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Posts posted by MLRUIZ

  1. 31 minutes ago, Introversion said:

    You are not doing anything wrong. Look up the 'three week stall.' It happens to most sleeved people.

    You lost 24 pounds in less than three weeks. You lost more in 2.5 weeks than most gastric sleeve patients lose in a month. I would be walking on sunshine if I ever lost 24 pounds that fast.

    It is seriously time to adjust your expectations. You did not gain the weight overnight and will not lose it overnight. With my sleeve, I lost an average of 5 to 6 pounds per month (yes, very slow loser), yet I made it to my goal weight. It took me 18 months to lose 100 pounds.

    The rate of weight loss does not matter. What matters in the long run is your ability to keep it off for life. There's no point in being a lightning-fast Speedy Gonzales loser if you end up in the majority of sleevers who regain significant weight.

    Good luck to you. And stay off that scale for several weeks. Hide it!

    Thank you. I actually had the gastric bypass but you are right I've done great so far and I need to just keep on going. I'm going to have my boyfriend hide the scale because as long as I know where it's at I will keep getting on it.

  2. 1 hour ago, katieroybal said:

    Don't fret too much, @MLRUIZ. The stalls are common and if you do a search on this forum, you will see that almost everyone stalls out for a little while.

    I'm also in a stall, going on a week. The weight will start to come back off soon. It's really hard to eat less when you are probably only consuming about 400 calories on puree foods (I average between 350 and 450 with a Protein drink). Try upping your Water in the evening? My surgeon said that if we drink less than 64 ounces a day, the weight comes off slower.

    I'm hoping working out gets my weight loss going again. I'm trying to drink more Water but it fills me up to the point I don't eat at all.

  3. I was doing a hour of walking. That's all I was told to do till I got cleared. I will definitely be going straight from work because I work close to gym but live far from everything. I'm starting the gym tomorrow and gonna try to stay on a routine of 3 times a week. I really hope that helps.

  4. I'm going on 4 weeks out of surgery. I was doing good loosing weight and I lost 24# in 2 1/2 weeks and now I've been stuck there and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I don't eat much I'm still on pureed foods till this weekend and I drink about 32 oz of Water if I drink more I get so full I don't eat at all. I just got the ok for physical activity so I'm starting the gym tomorrow. I'm going on over 1 week of the same weight and it's depressing.

  5. 6 minutes ago, DS1 said:

    Same for me. Crystal light and lime Water with Trivia (my version of limeade) has been my savior. I rotate in the morning have Water, crystal light, then limeade. I count my Soup as liquid too. its mostly water. I'm up to about 4-5 glasses per day. Hoping today will be better. I started off with a glass but been typing to much to drink.

    I'm off for a walk. Good luck on Thursday. Be prepared to get your a$$ handed to you a little. Good news is, you only have a few more weeks before you can get some different types of food in your body.

    I will definitely get me some crystal light. Thanks.

  6. 8 minutes ago, DS1 said:

    I screwed up and had a bit of pizza yesterday and it tore my stomach up something bad. (well like 5 bites) Wondering if the snickers did the same to you? ... You just replied as i'm typing this so I know the pain your going through. Doc told me to make sure i got my full 8 glasses in for the day, among some other words that I deserved. If it gets too bad give your Doc a call. Try to get some of those fudge pops to satisfy that immediate craving so no more slip ups but I doubt you need the encouragement. I know i'm not touching pizza again for a very long while.

    Drinking Water has been so hard too. I drink about 32 oz of watered down sweet tea. If I try just doing straight water I drink about 16oz the whole day. I have a Dr appointment this Thursday and I'm sure my Dr. is not gonna be very happy.

  7. 4 hours ago, Diana_in_Philly said:

    Had surgery 8/23/16. My husband, two teen daughters and two friends knew. Didn't tell my mother. Didn't tell my sister. Buried my mom six weeks after surgery - saw the whole big Italian family. Everyone remarked about how good I looked. I said thank you and changed the topic. When someone asked what I was doing to lose weight, I said the following - all of which is true:

    I'm following a high Protein diet

    I'm monitoring my portions and logging everything I eat

    I'm working with a personal trainer and working out multiple times a week.

    My mother was the most amazingly judgmental person in the world. Wasn't going to tell her because she would have just said - oh, that's just like you to take the easy way out because you fail at everything you try. I don't have to justify myself to anyone.

    (BTW - I've been practicing law for 25+ years, but I'm still the fat, ugly, stupid kid to her. )

    WOW. Sorry your mom was like that to you. I'm sure your a amazing person. I hope your husband is supportive.

    I only told my family but they told others. I wasn't planning on keeping it a secret but I didn't tell them to tell others either.

  8. 52 minutes ago, Jamocoa said:

    What kind of complications did you have if you don't mind me asking?

    What kind of complications did you have if you don't mind me asking?

    I had internal bleeding from one of the incisions. They had to do a emergency endoscopy to fix it. I lost a lot of blood and almost needed a blood transfusion. But after the repair I was fine. I left the hospital with only a 7.5 Iron level but I'm at a 12 now.

  9. I had internal bleeding after surgery and almost ended up getting a blood transfusion after a emergency endoscopy to fix the problem. It was a scary thing and kept me in the hospital for 3 days but now I'm doing okay for the most part. I do have some on and off pain on my right side and my bottom lip is still a little numb from the endoscopy. I'm 16 days post-op.

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