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Posts posted by LiciKitty

  1. Does anyone else feel like they eat like a hobbit now?

    My current plan has me eating literally the hobbit diet. 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and sometimes 7pm.

    My restriction is really tight so I can’t eat much in a single sitting. My dietician urged me to eat since prior I was only getting 600 calories a day. Now I am getting about 1200-1400 calories but it’s so exhausting. I keep a timer just to remind me to eat or else I just won’t do it. Does anyone else find themselves just not enjoying food?

  2. So I have severe sleep apnea (one that will likely be life long as it’s cause by how small my airway is as opposed to weight). It was bad enough that my insurance actually paid for a BiPap instead of the cpap for me. But anywho, for the past 2 or so weeks, sleep has been terrible. I’ve been exhausted and run down. My husband started to complain that not only am I roaming nightly but there is this whistle he keeps hearing and it gets louder as the night goes on.

    Well, I realized, the whistle was a leak from my mask. Usually adjusting and tightening fixed it, but a few days ago I realized I had my mask as tight as it would go. I wore a medium amara. Ordered a small to see if that would fix it. And it did! I slept so hard last night and it was amazing and there was no whistle.

    So kinda weird but after all this weight loss, my mask sizes have changed. I’ll chalk it up as an NSV.

  3. A cpap provide one consistent and continuous flow of air. One pressure the entire time.

    a bipap provides two alternating but continuous flows of air. One pressure for inhalation another for exhaling.

    From what I understand few people get a Bipap machine because it is for SEVERE apnea and very expensive for insurance companies. I had to do 2 separate studies to get approved for my bipap. My therapist pushed hard for it because according to him he wasn’t sure how I wasn’t dead yet since I stopped breathing on average every 2 minutes. My airway is also very very tiny so I guess I need the extra help. I’m one of those that my therapist thinks will never (regardless of weight) stop needing my machine.

  4. Does anyone have opinions on the best time of day to workout?

    I have been told that the best is working out first thing in the AM prior to eating. So far, my body seems happy doing this. I use to workout around 4:30 PM since my job has a free gym but my body, even though I felt fine, wasn't dropping weight. Since I switched to AM I seem to have much more energy during the day and the weight is dropping again.

    Not sure if it really even matters or if it's just something that is different for everyone. Or why the AM seems to be working best.

  5. Your surgeon may want you on this machine for multiple reasons, the main one being that if you are unable to rest, you will be unable to heal properly. If you have untreated sleep apnea your surgeon may very well refuse to operate. I have been using my BiPap for over a year and it is 100% worth it. I sleep with my mouth open and so I use the full mask. Your mask affects how well you sleep even more so than the pressure (at least thats how I view it).

    My mask sits just under my nose so I don't have this weird pressure on the bridge of my nose. I use the Amana (or amara, can't remember) View Mask. You may want to ask about a BiPap instead of a CPap as well.

  6. I have been told by multiple people (friends, family and coworkers) that I am getting slim and shouldn't lose much more weight (like maybe 20 more lbs max). I'm at 197 right now and want to hit 130 (and this is my max, I ideally want to get smaller). I'm not even 5 feet tall but a number of people have said that I shouldn't want to lose my "thickness". I don't get it. I can't wrap my head around this obsession with "thickness". At 130 I'd still be considered overweight. I don't even like the way I look right now so it boggles my mind to have people say that I look good this way. Has anyone else experienced this?

  7. I'm assuming when you say "normal size" you mean below a 10 since Torrid carries all the way down to a 10 online ( I think it's only online since I have never seen a 10 in store).

    For something similar in smaller sizes you can look at H&M, Express, NY&Co, or even Target. White House Black Market is another one.

  8. Everything was fine until last week. I hit my lowest weight since surgery at 204.4. And I began a new workout schedule. I run 1 mile and do light weights 3x a week with intentions to move to 5x before the end of the month. Here comes Thursday and I gained 2 lbs. But as of today, I am at 209. I don't feel bloated and my clothing doesn't feel tight. I cannot figure out what is wrong. I am a little over three months out. On average I consume about 700 calories a day (I have been trying to force down more but have been unsuccessful). I eat almost exclusively Protein with some vegetables (zucchini and broccoli). Occasionally I will have bread of some sort ( as in in these 3 months I have had it only 3 times because it makes me feel terrible). Any advice on how to start dropping again or if anyone has suggestions for what the reason for the gain to be?

  9. I'm about 3 months out and my surgeon told me before the surgery that many people will experience "buyers remorse". Your hormones are going crazy still at 3 weeks out, so some of these negative feelings may be attributed to it. I was a hot mess (still kind of am). I recall sitting at the table and literally crying while I ate soft foods because I was miserable. My husband can eat what he pleases and it was distressing at the time to watch him.

    Eventually, this will pass. It's kind of one of the many bumps in this long journey. I don't know how open you are to therapy, but I know I wouldn't have gotten passed this hurdle without my therapist. Sometimes talking without feeling judged helps. I also don't know your prior relationship with food, so I don't know how much of a comfort it was to you. I know for me, my life was food. I used it to cope with everything and after the surgery I had to find different things to use to cope (like exercise and art).

    Try to keep in your mind that this is temporary.

  10. Today I had my 3 month appointment with my surgeon. I am on freaking cloud 9. I got my blood work done. Before surgery I was mildly anemic, with stupid low Vitamin D (Below 10 when it should be 30) and pre-diabetic. Blood work today was no anemia, a Vitamin d of 29 and no pre-diabetes! Vitamin D still needs a little work but it is infinitely better than it once was (I was taking 100,000 UI of D3 a week).

    A little curious though, my surgeon told me these next 3 months will be more difficult and will set the pace for the remainder of my journey the 1st year. Did anyone else have more difficulty after the 3rd month? How much were you working out? I work out about 3x a week now and surgeon wants me up to 5x a week.

  11. I am at a lost for workouts right now. I am currently only ingesting about 600-700 calories a day. I have tried to increase my food, but eating more physically hurts. I want to be able to do cardio and weights, and for the past 2 weeks I was doing cardio 5x week and weights 3x week. I am very concerned though since I am burning more then i am taking in and from what i have heard, that makes the body go into starvation mode. Should I just stick with cardio until I can eat more? Or should I continue on my current schedule? Any suggestions will be helpful.

  12. I was in denial for a long time. I didn't grow up plus size. In fact, I was very petite for most my life. It's been the past 10 or so years that weight just packed on. For a while I didn't realize how big I actually was. It started with my bachelorette party. We went to Universal and I just barely fit in the rides. Then for my honeymoon, the plane ride was terrible. I started to avoid mirrors. No matter how cute I felt, the moment I looked in a mirror I broke down. I didn't let people take pictures of me, much less look at pictures. Sure, I'd do the selfie photo with my head in a specific angle, but that was about it. I had difficulty getting out of bed, getting up stairs, tying shoes and even lotioning. I couldn't cross my legs and I had really bad circulation. 15 minutes on the treadmill was murder and my back and knees hurt all the time. I had taken a sabbatical from work late last year and when I returned this year, it really hit me how unhappy and unhealthy I was. My company is pretty health conscious to the point where we receive incentives to join marathons and the owner provides employees with fitness classes and a full gym in the building. To top it all off, my husband and I want to try for children next year. I was heartbroken when not only my PCP, but my respiratory doctor and my gyno told me it would not only be unlikely but dangerous for me to get pregnant at my size. I was tired of waiting to die and putting my life on hold.

  13. On ‎6‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 7:52 AM, char3672 said:

    I'm new to all of this, I just had surgery 6 days ago. What is the difference between Keto and Paleo?

    Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app

    My understanding on keto is shaky but I know Paleo.

    Paleo takes the approach of only eating food that was accessible prior to the onset of agriculture. So no potatoes, no bread, no rice, no corn. Also, no dairy. Only grass fed or free range meat. There isn't any focus on macros. You basically eat until full whenever you feel like eating. A good resource to look into on it is nerdfitness.

    Keto seems to be pretty much like paleo, but with more focus on macros. So you eat the same things, but you focus on making sure you are getting a certain amount of fat and Protein in.

  14. Not too bad. I stalled a little from my period but seem to be back to losing. Incisions are tender and super itchy. Most soft food agrees with me but chicken is no bueno. Unless I completely douse it in mayo and ricotta it feels like sandpaper going down. I made a poor decision and had a grilled wrap last night in ravenous hunger. Ate too much and too fast. That was the most painful hour. O_O.

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