I was scared to take more. My biggest problem is drinking. As soon as I get any liquid in my stomach, the cramping is unbearable. I'm assuming things will get better with time but right now I am so scared of failing.

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