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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ezma

  1. I really hate this laptop. The mouse is constantly placing my cursor somewhere I don't want it. So I end up erasing things I wrote. So I"m not gonna retype everything I just erased. LOL Short Version - Good luck guys, I'm sure you'll be fine. Tap - How's the eye doing? How are you doing? Jul - Use DVDs sometimes and love em. Soda = OK if you can burp fine and no pain. <my opinion> Think docs use it to scare us into quitting. House = not yet, still plugging away. Have a great one guys. I'm off to the docs this morning, think I gained a pound but I'm okay with it. I did really, really well yesterday with my eating and I hope it's enough to get me back on track. Yay! Bad carbs and sugars were real low.
  2. Morning. It seems like it's going to be a good day. And I'm crossing my fingers for a good week. Will wish one for all of you too. marathinner - Thank you so much. I really, really needed to hear that right now. Tap - Sorry to hear you are feeling cruddy (lol - no pun) in the eye. Did you ever get the drops figured out. I don't know if you know the corner of the eye trick or not but if you tip your head back and drop it right by your tear duct, then blink, it usually runs right in. I can't do them straight in my eye. <shivers> Hope you got the toilet fixed. I busted out laughing when I read you had to go to the mall to go. Gonna do something to work out here since I'm gonna miss my walking today and tomorrow. And I missed a bunch of it last week due to the cat and my broken garage door. The door should be fixed, finally after 9 days of waiting, in just a few minutes. Waiting for the guy now. Cat's tail is healing nicely and she'll be very happy to get that victorian collar off and when she gets to go back outside when she wants again. Friday she gets her stitches out so should be all good again then. Wish me luck finding a rental property to buy. I'm about to pull my hair out from the search. I think I've put bids in on about 7 or 8 of them now. Come pretty close a few times and then it fell apart last minute. I have 3 bids in now. One of them I won the bid but it's a short sale so I have about 2 months before we hear if the bank appoved it or not. Other two are repos and we're waiting to hear which of the multiple bids they chose. Grrrr. This used to be fun but right now I just want to get it done so I can get the repairs done and get er rented. Wow, didn't know I was gonna be venting this morning. LOL Have a great day guys.
  3. Morning guys. Sounds like it's gonna be a crazy couple of weeks for the VVs. I'm wishing you guys lots of luck and speedy recoveries. I'm really, really jealous of the weight loss you guys are having but would not want to be in your shoes with the band problems. Sorry you're having trouble and feeling lousy. I've been trying to be consistant with the exercise and eating but this week has not gone as planned. Between real estate stuff, a broken mailbox, broken garage door opener and then the cat had to have surgery on her tail. You'd think that would keep me plenty busy but I'm feeling the need to flee. I'm kinda stuck at home more because of the cat and needing to be here for repairs. So I've been eating a bit more. I guess it's good to be facing my feelings but it's so much more comfortable to just keep running around, keeping my mind busy. Oh well, things could be so much worse and I do have lots of things that need tending around the house. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend. Step by step, day by day. We can do it.
  4. Yes, yes, yes. Everything else is moving along but the dang belly refuses to give in. Sorry for the late response on this. I've gotten to the point that I only read our main thread.
  5. Morning all. Did you guys have a good weekend? Tap - Really sounds like you're getting back on track. Don't beat yourself up. You really didn't do badly. Think about the old days and how much worse you would have been. They say you should take a vacation from exercise each year. LOL, but I think it's supposed to be 1 to 2 weeks. You and I just had nice, long ones. I'm doing okay. Frustrated because I'm still fighting to get back in the swing. I'm not gaining anymore but not losing either. This is the third month of this. Can I get through this phase already? I know exactly what I'm doing wrong but can seem to break the bad carb addiction. My band is good and tight but that ice cream goes right down. Anyway, today is a new day and I start off with new determination. Very busy day ahead of me so I hope that helps. Take care guys.
  6. Hey there. Sounds like everyone is doing really, really well. I had one slip but I'm back on track again. And I guess that is really what it's all about. Now I just need to get it to about 80% good and I'll be in great shape. I don't think I can do the 99.9% good again yet. I really do miss the scale going down a big chunk each month. We had a couple days of storms here and it really is starting to feel like fall. I know it won't last because we usually don't cool down until the end of October. But I'm still feeling really inspired and energetic this morning. Cool is so good after months of horrible heat. Anyone doing anything exciting this weekend?
  7. Morning all. SLG - OMG and I'm so glad to hear you at least got some positive things going now. At least you don't have to fight the insurance on top of everything. I have every appendage crossed, hoping it will correct itself for you. I've been doing pretty well. I've tracked my foods for 4 days now. Yay! I think it's really helping out too. I can't do the catatonic eating now. I also have a huge NSV for me. I managed to go into Fry's grocery store now twice and didn't buy my Peanut Butter cookie. Woo hoo! I found some willpower again. Also, where the heck is Crystal? HAven't seen a posting from her in ages. Anyone hear from her? Hope she's doing well.
  8. SLG - Sending you lots and lots of well wishes. I know it will all go well and you will be back on track very soon. Don't push yourself to heal too fast though. Awaiting your post op check in. Tap - It's so vey good to see you posting again. Welcome back. You have definitely been missed. The traitorous mood beast will not get the better of us. Angie - Wow! I'm so filled with admiration for you. The burst of emotion and pride I got from seeing that picture and reading your words gave me just a small idea of what you must have felt. Wow, just WOW. I'm going to voice a couple things here today. They have been floating in my head but I've been trying to deny them. A big part of the way I lost the weight right after surgery was constant vigilance and cutting out a lot of carbs, not all but keeping it under 100g a day. Well, I don't know how I thought I was gonna lose weight if I didn't log my food. I've attempted to log again but always slip up and quit. Well, it's the only way I'm going to get back on the losing track again. So, as of this morning I'm back to being vigilant with watching my food intake. Please, please help to me to remain on track for a few weeks until it becomes habit again. Thanks guys. Have a great day.
  9. Shiny - I know how scary that is, I've been there and am still fighting it. Sounds like you are getting back on track though. I think the excercise, for me, just helps me to remember what I want, less fat on my bod, more than it takes off any weight. So I keep at it. Also, helps that I do it with my mom and she nags me if I don't have a valid reasn for missing. Just remember - you can do it! You know that, you've done it already. Now it's just getting back to it.
  10. Morning all. How is everyone? It's Friday and I hope we will all have a fantastic weekend. Tap??- Where the heck are you? I hope everything is okay. Please check in with us if you can. Starting to get worried here. Jul - Did you get back on track? I was much, much better yesterday and it showed on the scale. Yay! SLG - I've go every appendage crossed for you. Hoping it gets better for you soon. Let us know how everything goes on Tuesday. Time to get dressed so I can go walk my 3 mall miles. Groan. Oh, well, get to chat with mom while I do it. Have a great one guys.
  11. Shiny - I'm so glad you're back on track. It's the beast that has gotten into so many of our heads. It's so easy to take the loss for granted and then you turn around and you're up several pounds. You seem to have caught it right away and got back on track. Please, please post here any time you notice you're not eating the way you should for more than a day or two. And I'm so glad you blogged it. Everyone needs to be aware of the things that trip us up. Forewarned is a very good thing. How is everyone else doing? Did you guys have a good weekend? Mine was decent. Nothing too exciting, just a nice weekend. I did however, mess myself up. Since my last fill I've only been able to eat a small amount, which is great. But I took things for granted and decided that since I could barely eat food, I could have ice cream and cookies and still lose. Wrong!! I'm up a couple pounds. I must adjust my head because I'm determined to be down at least 10 pounds when I go to the doctor's again in about 3 weeks. Gotta get on it.
  12. Morning guys. How's everyone doing today? Any big plans for the weekend? I don't have any yet. Just waiting to hear if they excepted my bid on a house that I want to use as a rental property. If so, that will keep me busy for a while since I'll need to redo the kitchen and have a bit of work done on the rest of the place. Nothing to big outside of the kitchen cabinets, counters and appliances. It's been fun but I get so frustrated waiting on things. I mean, how long does it take to say yes or no to a full price, cash bid. Banks! It's a repo so the bank owns it. I put back on that 1.4 pounds I dropped the day after my fill but no big surprises there. I know I'm holding a bit of water and that's probably most of it. Another weird thing happened to me. I rarely dream but I've been having more since my husband died. Well, last night I had one of him. The first one I've remembered since he passed away. Had hugs and kisses and was good to see him looking like he did before he got ill but it made me cry alot this morning. I'm sure it's just part of greiving but it was quite bittersweet.
  13. Morning everyone. Sounds like so many are having tightness issues. Sucks. I got a fill yesterday and it was exactly what I needed. I had been feeling like I didn't even have a band for the last month. Best news is I lost 2.8 pounds last week and bonus of 1.4 more since yesterdays morning. Woo hoo!!! I'm actually back on track. I'm gonna try to stay on the post op/ full liquids for a week. I think it just might be what I need to get into the groove of losing again. It stinks that I have to take off the 50 I gained back when my sweet hubby died but I'd rather take it off than keep it. lol
  14. Wow! I got busy for a few days and so many of you showed up again. Yay! It's great to see you all back and chatting again. I've missed you all. And sounds like there have been some trials while you were gone. Amy, that's very scary. I had that trouble with scar tissue back last July but mine was so minor compared to yours. Glad you're doing better now. And I'm glad to hear it was easier to do the post op diet the second time around. I really, really need to do something to kick in my weight loss. I think just having a good loss would be all I need to get me going again but it's been hell to stick with anything. I am still walking regularly so at least that hasn't gone away. Ready - good to see you again and see you motivated too. Way to go! tsk - great to have you back again. You're really doing well and looking great. SLG - definitely don't wait until December. Never hurts to check it out and it's so much better to go in and have it be nothing than to wait and find out it was something and is worse cause you waited. Oh where, oh where has my little Tap gone? Oh where, oh where, can she be? Tap! You're missed here.
  15. Wow Nicole. Sounds like you're having fun time there. Glad you're out of the hospital. Sounds like you're coming along okay though. Sad as this is, I wish I had something to make me go back on the post op diet. Waaaah. I know you're not having any fun though. Take care of yourself. Yesterday was the first weekly weigh in for my contest with my family. I stayed the same. It's so irritating. I was down 2 pounds for 5 days and somehow I went up 2 over the last two days. I really have to get on it this week since I have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday, which is the next contest weigh in too. Pray for will power for me. Hope the rest of you are doing well too.
  16. Blessed and Angie - Congrats to both of you. I can barely imagine either or those. Way to go. Jul - Good luck on your surgery. I'll be sending you good thoughts. Let us know how it went. Have a great weekend all.
  17. Morning all. Everyone feeling inspired today? I'm gonna try to get there. We've moved our walk length up a bit and today it's 2 and 2/3 miles. We're working up to 3 but I'm already dreading it today. Gonna jump in the shower and hope that perks me up. Have to take my son to get his hair trimmed up a bit. He likes it long but it's looking really messy and I can't stand that. My baby is starting high school on Monday. Where did the time go and where is my tiny, tiny baby? It really is hard to believe that he's going to be a freshman already. I took him to orientation last night. It was so weird to be there without my husband. We have gone to every single thing like that since Austin started school. Just gotta buck up and realize that he was there in spirit. Have a great day guys.
  18. Lori - what a fantastic sale you had. I'm gonna have to remember all the advice for next time I do one. I gave up after my last one. But that one was right after we moved and hubby was near his end. I just didn't have the time to do anything for it and it showed. I barely sold anything. Jul - Never worry about sounding me, me, me. You didn't at all and I, personally, love hearing what everyone is doing. Please talk about you. Huge congrats on 201. You're so close to onederland. Lil - Great job getting back your exercise mojo. How's the new equipment doing? Was it eliptical? Not sure if I'm remembering right or not. Tap - I'm looking and looking. I'm sure they are hiding somewhere together having Snacks and giggling. Mojo! Mojo! Where the heck are you!?
  19. Morning guys. How's everyone doing this week? Starting a weight loss contest with my parents and maybe brother today. Hoping that having weekly accountability will help me more. So for I've been bouncing around between 2 or 3 pounds since my last doctor's appointment. Luckily the high end is the same as when I weighed at the office last. So if nothing else, I've stayed the same and not gained any. I have until the 18th to get some off. I know I can do this. Heck, I was consistantly losing 10-12 pounds every month before. I want my mojo back. I forgot to pass on this tip I read from Sparkpeople or whatever it is. The title was something about the evening munchies and how to get rid of them. Article in a nutshell said you just have to have willpower thru the cravings. LMAO How was that for a helpful tip? I know I never thought of that one. hehe
  20. Woo hoo!!! Way to go. I'm amazed by that and bet you can hardly believe you're the same person as before the band.
  21. Good luck Angie. I know you can do it. Can't imagine me ever doing anything like that. I admire you so much. Let us know how it went. Morning all.
  22. Morning. I'm a mighty groggy girlie this morning. Didn't sleep well last night and moving poorly this morning. Might be due to the sugar fest I had yesterday. I'm trying to see if overloading myself will allow me to get a grip on it so I can move on with better food choices. Really getting tired of the bathroom construction here. It's over two weeks now and they originally said it would be 5-6 days. It's basically done but there are a couple small leaks that need to be addressed and some dry wall and painting from repairs. It was a big project but it really looks lovely. If I can ever get a good picture of it I'll post it.
  23. Good morning everyone. Doing okay here. Fighting the cookie demon still. It seems I am not able to even enter the Frys grocery store without giving in to the cookie temptation. At least I only buy 1 pack now and I don't go to that grocery store very often. I'm glad I'm not gaining but I sure would like to go to the doctor and lose some for a change. Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend. Lori's garage sale made me wonder what you all are doing. :juggle:
  24. I just wanted to say a quick good morning to you all. I'm off to walk with my parents and then my grandma is coming over to spend the day with me and my son. She's visiting for a month from Florida and it's so great to have time with her. Hope I'm still as healthy and active as she is at 91. She just started slowing down a bit in the last year. Now that's some inspiration. Have a great day!
  25. Hi guys. Sounds like everyone is busy, busy, busy. Yay! Active lives sound so much better now. I remember when my ideal was to lie on the bed and watch movies or sit in front of my computer. I still do both of those but much less often and my activities are so much more varied. Remember where we were 1 and 1/2 years ago? Hard to believe how different I am now. I may have put some weight back on but I look at life so differently now. I think about health so much of the time, try to remain active and exercising, am aware of what is in the things I put in my mouth and have a good idea of the calorie, protein, carb and fat counts. I look at life as a much broader and more open way. The world is full of opportunities and things to do, places to go, people to meet. Holy crap, I'm me again! Well, almost. The head is there but the body still needs some work. This was a very enlightening post for me. Didn't even know what I was gonna say and it just spewed out. LOL Are you guys feeling the same way? By the way, I'm feeling really pampered right now. I can hear the women cleaning my house while I sit here and eat grapes and hummus. Just need a pool boy and another to fan me and feed me the grapes. :crying:

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