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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kellygirl0520

  1. I have a great appreciate for slow losers!!! I was banded on May 9th and have only lost 35 pounds to date. At first I was really bombed out about it but I am just reaching a good poing of restriction. Soooo, hopefully things will start moving on a little faster now.

  2. I would have to say it is very normal. My best friend and I were banded on May 9th and lost 23 pounds in the first couple weeks post op but have not lost ANYTHING in almost two weeks. My friend...the same thing. I am doing everything right but the scale will not budge. Keep doing what you are doing and remain positive. Things will get better for us!!!

  3. I was banded on May 9th and can eat just about anything at this point. I do not find myself getting hungry that often, however, when I do, I eat REAL food and not mushies or purreds or any of that garbage! I feel so much better eating REAL food and find myself with much more energy. Like most of you, I have not lost weight in over a week though. I talked to my drs office about it because I know my calorie intake is low enough where weight should be falling off of me (band or no band). They said that our metabolism gets really low when we are in that liquid stage and I just needed to eat a good greasy hamburger patty to get my metabolism going again. I decided to low carb for a while and it looks like that is working so far.

  4. I was also banded on May 9th. I went in at 7:30 and was home a little after two. I did not have much pain the first day, just really sleepy. I have been fortunate enough not to have gas pains. Other than being a little sore the first couple of days, everything went extremly well.

  5. My best friend and I are 9 days post op. We will not be filled until June 27. We may soon find that we are able to eat like two little happy hogs! To keep ourselves on track until those fills, we are joining the challenge!

    Name................Current....Goal......Lost...Still to Lose by July 4th


















    Marissa's Mom.......388........358.......0......30





    njudono............ 298........277...... 5......21





    Sunshine2...........179........160.......4......15 (by6/29)




  6. The frist month or so I was on Phen was AMAZING. I didn't crave anything. I would say....humm I should eat a lean cusine so I won't feel like crap later, I wasen't hungry. I lost 40 pounds in 2 months easily. It made my mind clear at work in the morning, no yawning, no laziness. But then.......it stopped working. I was so bummed. I though I found my "LIFE FORCE" or something. Of course I gained back the 40lbs plus 20 more a year later. It made me realize how people can get addicted to drugs easily! It's been about a year since I used it. I'd love to get my hands on some before my Aug 23rd banding date. Because I really feel, any weight I lose between now and then will STAY off. Plus I have a big trip comming up and I wanna get a head start on weight loss. Anyone know where I can order it online without an RX? I did about a year ago, but I can't find a site now thats not a scam. I'd definitely recomend phen, but ONLY FOR A LIMITED AMOUNT OF TIME. A pre-op diet would be a great time to use it. It definitely raised my BP.

    My surgeon put me on it while I was on the pre-op diet. Tell yours you need a little extra help getting off your pre-of weight and you might be in luck!!!

  7. I think the problem with eating solid foods too soon has to do with the movement the stomach makes to digest food (churning). It could rip out the stitches. I think the idea is to let the stitches heal before putting any force on them. I think liquids would pass through with out the digesting movement.

    You will be fine. The first day is always the hardest. On my first day of pre-op diet I ate two plates of sushi. I don't even think I was hungery, just the thought of not being able to eat it anymore made me CRAZY! I had so much guilt that I stuck to the diet completly from that day forward. I got my band on 5/9 and have lost 17 pounds. So I assure you, everything will work out. Stay strong!!!

  8. Willismommy, I have become very irritated because it seems like you are under attack by some of these post and I don't like it one bit!!! We are all here for support, not to be attacked or judged! You have done an awesome job following your drs instructions and if my memory serves me correctly, your original post did not include you asking was it ok to eat mash potatos and gravy! I e-mail my surgeons office almost everyday with very simple questions that are applicialbe to me. So, don't hesitate to call or e-mail them any questions that you may need answered. I hope you are starting to feel better. Keep up the good work! By the way, to all of the potato experts out there, I received my band on 5/9 and since day 3 potato Soup has been my favorite meal (I have no problems or pain. It is fine with my dr. and I am loosing a pound or more a day!) Good luck to you sweetie!!!

  9. Hi everyone,

    I've read many posts about gas pains and I thoughtI was ready. Well, last night I was in so much pain, I had to call my mom, husband, and best friend to save me. I thought I was dying. I don't know if I have a combination of trapped gas and indigestion or just trapped gas. But, I have constant pain and pressure in my chest and sharp pains that travel throughout my abdomen. I have done some walking, it hasn't helped. I have been popping Prilosec and GasX strips like tic tacs, with little relief. I will try lying on my left when I get home. I'll keep you all updated. Just wanted to whine! If anyone discovers a magic potion, please share!


    Well, I am the best friend that recevied the call of my b/f/f in terrible pain. We were both banded on 5/9. She has been hit with the gas pains and I am facing fatigue. I once told her about how when we were little my dad use to give us baking soda and warm Water to relieve gas pains. This ALWAYS worked instantly (a real life saver!) We are scared for her to try this becuase we don't want her band to fly clear out of her body from the gas explusion!!! Has anyone tried this homemade remedy? If so, what was the outcome?

  10. thanks kellygirl for your reply:rolleyes2: My diet is very limited until the 20th. I can have 10 oz of slim fast optima with 2 scoops of Protein Powder (2 oz 6 times a day.) In between my 6 meals I can sip on Water, sugar free Jello or popsicles, Decaf tea with splenda or chicken or beef broth. It's making for a long 2 week, but it will be worth it in the end. I just want to get enough energy to be able to function normally at work. I am walking on the treadmill some and around the neighborhood, but it's tiring. Congrats to everyone recently banded and I pray that we all reach our goals and keep it off. I'm remaining positive.:thumbup:

    You are already two steps ahead of the game!!! I can hardly muster up enough strength to walk to the mailbox! Keep up the great work!

  11. I was banded yesterday and I'm not hungry yet. It really hurts when I take a deep breath. Does anyone else have this problem.

    It is normal after any surgery for it to hurt to take a deep breath. The hospital gave me a breathing pump to use until my lungs were back at their normal capacity. Although it hurts, it is VERY important that you continue to take deep breaths so you don't develop pnemonia or respirtory problems.

  12. Keep doing everything that you are doing. Have faith and everything will work itself out. Normally after you get done with your six month diet, the ball starts rolling pretty fast. Your dr will probably order your pre-op test before the end of your six months. I hope everything works in your favor!

  13. My question is should I still be feeling like I cant hold anything when I havent had anything. I know that Im not drinking as much Water and stuff as I should. I just dont know if I am full, or if my stomach is just swollen. When does it start to get better. This rolling gas stuff is killing me, I actually had one of those "why did I do this to my body and my family" nights last night. My 18 month old woould not even kiss me goodbye this morning because I havent been able to play with him and take care of him since Thursday, my husband is doing great. Its just so hard to get used to this. Is ot always going to hurt like this. I can deal with the surgery pain, its just this gas..........uugghhhhh!!!!!!! Im sorry that I am whining, This is a great place to do it because you guys dont have to continue reading unless you want to. Thats whats so great about most of you, you will read it and respond! You guys are great!!

    To answer your question, I got my band on Friday and feel the same way. I have not had any trouble with gas, however, I do feel like I can't hold anything down (even when I have not eaten anything!) I think that is just from the bloated feeling. Also, every drs post op diet is different. My diet is similar to yours and I feel great. No gas pains and when I eat I don't get sick. Introduce new foods slowly. But follow your drs orders and no one elses. If you have a problem, call and discuss with your dr. and he will rearrange your diet as he sees fit.

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