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Posts posted by Ezma

  1. Hey all,

    Thought I'd post to say hello to everyone. I have been doing a horrible job on my weight since my husband died and can't seem to get back in the swing. I've gained back all but 30 pounds and it's really frustrating. I know I can do it because I did so well before. It's just so easy to get things like chips, Cookies and ice cream to go straight down. I've been doing everything wrong but each day I do wake up determined to get back on track. Day starts off well but ends badly. I'm hopeful that just posting here will trigger my brain to get back on it. Would love to hear from the rest of you too.

  2. Hi all. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. I know I did. Now I just need to get busy and get the 9 pounds off I put on and more. Today is my first day back on track so wish me luck keeping those carb cravings at bay. I'm going to be checking in here each morning to provide support and hopefully you all will be here too. I need you guys. :blushing:

  3. Hey Jul - There were about 5 with the same name on FB. I didn't see any that looked like your picture here. There was one that didn't have any profile picture, was that one you?

    How's everyone doing? I'm stuggling along. Yesterday was a bit better but I'm not totally back on track yet and I don't think it will be today. My mother and I are baking Christmas Cookies today. Oh temptation, and we haven't even started yet.

  4. Hey guys. Popping in to say a quick good morning. Also wanted to make sure you all know that there's been a recall on all ready to drink Slim Fast. I'm not sure of the details but I knew some of you guys use it. Might want to google it or something. I found out from the Hungry Girl newsletter.

    Have a good one.

    Lil - I think I found you since Shiny was a mutual friend. Let me know if you don't get my friend request.

  5. Jul - Thanks. Hugs right back at ya. And I agree, I'm going to do my best to enjoy the memories instead of focusing on the loss.

    Shiny - Feeling better? I'm sure you're enjoying eating again. Don't stress about gaining, just be healthy and you and the baby will be just fine.

    I had a bad eating day yesterday. I decided I was just going to do a shake for Breakfast now and eat good food the rest of the time. Well, looks like I'm still having a bit of trouble with the carbs. So gonna crack the whip today. Have a great one guys.

  6. Jul - That's fantastic! You did really, really well over Thanksgiving. I'm still struggling to get all the way back on track. I got two pounds off but still have two to go.

    I totally understand what you guys are talking about concerning death and holidays. My husband passed away the night before Easter. The last 8 months have been filled with holiday memories and we just started the worst part of the year. His birthday is two weeks after mine and then we have Christmas 11 days after that. He always made things so special and loved to Celebrate everything. And he did the Christmas decorating so this year it's up to me. If it weren't for our 14 year old son I'd just hide away until after New Years and forget all about it.

    OKay, enough for me. Time to put on the happy face and go walk the mall. Blah!!!!! Have a great day guys.

  7. Morning guys. Hope you all are hanging in there. I'm trying to get back on track here but it's been tough. Between Thanksgiving and my birthday yesterday, there's been too much eating going on. I have started losing again though and need to take off 2 more to get back to where I was befoe Thanksgiving.

    I'm excited this morning because I have my monthly doctor's appointment and I should be down about 7 pounds since my last visit. This will be the first real loss I've had in a year. I should be smiling when I leave the office for a change. Yay!

    Where is everyone? I think there's only been about 4 of us posting at all. Tap? RSG? Amy? Everyone? Come on, VV roll call.

  8. Oh Shiny, sounds like you are having a horrible time there with your band. How soon do you see the doctor to get your unfill?

    Did you all have a great Thanksgiving? I sure did. I put on 4 pounds but I'm going to try to get it back off today. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning and would love to be back down where I was. I'm still down 5 pounds from my last appointment so it's good either way.

    Gonna go see if I can find any good Cyber Monday deals at Amazon. I did a lot of my shopping from their Black Friday sales. It's the first year in a while I didn't go out. Just wasn't anything out there I could see fighting crowds for.

  9. Yay Lil! Sounds like Lil got her groove back.

    Wasn't it way easier to get back in the groove than you thought? Well, I guess if you count all the months I tried and just couldn't get it, then it wasn't so easy. But once I could get the mental click and start back on pre-op, it really was easy. The pre-op was so much better this time around. LOL - it might be easier since I'm actually eating one meal a day. Now that meal is very low calorie and carb content but it helps so much to have something to chew.

    Hope you guys all have a fantastic Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to have time to post tomorrow but just in case. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  10. Jul - So glad you found a good therapist. Support is something we all need. Especially when a person has to deal with the stuff you have going on. It really does impact us when the loves of our lives are struggling. Hang in there, I'm sure the next good wave is coming soon.

    As for me, the diet is still working and I'm soooo happy. I want to say that I wished I had known, months agao, that the pre-op was the answer to losing for me but I really think it came in the right time. I don't think I was ready to lose before or I would have done it. I do firmly believe in carb addiction now though. Before it was just something vague but over the last year it became a very, very real thing to me. Today has been 1 week on the diet and I've lost 11.8 pounds. Yay!!!! I needed the inspiration so bad. I did end up modifying it just a tad because I was so very hungry. I did 2-3 Protein Shakes a day and then for dinner I had some kinds of plain meat, egg and/or cheese. I am taking my Vitamins and Calcium just to be sure I'm staying healthy. I'm definitely going to eat on Thanksgiving but then it's back to very low calorie for me. I think I'll move on to more food though so I"m getting natural nourishment.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Missing you guys.

  11. Jul - Sorry to hear things are so lousy at home right now. It really does make it so much harder to keep motivated. I know I always felt like I had been run over by a truck and was exhausted. But maybe focusing on you will help you get thru the tough times. Still trying to take that advice myself.

    Lil - Wow!!! You really have come a long way. It's so fantastic! Glad to hear that you're still hanging in there on the liquids too. I'm with you on the "until it stops working or I get stick of it" part.

    I'm still hanging in there on my slightly modified pre-op diet. Yesterday I had a small amount of Boston Market chicken for dinner. Other than that it was my one cup of coffee, Protein Shakes and sugarfree Jello. Can't believe I'm starting my fourth day of this and I'm good. Feels like I can do this. I lost another pound this morning. That's 7 pounds in 3 days. I do love the results even if the diet is really boring. Best part is that I don't seem to be craving the carbs anymore. Cross all your fingers and say many prayers for me please.

    Have a great day everyone.

  12. Doing pretty well so far here. I caved to hunger yesterday but still did fairly well and managed to lose 2 more pounds. I'm still on it today. Hopefully if I get the hungers again I'll make slightly better choices. So far that's 6 pounds in two days and I know it's mostly Water since I've been peeing up a storm.

    I'm with you on the pouch shrinking Lil. I'm already full really, really fast. I have a doctor's appointment on the 1st since I rescheduled it and I really think I can go in there with a 10-12 pound lose. It will be the first month I've lost in over a year. Holy crud! Time is passing so fast.

    Take care all and have a great, healthy day.

  13. Hey Lil! Sounds like a very reasonable goal you have there. I want to be down about 40 pounds by February. It's about 13 pounds a month but I was losing close to that before. Really hopeful that I can do it. I want to go to Florida in February with my son and my mom and I would like to get my butt in the seat.

    Yesterday I started the pre-op diet again and plan to stay on it until Thanksgiving. I did really, really well yesterday and was surprised at how much easier it was this time. My pre-op was 3-4 Protein Shakes a day plus all the clear broth, sugar free Jello, sugar free popsicles and zero calories beverages I can stand. Only thing I'm doing different is that I'm allowing myself 3 tablespoons of Creamer a day. Lost 4 pounds in 24 hours but I'm sure that was mostly Water. Either way, I'll take it. If I get the 40 off I'll be about 15 pounds up from my low point and figure I'll be back in the groove, positioned for another good losing streak.

    Hope the rest of you are doing well. It's been really quiet around here. Hope it's cause you're busy not struggling.

  14. Hey thanks for that info Ezma! I have Safeways here and im in CA. I might look out for it.

    Hope everyone’s doing good! I”ve just been doing my workouts and trying my best. I can’t seem to lose weight for some reason. Idk. It’s the weirdest thing ever…

    I just checked the site again and it's only one store - Safeway at Pavillions Arcadia. However, Henry's is supposed to start carrying in within a week.

  15. Morning guys. I've got my fingers and toes crossed here. I actually had a very, very good day yesterday with my eating. I took off the 5 pounds I gained last week and I'm praying I can keep going. I'm supposed to have another doctor's appointment on the 17th but I think I'm going to reschedule it for a week later. It would be so nice to go in there and lose weight again.

    Hope you all are fighting the good fight too. Enjoy your day.

  16. It's a wonderful day!!!! I just received my package from Amazon and in it was the absolute perfect thing for me. Arctic Zero Frozen Dessert!!!!! It's so fabulous. There's only about 130 calories for a whole pint. Zero fat, 5g of Protein per 1/2 cup, that's 20g in the pint. It's made from whey Protein and has a natural sweetner mix that's low glycemic, it's gluten free and lactose intolerant friendly. Woo hoo! And it tastes good too. I ate some vanilla with a hint of Maple flavor and only wanted a small portion. I actually stopped at a 1/2 cup portion.

    Only bad part is that it isn't cheap. It's about $47 for 6 pints, $50 for the new pumpkin Spice flavor. But that's the price from Amazon. It might be cheaper if you have a store near you that carries it. They're supposed to carry it at the Sprouts Markets near me but none of them had it. The company rep is checking on that. I also read that Safeway is going to be doing a test market on it but I think it was only in California. It comes in 5 flavors right now and they are adding chocolate Mint from the Christmas season.

    Finally something I can splurg on and it isn't bad for me.

  17. Morning everyone. There's a smell of glorious day in the air. I'm basically done with the rental property and they move in the first of December. My brother-in-law left yesterday. It feels so good to have my house back to myself. He was here for about a month and that's about 3 weeks too much. LOL He and the rest of the hubby's family are coming back in about 2 weeks for Thanksgiving. But for now I have 2 glorious weeks to myself. And in that time I am determined to kick this dang carb addiction. I know I can do it. If I can get through the first two weeks I'll be golden.

    Tap - I loved reading your post. Sounds like such a nice life. I would love to have that done. All the furniture out and everything nice and spiffy. And then, oh, hmmm....I think I'll bottle some wine. :smile2: Man, that sounds like such a nice, cosmo life.

    Shiny - I'll try to send you lots of moving energy. Though I think Tap is the best one to tap for that. Hehe - I made a funny. Have you tried baking soda and Water. That was what I always used. But I'd check with the doc first just to be sure.

    Have a great day guys!

  18. Morning guys. I was having some trouble with my internet yesterday and I couldn't pull up this site. So I'm going to do a quickie Saturday morning post.

    Tap - I'm so envious of your future plastic surgery. I know I'm going to want it one day too. I'm just scared of all surgeries. Though the lap band and my revision were so easy I'd do that kind of thing again in a heartbeat. Wonder how much you'll lose from just the surgery.

    Shiny - I"m so happy for you. Sounds like you've got a great doctor too. It's nice to know that they've dealt with someone's pregnancy before you. I does sound like a good plan.

    How's everyone else doing? You guys hanging in there? My latest plan is that if I want to eat something not on my eating plan, I have to workout for 10 minutes first. If I still want it, I have to drink a bottle of Water. If I still want it, I can have a small portion. Crossing my fingers and digging in for the war.

  19. Tap - I'm so happy to see you acting like a normal weight person. You put on a few and work at getting it off before it gets out of hand. That's reality. They don't stay the same weight all the time either. It's just a matter of taking care of it before you wake up a few months later and have 50 pounds back on. Sniff sniff.

    Lil - you are such a great inspiration! You're almost never down and always seem to have a "Can do" attitude. How do you do it? And thank you for doing it.

    As for me, it's another day and I'm ready to tackle it. I'm feeling like the Little Engine That Could this morning. "I think I can, I think I can. Choo Choo" Have a great one.

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