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Everything posted by sprysmeow

  1. sprysmeow

    Got my date!! July 27th!!!

    Congratulations!! I just got the call today, July 17th!! I am so excited!
  2. Hi, If you check this website it will give you requirements needed for approval based on your insurance and the state that you live in. The policies can be different state to state. www.obesitycoverage.com/insurance-and-costs/am-i-covered/check-my-insurance
  3. Just got my date this morning! July 17th, Yippee!
  4. I am so happy you are doing better. Every surgeon has different guidelines, I'll bet you have lost a lot of weight! Yeah!
  5. sprysmeow

    Bmi of 34 how to proceed?

    Have you had your Doctor measure your height without shoes? I was Quite surprised to find out that I was 5'9", I had always been a little under 5'11" or so I thought. Apparently, I have shrunk a little. I thought I was just a little over the 35 BMI, turns out its more like 37-38. I couldn't remember the last time someone measured my height, they just asked me how tall I was and I spouted 5'11"\ Its worth a try and don't forget to take your shoes off.
  6. Let me know how it goes. I know drinking water is extremely important, but he will want you to have nutrition as well.
  7. I agree, you should check with your nutritionist. That does NOT sound right. My nutritionist said a minimum of 60 grams of protein per day. The clear diet ends after the hospital, but even then you are having clear protein like broth, Premier Clear Protein, jello, etc. Once home they says liquids week one, pureed week 2, Just water does not make any sense.
  8. sprysmeow


    Hi, When I went to the Psychiatrist, she told me at the end of the session that she was approving me. I think they just want to make sure that you can understand the surgery. Also, if they feel that you need additional support, they will help you with that. For instance if you are a night eater, binge eater, etc. They are there to give you the extra support if you need it.
  9. Just be honest about the injury and falling off the wagon. She will probably say the same thing as your mom. Just get back on, forget yesterday and move forward to today and then tomorrow. This is a journey! Keep your eye on the prize! She might even give you some helpful tips on how to get past this and how to deal with this sort of thing in the future. Everyone on this sight has gone through weight gain and not feeling motivated. That is how we landed here in the first place. Good luck, I hope your back feels better and keep on keeping on!
  10. sprysmeow

    Insurance approval

    i think it depends on what insurance you have.
  11. sprysmeow

    Super New

    Congratulations! I am in the pre op stage, I have completed my mandated appointments, with the exception of one more nutritionist visit on the 19th of this month. That is when they should submit to insurance. It sounds like with your BMI and your existing comordities, they should not give you a hard time with insurance. It seems there are just a lot of check marks to complete before they will even consider. I am very excited for you! Just keep checking in , watching YOUTUBE (some good and others not so much) Good luck!!
  12. sprysmeow

    Concerned Mom

    Hi, I can tell that you really just want the best for your daughter. I think that you are taking step in the right direction by coming onto this forum. I recommend that you attend some of her appointments. Also, on YOUTUBE there is a Dr. Weiner that has several presentations that have excellent information about Weight Loss Surgery. The statistics sight that when a person is younger they are more likely to reach there goals that people who are older they will also have a faster recovery. This is such an excellent tool and this will be the beginning of a GREAT life. I must say, I really wish that I had started this journey long before now. I have been struggling with my weight for MANY years and I am 50 years old now.
  13. I just had an endoscopy on 05 /30, But i think they do that when you already have GERD to see if there is a Hiatal Hernia or any other underling issue. My insurance states that they can fix a Hiatal hernia during surgery, IF it has been diagnosed prior to surgery. But if they find it during surgery, they will not cover the repair. So, that is part of the reason they do it in advance. I am sure every insurance is different. I have BCBS Illinois
  14. sprysmeow


    Thank you so much, this takes a little stress off
  15. sprysmeow


    I have been a cigarette smoker since I was 15 yrs old. I spoke to the Baritrician, she gave me a prescription for Wellbrutrin and she told to quit 5 days after starting the prescription. Then after I quit for 14 days, i should come in and get the nicotine test.. I have been reading all of the posts and I just went and got a 0mg vaper. Hoping it helps. The Wellbrutrin is working to take the edge off (Just quit today) I want the Vape, just in case.
  16. sprysmeow


    Was you nicotine test, a blood or urine test?
  17. sprysmeow

    Loyola Hospital Maywood

    On 06/13 there is a support group at 6 pm. It will be my first support meeting. I should hopefully get my surgery date by the end of this month.
  18. sprysmeow

    Loyola Hospital Maywood

    Have you completed all of your appointments?
  19. sprysmeow

    Loyola Hospital Maywood

    I am in pre op, Dr Chand just did my EDG last week. I have one more appointment with Kim Sasso the nutritionist on 06/19.. Then i guess it goes for approval. I think my surgery will be with Dr. Marcotte. But it takes soooooo long to get in for appointments. I will go with the surgeon with the first availability. Dr. Chand seems to have the most experience.
  20. Did you check your insurance coverage on this website? It should spell out what is required. exam.If you go to the informational seminar, they will take all of your information and check your coverage for you. So far, I have had to see a Psychiatrist and nutritionist. I still need to meet with my surgeon and then a bariatrician. I know that the surgeon will require an endoscopic exam. When I went to the nutritionist last week, she told me that the weight that she took that day, would be the weight sent to the insurance company. My BMI is 37.8 and I have three comorbidities, but I only need one in order to qualify with my insurance.
  21. sprysmeow

    I am sleeved!

    How are you feeling?
  22. sprysmeow

    I am sleeved!

    Congratulations!! You are going to do great!
  23. I still have nutritionist, surgeon and bariatrician. I am HOPING to get a date at the end of June. My mother pointed out that this is my plan and that might not be the Dr's plan. Hopefully, he will see my wisdom(ha, ha)
  24. Do you have a surgery date yet? I still have some prerequisite appointments before they submit to insurance.
  25. I would like to thank you Joann. I am 50 yrs old and have been smoking since I was 15 yrs old. I know that I need to quit. After reading your post about smoking. I immediately went onto amazon and ordered a hypnosis cd, a tea and a stop smoking inhaler. I had just gone to my first appointment with the Psychiatrist and she told me that I need to stop smoking in order to have the surgery. The timing of this is uncanny and I really appreciate your insight

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