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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ezma

  1. Ezma

    Putting a face to a name

    Okay, I know I still have a way to go but I decided to post them anyway. And don't worry, I know you can't really tell. I have a pretty large umbilical hernia that they won't fix until I lose weight and it sticks out so I hate that. That and the boobs have always been a bit prominent. Day before surgery Today
  2. Ezma

    What the hell...I'll post some pics

    You look absolutely fantastic! :welldoneclap:
  3. Yes, yes! Happy Mother's Day to all of you. Hope you all have a super fantastic day. And Jax, I rewarded myself. I got 3 work out DVDs. We'll see how I do. I still am not to the point I can do a lot but it's a lot more than it was 3 months ago. It's just getting way too hot to walk here, been in the high 90s already. Ahhh, summertime in Arizona.
  4. Thanks for posting this. My son has a Wii and I've been really curious about Wii Fit. Price isn't too bad either at $90. Just wondering if there's a weight limit on it. That was worrying me. And then wondering if it's better to get the Wii Fit or a used treadmill for that price. Both hubby and I need something not that the heat is really turning on here.
  5. Ezma

    I busted through my plateau...

    Congrats! I'm so very, very jealous but equally happy for you. Guess I'll put the scale in the closet for a while. I think plateaus are the hardest thing for me. So self-defeating. My body says "Meh, I'm gonna hang on to all of these pounds." and I get so discouraged that I say "Have some more then.". Luckily I've had all of you to help keep my spirits up during this frustrating time. Thanks.
  6. Ezma

    Putting a face to a name

    Okay, to post pictures do I just need to code it like on MySpace? Or is it html? Or something completely different?
  7. Ezma

    I'm in Onderland...

    Congrats BlessedTwice! That's a fantastic accomplishment. I'm in the caravan with LilMiss so watch for us at the gates in a while. I can't wait to go on the Wow-My-Seatbelt-Actually-Fits roller coaster and the Yippee-I-Can-Get-My-Butt-In-The-Seat 3D adventure ride.
  8. Ezma

    My inner Victory- Bravery.

    Congrats! I've seen some of your work on MySpace and loved it. Who cares if some people might be offended - you have to create what you feel. Let us know how it goes and I'd love to see what you put in the show since I can't be there. Enjoy your success.
  9. Definately don't have to worry about TOM here. I had a complete hysterectomy about 6 years ago. Though I do sometimes wonder if there isn't a small hormone change that still cycles monthly. I'm feeling better today since yesterday was okay and today, so far, I'm doing okay. Fill is on Wednesday and I can't wait now. Glad i didn't get it before my anniversary though. It was really nice to be able to eat dinner out.
  10. Crystal - Thank you! I came here to confess about my last few days. I've been feeling horrible and even though I was under 1200 calories a day I managed to put on 3 pounds in the last 4 days. My eating hasn't been so much about bad things but more about portions that were too large. Compared to pre-band they are still much smaller but they had crept back to the look of a normal person's plate. After reading the last several posts I've been feeling a bit better about it and ready to be dedicated again. I know I definately need a fill and it's less than a week away. So in that time I'm going to see if I can't take off the 3 I gained and maybe a couple more. Either way it's back to smaller size portions and a better attitude. Guilt is not a good friend of mine, it makes me say "WTF, who cares.". Thanks guys for being here.
  11. Ezma


    I'm sending you some cyber-Neosporin and virtual Vitamin C in the hopes you'll be feeling better very soon. I've been feeling very quiet lately and need some of your brand of humor to perk me up. Take care of yourself.
  12. Ezma

    Knock Knock?!?

    Yay Taismommy! Great job! Must feel really fantastic.
  13. I'm sure I should probably already know this but it didn't stay with me if I did. So, I'm gonna ask you guys 'cause you're the brightest of the bright. :biggrin2: My band seems so much looser now than it did at any point since my surgery and then fill. Feels like I could literally eat anything and I'm starting to do that. I've only had one fill and due for another on the 13th. Is it possible that I've lost fat deposits on my stomach and that may make the band become loose? Because I'm sure it was tighter before. Just trying to get a better handle on this whole process. Thanks.
  14. Ezma

    First major victory

    Congrats Jaime!!! We're really close in our date and how it's been going for us. Loved the feeling that came with dropping below 300. Enjoy and reward yourself for all your hard work.
  15. Thanks Donna. Least I don't feel like I'm going nuts now. Debating about moving up my fill date. Want to 'cause I'm afraid of eating too much and don't want to 'cause I want to eat more. LOL
  16. Wow! It's been really, really quiet for the Double Vs lately. What's up? I really miss this wonderful group. You guys have the best threads in the whole forum - but then again, I have a bias. Come on, show some love! Or just entertain me, dang it!
  17. Are you drinking protein shakes or getting extra protein? That's supposed to take care of the hair loss thing. Mine has thinned out a bit cause it's getting hot here but I haven't seen anything that I would attribute to my band.
  18. Congrats! You're doing such a great job. You're my role model.
  19. It was great Becca. I actually watched it before my fill and wasn't freaked out. The needle didn't look that big. My hubby told me the one they used was really big. I did notice that your doctor does the same thing mine does, pokes around over and over. Must be something they all do to make sure they are in the right place. Thanks for doing the video blog!
  20. Becca it's so great to have you back with us here. Totally understand what you're going through. I am just sick and fed up with all this dietary restriction and I need a fill bad. My second fill isn't scheduled until 5-13 so until then I'm just fighting every day to eat healthy. Today, sadly, I didn't win the fight. But tomorrow I'll get up and start over again. Think I'm gonna wait until after my fill to watch your latest episode. I think if I see the needle I'll be too freaked out for my fill. Wonder if this is a normal stage (plateaus, frustration, wanting a break from dieting) since we're all so close in band date.
  21. 1st - I went to this new grocery store near me - Fresh & Easy. It's a regional chain similar to Trader Joe's. They mainly carry their own line of products but they are supposed to be very committed to healthy, organic, yada yada. It was a very nice store and the prices were very competitive - little higher on a few things, lower on others. So I'm very excited about this small grocery store. And we ate sooooo healthy tonight thanks to them and Rachel Ray. LOL 2nd - My most major addiction just lost half it's carbs!!!!! I just found out they now have McDonald's sugar free vanilla Iced coffee. Yay! Gonna drop my carbs significantly and I get a larger size too. The low carb thing has basically been shot for me since I start my morning 26g in the hole for a 22oz one. Now it's only 16g for the 32oz one. Wheeeeee!
  22. Great idea LilMiss! Anyone else want to add 2 good things that happened to them?
  23. Sorry Michelle, didn't mean to be so slow responding. Ketosis happens when your carbs are really low, 20-40g a day. Because you're not getting it from outside sources your body burns fat and muscle to produce it. It's basically Adkins diet. I just lose pretty fast that way. But it does have lots of side effects - my mouth and breath - ewww. It's basically what my doctor has us doing for about 6 months. I have been having a hard time with the carbs - love em too much. Anyway, I'd love to be able to force myself back into ketosis for a month or so. Losing about 3 pounds a week but I'm so impatient.
  24. I tried to add everyone but I couldn't get Taismommy, StaceyM or Gibson. If you guys want, please add me.
  25. Where, oh where, has my Gibson gone? Where, oh where can she be? Where the heck are you? I miss you. Our wonderful group is getting really quiet lately.

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